The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 66

Null and Void

After more than half an hour, Wen Yan sneakily emerged from the study. He had taken a shower in his own room before returning to the master bedroom. Unexpectedly, Rong Xiao was still waiting and hadn’t gone to sleep.

Upon seeing him, Rong Xiao smiled at him.

In the lamplight, Rong Xiao appeared even more attractive than usual. His complexion was fair as jade, lips as rosy as roses, and his green eyes were slightly deeper in color than during the day, exuding an inexplicable charm.

Wen Yan was immediately captivated by his beauty. He hurriedly ran over, climbed into Rong Xiao’s arms as soon as he got on the bed, and without much ado, began kissing and cuddling with Rong Xiao. Like an affectionate puppy, he aimed to please, sweet as a filled soft pastry, dripping honey with every sway.

Rong Xiao couldn’t resist the kisses, and his composure crumbled like a landslide, collapsing all the way.

His hands clasped Wen Yan’s waist, his tongue explored Wen Yan’s mouth, ravaging without restraint.

Soft, muffled moans filled the room.

Wen Yan, overwhelmed by the kisses, grew softer and softer, collapsing in Rong Xiao’s arms like a cat, rubbing against him randomly.

After a moment, Wen Yan’s sleepwear slipped off, hanging precariously on the edge of the bed.

It wasn’t until he finished cuddling with Wen Yan that Rong Xiao realized Wen Yan was unusually passionate today.

Wen Yan liked him, that was certain. However, in the past few days, he had been too demanding, frightening Wen Yan a bit. Wen Yan had started avoiding him like a mouse avoiding a cat, even considering sleeping in separate rooms, claiming it was essential to have personal space before marriage.

How come today he was so actively seeking intimacy?

Rong Xiao couldn’t help but look at Wen Yan suspiciously. “Are you up to something mischievous behind my back and trying to please me now?”

Wen Yan thought, well, if I were up to mischief, would I let you know?

However, he maintained a straightforward expression, with a slight blush from their previous activities, and moist eyes, soft and cute.

“No, I just noticed you looked even more handsome today, and I couldn’t resist,” Wen Yan said unabashedly, reaching out to touch Rong Xiao’s chest and giving it a couple of pats.

Rong Xiao stayed silent for two seconds, pretending to believe Wen Yan’s nonsense.

Wen Yan’s fingers traced circles on Rong Xiao’s chest as he continued, “But today, when I went out with Qin You, I unexpectedly saw something.”

“What did you see?”

“I saw the portrait of Yan Gu. He was quite good-looking,” Wen Yan shamelessly praised, “and he looks a lot like me.”

Suddenly, Rong Xiao’s hand, which was gently stroking Wen Yan’s back, came to a halt.

He lowered his head and saw Wen Yan looking at him with round, black eyes. A chilly feeling crept into his heart.

The name Yan Gu now felt like a timed bomb to him, ready to explode at any moment.

He was pondering how to respond when he heard Wen Yan say generously, “I’m not bringing up the past between you and Yan Gu to taunt you. I just think that Yan Gu does look good. It’s not surprising you liked him back then. But, I think, let’s leave the past behind. Regardless of your love for Yan Gu, shouldn’t we nullify it now?”

Wen Yan circled around, finally getting to the point.

His eyes stared intently at Rong Xiao.

Growing more puzzled, Rong Xiao felt like Wen Yan was setting a trap for him.

But when it came to matters involving exes, it was best not to argue with the current partner.

So, Rong Xiao nodded without saying a word, “Of course, I don’t remember anything now, so why dwell on the past.”

Wen Yan smiled, continuing to feed Rong Xiao ambiguous words, “Shouldn’t you cherish the one in front of you even more? Regardless of what happened in the past with Yan Gu, shouldn’t you always love me and avoid quarreling with me?”

Rong Xiao became even more confused.

Facing the manipulative tactics of an eighteen-year-old human, the thousand-year-old monster was utterly lost.

But he still went along with Wen Yan’s intentions, nodding, “Yes.”

Wen Yan was relieved. That’s what he wanted to hear.

He pulled up the blanket, crawled into bed, and casually turned off the light.

“Alright, let’s sleep. Goodnight.”

Many days later, Wen Yan would look back on this day and couldn’t help but sigh at his foresight, his ability to plan ahead.

However, what he never expected was that this typically decisive old monster, who always kept his word, would have a day when he went back on his words. Old accounts were brought up with a resounding noise.

But for now, Wen Yan was blissfully unaware. Nestled in Rong Xiao’s arms, he slept soundly, his cheek brushing against Rong Xiao’s chest, almost forming a puddle of drool.

The next day, Wen Yan returned the portrait to Qin You. As he left, he felt a bit reluctant. After all, it was painted by Rong Xiao himself, a symbol of his affection.

Qin You, holding the portrait, felt that overnight, the painting seemed less beautiful and lively. Unable to discern any differences, she returned it to her pouch.

Wen Yan didn’t say anything about the memories within the painting. It was still an uncertain matter, and speaking prematurely might only lead to awkwardness if they later found out it was a mistake.

