Orange Storm

Orange Storm chapter 23


As Tang Yi said, the monthly exam was just the beginning, and after the parent-teacher meeting, everyone plunged back into endless review. Even the one-hour break during noon self-study was often requisitioned for chemistry, physics, or math by teachers, leaving them with only half an hour of rest.

Sometimes, students would quietly complain, but after a few grumbles, they would obediently take out their books.

Because it was the third year of high school—those five words overshadowed everything.

After finishing the evening self-study for math, Fang Xing went downstairs to buy a bottle of water. When he returned to the classroom, he saw that Jiang Xinxin, sitting in front of him, was surrounded by three or four female classmates, engaged in a discussion.

Upon his entry, the group stopped their discussion and turned to look at him. When Fang Xing returned to his seat, Jiang Xinxin seemed to hesitate for a few seconds before turning and softly calling his name.

“Fang Xing.”

Fang Xing had already picked up his pen to start working on tonight’s homework. Hearing her voice, he raised his head. Seeing him looking over, she continued, “We didn’t quite understand the complex problem Mr. Gao just explained. If you have time, could you explain it to us?”

“Sure.”Fang Xing stopped spinning his pen. “Which problem?”

The group of girls, led by Jiang Xinxin, visibly relaxed, quickly handed over their exercise books. “This one.”

Fang Xing took the book, grabbed a piece of scrap paper, and began solving the problem while explaining. The problem wasn’t difficult, but the logic was a bit intricate. Fang Xing tried to write out all the steps as clearly as possible. After finishing, he looked up at them.

“Do you understand?”

Seeing several nodding heads, Fang Xing flipped a few more pages in the book, ticked a few questions, and handed the book back.

“These questions are of the same type. You can take a look at them together.”

Jiang Xinxin took the book, looking at Fang Xing with a bit of surprise.

“You’ve already done up to here?”

Fang Xing nodded, and a girl whispered, “Wow.”

Fang Xing had to explain, “I usually rely on practicing problems for revision.”

The group of girls expressed their thanks, with one of them joking, “We always thought you were too aloof to talk to, thinking you’d get impatient if we asked you questions.”

“Me?” Fang Xing was a little stunned, then somewhat helpless. “I’m not like that.”

The girl stuck out her tongue and whispered, “Some people are just particularly impatient, high and mighty, thinking we’re all useless—”

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Xinxin slapped her lightly. “Stop talking.”

The girl lowered her voice and said, “Forget it, anyway, I won’t talk to him anymore.”

Fang Xing realized they were probably talking about Tan Zhuo. Subconsciously, he glanced at Tan Zhuo’s position, but he wasn’t there.

Feeling a bit awkward, Fang Xing didn’t know if he should express his opinions on this discussion. Ultimately, he decided to say nothing. Fortunately, Jiang Xinxin called them to turn back to the problems Fang Xinghad ticked, and Fang Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

He really wasn’t accustomed to interacting with unfamiliar people, but describing it as “aloof” seemed a bit much. He still often played basketball, ate meals, and did other things with Xu Hang and the others…

He inexplicably thought of every time Gu Xun would call him “Cool Bro.”

Cool Bro, Cool Bro, Cool Bro… Jiang Zhijin should be considered Cool Bro, right? He’s handsome, runs a bar, knows how to fight, but can also cook… I wonder if Jiang Zhijin cooked dinner tonight. Usually, he doesn’t bother when he’s alone.

I wonder what Jiang Zhijin is doing right now.

He should be at the bar, Fang Xiang thought. Lately, Cloud Seven seemed quite busy. Jiang Zhijin hasn’t been able to pick me up after evening self-study several times because he comes back later than I do.

Fang Xing rambled on in his thoughts, and suddenly, he received a text on his phone.

“Something came up at Cloud Seven, can’t make it to pick you up. Get back on your own.”

Fang Xing read it without much surprise, turned off his phone, and started packing up. After school, he didn’t think much and turned into the alley.

It was hard to catch a bus after 10 p.m., he had experienced waiting for twenty minutes at the bus stop without seeing a bus, so he had to walk back. 

The alley had streetlights, and although it was not very crowded, it was relatively safe. Feeling a bit bored, Fang Xing took out his earphones and started playing English essays on his phone.

He only had one earphone in, and the other dangled in front of him. One ear listened to fluent and pure English essays, while the other picked up the sound of the wind, insect chirps, his own footsteps, and—

Cat meows.

“Meow, meow, meow.”

Soft and delicate, it seemed like a very small kitten. One meow followed by another, and Fang Xing listened for a while; it was coming from a nearby alley.

It could be a stray cat, or perhaps a domestic cat from someone’s home. Fang Xing continued forward, and after a few steps, the cat’s meowing suddenly became more desperate.


This wasn’t a normal cat’s meow; it was almost a wail. Fang Xing paused, then furrowed his brow.

When the second wail came, he turned around and walked briskly towards the alley.

He moved quickly, entering the alley in a few steps. Standing under a streetlamp not far away was a figure wearing a school uniform and carrying a backpack, standing upright.

It was Tan Zhuo.

Next to Tan Zhuo’s feet was a cat with white and patterned fur, lying on the ground and meowing intermittently, sounding a bit better than before but still motionless. Fang Xing halted and stared at the person in front of him, frowning. He spoke, “What a coincidence.”

Tan Zhuo probably didn’t expect to encounter Fang Xing. At first, he seemed visibly flustered, and after a few seconds, he asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Going home.” Fang Xing took another step forward. “And you?”

Tan Zhuo seemed to calm down a bit, staring at Fang Xing. His tone returned to normal. “I live here.”

Fang Xing then remembered that he had encountered Tan Zhuo the last time he was attacked. He probably lived in this area.

He nodded and continued walking until he was in front of Tan Zhuo before asking, “Is this your cat?”

“No, I don’t have a cat.” A hint of disgust flashed across his face. The next moment, Fang Xing continued, “Then what the hell are you doing here?”

His tone was calm, but his gaze remained fixed on Tan Zhuo’s face. Tan Zhuo didn’t expect Fang Xing to use foul language against him, and his face immediately reddened. His lips trembled for a moment.

“Is this the attitude of the first-ranked student—”

“If you weren’t my classmate, you would be lying on the ground by now.” Fang Xing took another step towards Tan Zhuo, locking eyes with him at close range, showing no expression.

“Only people who are trash have the nerve to bully stray cats.”

Tan Zhuo instinctively took a few steps back, staring at Fang Xing. He was trembling with anger and didn’t speak for a while. Finally, he managed to squeeze out, “Is being first in class that great—”

“It is indeed something to be proud of,” Fang Xing admired how this person could bring everything back to academics. He didn’t bother to talk further and bent down to gently pick up the cat.

The little cat meowed softly, wiggled a bit, and then went still. Fang Xing looked up at Tan Zhuo. “Have you seen me fight before?”

Expressionless, he spoke, “Don’t let me see this kind of behavior a second time, or you’ll definitely get a beating from me. I’m serious.”

Tan Zhuo didn’t dare to speak again. Fang Xing turned and left the alley.

The temperature was already quite low at night. The cat in his hands continued to meow, and Fang Xing walked while searching for a pet hospital on his phone.

It was already past ten at night, and there were few open pet hospitals. After several swipes, he finally found one that looked reputable and was still in business.

Quite coincidentally, it was on Cloud Seven Street.

Fang Xing sighed in relief, took off his school uniform to wrap the cat a bit, and walked out of the alley, flagging down a taxi on the roadside.

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