Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 66


In the end, under the gaze of a group of children, Fang Xing bought four sparklers. Both of them felt a bit embarrassed, so they consciously distanced themselves from the group of eight or nine-year-old kids waving sparklers around and found a quiet place to light them.

The sparklers were a light silver color, and they burned beautifully. Fang Xing and Jiang Zhijin each lit one, watching them burn in the night. Jiang Zhijin smiled and said, “The last time I lit this sparkler was when I was a child. My grandmother bought me two for the New Year, saying they could make wishes.”

Fang Xing suddenly felt a bit distressed, but Jiang Zhijin seemed amused, waving the sparkler in his hand.

“On the first day of the new year, make a wish, Fang Xing.”

Fang Xing looked at the sparkler in his hand, thought for a while, and finally said truthfully, “It seems like there’s nothing I want to wish for.”

“Smooth college entrance exam, get into your dream university…” Jiang Zhijin paused, not mentioning his family matters. “I thought you would have many wishes.”

“It’s useless to wish for that.” Fang Xing said, “I already know what university I can get into.”

“… Impressive. If I were your classmate, I would have beaten you by now.” Jiang Zhijin laughed as he watched Fang Xing.

The sparklers in their hands were almost burned out. Fang Xing thought for a moment and finally said, “Then… I hope we can celebrate New Year’s Eve together next year.”

Jiang Zhijin responded, “By this time next year, you’ll probably be in college, and we don’t know where you’ll be.”

“No matter where I am, it won’t affect celebrating New Year’s Eve with you.” Fang Xing said.

Jiang Zhijin looked at Fang Xing for a while and finally sighed, “This love-struck brain. It scares me into silence.”

“First love at eighteen is like this.” Fang Xing said.

Jiang Zhijin laughed for a while, and Fang Xing, looking at the sparkler that was about to burn out, urged Jiang Zhijin.

“What’s your wish?”

“I don’t have any wishes; I’m not taking the college entrance exam.” Jiang Zhijin stared at the sparkler burning to the end for a while before speaking.

“Then I hope your wishes come true.”

The sparkler burned out.

In the neighborhood, someone was setting off fireworks. One after another, the sky was filled with colorful blooms. Jiang Zhijin glanced at Fang Xing.

“Let’s go back, Fang Xing. You should start your review.”

“…Okay.” Fang Xing sighed.

“Why sigh?” Jiang Zhijin chuckled. “Is this the attitude of a study god?”

“No.” Fang Xing felt a bit embarrassed now. They walked back against the cold wind, and there were few people on the road, so both of them walked quite slowly.

“I just suddenly want to finish the exams sooner.”

Fang Xing felt that he spent his senior year quite comfortably, with scheduled reviews and breaks. However, being reminded by Jiang Zhijin to study every day gave him a feeling that he wasn’t seen as a boyfriend but more like Jiang Zhijin’s son, making him a bit annoyed.

After the college entrance exams, leaving the state of going to school on time, leaving school on time, and doing homework, he was getting closer to a bit of adult freedom. No one would tell him to study..

He would gain some rights to have equal conversations, whether with Jiang Zhijin, Fang Chenglin, or… his mom.

“Take it easy; being anxious won’t help.”

Jiang Zhijin took out something from his bag, tore it open, and handed it to Fang Xing’s mouth. Fang Xing subconsciously opened his mouth and ate it.

It was a lemon candy, the kind Fang Xing often ate, sour and refreshing.

“A candy to comfort you,” Jiang Zhijin said.

Fang Xing bit the candy, feeling the sourness filling his mouth. “Are you comforting a child?”

“I’m comforting my boyfriend,” Jiang Zhijin replied.

Fang Xing smiled upon hearing this, and suddenly, he felt a bit lighter.


On the first day of the new year, Tan Zhiqiang didn’t stay home for the New Year’s Eve. The construction site was on holiday, but they needed a worker to be on duty to guard the materials, paying a hundred for the day.

“I won’t be coming back tonight; you and Grandma rest early.”

Tan Zhiqiang put on a military coat he didn’t know when he bought it, and he took out a stack of money from his bag, pulling out a 100 yuan bill from a pile of loose bills, and handed it to Tan Zhuo.

“In case you get hungry, buy whatever you want.”

