Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 58

Newlyweds (End of the Main Text)

Lin Chi was still a bit dazed while discussing his wedding attire with Yu Nian.

How did he end up agreeing to Li Tingyan’s proposal so confusingly?

He was too easy to deceive.

It was just a dazzling pink diamond, and with Li Tingyan on one knee, holding his hand and smiling, he nodded his head in a daze.

This realization made him regret it, pounding his chest and stamping his feet, wanting to call off the engagement at least three times a day.

“Please, don’t act all innocent after getting what you wanted,” Yu Nian said with a hint of reproach, flipping through a fabric book while studying which color would suit Lin Chi better. “You were eager to bind Li Tingyan to you. Look at you, you can’t wait to stamp a mark on him.”


Yu Nian scoffed at such behavior.

As someone who had been through this, he understood Lin Chi’s little schemes very well.

Oops, caught.

Lin Chi showed a fake smile.

He was also flipping through a catalog, looking at wedding suits and said slowly, “What do you know, I just like regretting the engagement eighteen times a day. It’s called keeping the spark alive.”

Yu Nian rolled his eyes.

He thought, Li Tingyan probably wouldn’t agree, because it was obvious that the other groom was genuinely afraid Lin Chi would call off the engagement.

Lin Chi turned another page of the catalog slowly, “But I never thought about spending my life with anyone before. A lifetime is so long, facing only one person, it sounds boring no matter how you think about it.”

Yu Nian, still focused on the embroidery, replied absentmindedly, “What about now?”

Lin Chi’s fingers stopped on a black and gold suit, his lips curling up slightly.

“Now…” he chuckled softly, “the thought of waking up to see Li Tingyan’s face makes lying in the grave of love not so bad.”


Aside from the outfits, there were many things to prepare for the wedding.

Considering Lin Chi and Li Tingyan’s status, it was not suitable to come out publicly, so they planned to hold a low-key private ceremony and invite their friends.

They didn’t have many relatives to invite.

While writing the invitations, Lin Chi realized how few relatives both he and Li Tingyan had.

For him, it was a given.

His only mother had passed away, so one afternoon he took Li Tingyan to visit her grave, which was considered a way of introducing his spouse to her.

As for Li Tingyan, even though his parents were both alive and he had many relatives, not many could attend.

Naturally, there was no need to mention Li Jiang.

Li Zhengtao was currently angry with Li Tingyan, and didn’t like Lin Chi as his “grandson-in-law,” so he obviously wouldn’t participate.

Other relatives, although on good terms, were not that close.

Li Tingyan didn’t even consider inviting them.

Only his biological mother, Mrs. Lang Wen, and her newly formed family were undecided.

Lin Chi couldn’t help but sigh, “Our original families really are miserable in their own ways.”

But he had long since stopped pursuing familial ties and had let go of the grievances and pains he had endured.

He didn’t know how Li Tingyan felt about it.

He asked Li Tingyan, “Do you want to invite your mother?”

He had never seen Li Tingyan’s mother.

He had seen photos of Mrs. Lang Wen. She was a famous person, founder of the Lang Wen Foundation, owner of an independent beauty brand, married a British marquis in her second marriage, and had a cute mixed-race daughter. Even though she was over fifty, she was still stunning and elegant. Her eyes, in the magazine covers, looked very much like Li Tingyan’s.

From an outsider’s perspective, Lin Chi actually admired such a woman.

But in Li Tingyan’s life, there seemed to be no trace of his mother.

Li Tingyan also looked down at the gilded invitations, each one written by himself to show importance.

But whether to send one to his mother, he hesitated.

When he was ten, Lang Wen had divorced Li Jiang, and before that, they had been separated for many years with no emotional foundation.

He was too young then, clinging to his mother’s sleeve, asking why she was leaving alone and not taking him.

He still remembered his mother’s calm eyes, dark as ink, almost identical to his.

“Because I have my own life, this time I want to travel alone.”

“Baby, I don’t want to lie to you. You are my child, I have some love for you, but not enough. At least not enough to sacrifice for you. This marriage was not my choice. Besides you, I have many other important things, I have my future.”

“So I’m sorry, I won’t raise you myself, but likewise, I won’t interfere in your life as a mother. If one day you need help, if you face a life obstacle and everyone opposes you, you can come to me. I will fulfill my responsibility to you.”

He was too young to understand Lang Wen’s words.

As he grew older, he gradually understood his mother, but they never had a close relationship and didn’t need each other anymore, maintaining a distant friendship.

