Disobedience To Control

Disobedience To Control chapter 1

Cash Transaction

When Song Siheng raised his head, he noticed the man across from him was also looking at him.

Calling him a man was somewhat inappropriate. This person appeared to be in his early twenties at most, wearing a white sports tank top, revealing clean yet powerful upper arms.

The two exchanged gazes across the translucent white marble coffee table for a few seconds.

“Don’t understand?” Song Siheng broke the silence first, lightly tapping the marble tabletop with his index finger.

This light sound was like a short blade, tearing open a rift in the air between them.

“You mean… you want to… sponsor me?” The young man couldn’t help chuckling, then ran his hand through his short hair, “Have you misunderstood our previous relationship?”

Song Siheng stared directly at him, “Misunderstood? Did I make any promises to you that day?”

The man opposite quickly shrugged, then laughed again, “No.”

“But today, I almost didn’t recognize you.” He continued, “With glasses on and dressed like this, you look quite… different.”

Song Siheng loosened the slightly tight collar of his shirt. He had a slight astigmatism and rarely wore glasses except for meetings. Today, he came in a hurry and forgot to take them off.

“You still suit wearing jeans.” Perhaps to make his words more credible, he looked at Song Siheng and deliberately used an ambiguous tone, “Your thighs are very nice.”

Even if he were deaf, Song Siheng could still hear the teasing tone in the man’s voice. If it weren’t for the excellent experience that night, Song Siheng would have wanted to pull out a chair and leave five minutes ago.

Clearly sitting in the position of the benefactor, yet this person opposite him acted like a ruffian, stripping him clean with his eyes.

“Can I know why?” the young  man continued to ask, his dark eyes flashing, “I thought you hadn’t contacted me for a week because you were mad at me.”

Song Siheng couldn’t be bothered with small talk, he stood up directly from behind the table and glanced out of the window.

It was almost dusk outside, but unfortunately, the weather was gloomy, with no trace of red in the sky.

Seeing Song Siheng not responding, the young man grinned again, “How much are you giving me? I’m still working at that bar.”

“How much do they pay you?” Song Siheng saw him get straight to the point and didn’t beat around the bush.

“Five thousand a month. Six days on, one off, but I only work the night shift.”

Song Siheng just raised his eyelids slightly, his face showing no other expression.

The man opposite cleared his throat, “If you think it’s too much…”

Before he could finish, Song Siheng interrupted him, “Quit your job. I’ll give you ten times that.”

Song Siheng’s tone was flat, as if he were an AI reading automatically.

The person opposite suddenly lifted his head, fluttering his eyelashes like a fan, and the black pupils reflected Song Siheng’s face.

“Five ten thousand? For me?”

Song Siheng always hated bargaining with people, he didn’t even bother to nod, just stood up and looked down at the person in front of him.

But the man opposite suddenly became spirited, staring up at him and asking eagerly, “On call anytime? Or do you have specific hours?”

After saying that, he quickly added, “I might not be available to serve you all day.”

Song Siheng bent down, bringing his face close, “Meet once every weekend. Specific times will be notified by me.”

Song Siheng’s breath fell on his cheek. The man opposite subconsciously rubbed his jawline with his thumb.

He remained unusually silent for a moment, then solemnly lowered his head, fiddled with his fingers for a few moments, seemingly calculating the cost-effectiveness of this new job.

Half a minute later, he stood up, and said, “I have a few more questions.”

Song Siheng didn’t speak, just raised his chin slightly, indicating him to continue.

“Is the money paid monthly or annually? What about transportation expenses? Do you cover those?”

“Payout at the end of the month. If transportation is inconvenient, I can provide you with a car.”

The man sighed, “Forget it, I haven’t even got my driver’s license yet.”

Song Siheng found himself surprisingly patient, explaining so much to this young man.

He thought the conversation would end there, and was about to leave, but the man opposite stopped him again.

“One last question.”

“Go ahead.” Song Siheng maintained his previous posture, giving him a few more seconds.

“Is this fifty thousand before tax or after tax?” he asked sincerely.

