Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 30

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“What are you even thinking about?” Lin Chi was speechless. He put the water cup aside, wiped the corner of his mouth, and asked Huo Yuning in return, “If I wanted to participate, I would have done it earlier. Why wait until now?”

Well, that made sense.

Huo Yuning was relieved, relaxing her posture again and taking a few more sips of water.

“So, how did you two meet? I really can’t figure it out. You attend high-profile parties, and I’m usually there too. You can’t have met Li Tingyan while out drinking, right?”

Lin Chi laughed.

“You guessed right,” he said lazily to Huo Yuning. “We really did bump into each other at a bar. It was pure coincidence. That day, he decided to go incognito and picked a random roadside bar to drink at, and I just happened to run into him.”

Thinking about it now, Lin Chi still felt a bit proud and couldn’t help but show off to Huo Yuning.

“You know, he looked amazing that day. Everyone in the bar was staring at him, thinking he was too high up to approach. But not me. I went straight to him, started chatting, and by the end of the night, I had him.”

Lin Chi proudly lifted his chin.

Even though he had bottomed for the first time that day, it was still a glorious achievement in his book.

“… Really?” Huo Yuning was taken aback. “In a bar? Is Li Tingyan really that casual?”

“Really,” Lin Chi chuckled at the word “casual,” then grabbed a soft pillow to lean against his waist and said casually, “Why do you speak like that? He’s not casual at all. He slept with me because of my extraordinary charm. Besides, I didn’t even know who he was at first, just that his name was Li Tingyan. I had no psychological burden when we slept together. It wasn’t until two or three months after we met that I thought about checking him out. By then, it was too late to regret anything.”

He spread his hands to Huo Yuning, “No lies, that’s how we met. Nothing thrilling or romantic, just pure coincidence.”

Of course, if one insisted, there was some romance involved.

They had attended a wedding together, though the groom was Li Tingyan’s secret crush.

But that was something he couldn’t tell Huo Yuning. It was Li Tingyan’s personal business.

Huo Yuning silently drank her water. Lin Chi had effortlessly stumbled upon resources that many people couldn’t reach no matter how hard they tried.

Her gaze swept around the room.

She hadn’t exaggerated when she said Lin Chi was pampered. Just on her way in, she saw Li family’s staff respectfully bringing food to Lin Chi, fully aware of his preferences.

No doubt, it was Li Tingyan’s arrangement.

She knew Lin Chi too well. To put it nicely, he was carefree and easygoing; to put it bluntly, he was stubborn and only acted on his principles, unwilling to make any compromising decisions.

Lin Chi claimed they were just friends with benefits, so it had to be true. He had no intention of leveraging Li Tingyan’s power or engaging in a romantic relationship with him.

But what did Li Tingyan think?

Huo Yuning pressed her temples, unsure of what to say.

She had rushed over, only to find she was more worried than the parties involved.

“Fine, I won’t bother with you.” She sighed. “You always get dizzy around pretty faces. Li Tingyan is wealthy and handsome, so you’re not losing out having him as a friend with benefits.”

She paused, then hinted, “But just keep it to that. Don’t get involved in other things. Consider this a warning. These rich circles are deep waters. You’ve seen enough of these scandals. Someone like Li Tingyan is not someone you can easily control.”

Lin Chi scoffed lightly, “I’m not stupid.”

He understood Huo Yuning’s point. To her, someone like Li Tingyan was dangerous, capable of deciding his fate at any moment. If he angered Li Tingyan, he could lose his career and possibly even his livelihood.

Being friends with benefits was fine, but playing at “true love” would be suicidal.

He reassured Huo Yuning, “You’re overthinking. Li Tingyan isn’t a bad person, and we won’t fall in love.”

His eyes were clear, his tone relaxed, “He doesn’t like me, we just get along well.”

Huo Yuning remained skeptical.

Not to brag, but over the years, she hadn’t seen anyone completely immune to Lin Chi’s charm. Except, perhaps, by coincidence.

But if Lin Chi said so, she’d believe it for now.

Yet, this conversation sparked another curiosity in her.

