Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 29


Lin Chi stayed at Li Tingyan’s place for several days. Perhaps due to his overconfidence in his own health, he developed a high fever the very next day, which even led to some gastrointestinal issues.

The doctor visited him several times, repeatedly scolding him, “It seems like your usual lifestyle habits aren’t very healthy. Don’t stay up late all the time, and avoid intense workouts. Make sure your diet is balanced.”

Lin Chi had no idea how the doctor figured this out.

But the doctor was a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, with a stern face but gentle eyes. He always felt helpless around such women because they reminded him of his own mother. He could only nod obediently like a pecking chicken.

Li Tingyan, who was listening nearby, couldn’t help but find it amusing.

He was about to head to the company but made a point to sit with Lin Chi for a while, watching him take his medicine.

It was only then that Lin Chi discovered that his room and Li Tingyan’s room were connected by a corridor.

After both Li Tingyan and the doctor left, Lin Chi wandered aimlessly around the room, having nothing else to do. While eating some snacks, he chatted with the staff member he had met on the first day, named Yan Li.

He asked Yan Li, “Why is there a corridor between my room and Li Tingyan’s room? What was the designer thinking? Isn’t that unsafe?” He didn’t know what he was thinking, but his mouth curled up into a smile. “It’s just me, but what if someone else lived here and decided to attack him at night?”

Yan Li gave Lin Chi a surprised look.

The staff had long speculated about Lin Chi’s identity, but everyone was cautious and refrained from saying much, only gossiping privately.

After all, she had worked here for several years. Li Tingyan had always been very reserved, never seen with male or female companions. But the day he carried Lin Chi inside, it shocked everyone.

Yet, the one sitting on the sofa eating seemed completely unaware of his own uniqueness.

Yan Li coughed, remembering her good work environment and generous salary. She responded dutifully to Lin Chi’s question.

“Because that room was originally meant for another owner,” she answered with a smile, deliberately avoiding the term “female owner.” “The designer intended for couples to share a living space but also have their private areas. So there’s no need to worry about security.”

Lin Chi almost choked on his peanut brittle. He coughed more violently and moved away from Yan Li to avoid affecting her.

“But he…” Lin Chi finally stopped coughing, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He muttered, “Why did he put me here then?”

Although he had indeed done some things akin to another owner with Li Tingyan, staying in this room felt somewhat inappropriate.

Yan Li remained dutiful and immediately answered the question.

“Mr. Li must have his reasons for arranging this,” she said softly. “That room was never used before. Mr. Li’s friends always stayed in the guest rooms, so everything in that room is new. Please don’t worry, Mr. Lin.”

Lin Chi wasn’t foolish and could hear that the assistant was implying Li Tingyan had never brought anyone home before.

He silently took another sip of water.

He thought, there’s no need for you to explain this to me. Li Tingyan’s first time was with me, so who else could he bring home?

But as he thought about it, he found it amusing.

However, when he lowered his head to pick up another green tea cake, he suddenly paused.

He pondered, since Li Tingyan’s friends had been here and stayed over, Xu Mu should have visited too.

Did Li Tingyan really make him stay in the guest room?

He truly doesn’t easily cross the line.

Lin Chi stuffed a green tea cake into his mouth, slowly thinking. He wondered if Li Tingyan was deliberately avoiding suspicion with Xu Mu or just hadn’t thought about it.

But he quickly snapped out of it, wondering why he was even thinking about this.

On the fourth day of him staying at Li Tingyan’s place, Huo Yuning called.

Because he had temporarily returned to Changyu County and then suddenly fell ill, he had to delay two work engagements. Huo Yuning had to help clean up the mess.

Lin Chi planned to work despite his fever and was getting ready when Li Tingyan took his phone, saying, “You’re not fit to work now. If your agent can’t handle it, I can help. Your career won’t be affected.”

Lin Chi wanted to argue but coughed badly. This time, he was really seriously ill, with gastrointestinal reactions making him get up at night to vomit.

Li Tingyan raised an eyebrow and, uncharacteristically autocratic, took the phone to communicate with Huo Yuning himself.

Who knows what the two talked about, but when the phone returned to Lin Chi’s hand, Huo Yuning’s voice was cheerful.

“Alright, don’t come. With your condition, if something happens and it turns into pneumonia, I’ll have to call 120 for you. I’ve already arranged for a backup model. Don’t worry, the higher-ups there appreciate you, so it won’t affect our future cooperation.”

Lin Chi covered his mouth, wondering what spell Li Tingyan cast on her.

“You’ve told me before that minor injuries shouldn’t stop a soldier and that perseverance leads to success. What happened to that?”

But then he heard Huo Yuning say, “I’ll come to see you tomorrow, bring a flower basket, fruit basket, or something. Mr. Li Tingyan just said it’s fine.”

