Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 3


Lin Chi looked at Li Tingyan in disbelief.

Li Tingyan stood before him, tall and slender, almost completely overshadowing him. That kiss just now had ignited things perfectly; the room was so thick with hormones it was about to explode.

And then Li Tingyan told him… this was his first time.

“What the hell.”

Lin Chi couldn’t help but curse softly, his eyes widening. “Who are you kidding? You’ve lived this long without any needs? Your first time?”

Li Tingyan had regained a bit of composure, still maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor.

He said, “It’s not that I don’t have needs, but I don’t place much importance on them. My work is usually very busy, and I don’t spend much time on relationships. Without emotional connection, I wouldn’t want to go to bed with someone.”


Lin Chi gave a forced smile. He understood now; this was just emotional purity.

For him to end up in bed with this “gentleman” tonight must be quite a breakthrough.

He couldn’t help but feel a bit proud.

His back pressed against the cold, hard door, his knee touching Li Tingyan’s knee, deliberately provocative.

First time, so be it. Considering his figure and looks, Lin Chi didn’t mind.


He blew a breath at Li Tingyan, his fingers brushing the hair by Li Tingyan’s ear.

“I can overlook your inexperience, but it’s your first time. Why do you want to be the top?” Lin Chi wondered, “How do you know you like being a top if you’ve never tried it?”

His hand circled to the back of Li Tingyan’s neck, stroking a small patch of skin, smiling as he coaxed, “Trust me, Ge. I’ll give you a very rare experience. I’m quite skilled, with lots of experience as a top, and I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Actually, he didn’t really care much about positions.

It’s just that in this circle, there were more bottoms than tops, and bottoms generally had higher standards of beauty. All his admirers with great looks and bodies were bottoms, so he got used to being a top.

Li Tingyan, being so tall, handsome, and abstinent-looking, would be worth giving up the top position for. But he was a newbie.

Lin Chi thought about it and decided that for the sake of his own well-being, he couldn’t take the risk.

He patiently persuaded, “Being a bottom also feels good. Really, you’ll know once you try it.”

But Li Tingyan shook his head, “I understand my orientation and preferences very well. I can’t accept being a bottom. I find it difficult to adapt physically and mentally.”

He couldn’t change this; it felt like an innate instinct. He had confirmed this since his hazy adolescence.

With this statement from Li Tingyan, the previously heated atmosphere in the room cooled down a bit.

Seeing the shock on Lin Chi’s face, Li Tingyan felt somewhat apologetic. His hand still rested on Lin Chi’s back, and their bodies were entwined. He could easily lower his head and kiss again.

But he slowly let go, “I’m sorry. If you really can’t accept it, then let’s forget it.”

He had also calmed down a bit, “You don’t need to leave. You can rest here for the night. I’ll find another room.”

Or leave the hotel entirely.

But he didn’t say this.

His hand still hovered at Lin Chi’s waist, looking down at Lin Chi’s expression.

Lin Chi bit his lip slightly, clicked his tongue, feeling as if he was stuck on a roasting spit, caught in a dilemma. But seeing Li Tingyan about to retreat politely, he panicked and grabbed Li Tingyan’s hand.

The two stared at each other in the dark, silent.

Lin Chi’s chest heaved heavily.

He thought of that kiss just now.

Even though they had only known each other for one night, Li Tingyan’s kissing skills weren’t exactly superb, yet it made him dizzy in a way no kiss had before.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he was really a virgin. The sexual tension was so intense it was unavoidable; he had never experienced anything like this.

He grabbed Li Tingyan’s shirt, bit Li Tingyan’s lip, and said provocatively, “Who said we’re not doing it?”

He cursed softly, gripping Li Tingyan’s shirt tighter.

“Since it’s your first time, follow my lead. If you hurt me, you’re finished.”

Li Tingyan’s response was, “Okay.”

He lowered his head, kissing Lin Chi’s lips, while his hand wrapped around Lin Chi’s waist, lifting him horizontally.


Lin Chi’s eyes widened. He had always been the one to carry others in a princess carry, and suddenly being lifted like this was disorienting.

But soon, he had no time to think about it.

His shirt, jacket, even his bracelet, all scattered on the floor.

The white bed sheets rose and fell like waves.

Lin Chi also had this kind of experience for the first time.

Guiding a “newbie” to explore himself.

He wasn’t the best teacher: impatient, reckless, even biting Li Tingyan’s shoulder when it hurt.

But Li Tingyan was a good student.

“Is it like this?”

Li Tingyan humbly sought advice, yet his expression clearly said otherwise.

He had always been a fast learner, even in bed.

