Blinded by Lust

Blinded by Lust chapter 32

The bright red blood stimulated Wu Bie’s nerves. He didn’t stop but lost all control, landing a punch to Huo Zhanyan’s temple, making him dizzy and disoriented.

“Pretending to be a woman to deceive me is really fun, huh?”

“Seeing me being spun around by your tricks, do you feel accomplished?”

“Fuck you!”

Huo Zhanyan bit his tongue, trying to stay conscious. The hatred in Wu Bie’s eyes terrified him. When he opened his mouth, he tasted the strong flavor of blood, which made him cough violently, his face contorted in pain.

“Wu Bie, I… deceived you… but I didn’t play you, I really…”

Before Huo Zhanyan could finish, the door to the hospital room was violently burst open by security called by Huo Zhanting. Two security guards, one on each side, pulled Wu Bie off Huo Zhanyan. Wu Bie, like a beast enraged, was barely restrained by the guards. He nearly broke free, trying to attack Huo Zhanyan again.

The scene scared the staff. Seeing Huo Zhanyan bleeding profusely, the nurse quickly called for colleagues to attend to his wounds.

Seeing her brother so badly injured, Huo Zhanting clenched her fists and told the medical staff, “Call the police.”

Huo Zhanyan’s leg suddenly hurt badly, but he forced himself to stand, using the armrest for support. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, a long streak of blood marking his cheek. He coughed lightly and said firmly, “Don’t call the police. Let him go.”

The security guards hesitated; after all, the man was still raging and might cause more trouble. Huo Zhanyan was severely injured, and if something went wrong, the hospital would be responsible.

Huo Zhanyan took a deep breath and repeated sternly, “Let him go!”

Realizing they must know each other, the security guards released Wu Bie. To prevent further violence, they stood between Wu Bie and Huo Zhanyan, keeping them apart.

Wu Bie’s eyes were bloodshot, veins bulging in his neck, his fists still clenched tightly. He looked around the room, feeling like a dangerous beast. He couldn’t do anything to Huo Zhanyan.

“Fine, let it be. I guess I’m unlucky.” He adjusted his clothes and walked out of the room. As he reached the door, he caught a glimpse of the patient information on the door: Huo Zhanyan, male.

Alright, it was his own fault for being blinded by love. If he had been a bit more rational, he would have noticed the gender on the door sooner and wouldn’t have embarrassed himself in front of so many people.

“Wu Bie! Don’t go!” Huo Zhanyan shouted, trying to chase after him, but his trembling legs wouldn’t obey him. The more he struggled, the more the security guards and medical staff held him back.

The nurse anxiously said, “Huo Zhanyan, you’re bleeding. Stop moving!”

“Wu Bie!” Huo Zhanyan’s voice was hoarse, desperate for Wu Bie to look back at him.

But Wu Bie, resolute, left the room without a backward glance.

“Wu Bie!” Huo Zhanyan’s voice of despair pierced the air. He helplessly grabbed at the air with his hands and collapsed onto the bed like a broken doll.

“Ge?” Huo Zhanting didn’t know who the man was, but her brother’s condition was worrying. “Are you okay?”

What to do? What to do!

Huo Zhanyan brushed off Huo Zhanting’s hand. He had never felt so helpless before; his mind was blank, unable to think.

The sound of cleaning staff came from the hallway. Huo Zhanyan glanced at the things on the floor. He forced himself out of bed despite his discomfort and saw scattered gifts at the door.

“Don’t sweep,” He nearly pleaded. He slowly walked over, supported himself on a nearby bench, knelt on one knee, and trembled as he picked up the things from the floor.

The cover of a pocket watch had broken; this was something Wu Bie had won for him after swimming. There were pink gloves, a handcrafted lamp stand—likely the mysterious gift Wu Bie mentioned. Fortunately, the glass bottle filled with sand had fallen onto the flowers, the bottle intact and the sand still inside. The shells buried in the sand were vaguely visible, but the flowers weren’t so lucky; the petals were scattered everywhere.

Huo Zhanyan hoped to restore the fallen petals. As his hand touched the packaging, more petals fell out, and a velvet box also fell out.

Huo Zhanyan hesitated, picked up the box, and carefully opened it, revealing a seagull pendant.

He felt an inexplicable pang of sadness. He knew that Wu Bie truly liked the college girl named Zhanyan that he had invented. He knew Wu Bie had made many preparations for their meeting, but it had all been ruined by him. Wu Bie must be feeling very hurt, probably hating him, and might never forgive him. What should he do?

“Ge…” Seeing her brother in despair, Huo Zhanting tried to help him up. “I’ll help you pick them up. You go inside. Don’t move around; otherwise, your wound might start bleeding again.”

