Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 41

New Year’s Eve Kiss

“What are you doing?” Li Tingyan asked.

“Having dinner,” Lin Chi replied lazily, “Just finished eating, and the kitchen sent me a bowl of Longjing tea-infused milk.”

He smiled helplessly and said, “It’s really tough to maintain my figure at your place,” stirring the bowl with a spoon. “I can’t even imagine the look on Huo Yuning’s face when she sees me after the New Year. She’ll definitely scold me.”

He was in a tough spot. Even though he loved food, his profession forced him to be restrained.

Li Tingyan chuckled.

Most of the time, Lin Chi had strict self-control over his figure and exercised regularly.

But staying at his place, where the kitchen constantly tailored to his tastes, was almost a precise attack.

Not wanting to provoke Lin Chi further on this topic, Li Tingyan asked, “How’s the cut on your leg? Did the doctor come to check it out? Did you get it bandaged?”

Lin Chi barely managed to suppress an eye roll.

The butler had almost gone to call the family doctor just now, but Lin Chi had stopped him.

It was just a small cut from a shard of glass, not deep, just a bit long. A few days of disinfecting and care would be enough.

“It’s really nothing. I’ve said it doesn’t hurt, and I’ve already bandaged it,” Lin Chi said, stuffing some milk into his mouth. “I’ll be fine with some snacks to make up for it.”

Li Tingyan laughed again.

Lin Chi asked, “How about you? Did the party end?”

“Yeah. It’s over.”

Li Tingyan spoke with a lack of enthusiasm.

He said, “It’s always like this. Relatives come over the day before New Year’s Eve, have a family meal, and then leave. Only close relatives stay behind. It shows that our family is prosperous and everything is going well.”

But was it really like that?

Li Tingyan curved his lips in a hint of sarcasm.

For a family that had been around for seventy or eighty years, the number of hidden grievances during its rise was another story. Even among family members, there had been awkward situations and unspoken tensions, leaving little genuine affection.

He casually mentioned some family gossip to Lin Chi, “I hardly see my father all year. I saw him at the family dinner today, and he’s still the same. I heard he’s found another insignificant stepmother for me, about your age.”

Lin Chi nearly choked on a mouthful of milk.

He coughed several times, covering his mouth with a napkin and glanced around.

Fortunately, just now, when Li Tingyan called, several staff members discreetly slipped away and went about their own tasks.

No one overheard.

“You know…” Lin Chi wanted to laugh but felt it was a bit impolite, so he could only vaguely say, “It’s quite unfortunate.”

“What’s unfortunate about it?” Li Tingyan’s voice was lazy as he leaned back in the lounge chair, looking out the window at the camphor trees, which were as tall as two stories, and the moonlight filtering through the tree shadows. “I don’t live with him, so it has nothing to do with me. It’s Li Guangyi who’ll probably see that little stepmother quite a few times. I wonder if he’ll be furious.”

He chuckled lightly, not minding that Lin Chi saw this less gentlemanly side of him.

“Li Guangyi?”

“My father’s illegitimate child, biologically my younger brother,” Li Tingyan explained calmly. “He’s only a year younger than me and was born during my parents’ marriage. Later, my mom used this as leverage to gain the upper hand in the divorce.”


Lin Chi had heard about Li Tingyan’s family situation from Xi Zhiwen before, but hearing it from Li Tingyan himself still felt different.

He picked up his phone and went back to his room, sitting on the sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window.

“Your family background, compared to mine, is really about the same in terms of emotions,” Lin Chi sighed but had no complaints. Instead, he smiled and said lightly, “There’s nothing to be done. It seems like our generation often faces family misfortunes. Just endure it.”

Li Tingyan was also influenced by his mood and smiled.

Lin Chi then asked, “How are you spending New Year’s Eve tomorrow?”

“Just like in previous years, nothing special,” Li Tingyan thought for a moment. “The preparations before the new year are done by the house staff. At most, we prepare gifts and red envelopes for the younger generation. The New Year’s Eve dinner will only include close relatives, not as many people as today. We’ll stay up until midnight, then set off some fireworks and each go to our own rooms.”

“I see…” Lin Chi lay down on the sofa, looking out the window.

At some point, it had started to snow outside. He softly said to Li Tingyan, “Li Tingyan, it’s snowing.”

Li Tingyan also looked up at the window.

It was indeed snowing. The delicate snowflakes tapped against the window, making a soft, faint sound only audible in the quiet.

