The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 67

Welcome Back

Just a week before Wen Yan’s wedding.

The Earth’s veins, which had been running smoothly for three thousand years, suddenly experienced turbulence again.

Many people, still in their dreams, felt earthquake-like vibrations. Fortunately, the tremors were not strong enough to cause any significant damage.

However, the Earth’s veins were a crucial pillar for maintaining the operation of the mortal realm. The source of the chaos three thousand years ago was the collapse of the Earth’s veins, leading to the spread of miasma, and the rampant presence of demonic forces.

Now, with the Earth’s veins trembling again, even the reinforced sealing magic that Rong Xiao and others had applied showed signs of loosening, raising the danger level to the highest.

The Demon Control Bureau was in chaos, deploying all available personnel to repair the seals. The most elite force was dispatched to the central location of the main Earth vein, investigating any cracks.

Rong Xiao, Su Meng, and Qin You, being some of the most important figures in the Demon Realm, had to rush to the scene as well.

The spiritual energy in the mortal realm had been depleted for many years, the cultivation world was in decline, and there was no longer a prodigy like Yan Gu who could emerge out of nowhere.

Currently, the only ones capable of repairing the Earth’s veins were Rong Xiao and the others among the supernatural beings.

Over the years, Rong Xiao had been overseeing the repair work of the Earth’s veins. When he first received the news, he almost thought that the chaos of three thousand years ago was about to repeat itself.

However, subsequent reports from the scene came in one after another, and the situation was better than he had feared. The Earth’s veins did not collapse but only developed a small crack, which was manageable.

The only headache for him was Wen Yan.

Because Wen Yan insisted on going with him.

Wen Yan sat on his suitcase with an air of righteousness, treating himself as a piece of oversized luggage.

“I’m going, and there’s no room for negotiation,” Wen Yan looked up at Rong Xiao. “Haven’t you seen movies? If the protagonist says, ‘Wait for me to come back and marry you,’ that’s a definite red flag. Our wedding is just a week away, so you have to take me with you. Moreover, my cultivation is not inferior to yours now. I won’t cause trouble going there.”

Rong Xiao simply didn’t know how to deal with Wen Yan.

“I can’t take you with me,” Rong Xiao rarely spoke so firmly to Wen Yan. He gently lifted Wen Yan off the suitcase, his movements tender but his voice intolerant of any resistance. “This matter has a certain level of danger. I can handle it, and nothing will happen. But if you come with me, I’ll have to divert my attention to take care of you, which will only be detrimental to me.”

Wen Yan pursed his lips.

He was very unhappy, feeling that Rong Xiao was treating him like a fool.

Standing up, he had grown quite a bit taller recently. Although he was not as tall as Rong Xiao, standing in front of him did not make him look overly fragile.

He couldn’t be bothered to argue with Rong Xiao and pointed at Yu Bu Wen.

“Why can Yu Bu Wen go, but I can’t? His current combat power is lower than mine. If it’s dangerous for me to go, it’s even more dangerous for him.”

Yu Bu Wen: “…”

Feeling a trace of offense.

But Rong Xiao frowned.

He had to admit that what Wen Yan said was correct.

Wen Yan’s cultivation had skyrocketed to a terrifying level. Even if Wen Yan willingly stayed behind, it was impossible for him to confine Wen Yan.

No matter how advanced Wen Yan’s cultivation had become, Rong Xiao still had an instinctive protective desire for him.

He didn’t want him to have the slightest risk.

So, he looked at Wen Yan, unwilling to give in.

And Wen Yan was unwilling to compromise either.

Both of them wore determined faces, and it seemed like their first couple war was about to break out even before getting married.

In the end, Su Meng hurriedly arrived to mediate.

He pulled Rong Xiao aside. “You better take him with you. If you leave him here, who knows what might happen under your nose.”

Wen Yan found this amusing, thinking that Su Meng indeed understood him. This was indeed the idea he had in mind.

Rong Xiao contemplated for a while.

He had no choice but to take Wen Yan with him.

He remembered Wen Yan rushing to Fox Moon Mountain the last time. For the safety of Wen Yan’s heart, it was better to keep him close.

Wen Yan thus won the first victory in the couple war.

