The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced

The Whole World Wants Me To Get Divorced chapter 20


Wen Yan initially thought that this trip to Shadow Mountain City would be as easy as their previous valley date, where Rong Xiao casually opened a “door.” However, Rong Xiao informed him that, for specific reasons, they couldn’t use such a “door” this time, and they would use a different method.

Rong Xiao and Yu Bu Wen brought him to the entrance of a bar.

It was still daytime, and the alley where the bar was located was quiet. Only a pure white cat yawned while perched on the wall. Wen Yan looked at the bar’s sign and saw bold ink characters on the iron plate – Rose Station.

The bar’s name was quite distinctive, sounding nothing like a place for serious drinking.

He tugged at the hem of Rong Xiao’s clothes and reminded him, “I’m underage and can’t enter a bar.”

Even though he had secretly drunk beer with Li Zheng and Jin Yueze.

Yu Bu Wen chuckled, “We’re not here to drink.”

As Yu Bu Wen spoke, he pushed open the bar’s door. Although it was daytime, no one was there to drink, but there was still a row of staff standing behind the bar. They were all dressed in black vests and white shirts, seemingly no different from an ordinary bar at first glance.

However, Yu Bu Wen walked over, took out three tickets from his pocket, and handed them to the staff.

The staff stamped a rose mark on the three tickets, then bowed to them, saying, “The train will start in twenty minutes. Your seats are in the VIP compartment. Please take your seats as soon as possible.”

Wen Yan, in a daze, followed Yu Bu Wen and Rong Xiao down to the basement of the bar. As he descended the stairs, he discovered the true wonder of this bar – it was a train station.

The platform was nearly empty at this moment, with only train attendants waiting by the train door. They didn’t look entirely human.

Rong Xiao explained to him, “This is a special train for the demon realm, specifically heading to cities where demons gather.”

Wen Yan was shocked. He never imagined that traveling to demon cities would involve taking a train.

“I thought it would be something like demon beasts,” Wen Yan gestured to Rong Xiao as they sat in the carriage. “Isn’t that how it’s written in novels? Traveling thousands of miles in a day, instantly arriving from one place to another.”

Rong Xiao said, “The human world has developed rapidly. Why wouldn’t the demon realm keep up? There are more comfortable ways than riding demon beasts.”

Logical and convincing.

Curiously, Wen Yan looked around the train’s interior. From the outside, it resembled a human train, but their compartment seemed like a VIP room – spacious, with a sofa, a dining table, and a lounge area. The white napkins on the table even had a small rose stamp.

“This train station is actually part of Yu Bu Wen’s family business. They mainly operate in transportation,” Rong Xiao told Wen Yan. “If you’re dissatisfied with anything, you can directly discuss it with him.”

Wen Yan was astonished. He never thought there was a hidden rich guy around him.

He shifted his gaze to Yu Bu Wen, who was still wearing the usual black suit, looking very much like a butler. Seeing Wen Yan looking at him, he smiled good-naturedly.

He probably guessed what Wen Yan was marveling at and explained, “The family’s main business is managed by my elder brother. I prefer living outside. Being the master’s housekeeper was coincidental.”

But Wen Yan still admired him as he looked at him. He felt that the demons around him were truly deep and unfathomable. Knowing that the housekeeper had been the former head of the Demon Bureau was surprising enough, but there were even more surprises.

After the train started moving, Wen Yan couldn’t see the outside scenery anymore. A white mist seemed to rise outside, and Yu Bu Wen told him that it was a barrier deliberately applied to prevent humans from discovering it.

Wen Yan sat quietly in his seat for a while, wanting to explore the train. He asked the housekeeper, “Can I walk around?”

The housekeeper hesitated a bit. Since almost everyone on the train was a demon, there generally wouldn’t be any issues. However, Wen Yan was still a human with natural spiritual roots, running around on the train was like a soft and sweet little dessert.

He was about to say that he would accompany Wen Yan when the resting Rong Xiao opened his eyes.

“I’ll accompany you.”

The housekeeper immediately obediently closed his mouth.

This train journey wasn’t particularly long, but the space was much larger than a human train. There were compartments on both sides, some without curtains, allowing Wen Yan to see groups of demons sitting in twos and threes. There were even chubby demon infants running in the aisle.

In no time, Wen Yan wandered to the dining area. It was still morning, and there were few demons in the restaurant. After looking at the menu, Wen Yan found that he didn’t recognize any of the cuisines.

“These are demon realm items, different from human ingredients,” Rong Xiao explained. “You can order when we return to our compartment.”

“Can I eat demon food?” Wen Yan asked.


Wen Yan immediately ordered a “Squeaky Fruit Iced Tea” and a “White-Blue Grass Cake.” Rong Xiao didn’t feel like eating anything and only ordered a cup of tea.

When it was time to pay, Wen Yan instinctively raised his phone to scan the code. However, the attendant apologized to him, “Sorry, sir, we don’t accept human currency.”

Wen Yan: “…”

Wait, you guys are really behind the times. Beware; I’m going to complain to your young master Yu Bu Wen right away.

Rong Xiao, behind him, chuckled softly and then placed a few bronze-colored banknotes on the table.

Only then was Wen Yan able to sit down with his dessert.

They chose a window seat, and the curtain could be drawn to block the outside view. While Wen Yan was eating cake, he listened to the gossip of several female demons at the nearby table, his ears perking up with interest.

It seemed like they were demons who had been living in human cities for a long time. They were discussing the marriages of various families and suddenly shifted the topic to a demon-human intermarriage.

“When it comes to the Qu family, have you heard? That elder of the Qu family is shameless as he gets older. To pursue a human kid, he disguised himself as a high school student and went to study in the human world.”

“No way. That elder of the Qu family is over a thousand years old.”

“I heard that the human kid is only nineteen. It’s really audacious of him. At that age among demons, the kid hasn’t even shed his shell.”

“That’s right. Deceiving the feelings of human kids.”

If it weren’t for the curtain blocking the view, Wen Yan would have thought they were targeting him and Rong Xiao.

He silently glanced at Rong Xiao’s expression.

Sure enough, his face had turned as dark as coal.

Although he still looked calm while drinking tea, Rong Xiao glanced lightly at the adjacent compartment, so cold that it almost felt like it would crumble into pieces.

Wen Yan couldn’t help but cover his mouth and laugh a little.

He cut a large piece of cake and handed it to Rong Xiao’s mouth, sweetly coaxing him, “They don’t understand human aesthetics at all. It’s well known that human relationship is determined by appearance. As long as you’re handsome, everyone has a chance.”

Rong Xiao gave him a sidelong glance, completely unappeased.

Nevertheless, he opened his mouth and ate the sweet cake, then commented after finishing, “Too sweet. Does the sugar at Yu Bu Wen’s family house come for free?”

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