Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome

Pheromone Deficiency Syndrome chapter 39

Twists Of Fate

If time could really turn back, Xie Huaizhou still wouldn’t take Gu Jinyi with him six years ago.

Because that would only lead to both of them plunging into the abyss.

But he definitely wouldn’t have left Gu Jinyi without a word like that.

Xie Huaizhou paused before continuing, “I didn’t contact anyone from the Xie family, but my own subordinates. Because I suspected that the person who tampered with my spacecraft was my father.”

“I originally planned to settle everything and then send someone to pick you up and keep you in my villa. I would deal with the Xie family first before making any plans.”

When he left in the spacecraft, he didn’t really think he loved Gu Jinyi that much.

This omega was just a mistake in his life. He wasn’t Fu Chen from the nameless star, but Xie Huaizhou, the product of the Xie family’s alliance with the merchants.

No one had taught him what love looked like. His grandparents were happy all their lives, but that seemed more like a coincidence to him.

He didn’t think he would ever have such happiness.

The wedding Gu Jinyi wanted, settling down on a remote planet, opening a flower shop, all seemed like a ridiculous dream he could never give him.

So, it was better to stop everything at this moment.

He could compensate Gu Jinyi.

He wouldn’t accompany Gu Jinyi to settle on a remote planet, wouldn’t marry Gu Jinyi, but he would give Gu Jinyi a small planet.

He was too young and arrogant back then, didn’t know how to love, so easily denied everything about Gu Jinyi.

So, he paid an irreparable price.

Now he recalled his thoughts six years ago, feeling foolish and reckless.

Gu Jinyi chuckled lightly and said, “Then I’m really touched that you didn’t break up with me directly, but wanted to think about it.”

And for Xie Huaizhou, all the significance Gu Jinyi held was contained in this insignificant phrase “wanted to think about it”.

But he didn’t want to dwell on these anymore, just murmured to Xie Huaizhou, “Then why didn’t you come back?”

As he asked this, there was a clap of thunder outside. The rain in early summer shouldn’t have been so continuous, but from last night until today, it hadn’t stopped, dripping down from the eaves, forming a continuous line.

Amidst the thunder, Gu Jinyi added, “If you had come earlier, maybe I wouldn’t have waited so long for you.”

Xie Huaizhou looked at him in silence.

Gu Jinyi had stopped crying, but his eyes were still red, eyelashes sticking together with moisture, and on his face, the traces of tears on it hadn’t dried yet.

He thought, Gu Jinyi must have cried often while waiting for him in that sanatorium.

At that time, Gu Jinyi was still very young, only twenty years old, with no relatives, and in poor health. Encountering such a jerk for his first love was truly unfortunate.

Heaven had never favored Gu Jinyi, instead making him suffer.

“When I got off the spacecraft, the one who greeted me wasn’t my grandfather’s people, but my biological father,” Xie Huaizhou recounted this old story with calmness.

“Xie Yuncheng didn’t want to pass the inheritance to me. His lover was already pregnant, so he no longer needed me. Therefore, he tampered with my spacecraft, hoping I would die in an accident. But who would have thought my luck was so good? Not only did I not die, but I also met you and you took care of me.”

“At that time, almost all of the Xie family was under his control. When I contacted my subordinates, he also found out about me. So when my spacecraft entered the port for refueling, he brought people to capture me.”

“I was imprisoned for six months. Xie Yuncheng always wanted me to give up my mother’s inheritance rights. It wasn’t until my grandfather rescued me that I was free.”

Xie Huaizhou stopped here.

He didn’t intend to make himself seem pitiful with this experience, so he briefly passed over it.

But he had often wondered, if he had been rescued earlier, if he hadn’t been caught by Xie Yuncheng, would the outcome with Gu Jinyi have been different?

He clearly realized his reluctance to let go of Gu Jinyi shortly after being imprisoned by Xie Yuncheng. If it hadn’t been for this accident, he and Gu Jinyi might have been married long ago.

But where in life were there “ifs”?

There was only chaos and twists of fate.

At this point he couldn’t hold back, gently touching Gu Jinyi’s hand.

Gu Jinyi’s hand was very beautiful, but overly delicate, fitting entirely in his palm.

Back in the sanatorium, he had felt Gu Jinyi was too thin.

Gu Jinyi lied to him, saying it was just stomachache and rest would fix it.

He actually believed it.

But after being rescued by his grandfather, he lay in bed for two months and only then did he realize that during the days he was imprisoned by Xie Yuncheng, the lover he had abandoned in the sanatorium had been waiting for him.

It was only then that he learned Gu Jinyi was already in the late stage of genetic illness because of the delayed surgery, suffering a major illness, and being sent to the hospital by friends, almost dying.

In a place he didn’t know, Gu Jinyi had almost died for real.

With closed eyes, Xie Huaizhou’s face seemed expressionless, but tears still dripped from the gap in his eyelashes, landing on Gu Jinyi’s hand.

“I’m sorry, for not going to pick you up,” he said, “for making you sick, for delaying your surgery… I’m sorry.”

“For lying to you, I’m sorry.”

This time, Gu Jinyi didn’t pull his hand away.

He stared blankly at the tear on the back of his hand.

So many “I’m sorrys,” heard after six years had passed.

But what he thought about was, how much torture Xie Huaizhou must have endured during the six months of being imprisoned by his biological father.

He was still beyond help.

He was still so pathetic.