Huo Zhanyan initially wanted to refuse. But as he raised his arm, he felt darkness and lost consciousness, collapsing immediately.

Panicked, Huo Zhanting, usually very composed, screamed, “Ge! Ge! Doctor, my brother has fainted!”

By the time the medical staff had carried Huo Zhanyan onto a stretcher, Huo Zhanting looked back at the scattered items and chose to pick them all up, treating them as treasures for her brother.

Wu Bie didn’t know how he walked out of the hospital or how he drove down the mountain. When he came to his senses, the car was already parked in the underground garage of his own apartment.

The garage was dim, and the Audi didn’t have the lights on. A blurry figure sat in the driver’s seat, and after a long time, the steering wheel was hit with a heavy punch, followed by an angry curse.


Even Wu Bie didn’t notice that his voice was trembling. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his palms sweating and soaking the wheel cover.

How could he be so ridiculous? He had been so attentive to a man, thinking about his surprise after a long and difficult return to the country, only to find it was a shock instead.

Huo Zhanyan must be laughing at him behind his back. Huo Zhanyan must feel a sense of accomplishment, watching him make a fool of himself. He felt ridiculous, a clown!

Wu Bie stayed in the car for a long time before finally stumbling out, like a walking corpse, back to his home.

Unpacked luggage lay in the middle of the room. Wu Bie kicked it aside and went straight to the kitchen, grabbing all the beer from the cabinet and sitting down on the living room floor.

He opened a beer bottle, the smell of malt stinging his nose. He took a big swig, but even that made him feel a bit nauseous.

He had always been meticulous and never done anything immoral. All he wanted was to be with a woman, but he didn’t understand what he did wrong to end up in such a situation.

He thought about his time with Zhanyan; it all seemed like an illusion. Even his phone was lost, and their chat records were gone. It felt like Zhanyan never existed, like he had imagined everything, and he didn’t know who to blame.

He felt so pitiful.

The beer made Wu Bie uncomfortable. He curled up on the floor, staring blankly at the view outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. After waiting so long, he didn’t even know what he was waiting for, like a dream, all just illusions.

He blinked, and a familiar, long-missed figure appeared in front of him. He reached out to touch it, but before he could, the figure became clearer—it was Huo Zhanyan’s face.

Wu Bie felt struck by lightning. He rolled the bottle in front of him, but with little strength, it didn’t roll far. He muttered, “Get lost..”


After the ship had left the danger zone, Chen Xian finally relaxed. Lately, he had been getting off work on time and could pick up Shen Jixue to go home together.

“I just got a call from the captain saying Wu Bie had left the ship. His phone is lost, and we can’t contact him. We don’t know where he is.”

Hearing Chen Xian’s complaints, Shen Jixue pointed at the Audi in the garage, saying, “He should be home. It was backed in before, but now it’s parked head-in.”

Chen Xian followed Shen Jixue’s direction and saw that Wu Bie’s car was parked in the opposite direction.

“Was he in such a hurry? Why would he park like this?”

Shen Jixue replied lightly, “Maybe he’s in a rush to meet his online lover.”

As the car came to a stop and the engine was turned off, Chen Xian and Shen Jixue got out, checked the Audi for anyone inside, and then headed to the elevator.

The public area in front of the elevator showed no signs of anything unusual. Chen Xian knocked on the door, but there was no response. He had to enter the password to open it. As soon as the door opened, a strong smell of alcohol hit them. The floor was covered with beer bottles, and alcohol had spilled everywhere. Wu Bie lay drunk among the bottles.

“Wu Bie?” Chen Xian exclaimed, rushing to lift him from the floor to the sofa.

Wu Bie’s tolerance for alcohol had never been good, and he wouldn’t drink unless there was a problem. He had just come off the ship. What could have happened to make him drink so much?

“Wu Bie?”

Chen Xian lightly patted Wu Bie’s cheek, trying to wake him up. Wu Bie’s cheek was burning hot, and he was groggy, impatiently swatting Chen Xian’s hand away and mumbling, “Go… go away…”

“Have you eaten dynamite? Wake up! Look at me and see who I am.”

Shen Jixue stopped Chen Xian, “He’s too drunk for you to wake him up. Let him sleep. He’ll sober up when he wakes up.”

Chen Xian was still worried, “Ah Xue, let me tidy up Wu Bie a bit. You go ahead first.”

With that, Chen Xian rolled up his sleeves, opened the window, and picked up the wine bottles on the floor.

Of course, Shen Jixue wouldn’t leave Chen Xian alone. He grabbed the mop from Chen Xian’s hands and said irritably, “I’ll do this. You keep an eye on him.”

One of them cleaned up while the other wiped Wu Bie’s face, and after working for more than an hour, they managed to clear the alcohol smell from Wu Bie’s apartment.

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