Blue Cocktail

Blue Cocktail chapter 52


Cheng Shuo parted his lips, a momentary silence enveloping him. Unconsciously, he tightened his fingertips, as if trying to force himself. However, the words he intended to say changed at the last moment, “Normally, people set their parents as emergency contacts, but, as you know, He Yin divorced Cheng Yu a long time ago. I don’t want any further involvement with her. As for Cheng Yu, what he did to me was even more excessive than He Yin, so I definitely won’t set them as my emergency contacts.”

“If it’s not parents, then the next best thing is friends. I do have more than one friend, but those close friends are in different cities, even far away. Setting them as emergency contacts means they would have to cross half of China to come to my aid in case of an emergency. That’s not very realistic.”

Lu Huaiqian ambiguously chuckled, “You make sense.”

“But, is there any necessary connection between this and me becoming your emergency contact?” Lu Huaiqian’s tone sounded casual, but it concealed a hint of sharpness, and he raised an eyebrow, “Just because you can’t set your friends as emergency contacts doesn’t mean you have to choose me.”

The tips of Cheng Shuo’s nails turned white due to the force, but his expression remained unchanged, “I remember the day you gave me the breakup cocktail. I told you that day that you were my first friend from college.”

“I didn’t spend my high school years in Huafu City, so you are my only friend in Huafu City.”

“Friend.” Lu Huaiqian lightly chuckled again. He lowered his eyelids, contemplated the word for a long time, and nodded, “Alright.”

Seemingly, the other party finally acknowledged the meaning behind the words. Cheng Shuo suddenly felt a twinge of pain in his heart. Why? Did he say something wrong?

Before he could delve into this, he heard Lu Huaiqian ask, “There’s a slang phrase in English; I don’t know if you’ve heard of it?”

Cheng Shuo replied, “With my English level, there’s a high probability that I haven’t.”

Lu Huaiqian skillfully switched to English. With a deep and mellow British accent, he said, “Fake it till you make it.”

“It means, pretend until it becomes real.”

A moment of silence.

He asked, “So I’m thinking, if you always pretend not to care, can you eventually truly not care?”

Cheng Shuo suddenly raised his gaze, which happened to fall into the deep and bottomless pupils of Lu Huaiqian. It was like the moment when cream liqueur fell into vodka mixed with blue grapefruit juice, and the jellyfish broke free from the shackles of its seal, returning to its original form.

“Actually, we both know that night wasn’t a dream.”

Silent eye contact lasted for a long time.

Lu Huaiqian broke the silence, sighing lightly, appearing somewhat helpless, and said with a smile that it didn’t matter.

Didn’t matter?

What didn’t matter?

Cheng Shuo wanted to ask, but he didn’t have the courage to ask, feeling frustrated for a moment.

“Cheng Shuo.”

He heard Lu Huaiqian calling his name again. The lips and teeth were ambiguous, the lingering sound and the night wind were romantic.

“Look at me.”

Cheng Shuo stared blankly at Lu Huaiqian.

He saw the smile slowly fading away from the other’s eyebrows and eyes, quickly disappearing.

Lu Huaiqian gazed into Cheng Shuo’s eyes because he knew that only when he wasn’t smiling would he not be misunderstood as joking.

“Let me be honest.”

He was serious, only serious with someone he cared about.

“I like you.”

As the words fell, Lu Huaiqian closed his eyes leaned over and kissed him. Their warm lips pressed against each other, entwining for just a few seconds.

Turning his head, Lu Huaiqian breathed gently into Cheng Shuo’s ear, his voice low and hoarse.

“Cheng Shuo, now we are both sober.”

“So, I hope you don’t push me away.”

In the next instant, a sudden force pulled on his neck.

Cheng Shuo grabbed Lu Huaiqian’s collar and pulled him forward. Tipping up his chin, he took the initiative to continue the interrupted kiss.

Cheng Shuo responded passionately, as if an eruption had been suppressed for a long time. He attempted to lead this deep kiss, but his kissing skills were inexperienced and vigorous, like a young and ignorant beast, occasionally biting the other’s tongue and even colliding teeth.

Named a kiss, it appeared in Lu Huaiqian’s eyes more like a messy gnawing on his lips.

He thought he might understand Cheng Shuo a bit; actions spoke louder than words.

So Lu Huaiqian narrowed his eyes slightly, effortlessly regaining control of the kiss.

Invading, plundering, dominating, until complete possession.

Like the night with the blue jellyfish, but more intense than that night.