He almost figured out Lin Chi’s soft spots, yet still politely asked, as if seeking the owner’s permission.

A drop of sweat slid down Lin Chi’s forehead.

He pinched Li Tingyan’s shoulder, gritting his teeth, “Don’t play dumb.”

Li Tingyan then kissed him.

This night seemed long.

Chaotic, impulsive, novel, completely different from what Li Tingyan had expected.

It was the same for Lin Chi.

He had been ready to sacrifice himself tonight because Li Tingyan was too tempting. He had resolved to get him tonight, even if it meant taking a day to recover.

But Li Tingyan only showed a bit of clumsiness at the beginning, convincing Lin Chi that he really had no experience.

However, after that, he progressed rapidly.

Lin Chi, who had always prided himself on his physique and prowess, found himself shattered in his comparison with Li Tingyan.

Damn, how could someone be so naturally talented at this?

The night ended with a kiss, initiated by Lin Chi.

And Li Tingyan’s eyelashes trembled slightly.

If we discount that absurd moment during the gay parade, where there was only a touch on his cheek, tonight with Lin Chi was his first kiss.

It happened on a surprising night.

And the person kissing him was like a deity presiding over love and beauty, bestowing mercy and blessings upon his subjects, rescuing him briefly from his sea of troubles.

Although the previous night left him tired, Lin Chi, who maintained a regular fitness routine throughout the year, still had decent stamina. When he opened his eyes the next day, the room was already bright with daylight.

The curtains in the room had been partially drawn back, with sheer curtains still covering them, allowing in bright sunlight that wasn’t too glaring.

He instinctively stretched, his brain not fully awake yet, and yawned as he reached for his phone.

At 9:45.

Neither early nor late.

He was furrowing his brows while checking his WeChat. He saw Tan Shuo asking where he had been yesterday, when suddenly he heard a gentle, deep voice beside him, “Are you awake?”

Lin Chi was stunned, and he looked ahead.

On the sofa opposite, Li Tingyan held a cup of coffee in one hand, legs crossed, with a magazine that appeared out of nowhere on his lap, casually flipping through it.

The morning light was gentle.

He was already handsome, refined and cultured, his jawline sharp as a blade from the side. Now he was dressed even more formally, in a black British-style suit, broad shoulders, naturally snatched waist, emphasizing his masculine curves.

Lin Chi was still not quite awake, and waking up to such beauty, he couldn’t help but shield his eyes with his hand and let out a soft sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Li Tingyan set down his cup and walked to the bedside. He stood there watching Lin Chi for a moment, hesitated briefly, then instead of sitting on the bed, he half-knelt on one knee, meeting Lin Chi’s gaze and asking, “Are you feeling unwell?”

As he approached, Lin Chi’s gaze became more audacious, lingering on his neckline, wrist, lightly whistling.

Apart from a sore butt, Lin Chi was otherwise fine, an experience quite novel to him, as he was usually the one causing others discomfort.

He rolled over in bed, propped his chin on the back of his hand, the white blanket kicked off a bit, teasing Li Tingyan, “Why are you kneeling so early in the morning, dressed so formally? Anyone would think you’re proposing to me.”

Li Tingyan looked him up and down, thinking Lin Chi seemed lively enough, so his health should be alright.

And Lin Chi tugged at Li Tingyan’s clothes, “Where did these clothes come from? You weren’t wearing this outfit yesterday.”

“My assistant brought them,” Li Tingyan replied, “I had her buy you an outfit too, but I wasn’t sure about your size, so I estimated. See if it fits.”


Lin Chi was startled, then followed Li Tingyan’s gaze to find a casual white outfit hanging in the wardrobe.

He worked in the fashion industry after all, and could tell at a glance it was Armani’s new Spring/Summer collection.

This was too generous.

He glanced suspiciously at Li Tingyan, but remembering the bizarre encounters he had faced while working, he began to wonder whether Li Tingyan would make him pay. He had been tight on money lately and couldn’t afford it.

Fortunately, Li Tingyan quickly dispelled his doubts.

Li Tingyan walked to the table, poured a glass of water, “You can rest here until you’re ready to leave, the room charges are on my account. Feel free to stay longer if you like, I have a wedding to attend soon, so I won’t be able to accompany you.”

He came over and handed the glass of water to Lin Chi, “Thank you for last night, it was indeed a pleasant evening.”

As he said this, he gently kissed Lin Chi on the cheek.

This kiss was quite different from yesterday’s intimate entanglement, gentle and courteous, like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Lin Chi chuckled softly.

“You’re quite the gentleman.”

He raised his head with a smile, thinking this person was so serious, no wonder he’d been single for so many years.

