Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 39


When the car arrived at the villa, Li Tingyan woke up, pressed his forehead, and didn’t realize where he was for a moment until he saw Lin Chi drinking milk next to him.

He was stunned for a moment, then remembered he had gone to the airport to pick someone up.

“Sorry, I fell asleep,” he said.

“There’s nothing to apologize for,” Lin Chi laughed. The car had slowly come to a stop. As soon as it stopped completely, without waiting for the driver to open the door, Lin Chi pushed open the car door himself, “Let’s go,” he pulled Li Tingyan, “It’s time for dinner.”

Dinner indeed catered to Lin Chi’s taste, mostly vegetarian and lightly cooked dishes.

There was a mushroom soup that was also very delicious. Lin Chi drank several bowls of it.

Li Tingyan watched him from across the table and teased, “Didn’t you eat well abroad?”

“Pretty much,” Lin Chi sighed, “It’s always a bunch of cold food, even for breakfast. I still prefer something hot.”

After finishing the soup, he smiled at the aunt beside him, “I’d like a small bowl of black truffle rice, please.”

He smiled brightly, with a good temper, and was especially respectful to elders. The older servants in Li Tingyan’s house all liked him very much.

Seeing him like this, the aunt couldn’t help but smile too.

Li Tingyan, watching from across the table, also silently curved his lips.

Actually, when he lived here alone, the house was indeed quite lifeless.

He often traveled for work, and although the servants who had worked for him for many years got along well with him, apart from the two who had been with him the longest, the others maintained a fairly courteous distance.

He hadn’t expected that Lin Chi, after staying for only a few days, would win the affection of so many people.

But it was normal.

Li Tingyan thought, when he first saw Lin Chi in the bar, holding a guitar and sitting on the stage, he had drawn the attention of everyone in the room.

It seemed no one could resist him; they were naturally attracted to him.

After dinner, Li Tingyan went back to his study to handle his affairs.

Lin Chi returned to the bedroom to play single-player games.

But as the saying goes, a full belly brings on desires. He hadn’t seen Li Tingyan for four days during his trip. They had only been together once in the past twenty days, and it had ended quickly while they were still eager.

Lin Chi thought for a moment and felt that the game was a bit boring compared to Li Tingyan.

He looked at the clock on the wall. It was already past ten; surely, Li Tingyan should take a break.

He put on a jacket and leisurely went out, first slipping into the kitchen to grab a box of snacks before going to knock on Li Tingyan’s study door.

When Li Tingyan opened the door, he was still on the phone. Seeing Lin Chi outside, he paused for a moment. The call was coming to an end, and he said, “Okay, let’s leave it at that. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

After hanging up, his expression softened, becoming less stern. He asked, “Why are you here?”

Lin Chi thought, I can’t exactly say that I wanted to drop by with some late-night snacks as an excuse to hook up with you.

That would be too embarrassing.

He covered up with a light cough, “Oh, nothing much. Just thought since I was going to bring you some late-night snacks anyway, I might as well come over myself.”

He lifted the food box in his hand and asked with a smile, “Can I come in?”

Li Tingyan hadn’t planned on eating a late-night snack tonight, but since Lin Chi brought it over, he figured a break wouldn’t hurt.

He smiled and stepped aside to let him in.

Lin Chi usually didn’t come to Li Tingyan’s study. First, he wasn’t interested, and second, TV dramas often showed secret documents being kept in studies. As a guest, he figured it was best not to wander around.

Tonight was an exception.

He placed the food box on the coffee table and joked with Li Tingyan, “Do you have any special documents or forms? Better put them away before I see them.”

Li Tingyan walked over as well.

He opened the food box, checking out what Lin Chi had brought, and replied with a laugh, “No need, you can look around freely.”

His computer was indeed still on, with several project proposals and reports casually scattered on the desk.

Lin Chi had been staying at his place for several days, and there was never a place he wasn’t allowed to enter. If Lin Chi wanted to steal his company’s trade secrets, it would be a piece of cake.

But Li Tingyan just scooped a spoonful of soup from a white porcelain bowl, completely unconcerned.

He also picked up a piece of yam cake and brought it to Lin Chi’s mouth. “Want some?”

Lin Chi looked at Li Tingyan, his lips parting slowly to bite into the small, square yam cake, which had a hint of blueberry flavor.

But of course, he wasn’t there just for a snack.

After taking a few bites with Li Tingyan’s chopsticks, his hand rested on Li Tingyan’s leg, teasingly circling his knee.

Li Tingyan’s chopsticks paused.

He looked at Lin Chi, who was looking back at him, the overhead light casting a gentle glow that few could endure under such direct illumination.

But Lin Chi was different.

The brighter the light, the more his features stood out, his deep eyes like shimmering pools, his lips still bearing crumbs from the cake, which he licked away with a flick of his tongue.

Lin Chi’s hand roamed over Li Tingyan like playing a piano, without saying a word, just looking at him with a half-smile.

Li Tingyan finally noticed the hidden details in Lin Chi’s clothing.

Lin Chi was wearing a soft white robe, tightly wrapped when he arrived, with the belt meticulously fastened.

But now, due to his sitting posture, the robe had loosened a bit, revealing a glimpse of a beautiful long chain inside.

Li Tingyan’s gaze darkened.

He set down his chopsticks, the appetizing food losing all appeal.

He reached out with his long, fair, yet cold fingers, first touching Lin Chi’s Adam’s apple, then moving downward, parting his robe.

His hand lifted the pendant at the end of the long chain, unsure if his hand or the chain was colder.

“What’s this?”

He examined the metal butterfly in his hand, a beautiful, cold gold color inlaid with tiny gems.

From this butterfly extended several fine, intertwined cords loosely hanging around Lin Chi’s waist.

