What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 56

You and President Lan in One Room

After eating, Li Dongming drove Xu Le back to his neighborhood. Before Xu Le got out of the car, Li Dongming stopped him.

“Lele, you haven’t had any trouble recently, have you?”

Xu Le was puzzled. “Why would I have any trouble?”

Li Dongming asked subtly, “No reason, just asking. If anyone gives you a hard time, you have to tell me.”

Xu Le didn’t catch the underlying meaning, thinking it was just normal concern from his friend.

“Thanks, Li, but you don’t need to worry. Besides, who would dare trouble me, a grown man?”

Seeing that Xu Le seemed fine, Li Dongming was somewhat relieved. After a few more reminders, he drove away.

Watching the car drive off, Xu Le was deep in thought.


The next day at MissOK, the employees were more excited than usual.

Xu Le didn’t understand why, so he asked Cao Xinyi and the others. He found out that the company was organizing a three-day team-building event at the end of the month.

“What’s team building?” It was Xu Le’s first real job, and he didn’t know the process. “Is it like a field trip or mountain climbing?”

“That’s a school spring outing, haha. Last year’s team building was a mountain-top camping trip at the end of September. Everyone had fun. There were extreme sports like mountain carts, frisbee, and dry-land curling for those who wanted excitement. Others could hike and enjoy the scenery. We had a bonfire BBQ at night, and the company even hired some singers to entertain us!” Cao Xinyi said with a smile.

Xu Le’s eyes lit up at the mention of food and fun. “That sounds awesome! So, are we going camping on the mountain again this year?”

“Probably not. Although it hasn’t been announced yet, I asked Lucy from HR, and she said this year’s team building is extravagant. They’ve rented an entire island!”

Xu Le was also shocked. Even with his limited work experience, he knew that renting an island for team building was very luxurious.

“Since we’re going to an island, we’ll probably wear swimsuits. I need to lose weight and look good for the trip,” Cao Xinyi said, pinching her waist.

Xu Le couldn’t tell much about a girl’s figure but thought she was already quite slim. He asked curiously, “Jie, you look so slim. Why do you need to lose weight?”

“I want to get abs. They look great in photos,” Cao Xinyi explained with a smile, then remembered that Xu Le was good at photography and editing. “Lele, can you take photos for me then?”

“No problem!” Xu Le agreed readily. Besides, he was better at portrait photography than still-life jewelry.

“You should also work out before the trip. The company’s gym will probably be more crowded these days, with everyone gearing up to show off their bodies!”

Xu Le laughed along with her. He wasn’t worried about showing off his physique since he had a pretty good one.

However, he thought of a question. Would Lan Qing be going?

“Xinyi jie, will President Lan… be going too?” Xu Le asked.

Cao Xinyi shook her head, “President Lan definitely won’t attend, but maybe the vice president of the company will come.”

“I see.”

Hearing that Lan Qing wasn’t going, Xu Le felt relieved but also a bit inexplicably disappointed. However, he quickly snapped out of it.

Why was he feeling disappointed?

At three in the afternoon, during the company’s break time, Xu Le went to the company gym to work out.

The company’s gym wasn’t large, but it had all the necessary equipment. His favorite was the treadmill because it faced the floor-to-ceiling windows, allowing him to enjoy the view outside while exercising.

He could work out and enjoy the scenery, which was a pleasure for both body and mind.

Many colleagues had already heard about the team-building event, so the gym was more crowded than usual. Almost all the equipment was occupied, and everyone was chatting and laughing while discussing their plans for the event.

Xu Le had a good rapport with his colleagues, so he chatted with a few of them from time to time.

It seemed like everyone was looking forward to the team-building event. After all, it didn’t cut into their vacation time, the company was paying for everyone to have fun and eat, and they didn’t have to worry about work. Who wouldn’t be happy?


On the day of the team-building event…

The sea breeze blew gently, making everyone feel relaxed.