He wanted to tease him a bit, ask about last night’s experience, ideally making Li Tingyan embarrassed and unable to defend himself, but as his gaze swept over Li Tingyan, suddenly he remembered, what did this person just say… attending a wedding?

Lin Chi was slow to catch on, finally remembering the reason behind everything last night—

The person Li Tingyan liked was getting married today, and he was a necessary guest.

Lin Chi’s initial playful thoughts faded. He furrowed his brows slightly and confirmed with Li Tingyan again.

“Are you really going?”


Li Tingyan stood in front of the full-length mirror, inspecting himself, then turned back to ask Lin Chi, “Do I look alright like this?”

Lin Chi had already gotten out of bed, loosely wearing a bathrobe, holding a glass of water, leaning against the wall and watching him.

“You look absolutely fine,” Lin Chi affirmed generously, “When you show up, the groom won’t even matter anymore, you’ll steal all the limelight.”

Li Tingyan smiled, “Still, I better not. It’s his wedding, he should be the star.”

By ‘he’ here, naturally referring to Xu Mu.

Lin Chi still didn’t know who Li Tingyan’s secret crush was.

What kind of person could make Li Tingyan so hooked?

He looked at Li Tingyan curiously, asking, “Watching your crush marry someone else, how does that feel?”

He hadn’t experienced love himself, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t curious about it.

Li Tingyan adjusted his cuff, hesitated for a moment, then smiled somewhat helplessly, “You really know how to twist the knife.”

But he still answered Lin Chi’s question.

“I can’t say for sure either, but it feels like everyone else is at a banquet while I’m the only one sinking into the sea. And I know, nobody would notice me.”

Very literary.

In Lin Chi’s mind, he couldn’t help but complain, yet he pondered over Li Tingyan’s words, a rare moment when, perhaps due to Li Tingyan’s exceptional eloquence, he felt a second of empathy.

Clearly, he had never been heartbroken; others were always heartbroken for him. But at that moment, he seemed to understand Li Tingyan.

So this made his mouth move faster than his brain, and he suddenly said, “Then why don’t I accompany you to the wedding?”

As the night passed, Lin Chi’s voice became husky and ambiguous.

Li Tingyan looked at him in surprise.

Lin Chi shrugged, “It would be really pitiful if you went alone. Everyone else would be in pairs, and there you’d be, all alone. Besides, I’m good at swimming. If you really fell into the water, I could rescue you.”

Lin Chi smiled at Li Tingyan.

His words were not entirely serious, but Li Tingyan subtly sensed the sincerity beneath.

Seeing Li Tingyan’s silence, Lin Chi himself belatedly realized that perhaps his idea wasn’t so great after all. After all, he didn’t even know the hosts of the wedding.

Moreover, taking another man as a companion might attract too much attention.

But since he had already said it, and Lin Chi was someone who cared about his reputation, he tried to salvage the situation, “If you don’t want to, forget it. But I’m quite sought after, so taking me along wouldn’t be embarrassing. I don’t mean anything else by it, just consider it thanks for covering the room and getting me clothes…”

Li Tingyan inexplicably smiled.

He looked at Lin Chi, who had just gotten up wearing nothing but a robe and had put on earrings first, golden ones with sharp, cone-shaped tips that glinted under his earlobes like his own beauty.

Suddenly, he felt that Lin Chi’s idea didn’t seem too bad either.

Going alone probably would be quite pitiful.

He had known Xu Mu for so long, always hiding his feelings. Forget admiration; Xu Mu didn’t even know his sexual orientation, still enthusiastically trying to set him up.

But he didn’t need such kindness.

Their interactions had always been carefully managed, never crossing boundaries. Yet now, he suddenly wondered how Xu Mu would react if he wasn’t the gentleman Xu Mu believed him to be.

Seeing Lin Chi already helping himself to breakfast on the table, biting into a piece of bread.

Li Tingyan suddenly said, “Okay.”

With bread in his mouth, Lin Chi’s cheeks puffed out, still not catching on, making a faint “hmm” sound with his eyes asking, “Okay, what?”

This look was even a bit cute.

Away from the adept navigation of the dating scene, Lin Chi looked just like any university student.

The corners of Li Tingyan’s mouth curved down slightly as he softly said, “I think your idea just now is not bad. Please accompany me to the wedding.”


Lin Chi widened his eyes, the bread still not swallowed, silently pointing to himself with a finger.

Are you sure?

One Comment

  • Snail

    Hey, thank you for your hard work! I’ve just started reading and the translation is really nice! Very smooth and very pleasant to read, its a breath of fresh air!

    I like the story already, I wanna see how their relation develops from there. Lin Chi is such a power bottom I like it.

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