The air was hot, scorching, slightly intoxicating. Cheng Shuo was acutely aware that tonight he wasn’t drunk, but his eyes and cheeks were flooded with a blush. He felt all over his body becoming soft, trembling uncontrollably, as if he were intoxicated.

Time passed unknown.

The reluctantly parted kiss finally came to an end.

Lu Huaiqian bit Cheng Shuo’s earlobe, murmuring softly with a hoarse voice, “It’s a pity. If my hand weren’t injured, I would have definitely taken care of you on the sofa today.”

Hearing this, Cheng Shuo blushed even more, especially with teeth nibbling on his earlobe. It was unbearable, so he lightly pushed the person away.

“Hiss, you pushed onto my right hand with the cast, it hurts.”

“Serves you right.”

Glancing at Lu Huaiqian, Cheng Shuo thought for a moment, then complained, “Who asked you to be like this? You should rest properly instead of teasing me.”

Lu Huaiqian remained silent at the words. His eyebrows furrowed tighter, and he slowly straightened his back, lifting the cast on his right hand with his left.

Cheng Shuo sneakily glanced at Lu Huaiqian again. He pursed his lips, still hesitating, and asked, “… How do you feel now?”

Lu Huaiqian beckoned to him, “I don’t know, come over and check for me.”

Cheng Shuo immediately leaned in to inspect—

Suddenly, his left cheek was kissed.


“Lu Huaiqian!”

Lu Huaiqian’s apology was skilled and fluent, “I’m sorry, my bad. I just couldn’t resist; you looked too cute.”

Cheng Shuo gritted his teeth and let out a long sigh. He decided not to argue with a patient.

Suddenly, Lu Huaiqian stood up.

Cheng Shuo became alert. “Where are you going?”

Lu Huaiqian said matter-of-factly, “I need to go to the bathroom to take care of a biological need.”

He paused and asked, “Will you help me?”

Cheng Shuo hesitated for a moment, “It’s not difficult to unbutton and unzip with your left hand, especially since you can write with your left hand.”

“You seem to have misunderstood,” Lu Huaiqian shrugged, “I think it might be a bit more challenging than simply unbuttoning and unzipping with one hand.”

Cheng Shuo suddenly realized something and shifted his gaze to Lu Huaiqian’s legs, where the fabric protruded, fully stretched.

He suddenly recalled something and his ears turned red as if they were bleeding.

Lu Huaiqian waited for a few seconds without a response. Carelessly, he waved his hand with a smile. “I guessed right. I knew you wouldn’t agree. I’m considerate and don’t like to make things difficult for people. I’ll handle it myself.”

It wasn’t the first time anyway.

He sighed first and then turned around, heading towards the bathroom with a slow stride.

Walking and feeling sentimental, Lu Huaiqian’s voice, audible enough for Cheng Shuo, sounded, “It’s a pity; my right hand is injured. It’s not as convenient.”

Before he took a few steps, another set of footsteps echoed behind him.

Lu Huaiqian raised an eyebrow and smiled, pretending not to notice.

He walked to the bathroom door by himself. Then he pretended to turn around in surprise. “Hey, since you won’t help me, why did you follow me to the bathroom?”

After a few seconds of contemplation, Lu Huaiqian exclaimed, “Could it be that you came to witness? To enjoy my embarrassment?”

“hey,” Cheng Shuo directly interrupted Lu Huaiqian. He turned away, muttering softly, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you.”

In the bathroom, the intense battle concluded.

Cheng Shuo returned to the sink to wash his hands. The stickiness between his fingers blended into the soap bubbles, finally turning into a rotating stream at the outlet.

Lu Huaiqian lazily stood behind Cheng Shuo. He suddenly recited a few dirty words near Cheng Shuo’s ear.

Cheng Shuo only heard the words ‘good’ and ‘delicious,’ and suddenly he jumped away. He retaliated by splashing water from his hands onto Lu Huaiqian’s face.

Turning around, he walked away.

Lu Huaiqian followed him with a smiling face.

“Are you embarrassed now?”


“I’m the one who took off my pants, and exposed myself to you, yet I’m not embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed?”

After a long silence, Cheng Shuo blurted out, “i’m not embarassed!”

But Lu Huaiqian agreed very much, “Indeed.”


“I forgot to thank you just now. I really enjoyed it. How about you?”

“I… also… enjoyed it.” Cheng Shuo turned his head and said each word.

Lu Huaiqian knew that if he continued to tease, Cheng Shuo might really get angry. He hurriedly approached, hugged him, and smoothed his hair, finally calming him down.

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