Song Siheng almost laughed out loud.

He raised his eyelids and looked directly at the person in front of him, enunciating each word, “Cash. Transaction.”

During a momentary pause, as the words lingered on the edge of his lips, Song Siheng deliberately chose the word “transaction.”

The person in front of him paused, furrowing his eyebrows slightly for half a second, then quickly relaxed them.

“Alright.” He reached out his hand to shake Song Siheng’s right hand hanging at his side, indicating that this negotiation had reached a friendly consensus.

But Song Siheng ignored him, shrugged his shoulder to let him miss.

Song Siheng took off his glasses and lightly wiped them on the frame. Remembering something, he reminded the person in front of him, “Our agreement hasn’t taken effect yet.”

“What do you mean?” the young man asked, puzzled.

“I’m giving you three days to get a full-body checkup. Bring the report to me on Saturday night.”

The man paused for a few seconds, then smiled, “Asking for a checkup report now, isn’t it too late?”

Ignoring his words and unwilling to argue about logical loopholes, Song Siheng continued, “Saturday night at 8 o’clock. I won’t wait for you like today, time waits for no one.”

Soon after, with a bang, the door of the private room was slammed shut. Song Siheng walked out of the room alone.

Song Siheng had come in a hurry, parking his car directly on the road surface. The autumn wind was capricious, and the windshield had somehow accumulated a few damp, slightly yellow leaves.

He opened the car door and sat down in the driver’s seat. He started the car with a hum and casually pressed a button, causing the wipers on the windshield to spin rapidly.

The car’s audio system automatically returned to the previous channel.

A gentle female voice came from inside, “We interrupt this broadcast for a weather report. According to the latest report from the meteorological bureau, Jiangcheng will welcome the twelfth typhoon landing in the next 48 hours, with wind speeds reaching up to twelve levels. Please plan your travel time reasonably…”

The weather this year was somewhat unusual. It was already well into autumn, yet they were still facing such a strong typhoon.

Song Siheng suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car raced forward against the increasingly arrogant wind. However, after driving only about ten meters, he saw a familiar tall figure standing on the roadside through the rearview mirror.

On this day in Jiangcheng, with temperatures below twenty degrees, that person was still wearing the same white sports vest as indoors, without even a jacket.

In the moment his gaze lingered, the wind blew the vest on that person, revealing his beautiful muscle contours on his waist side.

Song Siheng made a soft sound of approval. Using his gaze as a substitute for a whistle, he then lightly tapped the brakes.

The speed of the car slowed down, and three seconds later, the car almost came to a halt.

The person behind seemed to see his bright red taillights. Taking two big steps, he walked along the sidewalk towards the car.

As the person approached the car, Song Siheng’s car came to a complete stop. He pressed the button to lower the window, and the wind outside rushed into the driver’s seat.

Song Siheng held the steering wheel and looked ahead, casually asking, “Forgot to ask, what’s your name again?”

The person outside the car leaned against the edge of the window with his hand, looking at him as he replied, “Yang Xiaobei.”

Only then did Song Siheng glance at him, sizing him up from top to bottom, “Little or big?”

The person outside the car grinned, “Dawn of dawn!”

After saying that, he quickly added, “By the way, I still don’t know your name? How should I address you in the future?”

Song Siheng turned his gaze back without answering.

Standing outside the car, Yang Xiaobei waited for two more seconds of silence between them. The next second, as Yang Xiaobei was about to press the switch and open the door, Song Siheng suddenly stepped on the gas pedal again.

A loud roar sounded, and Yang Xiaobei immediately released his hand from leaning on the door.

The black sports car started extremely fast, leaving Yang Xiaobei and the approaching typhoon far behind.

【📢Author’s Note】

First, let me remind you: 

Both main characters have average personalities and qualities. If you like to see perfect character setups, you can stop here. 

PS: The characters’ qualities have nothing to do with the author’s qualities, so please don’t curse the author.

This is not a pure sweet story; there will be twists and turns. 

Also, feel free to follow the author’s Weibo: @栗子雪糕糕

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