Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 108

There was a storm of emotions within Liang Caicai. He hadn’t expected that Liang Xie would be the first to find love.

Why, when he himself hadn’t!

Su Li, who had “misspoken,” almost bit his tongue.

Fortunately, Sister Lin brought a fresh cup of tea, dissipating the inexplicable tension in the air. “Mr. Liang, this is a new tea. Please enjoy.”

After placing the tea cup down, she casually picked up the coat on the sofa and draped it over Su Li’s shoulders, covering those love bites. She smiled, “Mr. Su, Mr. Liang wants to stay for lunch. I bought a lot of ingredients this morning. Can you help me pick what you’d like to have for lunch?”

“Sure, sure,” Su Li nodded repeatedly, grateful for Sister Lin’s timely assistance. He politely addressed Liang Caicai, “Then, I’ll head to the kitchen first!”

With that, he quickly followed Sister Lin into the kitchen, leaving Liang Caicai alone in the living room, dumbfounded.

In less than five minutes, Liang Xie emerged from the study with a contract in hand.

“This is what you wanted, the project information for the XX company,” Liang Xie said. “Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.”

“I can’t look at it right now.”

“Alright, I’ll put it away.”


Liang Caicai rubbed his face vigorously. “You didn’t tell me that you have an established relationship with an omega.”

Liang Xie immediately asked, “Is Su Li awake?”

“So, this cute little one is Su Li, the one who made Mom angry.” Liang Caicai was a bit of a playboy, and in his eyes, there was no omega who wasn’t cute.

Liang Xie furrowed his brow and said bluntly, “Don’t hit on him.”

“He’s your omega, after all. I’m not an animal; I won’t do anything like that.”

Liang Xie handed the documents back to him. “Are you going to look at these or not?”

Liang Caicai reluctantly took the documents and gave Liang Xie an envious look. This made Liang Xie sigh, “Didn’t you just start a new relationship?”

“What does that have to do with anything? They all climbed into my bed for resources, a mutually beneficial arrangement with no emotional foundation whatsoever. You didn’t see Su Li just now; he’s as sweet as if he crawled out of a grape juice bottle. My life has been missing someone like that who genuinely cares.” He continued to ramble, flipping through the pages of the document, and found what he needed in no time.

Liang Xie nodded, “Yes, Su Li is indeed the best person I’ve ever met, so I should treat him even better.”

Even better.”

Just as Xu Lin had said, Liang Xie was truly smitten with this omega named Su Li. Before this, Liang Xie, in the repressive Liang family, had hardly shown any interest in romantic relationships.

Liang Caicai had once thought that one day, Liang Xie would obey the family’s arrangements and get engaged to Xu Lin. And this marriage would make Liang Xie even more traditional and indifferent, turning into a person like their grandfather – an unfeeling and boring alpha.

However, an unexpected turn of events had made Liang Xie come to life.

He could laugh and he could love.

Liang Caicai was genuinely happy for him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he placed a doctor’s business card on the coffee table in front of Liang Xie. “This time, I asked Xu Lin to help me find this doctor, and Mom doesn’t know about it. Xu Lin’s husband is a practicing physician abroad, so he knows a thing or two about this. He assured me that the surgical techniques have improved, and there won’t be any accidents like paralysis.”

“You know my condition,” Liang Xie said, without much interest in picking up the business card. “The treatment will be lengthy, painful, and might all be in vain.”

The best-case scenario would be using a cane for short walks. To achieve this level of success, the treatment would take a minimum of three years.

He would still be wheelchair-bound for life.

Moreover, being away for so long would make Su Li worried, and he would be anxious as well. Su Li was still in school, and Liang Xie couldn’t bring himself to ask Su Li to accompany him during the treatment, as he didn’t want to disrupt Su Li’s life.

It would be too selfish.

He said, “I don’t want to waste time.”