But instead of being triumphant, he unusually softened and kept whispering in Rong Xiao’s ear, “I will be very well-behaved. I won’t cause trouble when we get there. I promise not to run around under your nose.”

Rong Xiao didn’t believe him at all, keeping a stern expression, tightly holding onto Wen Yan as if he would run away if he let go.

This time, they didn’t use the usual human means of transportation. Su Meng revealed his true form, directly carrying them on his back, flying through the clouds.

Wen Yan only just remembered that Su Meng was actually the legendary divine beast Bai Ze, still soft and fluffy, a pleasant touch.

He looked at Rong Xiao critically, and as a tree, Rong Xiao’s true form was neither soft nor cute.

He then asked Qin You, “Su Meng is Bai Ze, what about you?”

He didn’t know Qin You’s true form; Qin You rarely revealed her original self.

Qin You glanced at him and replied with two words, “Qiong Qi.”

Wen Yan: “…”

This couple consisted of a propitious beast and a fierce beast, quite a unique match.

They quickly arrived at the central location of the Earth’s veins, known as the Not Day Peak.

Not Day Peak was essentially a mountain range, the central hub of the rivers and mountains in the mortal realm. It had existed since the beginning of time, suppressing the main segment of the Earth’s veins. Its stability was closely tied to the stability of the mortal realm.

The safety of the entire mountain usually relied on the protective array.

Normally, Not Day Peak was no different from other places. Due to the abundant spiritual energy, the flora and fauna thrived, making the animals and plants on the mountain easily become spiritual beings.

But now, as they stood there, they were astonished to see that the sky above the mountain had turned crimson, and the mountain was shaking restlessly, as if something underground was about to break through the surface.

Ever since entering the territory of Not Day Peak, Wen Yan’s expression had become somewhat strange. However, he didn’t say anything, and no one noticed.

Outside Not Day Peak, a group of people had already gathered. Besides those in the uniforms of the Demon Bureau, there was another group of people wearing various styles of priest robes. It seemed that representatives from the human world’s sects had also come.

Wen Yan squinted and felt that those wearing white and blue robes looked somewhat familiar, or more precisely, their attire looked familiar.

He asked Rong Xiao, “Which sect is that?”

Rong Xiao glanced and replied, “Ten Thousand Swords Sect.”

Ten Thousand Swords Sect, the sect Yan Gu belonged to back then.

Since Yan Gu’s death, the sect had declined from its peak but had continued to exist until now. Now, with the Earth’s veins showing signs of damage, they immediately rushed over to contribute to the situation.

Wen Yan’s eyes couldn’t help but show a trace of satisfaction.

Although the strength of Ten Thousand Swords Sect might not be as great as before, their spirit remained.

As soon as Rong Xiao and the others landed, they walked over and asked the leader of the Demon Bureau team, “Why are you still standing here? Weren’t you supposed to go and support first?”

The team leader, seeing Rong Xiao, was overjoyed, almost howling like a lost relative.

“We want to go in, but we can’t,” the team leader said anxiously. “A mysterious barrier has appeared around Not Day Peak. We can’t break through it, and we can’t get inside.”

Only now did Rong Xiao and the others notice that there was indeed a barrier around the periphery of Not Day Peak.

This barrier was much stronger than any they had encountered before. Even without getting close, they could feel the powerful force emanating from it, demonstrating its dominance to everyone.

This barrier was repelling everyone, not allowing outsiders to intrude into Not Day Peak.

Without a word, Qin You drew her weapon and leaped into the air, striking down forcefully. However, the barrier only left a shallow mark without any signs of disturbance.

Although she did not strike with her full strength, the fact that the barrier showed no response to her, a powerful demon, was enough to shock everyone.

She furrowed her brows, looking at the mountain, her eyes full of confusion.

“I’ve never encountered a situation like this before. If there’s a problem with the Earth’s veins, even if it’s to maintain the operation of the world, it shouldn’t reject us from repairing it. How could it… refuse us?”

For three thousand years, this mountain had always been welcoming to them.

Rong Xiao also frowned. After all, the Earth’s veins were a matter concerning the Three Realms and couldn’t afford to be delayed.

Rong Xiao temporarily entrusted Wen Yan to the team leader of the Demon Bureau, instructing, “Take care of him. Don’t let him leave your sight.”

He hugged Wen Yan and said, “Remember what you promised me. Don’t wander around.”