“Speaking of which, there’s something I find puzzling,” she leaned in sneakily, lowering her voice even though it was just the two of them, “Li Tingyan is so handsome, so tall, the epitome of sexy and refined. Is he really a bottom?”

Her voice betrayed her suppressed excitement.

She knew Lin Chi’s preferences. Ever since she met him, Lin Chi had always been a top.

She looked at Lin Chi eagerly, waiting for confirmation, only to see him with a strange, indescribable expression.


Lin Chi rubbed his nose, his conscience wavering, even stinging slightly.

But soon, he discarded his conscience and seriously spread lies about Li Tingyan.

“Yes, he’s a bottom.”

Lin Chi somewhat shamelessly thought, he hadn’t even slept with Li Tingyan for so long, what’s wrong with satisfying his appetite.

He really wanted to be a top again.


When Huo Yuning left after dinner, Li Tingyan happened to come back.

Meeting her at the door, he greeted her and courteously invited her to stay longer.

But Miss Huo shook her head like a rattle, repeatedly declining and quickly slipped away.

For some reason, standing at the door for a while, Li Tingyan felt that Miss Huo’s gaze was quite peculiar, both excited and curious, but she restrained herself from smiling.

But Li Tingyan didn’t think much of it and soon went to Lin Chi’s room.

Lin Chi was watching TV in bed, with a fruit platter beside him. Compared to him, who was busy with work, Lin Chi was living a leisurely life.

He sat down next to Lin Chi, habitually touching his forehead.

“Feeling better today?”

He asked.

“I’m fine now. The doctor said there’s no problem,” Lin Chi munched on a cantaloupe, rolling up his sleeve to show Li Tingyan, “I feel like I could run a marathon now.”

Li Tingyan smiled, not contradicting his unrealistic words, then asked, “Had a good chat with Huo Yuning today?”

“Of course, it was great.”

Lin Chi beamed, but then remembered spreading rumors about Li Tingyan, coughed, and awkwardly added, “But we didn’t talk much, just some work stuff.”

Li Tingyan didn’t mind, nodding casually before taking off his outer clothes to shower.

When he came out in a bathrobe, he didn’t return to his own room but sat on Lin Chi’s bed, lying down beside him to watch a boring soap opera.

Lin Chi was surprised, staring at Li Tingyan, “Aren’t you going back to your room?”

Li Tingyan turned to look at him, smiling, “Why, can’t I rest here for a bit?”

“Of course, you can.”

Lin Chi quickly said with a smile in his eyes, “You’re the master here, you can sleep wherever you want.”

The two of them quietly leaned together and watched the boring TV drama for a while.

The main characters inside were on-again, off-again, breaking up and still attached, running in the rain, kissing, all of which amused Lin Chi.

He liked watching these silly plots for stress relief. Not only did he watch them himself, but he also nudged Li Tingyan’s arm to make him watch.

But when he turned around, he found Li Tingyan looking at him.

For some reason.

Li Tingyan had just washed his hair, the tips still slightly moist, especially dark against his pale face under the dim lights. His eyes, beautiful like jade but cold, seemed even more charming than usual.

Lin Chi’s heart skipped inexplicably. He had intended to make Li Tingyan look at the male lead’s lips on TV, but he forgot and instead found himself mesmerized by Li Tingyan’s lips.

The atmosphere in the room became strangely tense.


Their intimate relationship seemed somewhat illusory now.

Since he left Changyu County a week ago, they hadn’t slept together for almost half a month.

Unfortunately, he hadn’t been feeling well these days and Li Tingyan had been flaunting himself in front of him like a feast every day, tantalizing but out of reach, and it had been driving him crazy.

Lin Chi’s fingers stealthily reached under the blanket, hooked Li Tingyan’s hand, and lightly scratched it.

Li Tingyan felt it and raised an eyebrow.

Lin Chi smirked slightly. He sat up in the bed, supporting himself with his other hand, deliberately and slowly moving onto Li Tingyan.

He looked down at Li Tingyan from above.

