Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 16


The next day, Lin Chi and Li Tingyan both got up early.

They rarely spent the night together at the hotel before, but lately, they had been hanging out more often, and no one cared anymore.

This was originally Li Tingyan’s long-term suite, and both of them had some personal belongings stored here.

Lin Chi was dressing in front of the mirror, moving hastily.

“Damn, I forgot I have a shoot today,” he said, standing on one foot to put on a shoe, struggling to keep his balance and hopping around the floor. “Huo Yuning just called and scolded me.”

“Do you want me to drive you?” Li Tingyan asked him.

“No need.”

Lin Chi wasn’t being polite. “It’s rush hour; even if you drive me, it won’t be faster than the subway.”

After speaking, he quickly washed his hands, grabbed two slices of bread from the table, and dashed out.

“Bye, let’s meet up when we have time.”

With a bang, the door closed heavily, and Lin Chi disappeared from the room like a gust of wind.

Li Tingyan couldn’t help but smile at the thought of his clumsy appearance.

He left the room after Lin Chi.

Sitting in the back seat of his car, he began looking over the reports placed there.

However, as he read, his movements slowed.

It was indeed rush hour, as Lin Chi had mentioned, and the traffic was congested everywhere.

He was holding the coffee he had packed from the hotel. Normally, such traffic would be annoying, but today he was lost in thought as he gazed outside.

After a while, he finished the last bit of coffee, took out his phone, and dialed a number.

The person on the other end was a close friend of his, whose business was entirely different from his, mainly in the film industry.

The call was answered quickly.

“Hello, Tingyan?” A cheerful voice came from the other side. “What a surprise. Why are you calling me so early?”

Li Tingyan smiled slightly.

“Stop teasing me. It’s just because I hung up on you last time, right?”

“Ha, you do remember.”

The other person wasn’t really angry. They had known each other for many years and understood each other’s temperaments.

“So, what’s up? What do you need?” Ye Fengshan asked.

Li Tingyan hesitated.

“I need your help with something,” he said slowly. “I have a friend who’s a model, but the company he’s with is not very professional, causing him a lot of trouble. You know I don’t understand the entertainment and fashion industry at all, so I want you to help him switch to a professional company, but… you can’t let him know someone is helping.”

As if afraid Ye Fengshan wouldn’t understand, he emphasized, “He’s very talented and shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s normal for a professional company to recognize him. He also has a good agent with strong business skills. You could recruit his agent first, and then bring him along.”


Ye Fengshan showed a subtle expression on the other end of the line.

He wasn’t stupid.

Since when did Li Tingyan have a model friend, and one he cared about so much, asking for help to switch companies without the person knowing?

It was a simple matter.

Although their company didn’t sign models, getting one of the top modeling agencies in the country to do so was just a matter of a few words.

But this person…

Ye Fengshan rubbed his chin with a teasing smile.

“Sure, since you asked, I’ll get it done immediately. But Tingyan, who is this person you’re so concerned about?”

He laughed, “You sure are considerate, even bringing his agent along. Who is this amazing friend of yours? Have I met him?”

Li Tingyan closed his eyes.

He knew this was coming. It was just that he was completely unfamiliar with the modeling industry, and asking Ye Fengshan was the fastest way.

“You don’t know him.” He said straightforwardly, “I’ll send you his information later. Thanks for your help, but please don’t gossip or spread it around.”

Ye Fengshan laughed even harder.

“That’s difficult. I’ve known you for so many years, and I’ve never seen you be so cautious about anyone. I can’t help but be curious. Ah, wait…”

Ye Fengshan narrowed his eyes, a figure suddenly flashing in his mind.

He had also been a guest at Xu Mu’s wedding back then. In high school, he, Xu Mu, and Li Tingyan were in the same class.

So, he had seen the boy who was by Li Tingyan’s side at the wedding. After the wedding, everyone tacitly understood Li Tingyan’s sexual orientation, but no one cared, and they continued to interact as before.

Only Xu Mu was convinced that the boy was Li Tingyan’s boyfriend and insisted they were dating, saying Li Tingyan was very attentive to him.