Wen Yan was obedient, with a face that said, “I’ll be very well-behaved.” He nodded and found a small stool to sit on.

As the three powerful demons soared one after another, flying to the top of Not Day Peak to observe, Wen Yan took out a bag of melon seeds and started munching.

The team leader, who was curious about this young madam, kept looking at him. To prevent Wen Yan from getting bored, he enthusiastically shared his drink from his mustard seed bag.

For a moment, Wen Yan, in this relaxed atmosphere, seemed out of place compared to the tense surroundings, as if he were on a spring outing.

But no one knew.

Beneath Wen Yan’s calm exterior, there surged waves of shock and turmoil.

He ate melon seeds not because he liked them, but purely to give himself something to do, so as not to lose control of his facial expressions due to overwhelming shock.

Ever since he stepped into the territory of Not Day Peak, he felt a familiar spiritual energy flowing continuously into his body.

To what extent was it familiar?

It was like the day you found a cute stuffed toy under your bed, and joyously discovered that it was the toy you had when you were five years old—a feeling of immense warmth.

Wen Yan felt this familiarity now.

As he sat here, the spiritual energy of Not Day Peak was pouring into his body as if it were a festive giveaway. It was so forceful that it seemed to be a demonstration to everyone.

This spiritual energy was rejecting everyone but welcoming him.

He not only felt welcomed but also heard countless voices speaking to him.

“Hey, the little god has come back. The last time I saw you seems to be three thousand years ago.”

“Little god, why did you become smaller? Have you regressed in age?”

“Little god, do you want to come in and play? Why are you sitting outside? Come quickly. The Earth’s veins are fixed now, and it’s not dangerous inside. The surge of spiritual energy later will benefit you too.”

“Stop making noise, can’t you see that the little god’s face has turned pale? Little god, are you here to retrieve something?”

Wen Yan calmly spat out the last melon seed shell.

While these unknown creatures were welcoming him enthusiastically, he felt no emotions, only finding the commotion bothersome.

Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one hearing it. No one else around him heard a thing, and he alone bore the disturbance.

He clapped his hands and stood up.

The team leader, who had been staring at him, immediately stood up as well, as if he were a loyal golden retriever following orders.

Wen Yan found it amusing, but he didn’t care. He continued to walk forward, all the way to the barrier of Not Day Peak.

The last time he faced a barrier was at Fox Moon Mountain.

He shattered the barrier outside Rong Xiao’s villa at Fox Moon Mountain with three punches.

But now, facing the barrier of Not Day Peak, he was much gentler.

He didn’t want to break through this barrier; he knew this barrier would accept him.

Slowly, he pressed his hand against it.

The team leader, who had been watching him closely, was about to remind Wen Yan, but was shocked to see his hand pass through the barrier.


Wen Yan stood there, inside the barrier, while the team leader outside stared at him in disbelief.

The team leader: “…………” What the hell?

He was on the verge of going crazy—unable to touch the barrier and attempting to pull Wen Yan out, he was in a frenzy, spinning in circles.

“You don’t need to panic. I’m fine,” Wen Yan said calmly. “Don’t rush to report to Rong Xiao and the others if they come back. They can’t get in; only I can.”

Since he arrived, this mountain had been communicating with him in a secretive way.

It was a peculiar language that didn’t belong to humans or demons, but Wen Yan understood it as if it resonated in his heart.

This mountain was inviting him in.

This mountain was telling him that it had something to return to him.

Wen Yan couldn’t quite figure out what this mountain wanted to give him.

But since a while ago, a genuine desire had welled up in his heart, as if something he lost was left here.

He needed to find it to complete himself.

So, he obediently pretended to stay still, not making trouble to follow Rong Xiao around.

Because he knew that Rong Xiao and the others couldn’t find a way in for a while.

He said to the team leader, “If Rong Xiao and the others come back, tell them not to worry. I’ll be back soon.”

Just before Rong Xiao left, he gave Wen Yan the same advice.

It seemed that fortune favored the bold.

After saying this, he no longer paid attention to the team leader’s shock and walked into the mountain.

Compared to this mountain, he was truly tiny.

But the team leader, watching his walk away, vaguely saw a faint glow enveloping Wen Yan’s body.

It was as if something was protecting him.

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