Strawberry Pop Pop Pop

Strawberry Pop Pop Pop chapter 22

After Su Li left, Gu Nuan underwent a complete change in his attitude.

He enthusiastically inquired about Han Yang’s plans to move out, where he was moving to, and whether he had a roommate. Once Gu Nuan learned that Han Yang’s new place was not far from his school, he excitedly ran to the study and informed Ji Mu that he wanted to continue staying in the school dormitory.

His reason being, “There’s nothing wrong with trying independent living.”

Gu Nuan bounced out of the study, practically ready to celebrate. His face was filled with joy and anticipation for his future life.

Ji Mu: “…”

Auntie Xu: “…”

Gu Nuan asked, “Why are you all staring at me? My brother is about to move out, so let’s at least make a big dinner to send him off tonight!” Someone who didn’t know might think that Gu Nuan and Han Yang had a strained relationship and was eager for him to leave.

Even Han Yang was surprised by Gu Nuan’s sudden change in behavior. He had expected that he would need to do a lot of persuasion and comforting regarding Gu Nuan. Perhaps he’d need to console him for a long time, wipe away his tears, and maybe even face a situation where Gu Nuan would cling to him and irrationally refuse to let him go, just like in their childhood.

Han Yang had always thought that Gu Nuan was the one who clung to him, unable to be without him, from childhood to adulthood. But perhaps it was the other way around. Maybe he was the one who couldn’t be without Gu Nuan.

This growing gap in their relationship felt suffocating, and Han Yang began to build emotional walls around himself to protect his feelings. Gu Nuan’s easy acceptance of the situation had created a small crack in those walls.

A voice suddenly warned him in his mind, “You can’t be like this.”

Han Yang was lost in thought for a moment, but then Gu Nuan pulled him back, saying, “Brother, you haven’t told me yet, are you living alone or do you have a roommate?”

Han Yang averted his gaze, collected his thoughts, and regained his usual composure. He gently replied, “I’m living alone.”

Gu Nuan clenched his fist, inwardly celebrating, “Hooray! This is great!”


Han Yang’s moving day was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, and that day happened to be free for Gu Nuan. He enthusiastically volunteered to help.

Unfortunately, Han Yang didn’t have many belongings, so he didn’t need Gu Nuan’s assistance.

However, since Gu Nuan had classes on Monday morning and Uncle Zhang had suddenly taken leave for a couple of days, Gu Nuan decided to return to school on Sunday.

Ji Mu had some pending work and no time to accompany Gu Nuan, so he asked Han Yang for a favor.

Gu Nuan was secretly delighted but remained calm on the surface.

Ji Mu helped Gu Nuan pack some food, reminding him each time, “Remember to take your medication after meals, not on an empty stomach. I’ll pick you up for your follow-up appointment on Thursday. Check your class schedule to see what time your class ends so that I can book an appointment in advance.”

Gu Nuan felt a bit uncomfortable when Ji Mu mentioned the follow-up appointment in front of Han Yang. He awkwardly tried to change the subject, saying, “I understand. Well, I really don’t want to go back to school.”

Ji Mu suggested, “How about not leaving today? I can drive you to school early tomorrow morning.”

“No need, Dad. I don’t like waking up early, and your workplace is too far from my school. Going from school to your workplace is quite inconvenient.” Gu Nuan stood by Han Yang’s side and added, “Brother can just drop me off.”

It was evident that Gu Nuan was genuinely happy about something.

When they got in the car, Gu Nuan proactively sat in the front passenger seat, playfully tapping his feet and appearing ready to declare, “I’m so happy,” on his face.

The journey back to school wasn’t long, just over thirty minutes. Unfortunately, they encountered traffic that day, and the extra time was spent in the confined space of their private car.

Gu Nuan, watching the slow-moving traffic, yawned lazily and checked his class schedule on his phone. At that moment, Su Li sent him a discount coupon for a fried chicken restaurant.

Gu Nuan recognized the restaurant; he had overheard two girls sitting in front of him talking about it while heading to class. It seemed to be a popular place in the snack street behind the school, and they had just launched a new menu with many discount coupons.

Su Li: [This place is so stingy. They sent these coupons this morning, and they expire before 8 PM tonight.]

Glancing at the time, it was already 5 PM. Given the current traffic situation, they would probably arrive at the school around 6 PM.

Gu Nuan didn’t want Han Yang to go back hungry and suggested, “Since we’ll be arriving at school quite late, how about we grab dinner together? Su Li sent me a discount coupon for a fried chicken place, and it’s valid tonight without needing a reservation.”

Gu Nuan remembered that Han Yang used to love fried chicken when they were kids.

“Next time, perhaps. I have something private to attend to,” Han Yang said as he opened the navigation system and changed to a less congested route at the next exit.

