Second Love

Second Love chapter 15

Cheng Huai’s heart instantly softened. Originally, he wanted this little fool to pay the price for his own lies, planning to give him the cold shoulder for a few days. However, now that he saw his dear Jiang Jiang with red eyes, he couldn’t help but want to hold him in his hands and pamper him.

“Hoo hoo hoo, my little baby is in pain.” Cheng Huai gently pinched Jiang Yun’s adorable earlobe with the pad of one hand’s finger, leaning down to blow air softly into his ear.

Jiang Yun blushed instantly at Cheng Huai’s teasing, as he had expected Cheng Huai to magically make the pain in his legs go away. Little did he know Cheng Huai would blow air into his ear, and even his legs seemed to genuinely stop hurting…

Cheng Huai looked at Jiang Yun’s earlobes, now almost dripping with blood due to their redness, and mischievously tousled his hair.

Yes, he was Cheng Huai’s one and only adorable treasure.

“Is your leg still hurting?”

“Much… much better…”

Although Jiang Yun said it was much better, Cheng Huai was still worried that he might have injured his bones. So, he called the family doctor, who came over that night to examine his leg.

Not only did the examination reveal injuries to the bones, but it also left Jiang Yun thinking that he was in real trouble with Cheng Huai.

While the doctor examined Jiang Yun, Cheng Huai held him in his arms, gently patting his back when needed. During the application of medicine, fearing it might hurt, Cheng Huai patiently reassured the person in his arms. This made Jiang Yun briefly feel like Cheng Huai wasn’t angry. Perhaps it was a sense of “escaping a disaster,” and that night, he slept soundly in Cheng Huai’s embrace.

Until the next day and the following week.

Every time they hugged, Cheng Huai practiced the concept of “stop while you’re ahead.” Jiang Yun had exhausted all his skills of acting cute, clinging to Cheng Huai’s neck. “Cheng Huai, my legs don’t hurt anymore. Can you loosen up a bit? Cheng Huai,…”

One time they were being intimate, Cheng Huai “hit the brakes” literally stopped when Jiang Yun was almost climaxing. Jiang Yun, like a koala, refused to let go, but Cheng Huai always found a way to make him release his grip. After living together for so long, Cheng Huai had thoroughly explored Jiang Yun’s body, of course, also knowing where Jiang Yun’s ticklish spot was.

“I won’t let go! Ahaha, Cheng Huai, don’t tickle there, it’s so itchy…

A week later.

One night, the two cuddled together, and Jiang Yun couldn’t help but ask, “Cheng Huai, are you doing this on purpose?”

“Doing what on purpose?”

“Punishing me on purpose.”

The next second, the man beside him chuckled.

“Well, yes.”

Jiang Yun pouted and turned around, facing away from him.

Childish Cheng Huai! Petty Cheng Huai!

A few days later, when Cheng Huai returned home from work, the sight before him made him suddenly parched.

Jiang Yun was kneeling on the sofa, wearing a strapped maid outfit, with a cat-eared headband on his head. White ribbons criss crossed in front of his chest, ending with a white bow. He had been waiting for him to return. He heard the knocking sound, but for a long time, he didn’t hear Cheng Huai taking off his shoes and walking in. It seemed like Cheng Huai had been standing there, dumbfounded. Jiang Yun couldn’t see Cheng Huai’s expression at the moment, but he seemed to imagine Cheng Huai staring at him intently…

Perhaps the air conditioning temperature was too high, Jiang Yun felt a bit hot and uneasy. He supported himself on the sofa cushion with both hands, fingertips slightly red. Subconsciously, he tried to cover his chest, but it was just a light cover. Instead, it created a vague beauty.

“When did you buy this?” Cheng Huai tried to suppress the impulsive factor in his body, asking with a hoarse voice.

“Zhang Zhang helped me buy it…”

Jiang Yun obediently answered, and at the same time, he heard footsteps getting closer. He carefully swallowed his saliva, took a breath.

Cheng Huai sat down beside him, “Silly fool.”


“Your dress is on backward.”

“Uh… Oh.” Jiang Yun, with his head lowered, answered gloomily. Cheng Huai’s voice couldn’t conceal the laughter, making him feel even more embarrassed. Puffing up his cheeks, he was about to turn away in resentment when he suddenly felt the back of his hand heating up. Cheng Huai moved away his hand blocking his chest, untied the bow, and then, Jiang Yun felt him turning his dress around.

“Will it be too tight like this?” Cheng Huai pulled the crossed ribbons, tightening them, and the skirt also gathered, accentuating Jiang Yun’s slender waist.

“N-No, not too tight.”

“Alright.” Cheng Huai tied a bow at the end, right at the his tailbone.


“Well, then I’ll start unwrapping the gift.”

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