Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 7

You Can Try It

Because of this incident, Lin Chi inevitably got scolded in the end.

But he wasn’t planning on staying there any longer anyway. He decided to resign that day without caring about that month’s salary.

The manager was a bit surprised but agreed after thinking for a few seconds, “If you really want to resign, I won’t stop you. We’ll settle your salary based on the days you’ve worked.”

The owner of the club was aware of what happened that night and didn’t want to make things difficult for Lin Chi. When Lin Chi was first hired, he had mentioned that he might not stay long. The club was short-staffed, and Lin Chi had previous experience as a waiter, plus he had a good appearance, so they hired him.

Lin Chi didn’t have any personal belongings at the club. At the end of his shift, he went to say goodbye to the manager, thanking him for standing up for him earlier, and left with his small backpack.

The manager didn’t see him off, maintaining his serious demeanor, nodded to him, and said, “Take care. Goodbye.”

Lin Chi exited through the back door of the club to get his bicycle. His old motorcycle was in for repairs, so he borrowed his neighbor’s bicycle.

As he pushed the bicycle along the road, he thought, although this job wasn’t enjoyable, the leadership seemed quite decent.

He thought his luck wasn’t too bad. Despite not having a good start in life, he always seemed to encounter a few helpful people at each stage.

Feeling better, he hopped on the bicycle, planning to leisurely ride home and grab a late-night snack on the way.

But just a few seconds after he started riding, with a loud pop, the inner tube of the bicycle tire burst.

Lin Chi quickly put one leg down to avoid falling off, but he stared at the deflated tire in shock.


He had just felt his luck was good, and now it slapped him in the face.

What bad timing.

Lin Chi and the flat tire stared at each other for a while.

It was silent all around, clearly, there wouldn’t be a repair shop open. He sighed, thinking he had no choice but to push it home.

Just as he was about to accept his fate, a black Phantom silently pulled up beside him on the road. Although the road was wide, the driver stopped and honked.

Lin Chi turned around to see Li Tingyan’s face as the back window slowly lowered.

The moon was high in the sky.

It was silent all around, with only the sycamore trees rustling and shadows swaying. A few leaves were crushed under the bicycle.

Li Tingyan’s face was bathed in moonlight, his long and thick eyelashes casting shadows on his face.

He looked different from when he was in the club earlier, still expressionless but much gentler.

He asked Lin Chi, “Need a lift?”

Lin Chi looked at Li Tingyan, raising an eyebrow. This late at night, seeing someone like him was quite unexpected.

He had seen Li Tingyan walk past him without a glance earlier and thought he was deliberately avoiding him, which he understood since he didn’t want to entangle with a former fling either.

But now, in the quiet night, as he dragged a heavy bicycle, this person appeared like a knight passing by.

He looked at Li Tingyan and lazily said, “What about the bicycle? I borrowed it from my neighbor and need to return it tomorrow.”

Li Tingyan glanced at the red bicycle and said something to the driver.

Within seconds, the driver got out from the front seat and politely offered to put the bicycle in the back seat. As he spoke, he was already reaching for it.

Lin Chi felt embarrassed and quickly tried to lift it himself, but the driver didn’t let go. Before he realized it, the bicycle was already in the trunk.

Looking at the luxurious car’s trunk struggling to close because of the bicycle, Lin Chi grinned, thinking this Phantom probably never faced such indignity since leaving the factory.

While he was lost in thought, the driver had already opened the back door for him, inviting him in.

Lin Chi hesitated but didn’t refuse and got in.

With a thud, the door closed, and the back seat became an enclosed space again.

Inside the car, his senses seemed to sharpen, and he caught a faint scent of alcohol. He glanced at Li Tingyan, who also looked at him, his eyes clear, showing no signs of intoxication.

Neither spoke at first, and the driver silently drove.

As they passed an intersection, Li Tingyan suddenly asked, “Why were you working there?”

Lin Chi was taken aback but then realized he meant the club.

He touched his nose, “A friend recommended it. There aren’t many modeling jobs recently, so I took some part-time work.”

He said this without embarrassment. He had previously told Li Tingyan that as a small-time model, his work depended not only on skill but also on luck, often with no assignments.

Li Tingyan wasn’t surprised.

He knew a bit about the struggles of models without connections like Lin Chi.

But remembering how Lin Chi was troubled earlier made him uncomfortable.