Li Tingyan tightened his grip, enclosing the butterfly in his palm, causing the thin chain around Lin Chi’s waist to sway gently.

Lin Chi smirked, chuckling softly.

He boldly removed his robe, revealing his flawless white body.

Strangely, despite the many scars from his troubled youth, his healing ability was remarkable, erasing all traces of his past.

He sat under the light, like an untouchable statue of a deity.

Li Tingyan’s breath caught for a moment.

He finally saw Lin Chi in full.

The only thing covering Lin Chi now was a waist chain made of several fine links.

Cold gold, adorned with small, smooth black gemstones, polished into multifaceted shapes, inlaid on the chain and on Lin Chi’s body.

On the left side of this chain was a smaller metal butterfly, cold, delicate, yet vibrant, as if ready to take flight, or frozen at its final moment, echoing the butterfly in Li Tingyan’s hand.

Lin Chi sat with his legs crossed, the white robe discarded beside him.

He sat there calmly in Li Tingyan’s study, like a king on his throne.

He had come to seduce Li Tingyan, yet he needed to do nothing.

Because he was the embodiment of seduction.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”

He raised an eyebrow and asked softly, his eyes lazy.

He also fiddled with the chain hanging from his waist.

“This was a prop from yesterday’s shoot. I bought it myself because it suited my taste.”

He clearly saw the darkness in Li Tingyan’s eyes, his gaze heavy like chains, or cold serpents, wrapping around him.

Lin Chi stood up and slowly sat on Li Tingyan’s lap.

He looked into Li Tingyan’s eyes, so close that their eyelashes almost touched.

He whispered, “When I put it on yesterday, I knew you would like it.”

His palm pressed against Li Tingyan’s chest.

He blinked, voice dropping lower, “After all, you want to lock me up so badly.”

Lin Chi laughed softly, and as he said those words, Li Tingyan’s heart seemed to beat against his palm.

Thump, thump, thump.

Over and over again.

He felt Li Tingyan’s fingers suddenly tighten around the cold chain.

His body unconsciously leaned forward, then fell into Li Tingyan’s arms.

And in the next second, he was kissed roughly.

Most of the time, Li Tingyan appeared refined to the outside world.

But only Lin Chi knew that Li Tingyan was a tyrant in bed, eager to control every detail of his partner.

For example, right now, Li Tingyan kissed fiercely, his fingers gripping Lin Chi’s chin forcefully, almost forcing Lin Chi to open his mouth and endure his kiss.

Lin Chi let out a whimper.

In the beginning, he had almost fought with Li Tingyan several times.

He had always been used to being the top, and Li Tingyan’s increasing dominance in bed easily offended him.

But over time, he gradually got used to it, even becoming a bit addicted.

Sometimes he even thought, maybe he had chosen the wrong role from the start…

Could it be that he was actually more suited to being a bottom?

Just as he was thinking this, his lips suddenly hurt. He hissed, suspecting that he had been bitten.

But soon, he met Li Tingyan’s oppressive gaze. “Still not focused at a time like this?”


Lin Chi chuckled.

He played with the belt of Li Tingyan’s robe, asking knowingly, “Don’t you have work to do? If you’re too busy, I can leave.”

He provocatively smiled at Li Tingyan.

Li Tingyan silently looked at the person in front of him, cunning, lively, and strikingly beautiful, like the sun that was hard to look at directly.

A natural charmer.

He also chuckled, scooping Lin Chi up in his arms.

He carried Lin Chi towards the desk. “Indeed, there’s still work that needs to be done.”

With a casual push, the important and unimportant documents were swept to the side, leaving a few scattered. He placed Lin Chi on the cold desk.

He leisurely said to Lin Chi, “I’ll need you to act as my assistant and help me handle it.”

At first, Lin Chi didn’t understand, frowning in confusion. “What do you mean?”

But soon, Li Tingyan made him understand through his actions.


When Lin Chi weakly woke up the next day, he still thought Li Tingyan was a bastard.

What kind of jerk would make him read documents at a time like that?


Damn it.

He should check if Li Tingyan plays these improper games with his assistant during work.

Lin Chi thought while massaging his sore waist.

But it was too late to say that now; he had indeed delivered himself yesterday.

The accumulated intensity of twenty-odd days seemed to be made up in one day.

Lin Chi lay in bed, reminiscing, not wanting to get up at all.

But soon, his door was pushed open, and Li Tingyan’s face appeared at the entrance.


Li Tingyan walked in, sitting on the edge of the bed. Seeing Lin Chi’s dazed look, he chuckled and asked, “Do you want to have breakfast in the room?”

Seeing Li Tingyan dressed in a suit, Lin Chi knew he was about to go to work.

“Are you going to work?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.


After asking this, the two fell into a strange silence.

Li Tingyan’s hand held Lin Chi’s wrist, seemingly lost in thought. There were still marks from the previous day’s abrasions.

Finally, Lin Chi laughed first. He said, “Alright, hurry up and go to work.”

He lazily pulled his wrist back from Li Tingyan’s hand, propping his face with one hand, half-smiling. His pale, thin face and red lips made him look like a vampire duke in a castle.

He said, “You don’t need to stare at me like that. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be here when you get off work.”

Li Tingyan thought of Lin Chi’s past and raised his eyelashes slightly. “Will you?”

“I will.”

Lin Chi still smiled.

As long as you eventually give me the answer I want, I will stay here.

Like a butterfly pinned to a cross.

But otherwise…

He sighed lightly in his heart.

Otherwise, he couldn’t be a butterfly. He would be like the sun, rising in the east and setting in the west, unable to be kept by anyone.

Author’s Note:

Lin Chi (smoking): Striving to make Li Tingyan distracted every minute, let’s see how he escapes.

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