However, as he watched Qin You and Su Meng with eyes that carried a hint of affection, Wen Yan couldn’t help but recall their turbulent love affair from thousands of years ago.

At that time, they were not the loving couple they are today. They didn’t have the calm composure they now possessed. Instead, they were two monsters who, every once in a while, caused a ruckus over trivial matters. It annoyed Rong Xiao so much that he thought about sending them both to become monks and nuns, purifying their six senses.


Apart from that, life with Rong Xiao hadn’t changed much.

He still ate and drank as he pleased, attended classes at school, went on dates with Rong Xiao, and every few days, returned home to receive another round of pampering from his parents. Life was incredibly fulfilling.

Even Rong Xiao had almost fully recovered. Not only had his injuries healed, but his demonic energy had also fully restored to its peak state. He looked like he could live for another thousands of years without any problem.

While the doctor was examining Rong Xiao, Wen Yan sat nearby, casually eating melon seeds without the slightest sign of the nervousness and worry he had shown before. He seemed rather heartless.

Upon hearing the doctor repeatedly marvel at Rong Xiao’s recovery as a miracle, Wen Yan sneered, spitting out a few melon seed shells.

Could it be anything other than a miracle?

He felt the true miracle was that he hadn’t been killed by Rong Xiao in bed.

But regardless, Rong Xiao’s recovery was indeed a reason to celebrate. After the examination, Wen Yan immediately called Li Zheng and Jin Yueze to come over and celebrate with them.

For dinner, they had hot pot with a dual-flavored broth, catering to both those who could handle spice and those who couldn’t.

Yu Bu Wen once again displayed the professionalism of a housekeeper and butler, arranging a table full of various seasonings and ingredients. Even eight types of beverages were prepared, making everyone feel the warmth of spring.

Watching Yu Bu Wen busy around, Wen Yan took out a peeler and volunteered to help. However, after peeling for a while, the fruit skin ended up pockmarked. In the end, Rong Xiao couldn’t bear it, took it from him, and deftly peeled the fruit in a single round, the continuous skin falling off.

Rong Xiao cut a piece and fed it to Wen Yan, his finger lightly wiping the corner of Wen Yan’s mouth.

Although they hadn’t started drinking yet, Wen Yan, just by looking at Rong Xiao’s mesmerizing face, felt like he was getting drunk.

Li Zheng and Jin Yueze, seeing Wen Yan’s infatuated expression, rolled their eyes in unison and continued chatting with Qin You and Su Meng.

It was their first time meeting Qin You and Su Meng. In terms of age, they felt like they were barely enough to be their great-great-great-grandchildren. Fortunately, Su Meng and Qin You were easy to get along with, chatting comfortably with the younger generation.

Curiously, Qin You asked Jin Yueze, “How is your uncle lately? I haven’t seen him in many years. The last time we met, you probably hadn’t been born yet.”

Jin Yueze hadn’t expected these two to know his uncle. However, considering Su Meng and Qin You’s identities, it wasn’t surprising. He just didn’t want to bring up Jin Wang today and smiled, saying, “He’s doing well, still the same as always, only focused on official duties and not very concerned about other things. But if you want to see him, he’ll definitely make time.”

Su Meng and Qin You didn’t inquire further.

They had just remembered that the young prince in front of them seemed not to be the biological son of Jin Wang. He was currently in his rebellious phase, often running away from home.

Yu Bu Wen had prepared too much food, and everyone ate until their bellies were round. Afterward, they sat together on the sofa to aid digestion.

Wen Yan showed them the wedding attire he and Rong Xiao had just made.

Their wedding was scheduled to take place at Fox Moon Mountain.

Wen Yan ultimately chose the traditional style of the demon realm for their wedding attire; it wasn’t a Western-style ceremony. Their wedding outfits were dark-colored robes. Rong Xiao’s robe was embroidered with red flames, representing Kunlun and the Endless Wood. On the other hand, Wen Yan’s was embroidered with mountains, rivers, sun, and moon, symbolizing the mortal realm.

After trying on the outfits, Wen Yan twirled around the living room like a flower butterfly. He asked, “Do you think it looks good?”

Everyone present clapped their hands, enthusiastically complimenting him as the most handsome groom in the world, feeling that Rong Xiao seemed to be a bit disadvantaged.

Rong Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, glaring at Qin You, who made that statement, with an unfriendly expression.

Pretending not to notice, Qin You leaned over and asked Wen Yan if the guest list for the wedding banquet was finalized.

Outside, the night was quiet, and there was a slight chill in the early spring night. However, inside the house, it was warm and lively.

Wen Yan sat in Rong Xiao’s lap, eating grapes and wearing a continuous smile on his face.

He was genuinely happy. Rong Xiao had finally recovered, dispelling the gloom that had lingered over him. His beloved friends and family were all gathered in this room, laughing and chatting together.

It made him feel very happy and fulfilled.

Wen Yan, not very politely, thought that if anyone dared to mess with his wedding, he would make sure that person would be troubled for the rest of their lives.

But what he didn’t expect was that sometimes, words of ill omen had a way of coming true, affecting both the good and the bad.

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