Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 8

Business Card

When Lin Chi woke up this time, he felt even more sore than last time.

Sunlight filtered through the window blinds onto his face, and he groaned in pain.

Blurry-eyed, he wondered if he had forgotten to draw the curtains last night. Why was it so bright early in the morning? As he thought about this, he reached for his phone, not realizing he was actually lying on the sofa, half of his body hanging off, on the verge of sliding down—

A pair of hands stretched out diagonally and caught him.

Lin Chi woke up fully this time, struggling to open his eyes, meeting a pair of eyes as dark as ink.


He grunted and recognized Li Tingyan’s face, finally regaining his composure.

He remembered now.

Last night, he had acted recklessly, bringing Li Tingyan back to his place. They had fooled around almost all night, not even bothering to go back to the bedroom, just cuddling on the sofa.

Fortunately, his sofa was large enough, primarily used as a bed, with a large blanket on top, occasionally used by friends who stayed over.

The current position was somewhat awkward.

Li Tingyan gently placed Lin Chi back on the sofa.

Indeed, they had forgotten to draw the curtains last night, leaving them half open. Now, the indoor daylight was bright, and in their heat of passion last night, with the room so dark, they couldn’t see how messy it was.

But now, everything in the living room was exposed.

Magazines thrown on the table, unopened wine bottles under the sofa, water cups scattered around, a bundled-up coat, and a jacket hanging over the chair.

As a single man’s room, it wasn’t particularly dirty or messy; at least the tables and floors were kept clean, and he did clean weekly. But to call it tidy would be a stretch.

Li Tingyan picked up a tennis ball that had rolled to his feet, bent down to pick it up, and placed it on the table.

Lin Chi sat up on the sofa, belatedly feeling a bit embarrassed, rubbing his nose.

He noticed that Li Tingyan had changed into a new set of clothes at some point, and the wall clock already showed ten o’clock.

Technically, Li Tingyan could have left after waking up; they weren’t lovers who needed to wait considerately for each other to wake up.

Wrapped in a blanket, Lin Chi’s voice was still a bit hoarse.

“Have you been awake for a long time?” he asked.

“Not long, just an hour earlier than you.”

Li Tingyan walked to the cabinet near the door, picked up a packed bag, and placed it on the table in front of Lin Chi.

“I had my secretary send over clothes and breakfast just now. If you’re not going back to sleep, freshen up quickly and come over for breakfast.”

Lin Chi was still a bit dazed but nodded.

After a few seconds of absent-mindedness, he stood up, and the blanket slipped off him, revealing his well-built body, smooth and silky like satin, with faint bruises on his back and shoulders.

Li Tingyan’s gaze lingered for a moment on Lin Chi’s butt before silently looking away.

It was odd.

Last night, when they were open with each other, he hadn’t felt embarrassed. Now, in the bright sunlight, facing Lin Chi’s naked body and this room full of signs of life, he felt like he was intruding into someone’s privacy.

Sounds of running water came from the bedroom. After a while, the water stopped.

Lin Chi came out drying his hair, wrapped in a towel.

Droplets hung on his bare upper body, rolling down like diamonds, while Li Tingyan had already sat at the table, arranging the breakfast brought by the secretary.

Not knowing Lin Chi’s taste, the secretary had bought a mix of Western and Chinese breakfast items, filling the table with a variety.

Lin Chi twisted his hair ends, sat down in his seat, and looked at the array of breakfast items and the attractive person opposite him, finding it amusing.

He hardly ever ate breakfast at home.

Especially when not working, he would sleep until the afternoon, and even when he had to work, he often just ate a piece of bread.

Sitting face-to-face like this was a rare experience for him.

Breakfast was eaten in silence.

Li Tingyan wasn’t particularly talkative, and they ate in silence.

Lin Chi was more casual. After all, it was his own home. He sat with his legs crossed on the chair, poking a sausage with a fork, taking a few bites, then poking at a piece of fried egg.

But he ate very little before slowing down and sipping a glass of vegetable and fruit juice.

Seeing Li Tingyan looking at him, he knew what the other was thinking and naturally explained, “It’s necessary for work; I have to maintain my figure.”

Li Tingyan nodded knowingly, his gaze sweeping over Lin Chi’s slender shoulders, thinking it’s no wonder he had held Lin Chi’s ankle yesterday and felt how skinny he was.

Finishing the last bit on his plate, wiping his lips, he calmly looked at Lin Chi.

Lin Chi was still drinking juice, his throat rolling as he swallowed.

Li Tingyan took out a black and gold embossed business card, placed it on the table, and pushed it towards him.

“What’s this?”

Setting down the juice, Lin Chi’s lips still bore a green ring.

He picked up the card and looked at Li Tingyan with a puzzled expression.

“My business card, with my private contact information,” Li Tingyan explained briefly. Unlike business-oriented cards, these were usually only given to close acquaintances. “If you need anything, you can call me.”


