What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 66

The Biting Little Puppy

Seven-layer Rubik’s cube, white heart shape.

Xu Le held the Rubik’s cube, his fingers stroking along the edge of the heart shape, seriously caressing it, his black eyes shining brightly without blinking, staring at this heart.

“Do you like it so much?” Lan Qing thought he was touched, hugged Xu Le into his arms, encircled his narrow waist, and affectionately pressed his chin against his shoulder.

Because he had just taken a shower, Xu Le still had the scent of shower gel on him, refreshing and comfortable to smell and hold.

“I like it, it’s so cool!”

He fiddled with the Rubik’s cube, studying how to solve the heart shape, oblivious to the changing gaze behind him.

After a few minutes of study, Xu Le finally tried it himself, successfully figuring out the last step and creating a red heart on a white background, opposite in color to Lan Qing’s earlier creation.

“Snap,” the final step was done, and the heart was formed.

Xu Le proudly showed it to Lan Qing, “Look, I’ve done it too! The colors are opposite to yours, we can make a pair!”

Taking the cube, Lan Qing’s tone softened, “Hmm, you’re very good too.”

His lips were close to Xu Le’s ear, not quite touching, but Xu Le could clearly feel the warmth of his breath swirling around his ear.

So Xu Le’s ears visibly turned red.

Lan Qing easily noticed his change and dropped a very light kiss on his delicate earlobe.

“Hey, it’s ticklish…”

Xu Le was ticklish, but with Lan Qing wrapping him up like this, where could he hide?

In this embrace, Lan Qing lightly pinched Xu Le’s chin, turned his face towards him, and lifted it slightly.

The kiss traveled from his ear, along his cheek, until it settled on his lips.

A very gentle kiss, soft yet penetrating like water soaking through, but unobtrusive.

Xu Le’s mind went blank for a moment, even unknowingly tightening his arms around the other person, until Lan Qing let go, and Xu Le’s expression seemed dazed, as if saying to Lan Qing, “Please continue.”

Lan Qing knew he had to break off this kiss, otherwise, if it went further, he might not be able to hold back.

After composing himself for a while and temporarily regaining his calm, he said to Xu Le, “I’ll go take a shower first.”

“Ah? Oh, okay, you go ahead…” Xu Le’s face showed a bit of embarrassment, sounding hesitant in response.

Listening to the sound of the bathroom door closing, Xu Le picked up the Rubik’s Cube beside him, absentmindedly twisting it and undoing the heart shape it had formed a moment ago.

His eyes were fixed on the Rubik’s Cube, but his mind was a mess. He couldn’t help but think about what would happen next.

Shower first, then what to do afterwards…

After showering, Lan Qing came out to the living room. He saw Xu Le sitting cross-legged on the carpet, absorbed in playing with a toy.

Fa Cai was unusually lively, and Xu Le was playing with it, the two seeming to enjoy themselves. However, Xu Le’s mind was mostly elsewhere.

When he heard footsteps behind him, he instinctively turned his head and froze.

The Lan Qing in front of him, different from his usual serious and neatly dressed self in a suit, was even more striking than the bathrobe Xu Le had seen in his recent video.

Lan Qing undeniably had a great figure, but before, it was always concealed under layers of clothing. At most, Xu Le could vaguely glimpse his collarbones and a small part of his chest, giving him only a rough idea of his physique.

But now, with just a towel wrapped around his waist, tightly secured, Lan Qing’s visual impact was very strong.

Like a beautiful white lion, graceful yet powerful, even his usually aloof blue eyes now gleamed with ambition, as if once he locked onto his prey, he wouldn’t easily let go.

Xu Le inexplicably felt his throat tighten, dryly swallowing a gulp of saliva.

He awkwardly looked away, “Uh, you’ve finished showering, but why aren’t you wearing clothes?”

“I don’t have my clothes here, so I had to come out like this,” Lan Qing replied calmly.

Upon hearing this, Xu Le suddenly realized, hastily getting up, “Wait here, let me find something for you to wear. I think I have a set of oversized sportswear that I never returned, should be able to find it.”

Unexpectedly, as Xu Le passed by Lan Qing, he was caught off guard as Lan Qing stopped him with a single hand.

“No need to find anything. Perhaps later I might need to take them off again,” Lan Qing calmly said.

That calm statement hit Xu Le like a giant stone thrown into a still pond, splashing huge waves in his heart, leaving him momentarily stunned.


Take them off later? What does that mean!? Could it be what he’s thinking!?

He stole a glance at Lan Qing, who happened to be looking back at him. In his deep, serene blue eyes was a meaning that made Xu Le falter.

Xu Le’s foot involuntarily lifted to step back, but before he could put it down, he froze in place.

Always trying to escape, always wanting to retreat—this wasn’t very manly of him!

In the end, he and Lan Qing were already lovers, and whatever they did was inevitable sooner or later. Even if he had concerns, they couldn’t keep having a platonic relationship forever.