He glanced at his watch; it was already 11:23.

Lin Chi, holding his phone, said softly, “In the past, Huo Yuning once told me a sentimental poem that goes ‘Even though we’re both soaked in snow today, we still share a long life together.’”

He looked out the window, blinked, and with a smile in his voice, asked Li Tingyan, “Look, don’t you think we’ve shared the same snow?”

Lin Chi’s voice came from afar but felt close, like whispering.

Li Tingyan felt a strange tug at his heart.

In an instant, he recalled many things—Lin Chi smiling at him from afar after leaving school, Lin Chi’s charming presence on stage, looking down at him from above, Lin Chi eating in his bed and accidentally dropping crumbs, constantly challenging his nerves yet looking at him with unabashed pride.

So many things.

Including when he first brought Lin Chi home, saying he would spend the New Year with him, but now he had left Lin Chi alone.

He had to return to the old residence for the festival, which was unavoidable—family gatherings, New Year’s Eve dinner, paying respects to the gods, visiting relatives. Every aspect required his presence as the current head of the family.

Lin Chi understood well and comforted him, “I used to spend every New Year’s Eve alone. This year is actually quite good, being well taken care of by you and having so many people with me.”

But it couldn’t be the same.

Li Tingyan pressed his lips together and remembered standing outside the dilapidated old house in Changyu County, the moment the door was pushed open and Lin Chi walked out.

Such an empty, eerie house, with Lin Chi living alone inside—someone as bright as a pearl, yet stuck in the dark mire.

At that moment, he seemed to see Lin Chi’s childhood and teenage years.

Probably always living in such solitude, with no one to care for him, no one to notice, guarding the house alone.

And now, Lin Chi was smiling and asking him if they had seen the same snow.

“I think we haven’t,” Li Tingyan answered.


Lin Chi was stunned.

“What do you mean…”

Lin Chi was frustrated and slightly wanted to scold him. He rarely tried something romantic and literary, but Li Tingyan was completely uncooperative.

It seemed he was even less romantic than him.

But then he thought, it wasn’t surprising; maybe Li Tingyan didn’t want to “grow old together” with him…

Li Tingyan still had Xu Mu in his heart, even though he was already married and had a family.

Naturally, it had nothing to do with him.

Lin Chi pouted, unwillingly realizing he felt a bit sour.

But the next moment, he heard Li Tingyan say, “To really see the same snow, I need to be by your side.”

Li Tingyan lowered his eyes, in the gentle, falling snow, listening to the sound of snow tapping on the window, he softly asked Lin Chi, “Do you want to spend New Year’s Eve with me?”

Lin Chi was truly stunned this time.

“What are you saying?”

He paused for a moment and then lightly laughed, “You can’t possibly come back now.”

“Not necessarily.”

Li Tingyan said softly, even with a hint of coaxing, “Maybe I will.”

Lin Chi didn’t believe it at all.

Such times were for family reunions. Even if Li Tingyan’s family was in turmoil, whether outwardly polite or not, if he were to miss such a day, it would surely cause a lot of rumors.

He stretched and said to Li Tingyan, “Stop talking nonsense. Your grandpa would probably break your legs if you dared to leave.”

He knew Li Tingyan still respected his grandfather a lot.

“Be good,” he smiled and said, “I’ll wait for you to come back… whenever you can.”

Li Tingyan didn’t say anything.

He quietly listened to the sound of the wind outside the window and heard Lin Chi yawning and complaining about being too full from dinner, mentioning that he would do a set of planks later.

About ten minutes later, their call ended.

The snow outside seemed to have increased a little. Li Tingyan sat on the lounge chair, with a faint light illuminating his well-defined profile.

He had often come to this house when he was a child; his grandfather used to bring him here for vacations.

He remembered once hiding a box of shells in the study, drawing a string of graffiti on the attic wall. These traces of his childhood had quietly remained in this house.

He thought that if Lin Chi were here, he might hold Lin Chi’s hand and take him up to the attic, letting him look out through the triangular glass, where they would just see the greenhouse.

It would be like letting Lin Chi be a part of his solitary childhood.

Unfortunately, Lin Chi wasn’t here now.

Li Tingyan propped up one hand, supporting his face, with a distant look in his eyes.

What was even more unfortunate was that he really didn’t know if he would ever bring Lin Chi here.

The next day was New Year’s Eve.

As Li Tingyan had said, he didn’t lift a finger to help at home; everything was handled by the staff.