Until now, he really needed help.

He hadn’t even asked when Lang Wen’s overseas call came.

He got his mother’s full support.

Just as Lang Wen had said, she had no restrictions on his life and didn’t care who he wanted to spend it with.

As long as he didn’t regret it.

Li Tingyan raised his eyes, looking at Lin Chi beside him.

He always thought he was unlike his mother, and not like his father either.

Lang Wen left an impression of independence, freedom, and romance. Not everyone had the courage to throw away everything given by their family and start from scratch.

He had always been strict with himself, adhering to rules, without his mother’s romantic nature.

But now, at twenty-nine, looking at Lin Chi biting the pen cap and studying wedding wreaths, he felt…

He realized that he and his mother were somewhat alike.

That bit of madness in their bones, the courage to stake everything for love, was probably a gift from Mrs. Lang Wen.

But this was before he met Lin Chi.

He had never discovered this side of himself.

“I’ll try inviting her,” Li Tingyan wrote his mother’s name on the invitation, “Maybe she’ll be willing to witness the most important day of my life.”

What he wrote was Lang Wen.

Even now, it was hard for him to associate the word “mother” with her.

But that didn’t stop him from respecting and admiring her.


The wedding venue was set in Helsinki.

Others didn’t understand the significance of this place and assumed it was because Lin Chi or Li Tingyan liked the Finnish scenery.

Only the two of them understood the meaning of that day.

Before the wedding, Lin Chi met with a few friends close to Li Tingyan.

Having been entangled with Li Tingyan for so long, aside from a brief appearance at Xu Mu’s wedding, their mutual friends had only heard of him but never met him.

This time, with the wedding set, Li Tingyan finally had no reason to refuse and had to agree to take Lin Chi to attend Zhao Anzhen’s Christmas party.

Before leaving, Li Tingyan, unusually hesitant, looked at Lin Chi several times, wanting to speak but holding back.

Lin Chi, holding a gift for Xu Mu’s daughter, saw Li Tingyan’s expression and knew what he was thinking.

He teased, “What, afraid for me to meet your first love?”

Li Tingyan was speechless. Usually calm and composed, he now looked like he wanted to jump off a building.

Lin Chi laughed heartily.

He actually knew that Li Tingyan had let go of Xu Mu long ago.

On the day he confessed.

Maybe even earlier.

Xu Mu was no longer an obstacle between him and Li Tingyan.

Just as he had predicted at Xu Mu’s wedding, Xu Mu was not Li Tingyan’s destined one.

But a youthful, confused mix of admiration and gratitude.

This feeling was probably like a boy or girl in their youth, secretly liking the classmate across the hallway.

Innocent and beautiful, yet insignificant.

So he patted Li Tingyan’s hand generously, “It’s okay, I forgive you. Who doesn’t have a bit of a youthful past?”

Li Tingyan raised his eyebrows, suspecting that this was just the prelude.

Sure enough.

Lin Chi continued, “So you also need to be a bit tolerant. Don’t get jealous when someone shows a little affection for me. There’s nothing I can do about it; it’s a gift from heaven that I’m this good-looking. I’m not planning to cheat. If people like me, it’s out of my control…”

Recently, he had flown to South Africa for work and attracted a clingy admirer, a mixed-race boy who was half Russian and half Chinese, who was persistently after him.

Li Tingyan, usually the epitome of elegance, did something extremely ungraceful.

He took Lin Chi’s phone in the middle of the night and exchanged harsh words with the mixed-race boy, making him cry. The boy, not fluent in Chinese and not as proficient in English as Li Tingyan, was defeated in the argument.

After this incident, it was widely rumored that Lin Chi’s partner was an extremely possessive “tiger,” who kept him under strict control.

This had led to him being teased both openly and secretly for a month.

Li Tingyan smirked and started the car.

“Then it’s better if you don’t forgive me.” He coldly responded.

Anyway, he had a clean slate with Xu Mu.

Oh, this person.

Lin Chi sighed, holding the gift box, and let out a long sigh.


At Xu Mu’s house, Lin Chi met Li Tingyan’s friends properly for the first time.

These people were very friendly to him, and Ye Fengshan, who ran an entertainment company, had many topics to discuss with Lin Chi.

Lin Chi also met Xu Mu and Zhao Anzhen’s baby for the first time.

A little girl, lying in a powder-blue crib, curiously sucking on her fingers.

