Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 75

Extra IF line: End

Lin Chi spent a long time convincing Li Tingyan that he really wasn’t lying or trying to find an opportunity to escape.

“Why would I even run!”

Lin Chi crossed his arms, looking at Li Tingyan sitting opposite him, with a handsome face but full of doubt. He really wanted to hit Li Tingyan with a flowerpot to wake him up.

“Is it so hard to understand that I like you too? Hmm?”

He started counting on his fingers for Li Tingyan, “We’ve been together since I was 15. You’ve been so good to me. You even taught me how to ride a horse. When I was sick, you took care of me. When I failed an exam, you took me abroad to relax. You remember all my likes and dislikes. No matter what trouble I get into, big or small, you’re always behind me. Even when people talk about me behind my back, you’re there to deal with them. Isn’t it normal for me to have a crush on you?”

Who wouldn’t like you?


Let them stand up!

Lin Chi pouted, “Besides, you’re so good-looking and smart. I’m shallow when it comes to appearances, so it’s only natural that I couldn’t resist.”

Li Tingyan’s expression softened a little at this point.

Hearing Lin Chi speak like this, his ears even turned a little red.

But he couldn’t help but ask, “Then why did you want to leave?”

Lin Chi, frustrated, ran his hands through his hair.

This is such a headache.

He was only 18. Why did he have to comfort someone older than him?

“Because I thought you didn’t like me.”

He mumbled, “You’re always indifferent to everyone, and you seem uninterested in anyone. You’re already 23 and have never been in a relationship. I just thought you were cold. But me? I had a crush on you. Seeing you every day but never being able to have you—do you know how much that tortured me?”

He looked at Li Tingyan, “I could control my feelings for you a little, but if I stayed with you any longer, I couldn’t guarantee that anymore. So I wanted to leave and live a life without you. Maybe…”

“Maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed with you.”

Lin Chi said the last sentence softly.

There was a bit of sadness in his expression.

God knows how hard this decision was for him, even though now he knew that Li Tingyan liked him too.

But those countless restless nights, filled with heartache, were real too.

Li Tingyan reached out, grabbed Lin Chi’s arm, and gently pulled him into his arms, placing him on his lap.

Lin Chi didn’t resist, lowering his head to meet Li Tingyan’s gaze.

Li Tingyan’s fingers brushed against Lin Chi’s cheek. He could hear the seriousness in his words.

Something that had seemed so far-fetched, even in fantasy, had suddenly become real.

It left him feeling a bit dazed.

But he still said softly, “I wasn’t indifferent to everyone.”

Lin Chi raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing him.

But in the next moment, he heard Li Tingyan say, “I wasn’t indifferent to you.”

Lin Chi was stunned for a second, then realized what he meant, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s cheating.”

He rested his forehead against Li Tingyan’s, murmuring softly.

But, it seemed true.

From the moment he came to Li Tingyan’s side, even if Li Tingyan didn’t show much affection at first, Li Tingyan had been watching his every move.

That’s why he could be so reckless with Li Tingyan.

He had no one else to rely on, and he shared no blood ties with Li Tingyan, yet he could do whatever he wanted in Li Tingyan’s territory.

Because he knew Li Tingyan would indulge him.

Lin Chi lowered his face and, still a bit awkwardly, kissed Li Tingyan on the lips.

“You should have told me earlier,” he whispered.

Li Tingyan also held his fingers, their hands intertwined.


Li Tingyan kissed the side of Lin Chi’s face, “I should have kissed you on your birthday.”

That day, watching Lin Chi make a wish on his cake, his heart pounded so fast it felt like it would jump out of his chest.

That was also the first time he realized he had such a deep sense of possession over Lin Chi.

After expressing their feelings to each other, and a brief moment of warmth, Lin Chi immediately began to bring up old grievances.

He was still sitting on Li Tingyan’s lap, rolling up his sleeve to show the red marks on his wrist.