Lin Chi was stunned and raised his voice, “You’re coming here?”

“Yeah, is there a problem?” Huo Yuning said righteously. “I have work to do, so I’ll hang up. See you tomorrow.”

With a snap, the phone was hung up.

Lin Chi turned to look at Li Tingyan. “Did you agree to let Huo Yuning come visit?”

Li Tingyan was undoing his tie. “Yes.”

“Don’t you think there’s something off about that?”

Lin Chi was incredulous. He considered himself quite easygoing, but having a friend over at someone else’s house seemed inappropriate, like they were taking advantage.

Li Tingyan, a business mogul constantly dealing with schemes and intrigues, surely wouldn’t overlook such a detail.

Yet, Li Tingyan showed no reaction and even questioned him back. “What’s off about it? She’s your friend. It’s normal for her to want to see you.”

He removed his Patek Philippe anniversary limited edition watch and casually tossed it into a drawer, producing a clunk that made Lin Chi’s eyelid twitch.

Turning to Lin Chi, he said, “I noticed you liked the mushroom soup and the baby bok choy from the kitchen yesterday. I’ve had them prepare it again for you, so you can eat it later.”

Alright then.

Lin Chi was speechless. Since Li Tingyan didn’t find it strange, he decided not to care either.

He sank back into the pillows and resumed browsing his phone. “Got it. I’ll be down in a bit.”

The next day, Huo Yuning did come.

Usually dressed casually in a down jacket, pants, and loafers, that day she was formally attired in a dark, fitted plaid coat, her long curly hair tied up, wearing tortoiseshell glasses, and carrying a bouquet.

Seeing her, Lin Chi almost spat out his water. This was Huo Yuning’s typical social attire.

Li Tingyan hadn’t left yet and politely greeted Huo Yuning.

She nodded politely, exchanged a few pleasantries with Li Tingyan, and praised the villa’s design and details.

Li Tingyan smiled and told Lin Chi, “I have an engagement tonight and might not be back in time. You two have dinner by yourselves.”

He then said to Huo Yuning, “Sorry for not being a better host. Next time, I’ll invite you over properly.”

Huo Yuning quickly reassured him it was unnecessary.

As soon as Li Tingyan left, her posture relaxed, the professional smile vanished, and she plopped down beside Lin Chi.

“Meeting such a big shot is nerve-wracking,” Huo Yuning gulped down several sips of water and used a nearby magazine to fan herself. She glared at Lin Chi, “You’re something else. You’re sleeping with Li Tingyan, and you kept it from me.”

Thinking about it, she was fuming. She grabbed Lin Chi’s face. “Do you know how I felt when I suddenly heard someone else on the phone introducing themselves as Li Tingyan? I was frantically searching online, nearly screaming.”

“Do you know how many scenarios ran through my head about big shots taking advantage of innocent young guys like you, romantic CEOs, and all that melodrama?”

Huo Yuning clutched her forehead. “Since you entered this industry, I’ve always feared you’d get taken advantage of. Yet here you are, quietly finding yourself such a powerful backer.”

What a mess…

Lin Chi, sipping the soup from the kitchen, found it amusing and frustrating.

After four days of rest, his health had improved. He wasn’t coughing or running a fever and felt he could run for three days straight. His appetite had also returned, prompting the kitchen to enthusiastically prepare various dishes for him.

He said, “What’s there to say? Li Tingyan and I are just casual partners, no deep relationship. We’ve just spent more time together, and he’s a good person, so he takes care of me.”

Huo Yuning scoffed, pinching Lin Chi’s face again. “Look at you, living well here with your rosy complexion. And you call it just a casual thing? Do you know who Li Tingyan is? If he wanted a lover, people would line up for the chance. He could crush you with a snap of his fingers.”

Huo Yuning was so angry her liver hurt.

Why did she insist on coming over? Because she was scared.

As two struggling people, a model and an agent, hearing Lin Chi was at Li Tingyan’s house was a shock.

Initially, she hoped it was a namesake. But confirming it was indeed the one from Changhe Group, she was stunned.

She knew Lin Chi’s stubborn personality. If he were the type to sell himself, he would have been famous long ago. How could he suddenly be involved with such a high-level figure?

Thankfully, Li Tingyan was polite and respectful in their communication, easing her mind slightly.

Seeing Lin Chi well-fed and in good spirits, she felt both relieved and annoyed.

Looking around the lavishly decorated bedroom and at Lin Chi’s casually scattered items like data cables and magazines, it was clear he was living comfortably here.

She raised an eyebrow and, once Lin Chi finished his soup, asked, “Alright, tell me, how did you and Li Tingyan get involved?”

She eyed Lin Chi suspiciously, “You didn’t go to one of those shady parties, did you?”

Lin Chi nearly choked this time.

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