The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 51

“Hey! What do you mean by not saying anything?” Wu Bie chased out from the bathroom.

Chen Xian smelled the lingering scent of alcohol on him and said in a low voice, “Don’t we need to go to the bank today? It’s still early, so let’s get going.”

Maybe Wu Bie was still talking drunkenly. Chen Xian comforted himself like this.

After withdrawing the money, the two deliberately went to see Zhang ge. With important matters to attend to, Chen Xian quickly forgot about Shen Jixue. When he returned home at noon with ready-made boxed lunches and pushed open the door, Wu Bie’s words flashed through his mind the moment he saw Shen Jixue.

“Shen Jixue must have set his eyes on you.”

Chen Xian froze in place. He couldn’t describe what he was feeling. He wanted to deny it, but he also wanted to confirm it.

Hearing the door open, Shen Jixue quickly stood up from the sofa. “You’re back.”

Chen Xian habitually approached and after putting down the boxed lunches, he helped Shen Jixue sit down.

“Everything settled?”

Chen Xian unpacked the boxed lunch and answered Shen Jixue’s question, “Hmm, I’ve already given the money to Zhang ge. We’re just waiting for the ship. Let’s eat.”

Shen Jixue seemed even more concerned than Chen Xian about this matter. Hearing his reply, he looked very happy, so excited that he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet, and his knuckles also swelled with veins because of the tight fist.

“That’s good.”

Chen Xian chuckled softly, “Why are you happier than me?”

“If you’re doing business and everything goes smoothly, I’ll be happy for you,” Shen Jixue said with a smile that curved his eyebrows, his tone as natural as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Chen Xian was a bit surprised; Shen Jixue’s straightforwardness left him at a loss.

“Let’s eat.”

Shen Jixue didn’t notice Chen Xian’s odd behavior and began eating the boxed lunch slowly and leisurely.

He was so natural that Chen Xian became more concerned. His mind wasn’t on the boxed lunch; he kept an eye on every move Shen Jixue made.

Perhaps because Shen Jixue had been blind for a short time, his behavior was not as exaggerated as that of someone born blind. Every movement was restrained, and even his way of eating was very polite.

The more he looked at Shen Jixue, the more he thought this kid was good-looking. Probably popular with many girls at school, someone like him should be with girls his age. That would be pleasing to the eye.

As for himself, Chen Xian thought he was just an ordinary-looking man without any special traits. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Wu Bie’s words were baseless and entirely self-delusional.

“What’s wrong?”

The living room was excessively quiet. Shen Jixue only heard the sound of himself eating, while Chen Xian remained still. Was there something wrong with him?

Shen Jixue felt uneasy, worried that Chen Xian might have noticed something, especially after what he secretly did last night and the reaction he had this morning.

“Nothing.” Chen Xian pretended to take a couple of bites of food. “If you want to go back to the massage parlor, I’ll ask Wu Bie to speak to the boss in a few days.”

“Okay, take care of your things first.”

Chen Xian felt like something hit his heart. Shen Jixue clearly looked like a cautious kid who had nowhere else to go. He was indeed overthinking things, influenced by Wu Bie.

The afternoon was relaxing. Chen Xian accompanied Shen Jixue in the living room, watching TV. They were watching a drama, but since they started in the middle, it was somewhat incomprehensible.

Chen Xian was yawning, but Shen Jixue seemed quite alert, sitting upright as if he was listening intently. Even if it was a boring drama, Shen Jixue didn’t seem to find it dull.

Seeing him so focused, Chen Xian didn’t disturb him. He leaned back against the sofa, the sound of the TV acting like a lullaby, and he gradually fell asleep.

The TV drama was cliché, and Shen Jixue wasn’t paying much attention. He was more focused on listening to Chen Xian. He liked the feeling of Chen Xian being beside him; even doing nothing, he wouldn’t feel bored.

Possibly because he was too aware of Chen Xian’s presence, he even noticed Chen Xian’s steady breathing. When the TV entered a commercial break, he realized that Chen Xian had fallen asleep.

“Chen Xian?”

Shen Jixue received no response, so he reached out to touch Chen Xian. He felt the back of Chen Xian’s hand and his body’s gentle rise and fall with each breath.

The temperature now wasn’t as warm as in midsummer, and Shen Jixue worried that Chen Xian might catch a cold while napping. He got up and fetched a blanket from the bedroom.

Holding the blanket, he felt for Chen Xian’s position with his toes, nudging the sofa leg and then bending down to feel Chen Xian’s body. He spread the blanket over him.