Fruit plates representing good fortune, pasted window decorations, and lanterns hanging in the yard.

Their family still kept the old tradition of making zongzi, rice cakes, and dumplings for the New Year.

They were all too sweet for Li Tingyan, who had never liked them much since he was young, so he just ate a few out of obligation.

In the evening, the family banquet was much smaller than the night before, with almost only the close relatives remaining.

But even so, there were still two tables because this year, Li Zhengtao’s younger brother’s family also came. He had two children, and his two children had four grandchildren.

Additionally, Li Tingyan’s aunt, Li Jiang’s younger sister, Li Shu and her family also stayed here.

The atmosphere was still lively on the surface.

After dinner, there was still some time before setting off firecrackers and making offerings to the gods.

Everyone stayed in the living room as usual, but soon, Li Zhengtao waved to Li Tingyan, “Come with me to the study.”

Li Tingyan followed him.

He was familiar with Li Zhengtao’s study; even though he didn’t have much contact with his father, he often visited Li Zhengtao.

Li Zhengtao didn’t beat around the bush and gestured for Li Tingyan to sit, saying, “Sit down, don’t just stand there. I’m not going to scold you.”

He took a pair of glasses from the shelf, and a hint of a smile appeared on his thin, serious face.

He looked at Li Tingyan and took out a few photos from the desk.

“Take a look,” he said in a relaxed tone.

Li Tingyan lowered his head, and the first thing he saw was a beautiful girl’s face.

He was momentarily taken aback.

Li Zhengtao softened his tone, “Yesterday, your father also mentioned your marriage. I understand that you didn’t like the person he introduced, and I don’t want to force you. But I do have a few children I’d like you to meet…”

“This one, for example, is Chen Yilin, the daughter of Chen Changqing from the Chenhai Group. She’s the second child, very well-behaved and sensible. I’ve met her several times and really like her.”

“I’m not saying you need to get married right now, but you should at least meet her and get to know her first. You’re not young anymore; you’re twenty-eight. I already had a son and a daughter at your age.”

Li Zhengtao looked at Li Tingyan with a heavy gaze. For his beloved grandson, he actually spoke in a gentle manner, leaving room for discretion.

He tried to make it seem less like he was pressuring Li Tingyan.

But his meaning was clear.

Li Tingyan was at the age to consider significant life matters, and he believed that his usually calm and excellent grandson would make the right choice on his own without much guidance.

He said softly, “In a few days, I’ll invite the Chen family over, and you can meet them.”

Li Tingyan blinked, pondered for a few seconds, and casually placed the photo on the table.

He didn’t say whether he agreed or not.

He simply said, “There’s no rush on this matter; I’ll think about it some more.”

Li Zhengtao didn’t press too hard. To him, Li Tingyan had always had his own principles. Since he was young, he never needed much worry, and young people always have a phase of wanting to fool around. There was no need to take it too seriously.

So he just smiled, “Just keep it in mind.”

After saying this, he patted Li Tingyan on the shoulder, “Alright, we should go out now.”

Li Tingyan stood up and followed.

Soon, it was time for the offerings. Li Tingyan stood behind his grandfather and followed all the steps methodically.

He glanced at Li Jiang on the left; his biological father had a hint of dissatisfaction on his face while looking forward but quickly masked it.

Li Guangyi seemed distracted, as if he didn’t think his position was very important.

When it was time to set off fireworks outside, not many people paid attention.

Having seen grander ceremonies, even the most splendid fireworks during the New Year were just for celebration.

But Li Tingyan stood in the yard, watching the fireworks burst in the sky, forming countless small bouquets, like a grand rain.

He thought that Lin Chi would probably like watching this because he had mentioned that by the time he was in middle school, New Year’s at home had become very quiet, and he would sit in the room and watch fireworks from other families.

After the fireworks ended, past midnight, everyone returned to the house, ate some lucky fruit, performed a ritual, and gradually went to rest.

Li Tingyan also returned to his room, but he stood by the window for a while, until the old house became silent. Then he walked back downstairs.

He drove his car out of the garage slowly through the back door.

He didn’t disturb anyone; only the guard at the door knew.

“Just say you didn’t see me leave if asked,” Li Tingyan instructed casually as he passed by.

The guard’s father had once worked for Li Tingyan and later received his help, so the guard nodded quickly.

“Understood, sir.”


Lin Chi had already fallen asleep at home.

