Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 89

Emergency Landing

On the day of the phone call with Zhou Ling, Jiang Zhijin never told Fang Xing.

He had thought many times about how, if he were to come out, he could take as much responsibility as possible, not let Fang Xing be too affected, and not let him face Zhou Ling and Fang Chenglin alone… But he didn’t expect Fang Xing to do it ahead of him.

Fang Xing coming out alone might not only be because he didn’t want Jiang Zhijin to take responsibility again but also perhaps a subtle panic caused by the age difference.

As Fang Xing had said multiple times, he seemed to have been causing trouble for Jiang Zhijin all along, and Jiang Zhijin constantly handled everything, so he hoped that in one matter, he could stand in front of Jiang Zhijin himself and let the other know that a younger boyfriend could also be trusted.

This made Jiang Zhijin unable to really get angry, even though he said he would smack Fang Xing.

“I’ve known for a long time. Your kid at home always seems cool, but he’s quite thoughtful.”

Gu Xun joked, “You don’t need to worry so much. He’s an adult now, can’t really treat him like a kid anymore.”

That night, Zhou Hong took a leave, and there weren’t many people at Cloud Seven. Jiang Zhijin and Gu Xun sat in front of the bar chatting idly.

“When is he applying for college?”

“Probably early next month.”

“Fang Xing definitely won’t be in Shaojiang for college. What will you do then, long-distance relationship?”

Gu Xun had a knack for touching sore spots. Jiang Zhijin glanced at him. “Ah, aren’t we already in a long-distance relationship ahead of time?”

Gu Xun didn’t dare to provoke him further, chuckled, and raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. So when is he coming back to Shaojiang?”

“He didn’t say, just said it’s soon, probably after the exam results are out,” Jiang Zhijin replied.

Actually, it wouldn’t take that long.

Zhou Ling also didn’t mention the phone call with Jiang Zhijin to Fang Xing. She was quite busy with work, having taken on a project and needing to travel to a northern city for business. She specifically asked Fang Xing if he wanted to come along for the trip.

They were having dinner at the time. Upon hearing this, Fang Xing didn’t hesitate much and said, “Forget it, you go work. It’s troublesome if I tag along.”

“This trip will take about half a month. You’ll be alone at home.”

“I…” Fang Xing finished his soup, put down the bowl, and said, “I’ll probably go back to Shaojiang.”

Zhou Ling looked at him and nodded calmly in the end.

“Okay, and it’s almost time for the exam results.”

Her tone was as usual.

Fang Xing nodded, and Zhou Ling asked again, “Have you decided where you want to apply?”

“I’m considering Peking University, studying… engineering management.”

Fang Xing wanted to major in engineering management. Zhou Ling was a bit surprised to hear this and smiled slightly at her son, “Why would you want to study engineering? It’s so hard.”

“Haven’t you been doing this all along?” Fang Xing chuckled. “I think it’s good.”

“Study whatever you want.” Finally, Zhou Ling said, “Just make your own decisions.”

After experiencing various chaotic events this year, Zhou Ling seemed to have changed a bit in temperament and mindset. She used to be too arrogant, sharp to the point of hurting herself, but now she seemed a bit more peaceful.

Anyway, life is short, and she hoped Fang Xing could be happy.

After sending Zhou Ling off two days later, Fang Xing bought a plane ticket back to Shaojiang.

“What day, what time?”

“Flight at eight in the morning the day after tomorrow, should arrive around ten.”

Fang Xing put the last neatly folded coat into the suitcase, zipped it up, and answered Jiang Zhijin on the phone.

“Okay, I’ll come pick you up then?”

“Well… I can go back by myself, it won’t take much time.” Fang Xing said.

After all, Jiang Zhijin was still a boss. According to what they talked about, he usually stayed at Cloud Seven until two or three in the morning, then went home and slept until the afternoon.

Fang Xing bought a morning flight ticket, and he estimated that Jiang Zhijin probably wouldn’t be awake at that time.

Jiang Zhijin guessed what Fang Xing was thinking as soon as he heard it. He left Cloud Seven and found a quieter place to talk to him.

“What do you mean, you don’t want me to pick you up?”

“…You’re starting again.” Fang Xing clicked his tongue, “If you can get out of bed, then come pick me up.”

Jiang Zhijin’s tone carried a hint of hidden laughter. “I’ll make an effort to get up to pick up my boyfriend.”

Fang Xing felt like laughing when he heard Jiang Zhijin’s tone. “Miss me, don’t you?”

“Don’t you miss me? Can’t even stop daydreaming.”

“Don’t spread rumors, I miss you.” Fang Xing cleared his throat, “I even dreamed about you a few days ago.”

“What did you dream about me?”

“I dreamt that you were in a bad mood and kept bothering me, asking to eat, asking to sleep, and even dragging me into the shower with you…”

“Hey.” Jiang Zhijin interrupted him with a suppressed smile, “It’s not even ten o’clock yet, do you want to hear what comes next?”

“…Following you into the shower to hand you a towel.” Fang Xing insisted on finishing it before saying, “What are you thinking, Jiang Zhijin? Can’t you be a bit more innocent?”

“Okay okay okay.” Jiang Zhijin laughed for a while, “You’re the most innocent.”

The two joked around for a while, and before the call ended, Fang Xing finally spoke up, “Okay, see you the day after tomorrow.”

“See you the day after tomorrow.”

On the day Fang Xing returned to Shaojiang, he went to the airport with his luggage by himself. When boarding, he checked the time but still didn’t send a message to Jiang Zhijin.

It was too early; he would send a message when he arrived at the airport.

The flight, which lasted for over two hours, wasn’t particularly long. The plane flew smoothly in the sky, and the cabin was quiet.

Fang Xing had planned to take a nap, but before falling asleep, two alert tones chimed in, and the gentle voice of the flight attendant came over the intercom.

“Ladies and gentlemen, due to the strong rainfall in the Shaojiang area, the flight cannot land at Shaojiang Airport as scheduled. This flight will make an emergency landing at Yunshi Airport.”

This announcement was like a stone thrown into a pond, instantly stirring up the previously quiet cabin. Fang Xing was stunned for a moment and opened his eyes.

Coincidentally, the person next to him asked the flight attendant how long they would have to wait. The flight attendant replied gently, “A typhoon suddenly passed through Shaojiang, and we’re not sure for the moment.”

Once the plane was safely on the ground, Fang Xing took out his phone and sent two messages to Jiang Zhijin.

“Is there a typhoon in Shaojiang?”

“The plane made an emergency landing; we’re at Yunshi.”

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