The boundless blue sea sparkled under the sun, merging with the sky at the horizon. White seagulls occasionally flew by, displaying their vibrant energy.

On the beach, some people were playing beach volleyball, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Others, who preferred quiet, lay under umbrellas, enjoying the sea view and sipping on drinks. Some people were in the sea, playing and splashing around.

“Lele, do you think this pose looks good for a photo?”

Cao Xinyi was wearing a beautiful mist-blue patchwork swimsuit, which accentuated her slender figure.

Xu Le, dressed in light beach shorts and a T-shirt, held a DSLR camera. “Xinyi jie, you’re beautiful, and you’re photogenic. Any way I shoot you, you’ll look stunning!”

“Lele, you’re so sweet. Later, you’ll have to take a few shots of me too.”

Not far away, Jiaxin was lying on a sun lounger under an umbrella, wearing oversized sunglasses and a fiery red lipstick. Her bikini showed off her curves in a way that made people hesitant to look directly at her.

Xu Le touched the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed to look at her. “Uh, haha, sure…”

Seeing him taking photos of the two women, a group of colleagues also ran over, asking him to take pictures of them too. After all, the quality of DSLR photos was much better than phone photos.

After taking pictures of everyone, Xu Le’s hands were almost sore.

Seeing this, Jiaxin directly stopped the colleagues who wanted more photos, “That’s enough. If you want more, you’ll have to pay.”

The colleagues had no choice but to leave awkwardly.

Cao Xinyi handed Xu Le a bottle of water. “Have some water to moisten your throat and take a break. We’ll be having a group dinner at the hotel restaurant soon.”

Xu Le, very thirsty and with his face flushed from the sun, gulped down more than half the bottle of water. “Thanks, Xinyi jie!”

“Learn to say no to people in the future. You’re not their personal photographer, so why listen to them?” Jiaxin snorted lightly.

Xu Le wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled. “Our major is like this. We’re used to it, haha.” He was being honest.

Jiaxin stood up, put on a sun-protective jacket, and walked over to him. She pinched his face. “Didn’t expect you to be so hardworking.”

Xu Le didn’t dare to look at her closely. He averted his eyes, his cheeks red. “Well, not really…”

Cao Xinyi pulled Jiaxin away, laughing. “We had a lot of fun today. Let’s go eat and rest well. There’s more fun tomorrow!”

Dinner was at the island resort hotel’s buffet restaurant, mainly featuring local seafood, which was delicious. Xu Le enjoyed it thoroughly.

For him, a good meal could make him forget all the day’s fatigue and worries.

After dinner, he returned to his assigned room to rest.

Thanks to his good relationship with Lucy, his assigned room was quite nice. The balcony offered an unobstructed sea view, with excellent lighting, which he found very satisfying.

The moon hung high, casting a silvery glow over the sea, creating a serene and beautiful scene. He sat on the balcony’s rattan chair, chatting with friends on his phone and enjoying the sea breeze.

However, a message from Lucy interrupted his leisure time.

“I got an urgent message from President Lan’s assistant. He said President Lan is almost at the island, but with so many company people, the hotel is fully booked, and there are no extra rooms.”

“Xiao Xu, among the male employees, you are currently the most valued by President Lan, and your room is quite large. So, you will share your room with him. Is that okay?”

Xu Le: “?”

Wasn’t it said that President Lan wouldn’t come? Why is he suddenly coming, and there’s no room available?

Xu Le was almost in tears, but he couldn’t refuse. He could only reluctantly agree.


He started waiting anxiously, unable to even use his phone.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

He hurried to open it, and his heart tightened when he saw who it was. He stood there, stunned.

Lan Qing, dressed in a dark suit and tie of the same color, looked handsome and as serious as ever. Seeing Xu Le standing still, he frowned slightly and said, “What, not welcoming me?”

Without waiting for Xu Le to respond, Lan Qing casually loosened his tie, walked past him, and naturally entered the room.

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