Being ill still affected him a bit. Though he looked fine, his complexion had paled slightly, and the contours of his face were sharper, like a meticulously drawn creation by a creator, definitely capable of dominating the runway.

His lips were slightly plump, soft and full, his eyes lightly arched, round and bright, with slender ends that were clear as water, yet soul-stirring like a fox.

His smile deepened. He asked Li Tingyan confidently, “Want to do it?”

He didn’t think Li Tingyan would refuse.

Who could resist him?

Just a flick of his finger, a half-smile as he looked at his prey, and that person would worship him.

Besides, wasn’t this the kind of relationship he and Li Tingyan had?

Unexpectedly, Li Tingyan pressed his hand down.

“No,” Li Tingyan’s voice was hoarse, but his emotions were calm and firm, “Your body isn’t up for such vigorous activity right now.”


Lin Chi was baffled.

Was he someone who cared about such things?

The lovers he had before were all carefree, even after working for 30 hours straight, he would still end up rolling in the bathroom with someone. He was the one who exerted himself completely at that time.

“Are you even a man, Li Tingyan?”

Lin Chi gritted his teeth, frustrated, and even pinched Li Tingyan.

But Li Tingyan remained unmoved.

“I said no, and that’s final. Wait until you’re feeling better,” Li Tingyan suddenly became like a strict old scholar, even taking the time to button up his pajamas properly, “You’ve just recovered these past few days, don’t ruin it.”

Lin Chi couldn’t stand it. He rolled his eyes and couldn’t believe how unreasonable Li Tingyan was. He practically handed himself over on a platter, and Li Tingyan could still resist.

Did he think he was some fragile porcelain doll?

Thinking this, Lin Chi sneered and provocatively flipped Li Tingyan off.

But Li Tingyan remained calm, still looking at him tenderly.

After staring at each other for half a minute, Lin Chi couldn’t bear it anymore. He coldly withdrew from Li Tingyan’s embrace.

But as soon as he pressed down on the bed, intending to get up, his arm was suddenly grabbed.

Everything spun.

His shoulder was held down, and he fell heavily onto the bed, but felt no pain.

With his position reversed, Lin Chi opened his eyes and met Li Tingyan’s face leaning over him.

Their eyes locked.

Li Tingyan’s dark eyes were like a finely crafted inkstone, absorbing everything around them with their intense darkness, staring at him without blinking, as if nothing else in the world mattered.

He could also feel Li Tingyan’s hand pressing firmly on his shoulder, palm hot.

For some reason, looking at Li Tingyan like this, Lin Chi’s heart started pounding.

He was about to say something when he heard Li Tingyan say, “We can’t do anything too extreme, but kissing is okay.”

Before he could react, Li Tingyan kissed him.

The heavy, soft blanket and comforter, along with Li Tingyan’s body, enveloped him layer by layer.

Lin Chi sank into the soft bedding, every inch of his skin, every bone, being tenderly wrapped, making it impossible for him to escape.

Rolling with Li Tingyan in the dim blanket, the air grew thin.

Lin Chi gasped, his neck held firmly by Li Tingyan’s controlling grip, forcing him to tilt his head back and endure the kiss.

Li Tingyan kissed almost savagely, rough. Normally gentle and courteous in bed, he now acted like a tyrant, unaffected by Lin Chi’s teasing.

Lin Chi even tasted a hint of blood, but he couldn’t help lifting his body and gripping Li Tingyan’s shoulders.

In a daze, he struggled to open his eyes slightly.

In the warm light of the room, lying in the blanket, he could clearly see Li Tingyan’s face.

Every feature was familiar to him, intimately entwined for months, every inch of skin well-known to him.

But why was his heart so uncontrollable, beating violently even more than the first time he slept with Li Tingyan?

Lin Chi involuntarily tightened his grip, his nails piercing into his own palm.

Actually, he knew the answer.

His breathing grew heavy, shallow, his heart pounding so fast it felt like it might leap out of his throat.

He remembered what he had just said to Huo Yuning.

He said Li Tingyan didn’t like him, so there was no need to worry about any ridiculous “true love” between them.

But he hadn’t said that he didn’t like Li Tingyan.


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