That day, he had borrowed the car from Ji Mu, so he couldn’t afford to be late.

In the past, he would typically follow whatever Gu Nuan suggested. Even if they were not in the same grade or class anymore, they were still always together.

Perhaps it was because they had both grown up that Gu Nuan noticed Han Yang was speaking less than before.

Gu Nuan hung his head in disappointment, saying, “Alright then.”

Suddenly, Han Yang’s hand landed on his head, gently ruffling his hair. Soon after, he withdrew his hand. It seemed like an uncontrolled, subconscious action. After doing it, Han Yang himself became stiff for a moment.

He said, “Next time, I’ll definitely eat with you.”

Gu Nuan loved it when Han Yang patted his head. His ears turned slightly red, and any previous displeasure vanished, making him easy to appease.

After a while, Gu Nuan thought of something and asked with a hint of sadness, “Brother, apart from me, do you ever pat anyone else’s head?”

Han Yang answered quickly, “No.”

“Have you never done it before?”


Gu Nuan felt relieved. He put away his phone and sneakily glanced at Han Yang’s handsome profile.

Han Yang asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Gu Nuan replied.

A short while later, Gu Nuan openly stole another glance at him.

Han Yang called his name, “Gu Nuan?”

Gu Nuan waved his hand, “It’s nothing, it’s nothing.”

Inside, his heart began to race, and he felt a warm flush. Han Yang was so handsome! Every time he looked at him, it felt like a direct hit to Gu Nuan’s heart. When Ji Mu said that he was Han Yang’s die-hard fan, Gu Nuan didn’t fully agree.

But now, he had to admit it. If Han Yang ever became a big celebrity, Gu Nuan would definitely be the most unique die-hard fan. After all, he would be living under the same roof as his idol.

With this thought in mind, Gu Nuan inexplicably wore a smug smile on his face.

He had won.

After switching routes, Han Yang took a detour and smoothly dropped Gu Nuan off at C University.

Ji Mu’s car was registered with the school, allowing parents to enter directly. Han Yang followed Gu Nuan’s directions to drop him off at the dormitory entrance.

As they approached the dormitory, Gu Nuan couldn’t help but ask, “Brother, if you’re living alone, can I come visit you later?”

Han Yang’s heart skipped a beat.

His gaze was fixed ahead as he looked for a parking spot. However, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard Gu Nuan say, “Brother, don’t stop here! Drive to another place first.”

Gu Nuan clutched his backpack tightly, sitting in the car with a troubled sigh.

Right in front of them, at the entrance of the dormitory building, stood a handsome and cheerful alpha male. He had his hands in his pockets, leaning against a utility pole. In his hand, he held a bag full of strawberry milk. He idly kicked stones on the ground, indicating that he was waiting for someone.

Gu Nuan directed Han Yang, “Brother, keep going straight, then turn right. There’s another entrance over there.”

Han Yang thought this alpha might be causing trouble for Gu Nuan, and he gripped the steering wheel slightly tighter. His gaze remained fixed on the alpha. “Is he bothering you?”

“No!” Gu Nuan knew that Han Yang had misunderstood and quickly explained, “He’s my senior, a sophomore, and he’s… he’s okay.”

“Why are you trying to avoid him, then?”

Gu Nuan didn’t want Han Yang to know that the senior was pursuing him, so he said, “There’s just a slight misunderstanding.” Gu Nuan absentmindedly ran his hand through his hair, his beautiful brows furrowed with anxiety.

He glanced at the senior holding the strawberry milk and couldn’t help but sigh. He couldn’t help but marvel at how careless this senior was in pursuing someone, buying a whole bag of milk that Gu Nuan didn’t even like.

Han Yang was much better; he remembered even the amount of sugar Gu Nuan liked in his tomato dishes.

Seeing that Gu Nuan was reluctant to share more, Han Yang didn’t press the matter. He followed Gu Nuan’s instructions and drove the car to the rear of the dormitory. However, he couldn’t find the so-called back entrance.

Perplexed, Han Yang was about to speak when he heard Gu Nuan say, “Brother, I’ll go ahead.”

Finishing his sentence, Gu Nuan got out of the car and strode towards the direction he had mentioned as the “back entrance.”

Panicking, Han Yang quickly got out of the car and called out, “Gu Nuan!”

Gu Nuan turned around, in the dimming evening light, his features appeared even more exquisite. “Hmm?”

Han Yang hesitated and then asked, “Is that a dog hole?”

Author’s Note:

It’s not time to crawl through the dog hole yet! This time, it won’t happen!! Also, the senior character won’t have much screen time, and his impact will be limited. In the future, he will also have a good partner.

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