Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 70

Extra If Line: Personal Nurturing 10

The lights in the bathroom shone brightly on the white walls, almost blindingly.

Li Tingyan’s fingers curled slightly.

Lin Chi lay there, completely unaware, like a dark, hidden temptation.

Li Tingyan’s eyelashes lowered slightly, and for a moment, the look in his eyes as he gazed at Lin Chi was almost terrifying.

But only for a few seconds, before his chest rose and fell a few times, and he returned to his usual expression.

In the end, he merely washed Lin Chi a little hastily, then wrapped him in a long, white bath towel and laid him on the bed.

He could have easily called the butler or any servant to help, but he was unwilling to let anyone else do it.

Finally, he found a soft gray-blue bathrobe from Lin Chi’s wardrobe and, not very skillfully, helped him put it on and tucked him into bed.

He sat by the bed for a long time. Most of the lights in the room were off, with only a faint floor lamp glowing.

Lin Chi slept deeply, showing no signs of waking.

Li Tingyan’s gaze lingered on his lips for a long time.

But in the end, he only gently touched Lin Chi’s forehead, stood up, and left the room.

After he came out, the butler approached and asked if he should bring some hangover soup for Lin Chi.

“No need, let him sleep for a while. Just check on him every so often to make sure he’s comfortable.”

The butler nodded in agreement. Li Tingyan glanced at Lin Chi’s door once more before returning to his own room.

But he wasn’t sleepy at all. He took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and sat on the balcony.

The image of Lin Chi from just now lingered in his mind.

The eighteen-year-old boy, so beautiful, like a fresh green leaf on a branch—holding it in his hand felt surreal, as if breaking it off would be too reckless.

Li Tingyan couldn’t clearly say when he started having different feelings for Lin Chi.

But by the time he realized it, his gaze was already fixed on Lin Chi and couldn’t be pulled away.

He greedily watched every moment of Lin Chi.

He would pick him up from school and watch him shoot a three-pointer by the basketball court.

The cheers from the stands seemed to shake the floor. Lin Chi, in his blue jersey, had skin as white as snow, his eyes proud and unruly, lazily waving to the audience in the stands.

He stood in the corner at that time.

He should have been happy for Lin Chi, like a normal, ordinary older brother, finding him amusing.

But in reality, his gaze fell on Lin Chi’s exposed waistline, and his dark desires grew.

He wanted to pin him down in front of everyone.

He would kiss every inch of Lin Chi’s skin.

He would ignore Lin Chi’s resistance, carry him away, and lock him in a secret room where only he knew the code.

Li Tingyan pressed his fingertips to his temple, his eyelashes lowering.

He didn’t feel much guilt for his fantasies about Lin Chi.

Nor did he feel ashamed of the overwhelming possessiveness he felt toward him.

For so many years, his grandfather had always taught him to be a gentleman, but he only learned the surface, remaining a greedy monster inside.

He didn’t feel that wanting to possess Lin Chi was so unforgivable.

Lin Chi was brought home by him.

Back in that cave in Changyu County, Lin Chi had leaned against his chest, so small and cold, yet the only light source by his side.

At that moment, their fates quietly intertwined.

So what was wrong with him wanting Lin Chi?

But when he brought Lin Chi home, he never thought that one day, Lin Chi would become so important to him.

Thinking of this, Li Tingyan felt a slight headache.

Lin Chi’s influence on him was truly too great.

He cared about him.

He also cared about how Lin Chi looked at him.

He didn’t want to become a terrifying, mad figure in front of Lin Chi, making him shiver in fear every time he saw him.

That’s why he did his best to endure, to act gentle and proper in front of him, like the most affectionate older brother.

But just a moment ago, Lin Chi lay defenseless in front of him, with a few buttons undone, like a gift waiting to be unwrapped.

As he looked at Lin Chi’s slightly parted lips, he clearly heard the beast inside him roaring.

He really didn’t know how much longer he could keep pretending in front of him.

Li Tingyan’s long eyelashes drooped slightly.

The moonlight filled the balcony, casting a lonely shadow over him.

He thought, when that day comes, he hopes Lin Chi won’t be too afraid of him.

But was that possible?

He asked himself, then let out a self-mocking laugh.

The next day.

Lin Chi woke up in bed, still feeling a bit of a headache from his hangover.

Yesterday, he thought the cocktails on the menu weren’t strong enough, so he opened a bottle of vodka and just added a bit of sparkling water. Even Xi Zhiwen couldn’t stop him.

In the end, he passed out.

Lin Chi held his head and tried to remember, only recalling that Xi Zhiwen seemed to have brought him home.

But what happened afterward, he couldn’t remember at all. He didn’t know if he had caused any drunken trouble.

This made him feel a little guilty when he went to eat breakfast and sat across from Li Tingyan.

“I won’t drink that much next time.”

Before Li Tingyan could say anything, he obediently spoke up, “I was just too excited yesterday, plus everyone was a classmate, so I didn’t pay much attention.”

His face was still a bit pale from the hangover, and he quietly drank his porridge, his lips a pale pink.

Li Tingyan glanced at him, his face not looking too pleased, but in the end, he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to him.

“You’d better remember what you said,” Li Tingyan said softly, “Don’t let me catch you next time.”

Lin Chi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He thought to himself, once I’m in college, how could you possibly catch me?

But he knew better than to test Li Tingyan’s patience at a time like this, so he obediently nodded.

He responded half-heartedly, “Alright.”

With that, the situation passed peacefully.

Lin Chi didn’t think much of it. During the summer vacation after the college entrance exams, despite having the typical worries of a teenager, he decided to indulge himself for a bit.

He and his friends organized a trip to Africa, where they watched the great migration of animals and got tanned to a wheat color.

He also got a diving license.

He even went skiing in New Zealand with Li Tingyan.

During that summer vacation, Li Tingyan didn’t notice anything unusual about Lin Chi.

Lin Chi still seemed as before, he leaned against him, lazily sharing the interesting stories from his travels and even showing him the videos he took in Africa.

He could smell the lemony scent of Lin Chi’s post-bath fragrance, and when Lin Chi turned his head, his hair brushed against his chin.

At these moments, he always felt the beast in his heart calm down a little.

He thought Lin Chi was like a little fish in the coral reef of life, always swimming around him. Though elusive, it felt like he could catch him with just a lift of his hand.

This made him both want to possess Lin Chi and gently kiss his brows and eyes, presenting the whole world to him, just to make this young man happy.

But with the summer vacation over and university officially starting, the balance in their relationship was broken.

After school started, Lin Chi came back less and less.

He gave many reasons for this.

There were club activities, gatherings with friends, Xi Zhiwen needed emotional support after a breakup, trips, driving lessons…

His life was packed full, but it seemed like Li Tingyan’s place was no longer in it.

In the end, Li Tingyan found out that Lin Chi had even moved out of the high-end apartment he had gifted him.

He had specially arranged that place for Lin Chi to make his school life more convenient and comfortable.

But now, Lin Chi had rented a very small apartment on his own.

It was still close to the university, well-equipped, but only a few dozen square meters, lacking the housekeeper and 24-hour security patrol that Li Tingyan’s place had.

However, Lin Chi seemed to be quite content and even went grocery shopping himself.

By the time Li Tingyan found out, Lin Chi had already been living there for over a month.

He only occasionally returned to the high-end apartment or Li Tingyan’s villa as a cover.

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