He was spending the New Year alone at Li Tingyan’s house. Although there were still quite a few staff members around, they weren’t really close to him and needed their own private space.

So, after dinner, Lin Chi went back to his room by himself.

He didn’t have much sense of ceremony; for years, he had spent New Year’s Eve and the Spring Festival alone, so what kind of rituals could there be?

As for Li Tingyan’s mention of possibly spending New Year’s Eve with him, he had completely forgotten about it and didn’t think much of it.

He turned on the TV, which was playing the Spring Festival Gala, but he didn’t even glance at it.

As New Year’s approached, his phone kept vibrating nonstop with New Year greetings from many people.

Colleagues from work, friendly bar owners, admirers, school classmates, even teachers…

It buzzed incessantly.

He replied to a few from those with whom he had a good relationship, and sent group messages for the rest.

But among all these people, Li Tingyan was conspicuously absent.


Lin Chi muttered.

He also knew that Li Tingyan celebrating New Year’s Eve at his grandfather’s house was likely a big deal, and under the watchful eyes of elders, he probably wouldn’t have had any time to spare.

But he still sighed and considered blocking Li Tingyan, though he only toyed with the idea for a few seconds before deciding against such childish behavior.

He placed his phone on his chest and initially intended to rest his eyes but ended up falling asleep.

The room was comfortably warm with underfloor heating.

He was only covered with a blanket, wrapped inside, and slept like a caterpillar.

However, after a short while, he turned over, and his phone slipped off him, falling to the floor with a thud, waking him up.


He opened his eyes groggily and went to pick up his phone by the bed, but he seemed to hear some sound.

Perhaps it was because the night was unusually quiet, and the New Year’s firecrackers had already ended, even the slightest sound was amplified.

“What’s going on?”

Lin Chi muttered.

He picked up his phone, still a bit drowsy, and stood by the window.

His room was on the second floor, so he could see what was happening in the front yard.

He watched as a familiar black car slowly stopped at the entrance of the front hall.

The butler hurried out to greet the car, likely not expecting the master to return suddenly.

Lin Chi involuntarily pressed his hand against the glass, leaning his face closer.

He watched Li Tingyan get out of the car. Li Tingyan always wore black, with broad shoulders and a slim waist, and his sharply defined, naturally aloof face was like a slender knife, sharp and unyielding.

Li Tingyan happened to lift his head and looked up at Lin Chi from the second-floor window.

The night was silent.

He wasn’t sure when it had started snowing again, a thin layer covering the front yard and settling on Li Tingyan’s shoulders and hair.

The two of them stared at each other for a long while before Li Tingyan slowly walked up.

He didn’t use the front door.

There was a balcony next to Lin Chi’s room that connected directly to the side garden via a winding corridor. Li Tingyan walked through the flower bushes, shrubs, and a white corridor, coming up the side steps.

At the same time, Lin Chi opened the side door of his room and stood on the balcony.

The lights in the yard were all on, casting a warm yellow glow over the winter night.

Red lanterns swayed gently on the shrubs, with the electronic candles inside flickering along.

Li Tingyan walked up the steps leisurely, as if he wasn’t rushing back through the snow in the middle of the night but just passing by, casually coming back.

Lin Chi stood there in a daze, unable to say a word. The cold wind from outside blew on him, his tall and slender figure wrapped in a bathrobe, puffed up by the wind, looking somewhat thin.

While he was lost in thought, Li Tingyan had already arrived.

He stood in front of him.

A thin layer of snow had settled on both of their heads.

Li Tingyan raised his hand and brushed the snow off Lin Chi’s hair and shoulders.

They locked eyes.

The surroundings were completely silent, with even the birds having returned to the woods. This New Year’s Eve was a time for everyone to reunite with their loved ones.

“Happy New Year.” Li Tingyan said to him, gently raising the corners of his mouth.

Standing in the midst of the wind and snow, his eyes seemed to hold a clear light, and the lights in the yard seemed dim compared to the fleeting moment of his lowered gaze.

Lin Chi couldn’t clearly articulate his thoughts. It felt as though a flame was burning in his heart, making him feel intensely warm.

But as he looked at Li Tingyan, he followed his heart’s desire, roughly grabbing the back of Li Tingyan’s collar, pulling him down, and then kissed him.

Li Tingyan was momentarily startled but soon embraced Lin Chi’s waist and kissed him back.

Lin Chi closed his eyes, his lashes fluttering wildly, brushing against his eyelids.

It felt as if the world consisted of only the two of them.

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