Liang Caicai knew he would refuse, but suddenly he asked, “Does Su Li’s family know about you?”

This question hit Liang Xie right in the heart.

In fact, as long as Liang Xie said the word, Su Li would immediately take him home to meet his parents. It was Liang Xie himself who wasn’t willing afraid they might ask Su Li to break up with him.

Liang Xie remained silent.

But Liang Caicai was Liang Xie’s twin brother, and many times, he understood Liang Xie better than anyone else.

“You didn’t mark him because you’re afraid to meet his family, right?” Liang Caicai was sharp. “Using a cane is better than going in a wheelchair. What parent wants to see their child, whom they’ve raised, bringing back someone in a wheelchair? At that time, Su Li might suffer a lot for your sake.”

“We both have complicated relationships with our parents. We understand how it feels to lead a life that’s toxic because of family problems, more than anyone else. Do you want Su Li to become like that as well?”

Though Liang Caicai’s words were rough, they held a logical truth.

“Liang Xie, you need to think this through.”

For a moment, neither of them spoke. Just as Liang Caicai was about to say something more, Su  Li poked his head out from the kitchen, looking at the two of them from a distance.

Liang Xie: “…”

Liang Caicai: “…”

Su Li felt embarrassed as he walked out of the kitchen. The zipper on his jacket was pulled all the way up, completely covering his neck.

“Sister Lin asked you if you’d like garlic lobster or steamed lobster for lunch,” Su Li, seeing that they had stopped discussing business, assumed they were done and smiled, gesturing, “These lobsters are huge, and very fresh.”

One of them was almost as big as his forearm.

Liang Caicai hadn’t even had the chance to say he wanted garlic when Liang Xie chimed in, “Steamed.”

Liang Caicai asked, “I thought I was the guest?”

“You’re my brother, part of the family, not a guest,” Liang Xie joked, not very convincingly.

Liang Caicai was puzzled; It wasn’t until they had lunch that he realized the situation with “steamed” – it turned out Su Li liked steamed lobster.

However, Su Li was clever. He immediately went back to the kitchen and had Sister Lin split the lobster in half, half steamed and half with garlic. During the meal, he deftly peeled the steamed lobster meat and put it in Liang Xie’s bowl.

He thought Liang Xie loved steamed lobster.

Liang Caicai had the taste of garlic in his mouth and it left him with a single flavor – the taste of being single.

In the afternoon, Su Li had a class, and Liang Xie had arranged for a car to take him.

Liang Caicai, upon seeing this, wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip by. With the taste of garlic still in his mouth, he generously offered, “I happen to have some business nearby; I’ll take you.”

Su Li was taken aback; he didn’t want to.

Liang Xie lowered his head and continued to use an app to hail a car. “No need, he doesn’t know you well.”

Liang Caicai was once again rendered speechless. “?”

Liang Caicai appeared to be annoyed. “Liang Xie, what do you mean? Am I going to eat him or something? Do you really think I’m some kind of voracious beast?”

Su Li witnessed their interaction for the first time and thought they were about to start arguing in the next moment. He quickly played the peacemaker and stood between the two. “It’s fine, I’ll go with you!”

Because Liang Caicai was Liang Xie’s elder brother and had always been helping Liang Xie, Su Li didn’t want to make Liang Caicai uncomfortable by hesitating. He pretended to agree cheerfully.

As a result, the next moment, he sat stiffly in Liang Caicai’s car, swallowing hard.

He didn’t know how to address Liang Caicai. “Do you have something to say to me?”

“You’re quite clever.”

Su Li’s guess had indeed been correct, and he forced a reluctant smile. He knew that nobody around Liang Xie liked him, and they all wished he would leave Liang Xie.

But he didn’t want to be lectured by someone time and time again. So, he bit his lip, mustered his courage, and, risking being kicked out of the car by Liang Caicai halfway, took the initiative. “You should give up.”


“I won’t break up with Liang Xie.”

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