They all thought it was impossible.

Back in school, Li Tingyan was considered one of the most unattainable people, and with his personality, if he were truly in a relationship, he would definitely bring the person out.

Most likely, it was just a fling, not serious.

But now, Ye Fengshan narrowed his eyes, suddenly unsure.

He asked, “The person you want me to help, is it the one you brought to Xu Mu’s wedding?”

Ye Fengshan’s curiosity reached a peak.

Li Tingyan wasn’t surprised that Ye Fengshan could guess. After all, there was no other suspicious target around him.

“It’s him.”

He admitted bluntly.

“Damn, really? Bro, you’re serious?” Ye Fengshan was even more shocked. “Damn, damn, damn, that kid, I remember, had long legs, looked like one of those BJD dolls, really a good prospect. But you, you’re serious about him? Damn, Xu Mu said you were dating him, and I didn’t believe it.”

He pondered for a moment, “Wait, how old is this kid? Do I really have to call such a young guy ‘in-law’?”

…What a mess.

Li Tingyan pressed his brow, momentarily doubting if making this call was the right decision.

Aside from Ye Fengshan, he did have other ways to switch Lin Chi to another company.

But since he had already said it, it was too late to take it back.

Li Tingyan, feeling a headache coming on, said, “What nonsense are you saying? I told you, he’s just my friend. I’m just doing him a favor.”

Not wanting to continue the conversation with Ye Fengshan, he briefly ended it.

“Alright, I’m about to reach the company. I’ll have my assistant send you the information on Lin Chi and his agent. Arrange everything for him when you have time, and I’ll thank you later.”

But after a moment of consideration, he added, “And don’t spread rumors about me outside.”

“Got it.”

Ye Fengshan’s grin grew wider. “You don’t trust me? Alright, alright, not an ‘in-law,’ just a friend. I guarantee that this young friend will smoothly transfer to another agency with the best contract terms.”

Li Tingyan felt a bit more at ease. Despite other aspects, Ye Fengshan was always reliable in his work.

“Thank you. Let’s set up a golf outing when you’re free.”

They indeed hadn’t met for a while.

After saying this, Li Tingyan hung up the phone and finally focused on his reports again.

Meanwhile, on the other end, Ye Fengshan hung up, promptly opened a large group chat, pulled in most of the members except Li Tingyan, and created a new group.

Everyone was still reacting when he sent a line of exclamation marks.

“Unbelievable!!!! Li Tingyan is really in love!!!”

There were four people in the group, including Ye Fengshan. The other three slowly emerged, all bewildered.

“What the hell?”


“Tingyan, are you kidding? If Li Tingyan falls in love, I’ll lose all my bets next year.”

“Tingyan? Didn’t he already fall in love a long time ago?”

This was Xu Mu’s comment.

Everyone was accustomed to these temporary small groups, with no one feeling guilty about excluding Li Tingyan. The group chat quickly became chaotic with everyone talking at once.

Ye Fengshan had to send a string of emojis to regain everyone’s attention.

He quickly recounted what had just happened, emphasizing the key points.

“The person Tingyan asked me to help is the same boy he brought to Xu Mu’s wedding. He hasn’t changed. It’s still him! I thought he was just fooling around, but it’s serious.”

The rest of the group was shocked.

Like Ye Fengshan, they hadn’t given Lin Chi much thought.

In their circle, changing male or female companions was common, and bringing someone along once or twice didn’t mean much.

Only Xu Mu felt vindicated, as if his long-standing grievance had been redressed.

“I told you my eyes are sharp!”

“You all didn’t take it seriously when I said it! Now you see who was right!”


Li Tingyan had no idea what his friends were discussing behind his back.

He also didn’t know that with his vague attitude, Lin Chi had already been upgraded to his official boyfriend in their minds.

But even if he knew, he wouldn’t bother to explain.

What would he even say?

That Lin Chi was just a casual fling and he had feelings for someone else?

So, despite knowing that Ye Fengshan’s lips might not be very tight, Li Tingyan didn’t care.

He turned a page of his document, tapping his finger on it, thinking he should call the finance department over later.

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