What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 38

Direct Contrast of Adorable and Tough

The suite was spotless, not a speck of dust on the floor or in the corners. Xu Le only needed to organize his things.

But soon he found that the house was so well-prepared, with the bathroom fully stocked with toiletries, the bedroom already made up with clean, comfortable bedding, and the kitchen equipped with all necessary utensils.

Who else could have arranged this but the owner of the house?

Xu Le couldn’t help but feel moved again. President Lan was too good to him, almost excessively considerate.

Perhaps President Lan was a genuinely warm-hearted person in private, but due to their positions, no one dared to get to know the real President Lan, resulting in the misunderstandings that led to his cold-hearted reputation among the employees.

After tidying up, Xu Le picked up the lazy orange cat that was napping on the sofa and rubbed its furry chin.

“I’ll give you a new name, okay? What should it be?”

Xu Le’s naming skills were always questionable. His game nicknames were randomly typed on the keyboard, and his A-Station name, “uncle Le,” was chosen on a whim—easy and pleasant to the ear.

He pondered for a while, then grabbed the orange cat and looked into its beautiful ice-blue eyes. “I’ve decided. From now on, you’ll be called Fa Cai. You’ll take my surname, Xu Fa Cai. How does that sound? Hahaha!”

“Meow!” The orange cat impatiently swatted at his arm. Fortunately, its nails had been trimmed, otherwise it might have scratched his arm.

“I don’t care. You’ll take this name, Fa Cai! It’s so auspicious. Anyway, you’re my little lucky cat, bringing me good fortune, right?” Xu Le laughed, talking to himself.

He lay down on the sofa, holding the cat, enjoying the incredible comfort of the high-elastic memory foam filling.

The gray genuine leather cloud sofa from Stierlan was something Xu Le couldn’t afford himself; it was beyond his budget.

He held the orange cat up high, looking into its eyes seriously. “Fa Cai, how should I repay President Lan’s kindness?”

Fa Cai remained aloof, twisting its body to struggle free from Xu Le’s grasp, then climbed to the top of the cat tree, giving him only its cold back and a single meow.


Xu Le looked at Fa Cai’s proud little back and couldn’t help but smile. Then he picked up his phone, intending to thank Lan Qing.

The plane pierced through the cotton-like white clouds. The noise in the first-class cabin was almost negligible, the space was spacious and tranquil, and the service was meticulous.

The flight attendant pushed the food cart gently, not daring to disturb the young man engrossed in his work on the computer, exuding a powerful aura.

Appetizers, soups, main courses, and fruit desserts—all varied, fresh, and exquisitely presented.

Lan Qing glanced at them briefly before returning his attention to his laptop screen. He wore silver-rimmed blue light glasses, adding a touch of elegance to his aloof demeanor.

Noticing his mixed-race appearance, the Chinese flight attendant spoke to him in English, asking if he needed to adjust the air conditioning or the meals.

“No, thank you,” Lan Qing replied in perfect Chinese. The flight attendant, a bit embarrassed, bowed and pushed the cart out, gently closing his cabin door.

Starlight Group was negotiating a cooperation with an Italian luxury retail group, and the negotiations were not going smoothly. Seeing the feedback from his subordinates, Lan Qing’s expression turned cold.

Just as he was about to write a reply email, his phone vibrated.

It was a WeChat message from Xu Le.

Xu Le: [President Lan, you’ve helped me so much. Thank you so much. I will work really hard!] Cute dog emoji.jpg

He also sent a video of him playing with the orange cat’s furry body.

In the video, only Xu Le’s hand was visible, his tone cheerful, “You need to gain some weight so you’ll feel even better to touch.”

Xu Le’s skin wasn’t particularly fair but was healthy and even-toned. His hand was long and well-defined, and as he petted the cat, the veins on the back of his hand became slightly prominent.

Unlike Lan Qing’s pale, almost artistic hands, Xu Le’s hands exuded a vibrant energy—not the most beautiful, but still very attractive.

Lan Qing watched the short ten-second video twice. On the third viewing, he realized the cat was the main subject.

He replied to Xu Le: [Hmm. Are you comfortable in the new place?]

