Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 33


After dinner, Lin Chi went to the nightclub with Xi Ziwen.

Xi Ziwen made a few calls, and soon their VIP booth was crowded with people, many of whom Lin Chi knew. They weren’t particularly close but not strangers either, often seen at parties, bars, or even at work.

Lin Chi was always the center of attention in such settings.

His fame in the gay community was no less than on the runway.

Standing 184 cm tall, with a stunningly handsome face and a perfectly proportioned, lean body, there wasn’t a flaw on him. Even his performance in bed was unmatched. Aside from being extremely picky, he was almost perfect.

Even his arrogance was praised. Being as attractive as Lin Chi, he had every right to be choosy. His aloofness and distant demeanor were like jewels in a crown, tempting people to get closer.

The small fries in the gay community always looked up to him, even making bets, treating him as a competition. Winning over Lin Chi was like earning a shining badge, proving one’s own charm.

“Half the people here tonight are here for you. Once they heard you’d be coming, all sorts of characters came out of the woodwork,” Xi Ziwen draped an arm over Lin Chi’s shoulder, whispering playfully in his ear, “You haven’t been around for a while. Do you know how many people were desperate? They cursed you behind your back, wondering which vixen had you under their spell, eager to tear that person apart.”

Lin Chi snorted.

A vixen?

Li Tingyan’s cold, handsome face appeared in his mind.

He thought, if Li Tingyan were here, this bunch of people wouldn’t just tear him apart—they’d fight each other to get to him.

He slowly sipped his drink, not responding to Xi Ziwen.

It had been a long time since he’d been in such a setting, and he found himself a bit interested, swaying slightly to the music and letting his eyes wander aimlessly.

Xi Ziwen also held a drink, his face partially obscured by the club’s flickering lights, which made his already handsome face look almost bewitching.

But he continued to complain to Lin Chi, “It’s not just you. I haven’t been out for a while either. Last time I finally organized a night out, but halfway through, my brother called me to a meeting. If I didn’t go, he’d dock my allowance and confiscate my yacht. Damn, I’ve never felt so oppressed in my life. Is he even my real brother?”

He still found it ridiculous and his handsome face darkened even more.

Lin Chi had no sympathy for him. “You agreed to go back to the company, so you should have expected this. Besides, it’s good for you. Your brother genuinely wants to train you.”

As they were talking, someone interrupted them.

“Wen Ge, who’s this?”

They both stopped and turned around. A slender young man had somehow squeezed through the crowd and stood behind their booth, looking at them with interest.

This young man was very attractive, not as tall as Lin Chi but not short either, with a slim waist and long legs. He wore a cropped shirt and sweater, revealing a slender waistline. His eyes were cunning yet innocent, with a few glittering rhinestones at the corners.

He was also very eye-catching in the crowd, his face naturally carrying a sense of arrogance from being adored by others.

But now, he was looking at Lin Chi with great interest and, with a familiar ease, moved closer to Lin Chi, introducing himself confidently, “Hello, my name is An Fei, the Fei as in ‘extraordinary talent.’ I know Wen Ge; we met at an event before.”

Xi Ziwen raised an eyebrow.

He hadn’t lost his memory, of course he remembered who this was. This was a small internet celebrity he met at a friend’s new store opening. Not exactly his type, but this small internet celebrity came from a good family and had many followers. Since their company mainly dealt with beauty products, they exchanged contact information.

But… Xi Ziwen smiled slightly; this was more like Lin Chi’s type.

He nudged Lin Chi with his elbow and grinned teasingly, introducing them to each other.

He said to Lin Chi, “An Fei is a beauty blogger, quite famous online, and also a top student, still studying at D University. He’s a nice person, very lively.”

Then he looked at An Fei, his eyes filled with more amusement. “No need to introduce Lin Chi, right? I remember at the last event, you pointed at his poster and said he was handsome and begged me to bring him out.”

He jerked his chin towards Lin Chi, “See, here he is.”

An Fei glared at Xi Ziwen in mock anger for revealing his thoughts.

Xi Ziwen laughed out loud and stood up. “I’ll leave you two to chat.”

With that, he slipped away like a fish, not giving Lin Chi a chance to catch him.

That bastard…

Lin Chi cursed silently, then turned back to meet An Fei’s gaze, feeling a bit of a headache.

He knew Xi Ziwen meant well; An Fei was indeed the type he used to be interested in—good-looking, with a combined score of eight for looks and physique, and a cheerful personality.

But sitting in this noisy, lively nightclub tonight, surrounded by the mixed scents of perfume and alcohol, he felt a bit of a headache and inexplicably irritated.

Seeing that Lin Chi seemed disinclined to speak, An Fei moved closer on his own.

With a familiar ease, he squeezed into the seat next to Lin Chi before anyone else could.

“Chi Ge, I’m two years younger than you; can I call you ge?” An Fei said with a smile.

He rarely went out of his way to please anyone, but Lin Chi hit all his aesthetic points, making him willing to take the initiative.

He said, “What Wen Ge said was right; I’ve always wanted to meet you. But every time I tried to arrange it with Wen Ge, he said you were busy.”

Lin Chi glanced at him, his cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol.

“Why do you want to meet me?”

Lin Chi’s voice was low but not inaudible, his eyelashes drooping slightly, dense like little brushes casting a small shadow on his face. His eyes, naturally alluring, were beautiful beyond words, seemingly shimmering with water as they casually looked at An Fei, both indifferent and affectionate, inherently seductive.

