Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 2

Didn’t you pick me?

Song Siheng first met Yang Xiaobei on the evening of the Cold Dew Festival.

It was past half-past nine, and in the ink-like black night, only humans were noisy.

The booth where Song Siheng was located was very close to the speaker, and he felt the dust in the air vibrating.

The people around him were speaking loudly, but Song Siheng couldn’t hear a word clearly. Five minutes later, he put down his arm resting on the back of the sofa. He reached into the pocket of his jeans and found that his cigarette case was in the car.

Three hours ago, he had just changed into his clothes at the company, ready to go to the tennis court to practice. He had two sets of training clothes that he kept at the tennis club all year round. However, the journey to the tennis court was a bit far, so Song Siheng was used to changing into casual clothes before setting off.

However, just a few minutes after changing clothes, his secretary Li Ke pushed open the glass door of his office and said that there was a gathering with a big client in the western part of the city tonight, and he was invited to join.

Li Ke opened his phone and showed Song Siheng the WeChat message from the other party.

“I declined. But this young master Lin is quite persistent, saying that it wouldn’t be lively without you.”

This big client’s surname was Lin, and Song Siheng was familiar with him.

This person was the second generation of a real estate group in Jiangcheng. Later, he followed the trend and entered their industry, investing in several small technology companies. He was lucky and made quite a bit of money.

Unfortunately, old habits die hard, and this young master Lin’s biggest hobby was still partying. He got along well with his business partners and was well-known in Jiangcheng for his love of nightlife.

Previously, Song Siheng had politely declined him twice, but this time he couldn’t avoid it and could only let Li Ke drive him there.

After getting in the car, Li Ke noticed that Song Siheng hadn’t changed his clothes and turned to ask him, “Is this how you’re going? Do you need me to take you back to change?”

Song Siheng shook his head. He didn’t want to waste time.

After half an hour, Li Ke arrived at their destination. It was a newly opened club, with several scattered flower baskets at the entrance. Unfortunately, recent winds and rain had caused most of the flowers to fall off, making it look somewhat dull.

Knowing that Li Ke had plans for the evening, Song Siheng didn’t ask him to accompany him inside.

Having been Song Siheng’s secretary for five years, Li Ke wasn’t much of a talker at this point either. He left with a casual “Call me if you drink too much.”

Young Master Lin organized the gathering personally, and the second-generation elites of Jiangcheng all came to join the fun.

However, having grown up playing with these spoiled kids, he was also tired of it. Seeing someone like Song Siheng, a true intellectual elite, gave him a rare sense of freshness.

Lifting his head from the crowd of revelers, he happened to see Song Siheng walking in from the entrance. Taking a big step, he directly led Song Siheng to a secluded seat.

Song Siheng wasn’t particularly fond of socializing, especially since he wasn’t familiar with anyone in this circle except for young master Lin. So, he found a seat in a corner and sat down.

“How come we haven’t seen you in a few days, Mr. Song? Changed your style?” He glanced at Song Siheng and paused at his sweater.

Song Siheng smiled, “Can’t compare to you. People like us naturally have to dress younger.”

“Oh, stop it.” Young master Lin nudged him with his shoulder and teased him. Then he turned his head and saw a group of people walking towards them.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed Song Siheng forward and whispered in his ear, “Quick, which one do you like?”

Song Siheng looked up and saw five or six young men and women standing in front of the crowded booth.

Several faces were equally handsome and youthful, but they were all trying to appear calm.

“What do you mean?” Song Siheng asked.

Young master Lin clicked his tongue and then chuckled softly, “They’re all college students from nearby schools, personally picked by my assistant.”

Song Siheng smiled, thinking that young master Lin’s assistant’s business scope was quite broad, more than Li Ke’s. It seemed that Li Ke’s recent request for a raise needed some consideration.

Under young master Lin’s gaze, Song Siheng’s gaze swept over the faces of the people in front of him, but he didn’t give an answer.

“What’s wrong? Don’t want to give me face?” Young master Lin had a drink brought to Song Siheng and then nudged him with his elbow, “Hurry up and pick one.”

Unable to avoid it, Song Siheng picked up the glass, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

As the light shone through the glass, reflecting on the faces of the people in front of him, they shimmered slightly.

After a moment, Song Siheng smiled and spoke up.

“I’ll pick him.”

The row of men and women in front of him looked surprised.

Following his finger, young master Lin looked in the direction Song Siheng was pointing, almost choking with laughter.

Song Siheng didn’t choose any of the people in front of him but pointed to a waiter not far away, who was holding a tray of drinks.

“Hahaha—” Young master Lin laughed breathlessly, “Hey, this is a proper establishment, my buddy owns it, don’t drag him into this.”

Of course, Song Siheng didn’t mean that, he just casually pointed, going with the flow to evade the situation.

Feeling bored, young master Lin dispersed the group of people and then slithered into the dance floor like a boneless snake, soon disappearing from sight.

Song Siheng wasn’t intentionally disrespectful.

The reason he did this was simple. He wasn’t interested in these people. Women were not within his scope of interest, and the remaining men bored him with just a glance.

Having been accustomed to being in charge in the business world, Song Siheng was decisive and ruthless. He had founded his first company at the age of twenty-two, and two years later, he successfully sold it for cash. Soon, he carved out another path with his first pot of gold. Within four or five years, his tech company, Sicheng, had successfully completed two rounds of financing. He wasn’t the most prominent figure in the industry, but he had some reputation.