Xu Le quickly responded: [Yes, yes, the apartment is wonderful! I’ve never lived in such a big place alone, so it feels a bit empty. But having the cat with me makes it so much better! Thank you for all the things you prepared for it, and the Lego sets, I love them!]

Lan Qing could imagine Xu Le excitedly assembling the Lego, his dark eyes shining brightly, causing a slight smile to form on his lips.

Regarding Xu Le’s comment about the house being too big and empty—did the young intern want to invite someone to live with him?

As if worried about interrupting Lan Qing, Xu Le sent another message quickly: [President Lan, I’ll let you get back to work. I won’t bother you anymore.]

This time, Xu Le didn’t use an emoji.

Lan Qing replied: [I’m not busy.]

On the other end, Xu Le seemed surprised and perhaps momentarily unsure of what to say. After a while, he sent another message.

It was a picture of the blue-eyed orange cat, focused on its meal. Xu Le’s photography skills were always good, and the cat looked particularly cute in the photo.

Xu Le: [Look, it’s eating. This little glutton is so serious about its food.]

Xu Le gently stroked Fa Cai’s smooth back, occasionally rubbing its round little head.

Fa Cai must have been really hungry, eating faster than usual, with a lot of cat food spilling out of the dish.

“No one’s fighting with you for food, Fa Cai. Eat slower.”

Just as he said that, his phone buzzed again.

He opened Lan Qing’s message and almost dropped his phone.

Was this really a message from President Lan?

The picture showed a variety of foods: pan-fried steak with vegetables, creamy pumpkin soup, various breads with butter, along with wine and fruit desserts, all exquisitely presented like a restaurant meal.

But why did President Lan send him this picture?

Looking at the previous message he sent, a photo of Fa Cai eating, Xu Le wondered if President Lan was also having a meal.

Amazed and confused, Xu Le suddenly found this straightforward side of President Lan somewhat cute.

“No, this is President Lan we’re talking about. He’s a cool and aloof CEO with a commanding presence, not someone you’d associate with the word ‘cute’!

Putting aside these strange thoughts, Xu Le sent a message to Lan Qing: [I’ve given the cat a new name, Fa Cai (Prosperity). What do you think?]

Even though it was an incredibly corny pet name, Xu Le personally named the cat and he thought it was great—pleasant to the ear, cute, and very auspicious.

President Lan: [Hmm, very fitting.]

Receiving approval from the CEO, Xu Le couldn’t help but feel a bit jubilant.


Suddenly, a dull thunderclap sounded outside. Xu Le looked towards the balcony and found that the sky had unknowingly turned dark, though it was perfectly fine when he left the house this morning.

May marked the beginning of the rainy season in Hai City.

Xu Le picked up his phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window by the balcony. His hand touched the slightly cool glass, making him feel a bit dazed.

Tiny raindrops splattered against the outer glass wall, quickly forming a dense pattern—it was raining.

Through the hazy curtain of rain, Xu Le gazed at the outside scenery. He couldn’t resist taking a real-time photo with his phone and sending it to Lan Qing.

Xu Le: [President Lan, look, it’s raining!]

Perhaps it was because of the earlier food photo, but Xu Le suddenly felt that he could share things with Lan Qing beyond just work.

Lan Qing’s reply was quick this time too.

President Lan: [The weather is still pretty good here, but it might be raining in Country Y too.]

He then sent a real-time photo of the view from the plane window.

The sea of clouds was pure white, and the sky was a clear, bright blue—stunningly beautiful and dreamlike.

Seeing that Fa Cai had almost finished eating, Xu Le noticed the cat lazily curling up on the sofa right after its meal. He walked over, sat down, and started petting its back, occasionally scratching its head and chin.

He replied to Lan Qing: [President Lan, please enjoy your meal and rest well. I won’t disturb you anymore.]

He also sent a cute little puppy emoji with its head tilted.

This time, Lan Qing only replied with a single word: [Hmm.]

Looking at the other’s profile picture, Xu Le had a thought and remembered something.

He opened A-site, searched for Ivan’s account, and checked the IP address.

The result showed that Ivan’s IP was still in Hai City, with no changes.

It seemed he was overthinking. After all, how could Ivan possibly be President Lan?

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