He had been less than ten meters away, seeing Lin Chi’s suppressed anger. Even though they had only had brief contact one night, he could tell Lin Chi was inherently proud and strong, not someone who would submit easily.

Yet he faced such humiliation.

He asked, “Did your boss give you a hard time after you went back?”

Lin Chi shook his head.

“No, my boss was quite nice and took good care of me. But the job really wasn’t suitable for me. I planned to quit next month, but after today’s incident, for my safety, I quit on the spot.”

Lin Chi started laughing as he spoke.

After chatting with Li Tingyan for a bit, he relaxed, and the person in front of him seemed to merge with the one he had clinked glasses with in the bar.

He said, “But seeing you today also surprised me. This city is too small.”

Li Tingyan smiled, “I was surprised to see you too.”

He looked at Lin Chi, who had changed out of his club uniform back into his own clothes, a white graffiti T-shirt, and jeans, looking like a young student working part-time.

He added, “Actually, it’s good that you quit. This time you were lucky to have a manager support you, but the club’s owner isn’t a very upright person.”

His words were reserved.

He usually didn’t go to that club, but today, the host had chosen the venue, and he didn’t want to seem picky.

Seeing Lin Chi still looking puzzled, he clarified.

“Not all the club’s waiters are like you, refusing to go with guests. Some don’t mind following guests, but it’s usually done privately, not openly.”

Being close to the action, some people working in such places had ulterior motives.

Li Tingyan wasn’t surprised by this and hadn’t paid much attention before, but thinking of Lin Chi in such an environment seemed inappropriate to him.

Lin Chi understood this time.

But he lazily leaned back in the seat, his head resting on the headrest. He nodded thoughtfully at first, then started laughing.

He looked at Li Tingyan, saying, “Thanks for the warning, but how do you know I wouldn’t go with someone? It depends on the guest.”

Li Tingyan frowned, disapprovingly looking at Lin Chi, “It shouldn’t matter who the guest is. Don’t think it’s a good thing.”

Lin Chi laughed harder this time, his shoulders shaking.

He looked at Li Tingyan, smiling, “But I’m following you now.”

Li Tingyan was also a guest at the club, his client.

But he had refused “Mr. Huang,” who caused trouble, and instead got into Li Tingyan’s car.

Lin Chi’s lips curved into a smile, his eyes twinkling.

He said to Li Tingyan, “I’m not as upright as you think. If the guest is handsome enough, I run with them fast.”

His words fell like a feather drifting from the sky.

Li Tingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, turning to look at Lin Chi with a deep gaze.

Lin Chi still smiled, looking nonchalant.

However, the temperature inside the car inexplicably rose a few degrees.

After an unknown amount of time, a snow-white, slender hand slowly reached forward from the leather seat, like a small boat crossing the vast ocean, and finally gently touched Li Tingyan’s knee.

Li Tingyan lowered his eyes, staring motionlessly as Lin Chi’s fingers grasped his tie.

This car had a partition, so whatever happened, the driver could barely hear.

Lin Chi’s fingers tightened, forcefully gripping Li Tingyan’s tie, forcing him to lower his head, while he himself tilted his head up. Their noses almost touched, but quickly separated.

He asked Li Tingyan, “You know so much about that club. Did a waiter ever spill red wine on your tie?”

His gaze was deep, looking up at Li Tingyan with a natural aggressiveness.

He was still wearing that white graffiti T-shirt, but his expression now was far from that of a simple university student. No naive university student would have eyes full of dangerous signals like him, as if one wrong answer from Li Tingyan would lead to him biting Li Tingyan’s Adam’s apple aggressively.

Li Tingyan blinked his eyelashes, but his breathing remained calm, as if unaffected.

He briefly said, “No, they wouldn’t dare.”

There wasn’t so much melodrama like in TV shows. If any waiter dared to do that, they would lose their job the next day.

Lin Chi chuckled softly, “I see.”

His fingers didn’t let go, instead, they twirled around Li Tingyan’s tie. The soft deep-colored fabric slipped through his fingertips, intertwining white and dark gray.

He lazily glanced at Li Tingyan, as if finally having had enough fun. He let go of Li Tingyan’s tie, preparing to return to his seat.

But Li Tingyan grabbed his hand.

Li Tingyan’s strength was obviously much greater than Lin Chi’s, and with a slight force, he pulled Lin Chi back.