Gu Jinyi tilted his head back, almost too exhausted to speak.

“And then what happened?” he asked softly.

Later, just like every well-written, misunderstanding-filled melodramatic novel.

After getting off the sickbed, Xie Huaizhou fought relentlessly with his biological father.

With the support of the commercial family, he found several pieces of evidence that Xie Yuncheng had been hiding, including the poisoning of his mother, and successfully sent Xie Yuncheng to a secret prison.

But during this time, he never contacted Gu Jinyi.

It was too late; bringing Gu Jinyi to his side at this point would only add to Gu Jinyi’s risk.

At the most dangerous moment of his battle with Xie Yuncheng, he sent Gu Jinyi a “parting gift” of inestimable value.

It was delivered by his grandfather’s people and personally delivered to Gu Jinyi.

It wasn’t a parting gift, but the last assurance he left for Gu Jinyi.

Maybe he’ll die, maybe he’ll never see Gu Jinyi again in this lifetime.

But at least, after he was gone, Gu Jinyi would have this property, and he could leave the “Gu family” behind and spend the rest of his life on a picturesque little planet.

Xie Huaizhou held Gu Jinyi’s hand and felt how foolish he had been in the past.

He said, “I had it all figured out. If I lost and died, you could start a new life without me.”

“If I won, I would naturally come to explain to you. Whether you hated me or didn’t want me, I would still cling to you.”

“But why… When I finally won against my father, did you get engaged to Chu Miyun?”

Xie Huaizhou asked the last question lightly, but it hit both of them like a bullet.

Because now he knew that Gu Jinyi’s engagement to Chu Miyun was just a mutual assistance.

But he didn’t know back then.

He didn’t know as he stood outside the hospital, watching Gu Jinyi accompany Chu Miyun for prenatal check-ups.

He saw Gu Jinyi holding an umbrella for Chu Miyun, caring for her attentively, like the most gentle and caring husband.

He didn’t know that the child Chu Miyun was carrying wasn’t Gu Jinyi’s.

He had thought of countless ways to quietly get rid of Chu Miyun. He was someone who could send even his biological father to jail, so why would he spare an ordinary female beta?

He genuinely believed that Chu Miyun deserved to die.

She stole his beloved, so she deserved no mercy.

“I thought of many ways to break you two apart, but what right did I have to compete with her?” Xie Huaizhou asked Gu Jinyi, and perhaps himself. “When you were on the brink of death, she was the one by your side, not me.”

“I watched you hold an umbrella for her, chat with her, just like you did with me back then. You finally had a home, a kid, everything you had longed for since childhood. If I destroyed all of this, I felt you would never forgive me in this lifetime.”

No one understood better than Xie Huaizhou how much Gu Jinyi longed for a home.

So he did nothing.

He didn’t attend Gu Jinyi and Chu Miyun’s engagement banquet, but he attended their wedding ceremony.

No one knew that the gentle, elegant figure in the suit was once his lover, sleeping soundly in his arms.

Gu Jinyi finally got married, but not to him.

He witnessed them vow to never part in front of a crowded audience, yet his heart felt like it was plunging into hell.

He thought he could be a saint and give his beloved a way out.

But he had overestimated himself.

A year later, he was diagnosed with pheromone deficiency syndrome.

That was the entirety of their story over the past six years.

Love unattained, love lost again.

Now they had finally become legal partners, having done all the most intimate things, yet even a hug seemed luxurious.

All he could do was confess his sins in this continuous rain.

After Xie Huaizhou finished speaking, Gu Jinyi did not respond.

He remained lying on the pillow, like a statue with a flawless exterior but riddled with wounds inside.

Over the past six years, he had never truly let go. In the quiet of the night, he repeatedly recalled the image of Fu Chen, fearing that one day he would forget that face.

He was the most contradictory person in the world.

He said he didn’t love him, but his heart bled for him all along.

Now he finally had the answer, understanding why he was abandoned.

His former lover, like a bird begging for forgiveness, now stood in front of him, allowing him to judge.

But there was no satisfaction or relief in his heart.

He only felt that things were unpredictable, and mistakes were made.

He closed his eyes, tears flowing again from his dry eye sockets.

He heard Xie Huaizhou ask him, “Why couldn’t you wait for me?”

He opened his eyes, first looking at the ceiling, then at Xie Huaizhou.

It was raining outside, so the room was dark, and Xie Huaizhou’s face even seemed cold.

For so many years, it wasn’t just him suffering; Xie Huaizhou was suffering too.

Xie Huaizhou leaned over, pressing his forehead against his, his voice soft, each word soaked in blood.

“Yiyi, I’m such a selfish and despicable person. I was the one who abandoned you first, betrayed you first, but it’s also me who can’t let go of why you chose to marry someone else.”

“Why did you stop loving me…”

When he watched Chu Miyun and Gu Jinyi outside the hospital, he had an engagement ring in his pocket.

If he had gone over then, been a bit more ruthless, and snatched Gu Jinyi away, they wouldn’t have been separated for so long.

Gu Jinyi didn’t answer that question.

There were already enough wounds between him and Xie Huaizhou; there was no need to inflict another.

Because it was after he received Xie Huaizhou’s “breakup gift” that he accepted Chu Miyun’s proposal.

But what was the point of saying this?

He didn’t want to punish Xie Huaizhou.

It’s just that after six years of torment, what could he say or do to soothe him?

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