
Blinded chapter 1

It was two o’clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day when the sunlight shone fiercely on the basketball court in the middle of the playground, making the ground dazzlingly bright.

Even in such scorching weather, there were still people willing to play basketball under the blazing sun. After all, the hot weather stimulated restlessness in people’s minds. If they didn’t let off steam during the outdoor time, the heat would become unbearable at night.

There were energetic young inmates who wanted to release the accumulated energy in their bodies, while there were others who were lazy and listless, preferring to hide in shady spots. However, beneath the best-shaded tree in the entire playground, there was only one person, a very young inmate. His thin physique made the prison uniform appear loose, exposing his neck and collarbone. His skin was so pale it was nearly translucent.

Xie Li found a spot near a wall and sat down next to Hu Minxin. He glanced at the large shade under the tree, lowering his voice to ask, “Why hasn’t anyone gone over there?”

The shaded area near the wall was crowded with inmates; the latecomers had to stand near the wall to avoid the sunlight. Despite this, apart from the young inmate, no one went to the large shaded area under the tree.

Hu Minxin appeared sluggish. He raised his hand to scratch his shoulder under the prison uniform’s collar before replying to Xie Li, “Chang Xiaojia, don’t tell me you haven’t heard.”

Xie Li’s expression remained unchanged as he gazed at the young man. With his eyes closed, leaning against the tree trunk as if dozing, he finally said after a while, “The second son of Chang Guanshan.”

Hu Minxin sneered softly, “Killed someone, got someone else to take the blame. He was only sentenced to a year, and he’s going to be out in less than three months.”

Xie Li glanced at Hu Minxin.

Hu Minxin yawned, appearing somewhat drowsy. His voice was lowered, “It’s said to have been a policewoman, raped and killed, a gruesome death. Despite Chang Xiaojia looking like a soft rabbit, he’s ruthless when it comes to women. His father’s rich, so he’s still throwing his weight around in here. Better keep away from him.”

Xie Li’s entire face was shrouded in the shadow of his apron. His eyes were obscure and inscrutable as he watched Chang Xiaojia, remaining silent.

At that moment, Chang Xiaojia suddenly tilted his head, as if he had been awakened from sleep. He raised his head and slowly straightened his body, then unexpectedly glanced in Xie Li’s direction.

Xie Li knew that Chang Xiaojia had seen him, but it was only a quick glance. Chang Xiaojia turned away and stood up under the tree, dusting off his pants. With unhurried steps, he walked to the edge of the playground. There, he talked to a guard before being let out alone, walking towards the prison with another guard.

During free time, all prisoners were not allowed to stay in their cells.

However, that guard spoke to Chang Xiaojia for a while and opened the iron gate of the playground, letting him out alone. They walked towards the prison building.

Xie Li was an undercover agent. His mission inside Fish Island Prison was to get close to Chang Xiaojia before his release. He was placed there the day before Chang Xiaojia’s release. If he gained Chang Xiaojia’s trust, he’d have a chance to enter the headquarters of the Hongfang organization and investigate the criminal evidence against Chang Guanshan.

Hongfang was currently the largest underground organization in the port city, legally and illegally conducting various businesses. It almost had complete control over the city’s economic lifelines.

Xie Li was not from the port city. In order to completely eradicate Hongfang, the high-level officials of the city’s police department had sent elite teams from other cities as undercover agents to infiltrate the city’s underground organizations. The operation was codenamed “Flood.”

Xie Li knew for sure that he wasn’t the only one undercover. However, he had no information about the others. The only contact he had was with the captain of the Anti-Corruption Division of the Port City Police Department, Yu Zhengkun.

Xie Li had arrived yesterday and spent the entire day completing various procedures, including medical check-ups. Today was the first time he had seen Chang Xiaojia in person.

In the communal bathhouse on each floor of the prison block, everyone had fifteen minutes to shower. Showers required card swiping. Each card swipe allowed for fifteen minutes of hot water. Everyone had to finish showering before 9 PM.

By now, all the doors to the cells on one floor were open.

Xie Li had been assigned to the same level and block as Chang Xiaojia. After watching the news, he returned to his cell. It wasn’t until he saw Chang Xiaojia passing by their cell door with a basin in hand that he also walked to the washbasin rack and picked up his own basin, following him out of the cell.

The bathhouse was shaped like a large inverted “回” character, with the entrance at the bottom left corner of the “回.” Inside, there were showerheads on each wall. Outside the bathhouse entrance, there was a very simple changing room with no lockers—only a row of nails on the wall to hang clothes.

It was now less than half an hour before 9 PM, and there were not many people in the bathhouse.

In the changing room, Xie Li stripped off all his clothes, carrying his basin as he walked in. He didn’t see Chang Xiaojia until he was near the upper-right corner of the “回,” where two tall inmates stopped him.

Without saying much, the two men simply waved their hands, indicating for him to move away.

Looking up, Xie Li saw only the back of a single person standing in that corner, right under the shower, obscured by the mist of water. Even through the mist, he could make out the figure’s snow-white skin.

Chang Xiaojia didn’t come alone to shower; he had two people watching for him. He had taken over a corner by himself, and no one was allowed to approach.

Xie Li silently stepped back, casually choosing a showerhead and swiping his card for a shower. The hot water poured down from the top, instantly isolating him from the surrounding environment, even briefly interrupting his breathing. He closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and after a moment, moved his face away from the water stream, taking in deep breaths and vigorously wiping the water from his face with his hand.

Afterward, Xie Li picked up the soap from the basin, randomly applying it to his body. His movements were somewhat rough; while applying the soap, he was also rinsing off water. Soon, the floor was covered in foam, flowing swiftly towards the drain.

As Xie Li turned around to wash his back against the wall, he suddenly saw someone standing not far away, staring at him without blinking.

The person’s fair skin exuded a warm blush, with beautiful eyes that lacked a spark, and lips displaying a moist crimson hue.

Xie Li stood completely exposed to Chang Xiaojia’s gaze. Chang Xiaojia wore shorts and had a towel draped over his shoulder. The two individuals who were watching over him during his shower were now eyeing Xie Li unfavorably.

No one knew why Chang Xiaojia stopped to observe Xie Li, and Xie Li hadn’t offended Chang Xiaojia in any way.

Chang Xiaojia observed Xie Li from head to toe. Xie Li’s physique had been shaped by years of practical training, exhibiting well-toned muscles, a narrow waist, and long legs. His handsome face bore a hint of hostility, fitting in well with the prison’s atmosphere, where everyone seemed to be on guard against others.

Two other inmates discreetly left with their basins while Xie Li didn’t relent, continuing his bathing routine without pausing. He wiped his chest, which was slippery from water, while keeping his gaze fixed on Chang Xiaojia.

Chang Xiaojia’s gaze briefly lingered at Xie Li’s chest before slowly dropping and veiling his long eyelashes over half of his eyes. He then walked outward, still carrying his basin.

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