Don't Ignite It

Don’t Ignite It chapter 25

Stray Cat

Although Lu Yuan had said that Lu Zhao would come to pick him up, Xia Yu didn’t pay much attention to it. He walked out of the bar’s entrance and intended to call for a designated driver.

However, before he could even select one on his phone, he heard someone call his name from the side. When he looked up, he saw a familiar figure not far away.

In the dim lighting, Lu Zhao, wearing a black coat, stood tall and walked over casually.

Xia Yu’s fingers involuntarily paused.

Lu Zhao clearly noticed his dazed brother beside him but couldn’t be bothered. He climbed the steps and first touched Xia Yu’s hand to make sure he wasn’t too cold before asking in a low voice, “How much have you had to drink? Why are you dressed so lightly?”

Xia Yu raised his eyes to look at Lu Zhao. In the rainy night’s dimness, his eyes shimmered like a pool of water, clear and bright.

He had indeed had quite a few drinks, and his legs felt a bit weak. However, he wasn’t too intoxicated. With a hint of displeasure, he retorted, “Why are you here? I didn’t ask you to pick me up.”

Lu Zhao replied, “I called you several times just now, and you didn’t answer. I was getting worried.”

Xia Yu chuckled.

He wasn’t a three-year-old child, and he had acquaintances with him. What could possibly go wrong?

However, Lu Zhao looked at him seriously, and seeing that Xia Yu wasn’t too pleased, he lowered his head and coaxed, “Come back with me, okay? You’ve been drinking, and you need someone to take care of you.”

As he spoke, he had already placed his hand on Xia Yu’s waist. Due to his tall stature, he almost encircled Xia Yu in his arms.

Lu Yuan’s eyes were about to pop out.

He had seen his brother’s authoritative demeanor at board meetings and his desolation after handling their mother’s funeral. But he had never seen his brother act so gently.

It didn’t seem like there was anything particularly significant, but Lu Zhao’s gaze and actions toward Xia Yu silently revealed a deep affection, as if he didn’t know how to treat this treasure.

Xia Yu tilted his head and appraised Lu Zhao for a while, appearing somewhat reluctant.

After a while, as if granting a favor, he slowly said, “Fine.”

It was only at this moment that Xia Yu remembered there was someone else beside him and turned to give Lu Yuan a glance.

Lu Yuan was utterly bewildered. He couldn’t care about anything else at this point and looked at Xia Yu, then at his brother, and anxiously asked, “What does this mean, you two?”

He looked at Lu Zhao in confusion. “Brother, why are you taking Xia Yu home?”

He had a vague suspicion, but he didn’t dare to believe it.

However, Lu Zhao just gave him a faint glance.

He had always been quite considerate of Lu Yuan, almost like a real younger brother although they were typically just cousins, but he had the personality of an authoritarian patriarch. He had no intention of explaining.

“It’s none of your business and don’t say anything to anyone,” Lu Zhao said coolly.

Lu Yuan was even more bewildered.

What kind of lustful statement was that from his brother?

Xia Yu… he is married!

His mind was trying to piece together this information amidst the chaos.


Xia Yu remained seated in Lu Zhao’s car, still smiling.

Lu Yuan’s baffled expression earlier had been quite amusing.

Lu Zhao couldn’t help but ask, “Is it that funny?”

His tone had a hint of amusement, not because of Lu Yuan, but because Xia Yu’s continuous laughter was adorable. Wrapped in a scarf, his cheeks were rosy, his hair was tousled by the wind, and his eyes were bright.

“It’s really funny,” Xia Yu laughed continuously. “Just looking at Lu Yuan’s expression; it’s as if the sky is falling.”

Thinking of this, he patted his stomach and felt that Lu Zhao’s visit was not entirely in vain.

Seeing Lu Yuan, that little brat, lose face was quite enjoyable.

But despite his laughter, Xia Yu still reminded Lu Zhao, “You’re Lu Yuan’s family. You’re responsible for dealing with him. Don’t let him blabber and expose us.”

Lu Zhao paused for a moment and then said, “Understood.”

Lu Zhao brought Xia Yu back to his house.

While he had justified it by saying that Xia Yu needed someone to take care of him, he actually just wanted to bring Xia Yu back to his own territory, like a possessive dragon carrying away a cherished treasure to his cave, hidden from view.

Xia Yu wasn’t very drunk, just a little dizzy. When his legs gave out, Lu Zhao helped him undress. Xia Yu cooperated by raising his hands, but his restless toes brushed against a sensitive area on Lu Zhao’s body. He looked at Lu Zhao with a teasing expression.

His skin was fair, and under the soft silk covers and dim lights, it radiated a subtle glow, like a beached mermaid or an artwork made of ivory.

Lu Zhao clearly felt a reaction but asked calmly, “Do you want to?”

Xia Yu shook his head.

He had drunk quite a bit, and after a night of playing cards, he was a bit tired. However, he extended his hand, seducing like a little fox, and asked Lu Zhao to hold him. “I want to take a bath.”

Lu Zhao’s internal fire flared up, and he wanted to hold Xia Yu down and start kissing him, starting from his fingertips. But he restrained himself, maintaining a composed demeanor as he complied with Xia Yu’s request and lifted him into his arms.

After the bath, Xia Yu felt a bit hungry. Lu Zhao had someone prepare a late-night snack, and they had chicken congee with several side dishes and snacks. Xia Yu ate happily.

Lu Zhao wasn’t hungry, but he filled a bowl for Xia Yu.

Xia Yu sat cross-legged on the carpet and suddenly remembered what Lu Yuan had told him.