In the eyes of his competitors, Song Siheng was a true lone wolf.

However, he had a secret that he didn’t share with others.

Song Siheng was a zero(bottom), through and through.

Zero was a fascinating number; no matter how large a number you multiplied it by, the result was still zero. This was something that Song Siheng couldn’t change from the very root.

He liked being brutally suppressed and conquered to the extreme. Even though he had been single for many years, he wasn’t in a rush to find someone.

Having worked with him for many years, Li Ke only knew that his sexual orientation was different from others. He had kindly introduced Song Siheng to several handsome young men, but unfortunately, Song Siheng wasn’t interested and hadn’t even met them.

After encountering obstacles several times, Li Ke was still puzzled, unaware of the reasons behind it.

At some point, the resident band on stage had changed, and as the bass guitar strummed, there was a buzzing sound. Song Siheng touched his earlobe, feeling discomfort shooting up from his spine to the top of his head.

The people around him had dispersed. Song Siheng finally managed to steal some peace and quiet. He felt for his pocket and realized that his cigarette pack was left in the car.

Standing up from the booth, he walked towards the exit, moving against the crowd.

The car was parked in the parking lot across the street. Glancing at his watch, he realized that he still had time to catch a few rounds of tennis with the coach.

Walking from the booth to the club’s entrance, he had to pass through the crowded crowd and then through a dimly lit corridor. At this point, everyone was busy mingling on the dance floor, leaving the corridor empty.

It was late at night, and the walls had a slight chill.

Song Siheng walked quickly, only taking the time to glance around at the surroundings. These second-generation heirs had a wild lifestyle, but their taste was quite good, and the club’s decoration was indeed interesting. The corridor and the interior were separated by semi-hollow dark gray half-walls. The light from inside could shine into the corridor, but the view inside the corridor was vague.

Song Siheng retracted his gaze, reaching out his right hand to push open the large door in front of him, when suddenly his left wrist, which was hanging on the side, was tightly grabbed from behind.

Song Siheng instantly became alert and swiftly grabbed the person’s arm as he turned around, pinning them against the half-wall partition. Song Siheng regularly worked out, so he had considerable strength. With a bang, the person behind him was pressed against the partition.

“Fuck!” the person exclaimed in pain.

Song Siheng raised his eyes and saw a pair of dark eyes staring at him, with a slight frown on his brow.

He didn’t recognize this person.

“Who are you?” Song Siheng relaxed his grip when he noticed the person wasn’t holding a sharp object.

Upon hearing this question, a hint of surprise flashed in the person’s eyes.

He countered, “Don’t you remember me?”

Song Siheng looked puzzled. How could there be someone trying to pull a fast one now?

Seeing Song Siheng’s silence, the person leaned in closer. “You picked me just now, didn’t you?”

Only then did Song Siheng remember who this person was.

It turned out to be the waiter he accidentally pointed to earlier.

Why was this game already saved and exited, but the NPC was still running its own script?

He stood in front of Song Siheng. Song Siheng finally got a clear look at his appearance.

His hair wasn’t as neat as before; it seemed he hurriedly left without having time to fix it. His hair was messy with some strands longer than others. However, beneath the chaos, there were a pair of dark eyes with long eyelashes. His upper lip was thin, but the lower one was slightly thicker, giving him a somewhat seductive look.

This baby-faced guy, furrowing his brows, really had a pitiful appearance.

But any discerning person could see that Song Siheng was just joking earlier, yet this person took it seriously. He probably was another fool trying to fish for a sugar daddy under the guise of work.

Unfortunately, Song Siheng didn’t want to play along with this face.

He released his grip on the person’s hand and glanced at him. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

The person pointed to his freshly changed T-shirt. “Just finished my shift.”

Song Siheng’s gaze followed his finger to his chest. In the corridor, there was only one ceiling light, which happened to shine on the fabric of his T-shirt. Unexpectedly, he had broad shoulders and a slightly bulging chest, with the light casting a highlight on him.

The drumbeat of the music penetrated from the other side of the half-wall, and the singer’s hoarse voice sounded like it could blast the house apart.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the person showed no fear.

“You picked me and were planning to leave just like that? Not fulfilling your promise?” He smirked, his eyes looking innocent while his tone carried a hint of vulgarity.

Song Siheng found it somewhat amusing but couldn’t be bothered to deal with him. He reached out and patted the person’s cheek. “You’ve got the wrong person.”

The person didn’t flinch and stared into his eyes. “I haven’t got the wrong person. I remember your face.”

Song Siheng knew he misunderstood his meaning. He didn’t want to reveal his privacy to a stranger, but the situation was clearly out of control.

He whispered, “What I meant is, I’m not into that.”

After saying that, the person seemed taken aback for a moment. Seizing this brief moment, Song Siheng sidestepped him and pulled open the door to leave.

However, just two or three seconds later, the person moved diagonally and stepped in front of him. The door behind them slowly closed, and the two found themselves exposed to the chilly night wind outside.

The person’s slightly reddened lips curved as he looked into Song Siheng’s eyes.

“What a coincidence. I’m not into that either,” he said with a smile.

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