“But you can try.”

Lin Chi was pulled into Li Tingyan’s arms, feeling dizzy and momentarily confused.

He lifted his head from Li Tingyan’s arms, looking puzzled.

Li Tingyan still had that unruffled look, always dignified and naturally needing to be pleased, rarely swayed by anyone.

But he then raised his hand to loosen his tie, his demeanor relaxing slightly, and slowly finished his sentence.

“If you spill red wine on me, I’ll plead with the manager for you.”

Lin Chi was stunned. He took a moment to react, then laughed softly, his shoulders shaking.

He thought, Li Tingyan is really a repressed type.

On the surface, he appeared to be the most proper and noble gentleman, always elegant and poised, but underneath that refined exterior, he wasn’t so rule-abiding after all.

But that was good.

He liked it.

Being too serious would be boring.

The car sped along the road, showing no signs of anything unusual from the outside, with only occasional fallen leaves brushing past the window.

Inside the car, Lin Chi sat on Li Tingyan’s lap, taller than Li Tingyan.

He lowered his head, hooked his arm around Li Tingyan’s neck, and kissed his lips.

When the driver reached Lin Chi’s apartment building, neither Lin Chi nor Li Tingyan got out immediately.

Li Tingyan told the driver, “You can go back first. Leave the car here.”

The driver immediately complied and got out of the car.

After the driver had left, and after a while, the back door of the Rolls-Royce Phantom finally opened.

Lin Chi and Li Tingyan got out together, Lin Chi holding his jacket. The collar of his white T-shirt had been pulled loose by someone, almost revealing his slender, lean collarbone.

They entered the hallway of building 13 together.

Lin Chi’s apartment was on the eleventh floor. In the elevator, they didn’t hold hands, appearing like neighbors who had coincidentally met. However, a strange, sticky atmosphere filled the small, shabby elevator.

When they reached the eleventh floor, the elevator dinged, and they walked out one after the other.

Lin Chi took out his keys to unlock the door, inexplicably a bit breathless. When the door opened, his messy, old apartment was exposed to view, and Li Tingyan grabbed him.

He was almost thrown against the door.

With a click, the door was locked from the inside. Li Tingyan kissed him hard, completely shedding his gentlemanly facade, biting deeply and fiercely.

Lin Chi hissed in pain but felt a strange pleasure, and then, not to be outdone, he bit back.

The fabric on both of them quickly became minimal.

But when Li Tingyan’s fingers reached the edge of Lin Chi’s jeans, they encountered resistance.

Lin Chi grabbed his hand.

In the oppressive dimness, Lin Chi gritted his teeth and asked, “Can’t you let me be the top tonight?”

He had already graciously given up the dominant position last time, but it couldn’t always be him sacrificing.

Even if he didn’t care much about it.

But thinking about subduing someone as cool and proper as Li Tingyan… damn, just the thought was stimulating.

Lin Chi’s thoughts wandered, his knee brushing against Li Tingyan’s knee.

“Can’t you let me have this?” His voice was hoarse and ambiguous, sounding both like he was acting spoiled and seducing, with a hint of impatience. Even the hardest-hearted person would waver.

But Li Tingyan was clearly not an ordinary person.

He did falter for a moment, but quickly rejected Lin Chi’s request.

“I’m not used to it.”

Lin Chi glared at him. “What do you mean ‘not used to it’? You only have one experience to go on.”

But then he grew suspicious, scrutinizing Li Tingyan’s face as if trying to see something.

“Was it really just that once? Or have you been seeing someone else recently? You seem quite skilled.”

He wasn’t probing, just purely curious. After all, making someone like Li Tingyan stay celibate was a waste of good looks.

But Li Tingyan promptly denied it, “No, only with you.”

Only with you.

This straightforwardness was almost endearing.

Lin Chi laughed, feeling a strange flutter in his heart.

Perhaps there was a bit of an inherent vice in human nature.

Looking at Li Tingyan’s bamboo-like and snowy demeanor, knowing he was the one who left those marks on him, like painting peach blossoms on white paper, Lin Chi felt a subtle pleasure.

So after struggling for a moment, when Li Tingyan’s fingers traced his spine again, he didn’t refuse.

He grabbed Li Tingyan’s hair, moved closer, and kissed his lips.

Author’s note:

These two’s nightlife is quite rich among all my characters.

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