He bit his spoon and stared at Lu Zhao for a while.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Zhao asked.

Xia Yu supported his cheek with one hand and said, “Do you remember when I was in my third year of college, during the summer vacation, I brought a sailboat model to your place? It got broken and thrown away. But Lu Yuan just told me that it was broken by him.”

Lu Zhao hadn’t expected Lu Yuan to admit this matter to Xia Yu so deliberately.

It had already been several years, and digging up these old grievances wasn’t very interesting.

But when Xia Yu recalled the shattered pieces from back then, he couldn’t help but feel a pang in his heart.

It had been his 18th birthday gift.

In Xia Jin’s concept, gifts that could be bought with money weren’t considered precious. Turning 18 was a significant event that required something special, which was why Xia Jin had spent so much time and effort crafting this handmade sailboat. He had said that he hoped Xia Yu would be like this sailboat, capable of conquering the world.

However, Xia Yu’s cherished sailboat had run aground on Lu Zhao’s beach.

Xia Yu admitted that when he brought the sailboat to Lu Zhao’s house, he did have some ulterior motives. He wanted to leave his mark in Lu Zhao’s home, to leave traces of his presence, which was why he had brought everything he liked.

But now, this sailboat was broken.

He had suspected it on the spot; the sailboat was probably damaged by Lu Yuan or some other relative. Otherwise, Lu Zhao wouldn’t have kept it a secret like this.

But Xia Yu wasn’t a petty person. Even if he was upset, he wouldn’t blame anyone.

But did he not even deserve an apology?

His birthday gift was shattered, and he didn’t even know the cause, yet Lu Zhao casually told him he would compensate him.

Whether he felt sad or angry, no one in the Lu family cared. Even if he forcibly moved in, he was still an outsider.

And to this day, it seemed that Lu Zhao didn’t know the real reason for his anger.

Lu Zhao explained earnestly, “I know that sailboat meant a lot to you, but the incident has already happened. Even if I mentioned Lu Yuan, it would only have intensified the conflict between you two, and you’d resent him even more. Besides, it was me who invited him to the house, so his hostility towards you is because of me. It’s my responsibility.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu couldn’t help but smile wryly, though his brows remained furrowed. “Is that so? My feelings don’t matter then?”

He chuckled and continued, “I had no idea that you lectured Lu Yuan. From my perspective, no one took responsibility for this, and you wouldn’t even spare me a word of comfort back then. Even if you had to protect Lu Yuan, you could’ve comforted me, told me not to be angry. After all, I’m easy to soothe, but you didn’t do anything. You just told me, ‘If you’re not happy living here, you can move out.'”

That was Lu Zhao’s way of dealing with it.

Even though Xia Yu had chosen to move in, it didn’t mean he had a place in Lu Zhao’s heart.

He sighed, his voice soft, “That’s the sentence that made me move out in the end.”

Unfortunately, he was utterly useless. Even in such a cold war, he couldn’t persevere to the end.

After Xia Yu finished speaking, he turned his face away.

Lu Zhao’s jaw tensed as he couldn’t defend himself.

Because Xia Yu’s accusations were all valid.

He had indeed been a jerk, showing no affection to Xia Yu. That’s why they ended up where they were.

He thought back to himself four or five years ago and found it absurd.

When Xia Yu lived in his house, sat on his couch, and smiled at him so cutely, he felt really good, as if Xia Yu belonged there naturally.

But he didn’t understand that this was actually the beginning of loving someone.

Lu Zhao told Xia Yu, “I regretted saying that sentence as soon as it left my mouth. When you actually moved out, I felt restless every day. I wanted to find you and ask you to come back, but I also felt like it was admitting defeat. Now that I think about it, it was really foolish.”

Back then, he thought that if he gave in to Xia Yu, he would just take advantage of him.

Xia Yu remembered everything. After that sailboat was broken, he moved out of Lu Zhao’s house because of what Lu Zhao said. When he first moved in, he was so happy, but when he left, he was in such a pathetic state.

But he had held onto a glimmer of hope that Lu Zhao would come looking for him.

However, he left for a whole month, and Lu Zhao never contacted him once. In the end, he could only slink back like a wet stray cat, even though no one acknowledged him, and nobody came looking for him. He still returned to this familiar yard on a rainy day.

Xia Yu really didn’t want to revisit the past, but Lu Zhao had brought it up himself.

That night, he waited outside in the garden for Lu Zhao to come back. Lu Zhao was surprised when he saw Xia Yu there. But ultimately, he didn’t say a word. He opened the door and went in himself.

However, the garden gate remained open.

It was not welcoming but rather felt like charity.

At that moment, Xia Yu even wanted to turn and leave.

He was not a stray cat.

He was raised with care in his own home, cherished by everyone, and given a lot of leeway as the youngest.

He was always successful and good-looking from a young age, easily gaining people’s favor. He had his first solo art exhibition at eighteen. While he wasn’t a genius, he was confident and exuberant, and people loved him.

But Lu Zhao treated him like a stray cat.

He knew that, but he loved Lu Zhao so much that he couldn’t help but bow his head.

Now, Lu Zhao told him that he had regrets back then.

Xia Yu smiled, tears glistening in his eyes, making them look like beautiful agate stones. If there was any progress he had made in these three years, it was learning to quickly control his emotions, put on an unbreakable facade, and not let anyone see his vulnerabilities.

“It’s all in the past. I’m already married to Xu Zhan now, and there’s no point in discussing these things anymore.”

He said it casually but sincerely.

He knew this statement would hurt Lu Zhao, but who cared?

He wanted to hurt Lu Zhao.

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