Both of them were young adults in their prime; how could they be satisfied with just hugs and kisses?

Moreover, although that thing sounded scary, maybe in practice, it might actually feel good, who knows!

Thinking this, Xu Le simply resolved himself and took a step forward, meeting Lan Qing’s gentle gaze.

He inexplicably felt less nervous, trying to encircle Lan Qing’s neck. To accommodate their height difference, Lan Qing tilted his head slightly downward.

Encouraged, Xu Le kissed him first on his left cheek, then gradually to his slightly cool but very soft lips.

This wasn’t the first time he had initiated a kiss with Lan Qing, but this time it held a different significance. Besides pure affection, there was also a sense of exploration.

So this kiss felt more hesitant than before.

Lan Qing wrapped his arms around Xu Le’s waist, pulling him closer.

Unlike Xu Le’s somewhat hesitant exploration, Lan Qing’s return kiss was much more assertive, even guiding him to continue.

Just as Lan Qing’s hand slid down, there suddenly came a noise from the direction of the coffee table.


Fa Cai, knocking over a water glass, aware of his guilt, quickly jumped off the coffee table and fled the scene of the crime.

The water in the glass dripped down along the edge of the coffee table.

The kiss paused momentarily, and Xu Le awkwardly said, “Um, I’ll tidy up first—huh?”

Just as he turned around, his arm was grabbed, and then his whole body suddenly felt lighter as he realized Lan Qing was actually holding him in his arms.

The unfamiliar sensation of weightlessness made Xu Le instinctively hug Lan Qing’s neck. “What, what are you doing?”

“Continuing,” Lan Qing briefly replied.

He held Xu Le steady, carrying him to the sofa, and without any room for refusal, continued kissing him.

Xu Le widened his eyes, having no chance to struggle, and could only go along with it.

This kiss lasted quite a while. Just as they were reluctant to part, Xu Le caught sight in the corner of his eye of Fa Cai perched atop the cat tree, its round blue eyes fixed intently on them.

Although it was just kissing, Xu Le suddenly felt a bit embarrassed and hastily used what little strength he had left to push Lan Qing away.

“Fa Cai is here. Shouldn’t we go inside the room?”

Lan Qing looked up at Fa Cai beside him, chuckled softly, and said, “Okay.”

Then, he effortlessly lifted Xu Le and proceeded confidently.

From the living room just now, they moved into the bedroom.

To say Xu Le wasn’t nervous would be a lie—he was incredibly nervous, his whole body tense, like a taut string ready to snap.

Lan Qing patted his back, slowly comforting him, gradually feeling Xu Le relaxing.

Suddenly, Xu Le noticed a crucial issue and said somewhat confusedly, “It seems like we forgot to buy something…”

Little did he know, as if performing a magic trick, Lan Qing pulled out a box and a small jar from somewhere.

“Whoa, when did you get these?” Xu Le was astonished. He remembered clearly that they hadn’t bought these at the supermarket just now.

“When we were checking out, I grabbed them casually,” Lan Qing said.

Xu Le was speechless. He hadn’t noticed at all when Lan Qing had taken them.

At some unknown moment, sensations such as warmth and desire became unusually clear, transmitting to each other’s senses.

Due to his half-foreign bloodline, Lan Qing… indeed made Xu Le somewhat apprehensive. He couldn’t help but imagine what would happen if Lan Qing truly embedded himself—would he be torn in two?

“I… I can’t…” Xu Le pitifully began.

Seeing that he was indeed scared, Lan Qing stroked his hair. Despite wanting to devour him whole, Lan Qing chose to understand his fear and was willing to give him time to adapt.

After kissing him, Lan Qing reassured him, “It’s okay, we have plenty of time, we can take it slow.”

Though they hadn’t reached the final step, Xu Le was already exhausted.

Happiness was indeed blissful and comfortable, but too much happiness was also overwhelming, and who knew how many times they had experienced it.

In any case, he was almost going crazy.

Looking at the empty space beside him, Xu Le felt somewhat guilty.

He flexed his sore fingers a few times; they were stiff.

Lan Qing had gone to take a cold shower again.

After who knows how long, Xu Le was so tired that he was about to fall asleep. His already exhausted body suddenly felt a bit of cold arms holding him lightly, just embracing him without doing anything else.

Feeling comfortable leaning against Lan Qing, Xu Le fell asleep peacefully.


The next day, he groggily opened his eyes only to find himself buried in Lan Qing’s embrace, facing his solid and snow-white chest.

Near Lan Qing’s collarbone were several not-so-shallow bite marks from yesterday when he had lost control. At that time, Lan Qing had even said he was like a “little puppy,” loving to bite people.

Thinking back to everything that happened last night, Xu Le’s mind exploded into a blank confusion.


Lan Qing pulled the dazed Xu Le back into his embrace, kissed him on the corner of his mouth, with a playful tone.

“Good morning, little puppy who loves to bite.”

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