Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 21

Thank You for the Compliment

After celebrating Lin Chi’s birthday, Li Tingyan went on a business trip abroad, leaving for more than half a month.

This allowed Lin Chi to focus entirely on his work.

That day, he needed to rush to sign a contract with SEN Company. Huo Yuning had also returned from out of town and met him at a café near his home.

The termination of the contract with his previous company went smoothly. The previous company, of course, was unwilling to let him go, but their contract wasn’t for many years, to begin with. The previous company managed to sign him because of their wide net approach, which also meant they didn’t impose too strict conditions, so they couldn’t keep him in the end.

“However, I also feel that their attitude has become much more courteous,” Huo Yuning said while driving, “Initially, they were arrogant, acting like they wanted to make things difficult for us even if they couldn’t keep us. But later, it seemed like they came to their senses and were easy to talk to, letting me leave with the termination contract smoothly.”

Lin Chi, chewing on a bagel, raised his eyebrows, also finding it strange.

After all, from what he knew, his former employer wasn’t so kind-hearted.

“They can’t have suddenly developed a conscience, can they? Do they even have one?”

“I don’t know, maybe they thought it’s best to leave a way out since we’re all in the same industry.”

“Are you sure?” Lin Chi sneered. “I don’t remember them having such noble character.”

Huo Yuning laughed heartily.

The two chatted while driving to the company’s entrance.

Actually, there wasn’t much to handle on-site. Huo Yuning had already managed the preliminary work, and the contract was signed. They were more there to familiarize themselves with the environment.

Lin Chi obediently followed Huo Yuning, wandering through one department after another, politely smiling and greeting.

In a big company like SEN, the two of them were quite inconspicuous.

However, Tang Xiaoyou, who initially came to recruit them, personally came over and even invited them to lunch.

Lunch was in the garden restaurant downstairs.

“How do you feel about the new company? Satisfied?” Tang Xiaoyou asked with a smile while sitting in the garden restaurant.

Although it was already winter, the sunlight streaming through the glass made it feel warm.

Lin Chi had a simple meal in front of him, just a sandwich and iced Americano.

He couldn’t understand why someone as important as Tang Xiaoyou would lower herself to accompany them for lunch, and she even seemed interested in him. That look made him uneasy, even a bit anxious… He shouldn’t be so charming that even Tang Xiaoyou wanted to exploit him, right?

Despite his chaotic thoughts, he answered Tang Xiaoyou’s question earnestly.

“I’m very happy to join SEN,” Lin Chi smiled, his words both polite and sincere, “I used to pass by SEN and wonder if I would ever join. I didn’t expect my wish to come true suddenly. I really thank you, President Tang. I will work hard.”

Tang Xiaoyou chuckled.

“No need to thank me. You have great potential, and you were bound to shine sooner or later. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have poached you.”

She took a sip of her coffee. “Our company, although not small, values talent over anything else. You are still new, and you’ll need to adapt to many things on your own. Huo Yuning will remain your agent; you two have worked well together over the years. But our other agents are also very capable, so you both need to work hard.”

In a brokerage company like SEN, resources were abundant, but who could secure them for their models depended on the agent’s skill and the model’s capability.

If Lin Chi had beauty but a clumsy agent who couldn’t manage his career, it would be wasted. She might consider assigning Lin Chi to someone else.

Tang Xiaoyou smiled and raised her glass to Huo Yuning.

Huo Yuning shivered.

Usually eloquent, she felt a bit nervous in front of Tang Xiaoyou.

But she seriously assured, “I will adapt quickly and won’t disappoint you.”

She seemed like she was vying for her first job out of college.

Tang Xiaoyou laughed again, “Relax.”

The lunch was short, and half an hour later, Tang Xiaoyou returned to her office. Before leaving, she waved goodbye to Lin Chi.

Only after Tang Xiaoyou left did Lin Chi and Huo Yuning slump down together.

“The pressure is immense. I wasn’t even this nervous when I stood for over an hour to beg the editor-in-chief of HUU for you,” Huo Yuning leaned back, covering her face. She referred to Lin Chi’s early career when he was unknown, and she struggled to get him an opportunity, “Gosh, I even walked the editor’s dog, more attentive than her assistant. Now I feel like I’m back to square one. Do you think Tang Xiaoyou has a dog? Should I walk it?”

Lin Chi almost spat out his water.

He coughed and patted Huo Yuning, “Have some dignity, will you?”

“No way,” Huo Yuning refused firmly, “Tang Xiaoyou is my idol, you know? Do you know which models she has groomed? Three out of the top ten in the country.”

Lin Chi knew about her legendary achievements. Tang Xiaoyou had been a small model herself and gradually became a partner at SEN.

He patted Huo Yuning, “Maybe you’ll surpass her one day.”