He didn’t need to do anything special; dressed casually, he just smiled faintly in this noisy, crowded environment, yet he still seemed like a high and mighty king, naturally meant to be flattered.

An Fei blushed slightly under his gaze.

No wonder his friend had clung to his arm, saying he should win over Lin Chi tonight or miss his chance.

His heart began to race, and his previously confident attitude changed.

“Because I like you,” he moved closer to Lin Chi, biting his lip. He was only twenty years old, and his voice was as sweet as a cherry soaked in a cocktail. He stared at Lin Chi unwaveringly, “I saw your photoshoot for ‘GOX,’ it was amazing.”

His fingers gently brushed against Lin Chi’s wrist, a barely there touch, like recalling the momentary impact of that brief moment.

He said almost obsessively, “You were wrapped in that deep blue embroidered robe, sitting by a lake overgrown with withered grass. Your face under the camera was perfect. At that time, I thought, how could someone look like this? And not just look like this, but have such captivating eyes.”

An Fei’s voice grew softer, but his gaze at Lin Chi became more intense.

He truly liked Lin Chi, not just to collect him as a trophy.

From the moment he first saw Lin Chi, he knew this person wasn’t someone he could easily sway with a few words. In front of Lin Chi, he could only hope to be chosen.

And now, Lin Chi was looking at him quietly, with neither enthusiasm nor much displeasure, his gaze almost overlapping with the cover image of ‘GOX.’

With a scrutinizing look, but without any visible emotions, like a long-sealed weapon coldly watching those who passed before it.

This made An Fei’s heart pound.

But he wasn’t discouraged.

His friend had told him he was the type Lin Chi would like.

He smiled, “Chi Ge, let’s play a game.”

He casually picked up a box of Pocky from the table, holding it in his slender hand, his actions unabashed. He pressed one knee onto the sofa, his leg touching Lin Chi’s.

Lin Chi frowned slightly but said nothing when he met An Fei’s gaze.

The nightclub was deafening.

The dance floor seemed like it was about to explode, the heated atmosphere making the air thinner and thinner. Behind Lin Chi, a couple was kissing.

Everyone came here to indulge.

Pretending to be reserved was pointless.

On this night after just leaving Li Tingyan’s house, he agreed to come to the nightclub with Xi Ziwen, knowing well what he was thinking.

An Fei leaned closer to him, “Ge, you’ve played this game before, right? Two people bite a Pocky, whoever bites through or lets go first loses.”

He stared at Lin Chi with unblinking eyes, his voice filled with ambiguity, “If I lose, I’ll go with you. If you lose, you do as I say, okay, ge?”

He bit the slender Pocky and moved closer, gazing at Lin Chi unreservedly.

He was indeed young and handsome, brimming with youthful energy. Unlike Lin Chi, who had been through the grind at work for years, he was as fresh as a lychee, just a squeeze away from oozing sweet and sour juice.

Now, he was doing his best to please Lin Chi, and his innocent and charming demeanor could move any man with a heart of stone.

Lin Chi’s eyelashes fluttered, but his eyes remained dark and inscrutable, showing no sign of joy or willingness to indulge in flirtation.

Yet he still allowed An Fei to bring the other end of the Pocky to his mouth.

Of course, he had played this game before—old-fashioned but effective. Having spent so much time in nightclubs, he had encountered countless people using various tricks to get close to him. And he was always cheerful and agreeable, rarely hurting anyone’s feelings, even if they didn’t fit his aesthetic.

Now, it was just him and An Fei. Only a fool wouldn’t understand An Fei’s intentions from the rules he had stated.

But although he bit into the Pocky, he sat upright and didn’t move.

An Fei inched closer, deliberately biting slowly to prolong the moment of ambiguous tension, his fingers sensually rubbing against Lin Chi’s.

Lin Chi could clearly see An Fei’s face filled with infatuation, joy, and longing for him.

He could even smell the overapplied citrus perfume on him, which was just right for the chaotic setting.

If he wanted to.

If he truly wanted to break up with Li Tingyan, he could take this boy away tonight and enjoy a reckless night, returning to his wild and carefree life.

But the moment he lowered his eyes, he couldn’t help but think of Li Tingyan’s face and kiss.

He recalled Li Tingyan’s fresh scent of grass and wood, like a damp forest after rain, mixed with a faint hint of sandalwood, like an all-encompassing net that trapped him.

The distance between them grew smaller.

Even though An Fei slowed down deliberately, in another moment, he would truly kiss him. He was like a forbidden red fruit, cheeks flushed, eyes filled with determined expectation.

But in the next second.

Lin Chi’s hand pressed against his shoulder.

The shrinking distance was halted.

An Fei froze, staring at Lin Chi in confusion.

The chocolate on the Pocky had melted slightly, sticking to Lin Chi’s lips. With a crunch, he bit off the thin biscuit stick.

Because of his action, An Fei couldn’t bite the remaining short piece, which fell abruptly onto the sofa and then rolled off the edge.

“Sorry, the game’s over,” Lin Chi pushed An Fei away, not too forcefully but firmly enough. He stood up, looking apologetically at the bewildered An Fei. “I’m not in the mood today. I’ll leave first. Next time, let Xi Ziwen arrange something, and I’ll make it up to you.”

He rarely did something so impolite, but he couldn’t care less now. Grabbing his coat, he quickly left his seat.

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