Chen Xian had been slightly awake when Shen Jixue called his name, but he was groggy, feeling someone touching his hand. He intended to keep sleeping, but when a blanket was draped over him, he woke up completely.

Opening his eyes, he saw the blanket on him and Shen Jixue carefully adjusting it.

He knew Shen Jixue always wanted to repay him, but his capabilities were limited, so he did small things to show his gratitude.

It wasn’t like Wu Bie said; Shen Jixue was just dependent on him because he had no one else to rely on.

As Chen Xian convinced himself, he remained silent, quietly watching Shen Jixue.

After adjusting the blanket, Shen Jixue felt his way to the coffee table, carefully avoiding its corner, and sat back down, still facing the TV.

It was just helping him with the blanket, nothing more. Clearly, it wasn’t like Wu Bie said…

Chen Xian was about to speak when Shen Jixue’s hand slipped under the blanket, covering his hand.

The warmth from Shen Jixue’s palm seeped into his hand. His heart sank, feeling something clogging his throat. What did Shen Jixue want?

With only the TV’s sound in the background, Shen Jixue held Chen Xian’s hand, leaning closer. His curiosity pushed him beyond just holding hands.

He placed his other hand on top, lifting Chen Xian’s palm, exploring it. He felt each joint, pinching Chen Xian’s fingertips.

Chen Xian didn’t dare move, trying to stay relaxed. This didn’t necessarily mean anything; Shen Jixue was just curious, exploring the world by touch. He felt safe with him, so his curiosity and “desire to explore” were strong.

“Chen Xian.”

Shen Jixue’s soft murmur made Chen Xian’s heart skip a beat. He couldn’t understand the tenderness in Shen Jixue’s voice. His face heated up as something soft briefly touched him, making him freeze.

If Shen Jixue’s touch was out of curiosity, and his whisper due to insecurity, then what did this kiss mean?

Chen Xian recalled the marks on his neck and Wu Bie’s words echoed in his ears. Denying it seemed futile.

While he was at a loss, a hand cupped his cheek. Shen Jixue’s delicate fingers stroked his face. Chen Xian tensed up, fearing any expression might give him away.

The only part of him he dared move were his eyes. He now understood Wu Bie’s words. Even though Shen Jixue couldn’t see, his gaze was so gentle and sincere, it felt like he could sense everything. Chen Xian was afraid Shen Jixue might realize he was awake.

He shouldn’t be reckless; he should restrain himself. Shen Jixue warned himself, but he couldn’t control his desire to touch Chen Xian. Simple physical contact no longer satisfied his need.

He had even come to love this sneaky feeling, secretive, unspeakable, and hidden. While he despised himself, he craved this twisted satisfaction.

Chen Xian.

Every time he called Chen Xian’s name, it felt like a complete and unreserved spiritual possession. In that moment, it seemed as if Chen Xian belonged to him, and his hollow heart was instantly filled.

He squeezed Chen Xian’s fingertips, slowly intertwining his fingers with Chen Xian’s, finally pressing Chen Xian’s hand down on the sofa, holding it firmly.

Chen Xian’s gaze remained fixed on their hands. Perhaps Shen Jixue was gripping too hard, causing a feeling of suppressed shame within him.

He had always thought Shen Jixue was too innocent, too pitiable. Even if there had been moments of defiance, he had only seen Shen Jixue as weak. What was this sudden sense of oppression?

Chen Xian waited for a long time, but Shen Jixue did not let go. Maintaining the same posture for so long, half of his body went numb. Unable to bear it any longer, he pretended to wake up.


Hearing Chen Xian’s voice, Shen Jixue did not panic. He didn’t even release Chen Xian’s hand.

“You’re awake?”

Chen Xian felt awkward, unsure whether to pull his hand back or not, so he pretended to be groggy and moved his arm.

“Yeah… awake…”

He slipped his hand away, and Shen Jixue showed no reaction. “I was afraid you’d catch a cold, so I brought out a blanket.”

“Oh.” Chen Xian’s response was less than natural.

Shen Jixue thought he was still groggy. “Are you still half asleep?”

The more naturally Shen Jixue acted, the more unbelievable it seemed to Chen Xian. He felt that Shen Jixue now seemed different from the impression he had.

He still appeared so innocent and pitiable, yet it seemed to be more than just pitiful.

Chen Xian couldn’t help but scrutinize Shen Jixue’s face. He couldn’t see through him, couldn’t understand what he was thinking. Was Shen Jixue attached to him, or something else? Was it love?


But… does he understand what love is?

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