Zhao Anzhen, like stuffing a ball, generously handed the baby to him.

Lin Chi didn’t even have time to refuse before the soft bundle was in his arms.

He was almost scared enough to cry out.

But soon, the little girl, named Zhao Yunlei, blew a small bubble at him and smiled foolishly.

A strange, tender feeling rose within him.

He held the little girl’s finger, very soft, as soft as a cloud.

It made him feel that he couldn’t be too careful.

He looked up at Li Tingyan, excitedly showing off, “She likes me.”

Holding the child, his face also showed a kind of innocence.

He was already twenty-four.

But Li Tingyan, looking at him from the sofa, only found his proud, boastful expression incredibly cute.

So much so that he couldn’t take his eyes off him.


He smiled and nodded at Lin Chi, unable to resist walking over and pulling him into his arms.

The tiny baby still lay in Lin Chi’s embrace, happily grabbing at Lin Chi’s hair.

He said, “Everyone likes you.”

Though the people around didn’t hear what he said, they shook their heads, unable to handle the lovey-dovey atmosphere.

“Can’t someone do something?” Ye Fengshan complained, “What, just because I’m single, I deserve to suffer like this?”


January 1st, New Year’s Day.

The wedding took place in Helsinki as scheduled.

In the church, under the watchful eyes of many friends and family, Lin Chi and Li Tingyan exchanged wedding rings.

Huo Yuning and Zhao Anzhen, seated beside each other, immediately hit it off and were both moved to tears.

Xi Ziwen, sitting in the front row, had brought a gentle man in his thirties with him, very refined and handsome, but somewhat shy.

Next to them were Yu Nian and Qi Wang. Qi Wang had proposed eight hundred times but had never received Yu Nian’s approval. However, now, watching Lin Chi and Li Tingyan kiss, he adjusted his sunglasses and suddenly felt a bit of wavering.

Li Tingyan’s mother, Mrs. Lang Wen, also attended with her family.

She watched the newlyweds in front of her and clapped lightly. Her husband smiled and asked, “I think I saw your eyes welling up, dear.”

She smiled faintly, as stubborn as Li Tingyan, and replied, “You must be mistaken.”

At the end of the wedding, Lin Chi, with his back to the guests, tossed his bouquet.

The bouquet landed straight into the arms of the man next to Xi Ziwen.

The man looked stunned, staring in shock at Xi Ziwen.

After the wedding reception, Lin Chi and Li Tingyan, the newlyweds, did not rest.

Li Tingyan drove, taking his new spouse, speeding down the empty streets.

Lin Chi was still wearing that beautiful white wedding suit, his hair fluffy and soft, his eyes seeming to hold all the starlight of Helsinki.

He wore two emerald earrings, green as if they had condensed an entire summer.

These were Li Tingyan’s birthday gift to him.

Lin Chi lowered the car window slightly, letting the icy snow-filled air blow in, ruffling his carefully styled bangs.

While speeding down the road, he looked at the Helsinki City Hall.

Lin Chi said softly, “In Chiang Mai, didn’t you ask me if I would run away with you?”


Li Tingyan’s car stopped at a traffic light, holding Lin Chi’s hand.

The two wedding rings on their fingers shimmered.

Lin Chi looked at him and slowly smiled.

He whispered, “Now I can answer you. Whether it’s marriage or eloping, no matter where it is, as long as you appear outside my window, I will go with you.”

Whether it’s wind and snow or the heat of summer.

As long as he’s by this person’s side, he feels that the whole world becomes gentle.

At the moment he said this, in the last second of the traffic light.

Li Tingyan leaned over and kissed him.

“I am honored.”


Author’s Note

Finally finished the last chapter of the main story.

It was truly exciting to type out the word “End.”

Lin Chi and Li Tingyan have come this far, and they’ve been quite a challenge to me… (just kidding)

There are still many side stories I want to write, including Lin Chi’s first movie, and Lin Chi going on a variety show.

I also want to write some “what if” scenarios for them.

(Feel free to suggest any “what if” scenarios you’d like to see because I want to write everything right now, haha.)

Every time I write “what if” scenarios, I feel that they are very happy in countless parallel worlds.

I’m also brainstorming for my next book, maybe an ABO story, though nothing is confirmed yet.

I’ll share more details when I have a pre-collection draft.

By the way, I recommend checking out the crossover story of Yu Nian and Qi Wang, “Easy to Deceive.” If you’re interested, you might want to check it out.


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