Tan Zhuo was doing homework at the dining table, didn’t raise his head, and didn’t bother to speak. Tan Zhiqiang awkwardly placed the money aside.

“Alright, study well.”

When the door was closed, Tan Zhuo finally looked up.

The phone next to him kept vibrating; there were red envelopes being exchanged in the class group. Some were like Xu Hang, sending one or two hundred, and some were sending five or ten. Everyone happily grabbed them,saying, “Happy New Year!” Even Tang Yi came out and sent two, wishing them a good study in the new year.

Tan Zhuo looked at the continuously jumping chat records, not opening a single red envelope.

Isn’t it just showing off wealth? Studying terribly, thinking they’re impressive just because they have money, disgusting! There are also those who send a few dollars in red envelopes. Others just sent one or two hundred, don’t they feel embarrassed? Oh, and the group of people who get excited about grabbing a few dollars, aren’t they embarrassed…

Tan Zhuo directly turned off the phone.

The room was very quiet; Grandma should have fallen asleep. He looked at the exercise books on the table, densely packed with words, but he couldn’t focus on any of them.

His ranking kept dropping, second in the grade, fourth, tenth… Every time the class teacher or subject teacher had to talk to him, is it his fault?!

Blaming Fang Xing for coming to Shaojiang! If he didn’t come, the rankings wouldn’t change, and his grades wouldn’t be a problem! Physics competition results wouldn’t be affected, and he wouldn’t end up with no ranking! This kind of person only knows how to show off, starting fights in the alley the moment he arrives, relying on luck to get first place and competition awards, ruining other people’s lives, without feeling any shame…

All of them are rubbish.

The light bulb above cast light on Tan Zhuo, creating a black shadow.

The north wind made the dead branches at the entrance of the alley creak, and a faint cat meow came from outside the door.

It was winter, the weather was very cold, and there were always many stray cats and dogs coming to the residential area, hoping to get a meal or find a sheltered place to sleep.

Tan Zhuo sat in silence for a while. When the second cat meow came, he stood up and walked towards the door.

Crossing over the New Year meant that talking about the college entrance exam was no longer “next June” but “five months later.” The entire third year of high school was immersed in a frenzy of revision. Sometimes Fang Xing arrived early, encountering some classmates studying under the school streetlights.

Everyone was working hard for their own future.

“Did you finish the last question of the math homework last night? I couldn’t figure it out.” As soon as Fang Xing sat down, Xu Hang quickly asked.

Passing by, Chen Yao stared at Xu Hang as if she didn’t recognize him: “Shocking, you actually did your homework by yourself!”

“You guys study like your lives depend on it every day. Can’t I be nervous?” Xu Hang looked miserable. “Even a lazy fish has to turn over and sunbathe.”

The group next to him laughed, and Fang Xing also smiled, handing the homework to Xu Hang.

“You take a look first. If you don’t understand, I’ll explain.”

“Thanks, desk mate.” Xu Hang quickly took it. “I even went to find the math teacher specifically to ask if there’s still hope for me. He told me to start from the basics and learn more from you and Tan Zhuo. Do I need to learn from Tan Zhuo—”

Xu Hang lowered his voice and subconsciously glanced at Tan Zhuo’s position.

“Eh?” He was stunned. “Why isn’t Tan Zhuo here.”

Tan Zhuo didn’t show up at school all day.

At first, some people thought he might be sick or have something going on at home. After all, with his crazy study habits, he would definitely come to school unless something happened. Until the afternoon, some people began to secretly pass around a video they saw on Weibo in the class.

“Is this Tan Zhuo…”

“No way… oh my god…”

“It’s obviously him, and the video is too clear.”

“So disgusting! Don’t show me!”

Just as Fang Xing returned to the classroom with water, he saw a group of people gathered around Xu Hang’s seat, not knowing what they were watching. He could only hear Xu Hang’s angry voice.

“I told you he’s a lunatic! Damn it!”

“What?” Fang Xing asked involuntarily.

“It’s Tan Zhuo!” Xu Hang immediately stuck his head out and thrust his phone in front of Fang Xing.

“Look, he’s sick!”

Fang Xing looked down at the phone, and there was a video of over twenty seconds. The title was “Caught on New Year’s Day Abusing Cats.” The reposts had already exceeded ten thousand.

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