“You actually dared to grab me and bite me,” he said angrily, “Li Tingyan, I think you should be locked up!”

Li Tingyan knew he was in the wrong.

What happened yesterday was entirely his fault. If Lin Chi didn’t happen to love him too, they wouldn’t be so affectionate today.

He didn’t know how to make it up to him.

As long as Lin Chi didn’t leave him, even if he wanted the moon from the sky, he would seriously consider it.

“It’s my fault,” he kissed Lin Chi’s wrist and returned to his usual polite demeanor. “If you want to get revenge, you can anytime.”


Lin Chi was so hopeless.

Just thinking about certain scenes made his mind race.

Li Tingyan coaxed him, “When I finish my two projects, I’ll have time for a vacation. You wanted to go to the Netherlands, didn’t you? I’ll go with you.”

“If you really like this place, I can stay here with you. But the renovation here is too poor; I’ll have to get someone to redo it.”

Lin Chi couldn’t help but smile.

He gazed at Li Tingyan with lustful eyes, his mind filled with all sorts of fantasies.

The snake-scale choker he saw last time was quite good.

“You better remember what you’ve said.”

He immediately was pleased, rubbing against Li Tingyan.

“As for this place…”

He glanced around. He had only lived here for a little over a month, and he didn’t have much attachment to it.

On the other hand, the old place, with its furniture chosen together with Li Tingyan, held deeper significance.

He decided not to argue with Li Tingyan.

“Let’s see how it goes. I’ll stay wherever is more convenient, and just switch between places.”

Lin Chi and Li Tingyan embraced and kissed for a while. That night, they didn’t leave the apartment.

It was the weekend, after all.

But as they were kissing, they ended up rolling on the carpet.

Lin Chi hooked one of his legs around Li Tingyan.

He looked at his handsome boyfriend, the marks on his body still visible.

Yet he raised an eyebrow, playfully lifting the corner of his pajamas.

“Are you going to make up for my coming-of-age ceremony?”

He bit his lip, his eyes glistening.

He reached out, pulling a few items from under the coffee table, and winked triumphantly at Li Tingyan.

Li Tingyan raised his eyebrows at the sight.

“Why do you have this?”

Lin Chi looked innocent.

“I’m a young man in the prime of my life, and you might not be sleeping with me. I have to consider others too, right?”

For this comment, Lin Chi paid a heavy price.

Until Monday, he looked a bit grim even while sitting on a chair at school.

He absentmindedly took notes in his book, regretting in his heart.

He should have told the truth.

It was actually something given out during a school sex education lecture, which he just took home.

Unfortunately, when he mentioned it again, Li Tingyan no longer believed him and just picked him up for another round.

As Lin Chi sighed in lament, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He took it out and looked at it.

It turned out to be Li Tingyan.

“I’ll wait for you at the door after your class.”

He smiled slightly again.

Years later, Lin Chi had long since graduated and now held multiple roles such as model and director.

Once, during an interview, he was asked if he felt any particular decision was crucial to his life.

Lin Chi thought for a while before smiling at the interviewer, “It seems not really. Some decisions, even if wrong, I can endure. I don’t think there’s anything that truly affects my life. But if I had to say…”

His gaze drifted.

At twenty-nine years old, with numerous honors, handsome and confident, with impressive education and background, and high popularity,

It’s only natural for people to be convinced by what he said.

The interviewer was nodding and smiling.

But in the next second, she heard Lin Chi say,

“If I had to say, it would probably be the day when I was fifteen and suddenly decided to go up the mountain to dig for herbs.”

The interviewer was stunned, not knowing if Lin Chi was joking.

With his background, how could it be related to digging for herbs? Everyone knew he was a “distant relative” of Li Tingyan, who was always treated like a cherished young master.

Lin Chi smiled.

He knew the interviewer probably wouldn’t believe it.

But he was speaking the truth.

He moved his finger, and a large, dazzling pink diamond ring on it sparkled.

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