Huo Yuning laughed heartily, shaking with amusement, “Thank you.”

For the next month, Lin Chi was as busy as a spinning top, with Huo Yuning accompanying him to various interviews.

Being backed by a big company made a difference. Huo Yuning, somehow finding opportunities, even managed to secure an interior cover for him in GOX magazine.

GOX was a well-established fashion magazine, considered nearly first-tier, with many celebrities vying for its cover.

It had produced many iconic shoots, especially last month’s dual cover featuring actresses Yu Yazhou and Shang Ping. One dressed in black, the other in white, with a powerful aura, like a black wizard and a caged white swan, breaking sales records. Besides fans, many others bought it for collection.

Though Lin Chi only got an interior model spot, it was still a significant opportunity, leaving him stunned.

“Wow, you must be joking,” Lin Chi, buying pretzels, had his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear, initially debating between chicken and matcha flavors, now entirely distracted, “Huo Yuning, you didn’t sell yourself to get this, did you?”


Huo Yuning rolled her eyes on the other end, “I wish I could, but no one would give me the chance. If I could, I’d definitely let you do it.”

Lin Chi laughed.

“True,” he said cheekily, “I’m more efficient than you.”


Huo Yuning couldn’t stand him. She hailed a cab.

“Actually, the scheduled model had an issue, so you were a backup. I got the news first and rushed with your portfolio. You don’t know how frantic I was that day. But it paid off. They told me you were the best fit from the initial interviews, just less known, so they picked someone else first. Really, the editor told me secretly.”

“So remember to be on time at the airport on the 18th. Do not be late, or I’ll kill you. Got it?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Lin Chi wouldn’t mess this up. If he blew this chance, Huo Yuning might actually kill him.

On the morning of the 18th, Lin Chi boarded the plane with his small suitcase, accompanied by Huo Yuning.

The theme of this shoot was embroidery, part of “GOX’s” seven-part series on traditional Chinese crafts.

This was the second part.

The shoot was by a lake in an ancient town, so after landing, Lin Chi didn’t rest long. Early the next morning, he was up at six for makeup and hair, and by eight, he was with the team in the ancient town.

Lin Chi had six outfits to shoot, all modern attire with different embroidery techniques, blending ancient craft with contemporary aesthetics.

Huo Yuning, having worked with Lin Chi for so long, was immune to his beauty.

But as the shoot extended into the evening, and Lin Chi donned the final outfit, she couldn’t help but want to whistle.

The clothes were from the top domestic brand THE ONE, designed by chief designer Yu Nian for the spring/summer collection, except the last one.

The last piece was from Yu Nian’s personal collection, a replica borrowed for the shoot. The original was a Qing Dynasty embroidered fabric Yu Nian acquired at an auction, with gold-like floral and bird motifs, exquisitely detailed, lifelike, on dark blue silk, shimmering with movement.

Though this was a replica, Yu Nian designed it into a wide robe he cherished and never intended to sell. The chief editor personally called to borrow it.

But this robe suited Lin Chi perfectly.

Lin Chi wore only this soft dark blue robe.

He lay by the lake; the sky had darkened, relying on surrounding lights.

But he suited this setting.

Surrounded by people, he resembled a delicate, fragile porcelain, his skin pale, almost bloodless, even his fingertips cold white.

The dark blue robe draped over him, yet couldn’t entirely cover him. The soft fabric gently slipped, revealing a snow-white shoulder and an enchanting face slightly turned, gazing backward.

The gilded flowers and the birds perched on them seemed to come alive, clinging to Lin Chi’s body.

He was like a silent ghost from a thousand years ago, suddenly awakened by intruders.

But there was no aggression in his eyes.

He was like an ancient artifact forgotten here, silent, serene, watching these intruders.

When Huo Yuning looked into Lin Chi’s eyes, her heart couldn’t help but pound.

She clenched the coffee in her hand, which had been warm but was now cold, yet she felt her palm burning.

She thought, who could resist Lin Chi? Even if she spent every day with him, she couldn’t help but be attracted.

She had a premonition that Lin Chi’s opportunity had arrived.


Everyone who paused in front of this magazine would surely be drawn to his picture.


Huo Yuning’s prediction was correct.

As soon as the magazine was released, Lin Chi’s page caused quite a stir.

Although many passersby still didn’t know about the planning behind this issue of “GOX”, many in the industry noticed this expressive model.

In no time, invitations for Lin Chi came flooding in. Huo Yuning’s phone was busy every day, sorting through and arranging the most suitable jobs for him.

Sometimes, becoming famous happens in an instant.

Although Lin Chi couldn’t compare to those real big names, compared to his previously unknown status, many people now had an impression of him.

He even received an interview invitation from a video channel with a large fan base to guest in a talk show episode.