Lin Chi raised an eyebrow, looking thoughtful. After a while, it seemed he had thought of something. He curved his lips into a smile, looking somewhat pleased with himself.

“You said I can call you If I need anything. What exactly do you mean?” Lin Chi leaned back in his chair. His upper body was clad in a disheveled shirt, casually loose yet quite appealing. He smirked, took a sip of juice, and lightly licked his lips. It was flirtatious yet somewhat cute. He smiled mischievously and asked, “Like asking you to join me in bed?”

Li Tingyan’s eyes showed a hint of confusion.

He scrutinized Lin Chi, unsure if he was serious or joking.

But his gaze fell on Lin Chi’s fingers, and he murmured softly, “If you want to, you can.”

Lin Chi burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while, he finally said, “Seems like you’re quite satisfied with me.”

He raised his chin towards Li Tingyan, teasing, “Do you want to schedule a few more times with me?”

Lin Chi twirled the business card between his fingers like a fluttering butterfly.

“Well, that’s fine too.”

He looked at Li Tingyan with a cunning and joyful gaze, like a sly fox.

Right in front of Li Tingyan, Lin Chi tucked the business card into his shirt, nestled beside his collarbone.

He casually picked up a pen from nearby and wrote down a string of numbers on the tissue that came with the takeout. Then, leaning closer, he tucked the tissue into Li Tingyan’s palm.

“Take it,” he looked down at Li Tingyan, lips curling slightly. “This is my number. If you need anything, you can call me. When I’m free, I’ll get in touch with you…”

He deliberately leaned close to Li Tingyan, his lips almost touching Li Tingyan’s ear.

The last words slipped into Li Tingyan’s ear like mist.

“…and take you to bed.”

This was probably the most hastily written “business card” Li Tingyan had ever received in his life.

A tissue with strawberry patterns, messy black pen marks, crumpled into a ball in his palm.

Upon hearing Lin Chi’s words, he naturally understood what this “business card” represented.

But as he stared into Lin Chi’s eyes for a long time, he slowly curved his lips.

He softly responded, “Alright.”

Even after leaving Lin Chi’s home and sitting in the back seat of the car, Li Tingyan kept pondering why he had said “Alright.”

When he handed that business card to Lin Chi, he actually wanted to facilitate Lin Chi’s career a bit. If Lin Chi called, he would have his secretary handle it, arranging a few suitable opportunities for this young man. It was also his goodwill towards Lin Chi, whom he had met by chance.

But Lin Chi completely misunderstood.

Li Tingyan stared at the crumpled tissue in his palm, the handwriting still clear.

He had encountered many people who sought his power, but few were so infatuated with his appearance.

When a person’s power was too great, their appearance became their least significant advantage, at most a decoration.

But what he saw in Lin Chi’s eyes was an unreserved desire for his flesh.

He handed out such a formal business card, yet Lin Chi seemed to have completely overlooked the position and introduction on it, treating it merely as an invitation to indulge in pleasures.

Truly… intriguing.

Li Tingyan chuckled softly, carefully putting away the tissue in his pocket.

Lin Chi lay on the sofa, humming along to a song on the TV variety show, but he seemed distracted, his eyes glancing at the business card in his hand.

Li Tingyan, embossed in gold letters, printed on a specially designed black card—quite impressive.

Actually, he didn’t like mingling with completely unfamiliar people.

It was troublesome.

Who could be sure of the good or bad character of the other party, and whether they would eventually be difficult to shake off.

But Li Tingyan was oddly addictive, like poppies.

Lin Chi wondered quietly in his heart. He recalled the ABO novels his agent read, all messy with a bunch of people and pheromones.

He suspected Li Tingyan had pheromones.

When he hugged Li Tingyan, he smelled a faint sandalwood scent that intoxicated him. It was light, as if soaked in the tips of his hair and blood, faint yet present, but when they kissed, it made his legs weak.

Lin Chi lay back on the sofa, casually placing the business card on the table.

And when he idly finished another bottle of sparkling water, his phone rang. Opening it, it was his agent’s cheerful voice.

“Lin Chi, I’ve got you two jobs. One is for a beauty device advertisement, and the other is a magazine photoshoot. Hurry up and get ready to start working.”

As soon as he heard it was work, Lin Chi got excited.

But he was still lying on the sofa, ankles swaying lazily like a mischievous little rascal, lazily saying, “Ms. Huo, you’ve been so motivated lately. I won’t accept any third-rate products. I value my reputation.”

“Get lost, you little brat, picking and choosing,” Ms. Huo scolded, but honestly explained, “It’s a decent brand. I’ve used it myself, or I wouldn’t recommend it to you. Do you know how hard I work? How dare you be so picky.”

“I know, no one can match your dedication.” Lin Chi’s mouth curled bigger and bigger. Anyway, being able to start work was always a good thing.

“So, when?”

Author’s note:

One night turns into every night~

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