He was lying on the sofa reading the interview outline, but after a while, he covered his face with the A4 paper.

He had just finished a late-night shoot yesterday and was completely exhausted.

He complained to Huo Yuning, “I used to complain about having too little work, but now that I have more work, I’m so busy that I don’t even have a sex life. I should have stayed unknown.”

Workaholic Huo Yuning couldn’t stand this nonsense and threw a soft tissue box at his face.

Lin Chi easily caught it.

But then Huo Yuning realized the key point, “Who have you been seeing lately?” she asked absentmindedly while working on her schedule. “I saw that photographer slip you a note a few days ago. He looked pretty decent. Was it him?”

She knew all about Lin Chi’s romantic history, so she wasn’t surprised at all.

However, she hadn’t seen him at a bar or a party for a long time, so she didn’t know who he had hooked up with this time.

Lin Chi was replying to his friends’ messages.

Many of his friends had recently asked him out, including Xi Ziwen, who invited him to a photography exhibition next week.

It had been a long time since he had seen Xi Ziwen.

The latest news was that this young master was finally ending his entertainment career to take over the family business.

Lin Chi sympathized deeply but couldn’t help.

He accepted Xi Ziwen’s invitation and then had time to answer Huo Yuning.

“Of course not. That photographer is way below my standards. Are you questioning my taste?”


Huo Yuning looked puzzled.

“Not possible.” She remembered the photographer as being fair-skinned with good proportions and quite handsome, which should have been Lin Chi’s type.

Lin Chi boasted, “The person I’m with now is much better than him.”

Thinking of Li Tingyan, and wanting to express his admiration, he added, “Do you know He Yucheng? The newly crowned Best Actor, extremely handsome.”

“Yes, I know.”

Huo Yuning had even watched a movie starring this Best Actor.

“Even more handsome than He Yucheng.”

This time, Huo Yuning couldn’t help but roll her eyes.


Someone more handsome than He Yucheng would have already been making waves in the entertainment industry.

She shook her head, not wanting to deal with Lin Chi, and continued with her work.


Lin Chi knew she didn’t believe him but couldn’t be bothered to explain and continued typing away.

He had a date with Li Tingyan that night, and looking at the time on his phone, he saw that only half an hour was left. He immediately rolled off the sofa.

Huo Yuning watched him dart around the room, matching jackets, picking earrings from his jewelry box, and comparing which shoes went better.

He even carefully selected a perfume.


She thought expressionlessly, “You gays are so over the top.”

“Do you have a date?” she asked.

“Of course.”

Lin Chi finally put on a choker, covered in jewelry, wearing black pants and a black jacket but with the sleeves rolled up, exposing a white wrist.

Very much his style.

He waved at Huo Yuning without caring that she was technically a guest.

“I’m off. When you’re done working, remember to lock the door. You know where to place the key.”

With that, he slammed the door shut without looking back.

Huo Yuning gripped her pen thoughtfully for a moment, then couldn’t resist looking out the window to see who this “more handsome than He Yucheng” man was.

But she couldn’t see his face because he didn’t come down.

She only saw Lin Chi skillfully getting into a black Rolls-Royce.

“Damn.” She couldn’t help but complain, “A Rolls-Royce Phantom, this kid is definitely selling himself.”

Lin Chi had no idea what his manager was assuming about him.

As soon as he got in the car, he wrapped his arms around Li Tingyan’s neck and kissed him long and deep.

Looking at Li Tingyan’s lowered eyes, he thought smugly.

Ah, a life with work, money, and fame, he could live like this for another ten thousand years.

Tired or not, at least he had Li Tingyan to keep him entertained during his free time.

Li Tingyan noticed his smile and asked softly, “What are you thinking about?”

Lin Chi raised an eyebrow and teased, “Thinking about how I’m going to get on top of you later.”


But soon, Lin Chi paid a huge price for his words.

Men who hadn’t seen each other for half a month were indeed scary. Lin Chi felt like his soul was about to float away.

Finally, during a break, he shakily lit a cigarette and gave Li Tingyan the middle finger.


Li Tingyan smiled, “Thanks for the compliment.”


In the following period, with a lot of work suddenly cleared, Lin Chi returned to a life with a rich sex life.

Even his complexion improved significantly.

Huo Yuning was curious about who was sitting in that Rolls-Royce, but she thought asking would be useless.

As long as Lin Chi didn’t cause trouble, she was grateful.

But perhaps because Lin Chi’s life had been too good lately, even the heavens couldn’t stand it.

One evening, he received an unexpected phone call.


The designer Yu Nian, mentioned above is a main character from one of the novels of this author which I translated not so long ago. If you are interested you can check it out. Search for ‘easy to deceive’ on NU

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