Don't Ignite It

Don’t Ignite It chapter 6

Not Worthy

Xia Yu didn’t entirely believe what Lu Zhao said, but he blamed himself for getting into someone else’s car.

He was exhausted now and had no energy to argue with Lu Zhao. He unconsciously leaned his body to the side, as if this would distance him from Lu Zhao.

Forty minutes later, Lu Zhao’s car stopped in front of the villa where Xia Yu and Xu Zhan lived.

Xia Yu belatedly realized that he had moved to a new house after getting married, and Lu Zhao shouldn’t have known about it. Yet he appeared incredibly familiar with it now.

Lu Zhao also gazed at the villa in front of him.

“I won’t make Xu Zhan’s affair public,” he said to Xia Yu.

In truth, even if Xia Yu hadn’t come to see him, he wouldn’t have done anything. Xu Zhan’s affair would only damage Xia Yu’s reputation. Three years together had already subjected Xia Yu to gossip, so he wouldn’t let Xia Yu get entangled in it again.

“But I hope you’ll consider what I said and leave him,” Lu Zhao blinked his eyelashes. “He’s not worthy of you.”

Xia Yu almost burst out laughing.

He really wanted to ask Lu Zhao, “Who is worthy of me, you?”

But his mind was too chaotic now, and he didn’t want to talk to Lu Zhao.

Since he had achieved his goal, he didn’t look at Lu Zhao and simply opened the car door to get out.

This time, Lu Zhao didn’t stop him.

He watched Xia Yu walk toward the villa, his back straight, walking quickly. But he seemed unsteady on the steps and entered the wrong code several times.

However, he eventually walked inside.

The heavy door closed, and there was a pot of aspidistra on the windowsill, probably taken care of by Xu Zhan.

His beloved, Xia Yu, now belonged to someone else, and he disappeared behind the door.

Lu Zhao stopped outside the door for a few more minutes before slowly driving away.

Xia Yu got inside, and as expected, Xu Zhan wasn’t there. The house was dim and lacked warmth.

He didn’t even bother to turn on the lights, walking straight into the bedroom without changing into his pajamas and simply wrapped himself in the blanket.

Xia Yu curled up, feeling his mind still muddled.

In that dimly lit car just now, the way Lu Zhao looked at him, just thinking about it made him feel like flames were surging up from his spine and burning in his heart.

The bedroom was very quiet, Lu Zhao wasn’t here, but Xia Yu, hiding under the blanket, felt like he could still sense the emotions of Lu Zhao a while ago, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

Once upon a time, he had genuinely loved this person, and three years later, Lu Zhao still had this kind of power over him.

Was it him who had gone mad, or was it Lu Zhao, Xia Yu wondered.

If he were to pull out anyone who knew them back then and say that Lu Zhao loved him, nine out of ten would treat it as a joke.

Everyone knew.

The young master of the Xia family had pursued Lu Zhao relentlessly for three years, but he couldn’t even claim the title of a boyfriend, at most a casual fling.

In the end, he was dumped, and it was an extremely embarrassing situation.

To avoid him, Lu Zhao even voluntarily went to the overseas branch of the Lu family. Despite his persistence, he was slapped hard by reality and had to accept the bitter ending, marrying Xu Zhan, who his family favored.

So, how could Lu Zhao claim to love him now?

When he fell in love with Lu Zhao at first sight in the library, he shamelessly pursued him all over the world. Lu Zhao was a classmate of his elder brother, and their families were well-matched, but that was it. Yet, he acted familiar and followed Lu Zhao like a shadow. Even though his university was not in the same city, he would buy a plane ticket and come over whenever he had the chance. He would stubbornly wait at Lu Zhao’s villa door, insisting that someone let him in.

He exhausted Lu Zhao’s patience.

A year later, Lu Zhao slept with him.

But it wasn’t a sincere, passionate love affair. He had undressed himself and climbed into Lu Zhao’s bed, begging Lu Zhao to be with him. 

Lu Zhao was infuriated but didn’t send him away.

Later, he found out that it was Lu Zhao’s first time as well.

Lu Zhao had a handsome and cold face but was surprisingly calm and composed in private. He was Lu Zhao’s guide, allowing him to play a piano piece on him. This gave him even more delusions.

Afterward, he was satisfied and tremblingly touched Lu Zhao’s chin. Lu Zhao, however, didn’t want to look at him. Fed up with his harassment, Lu Zhao put out his cigarette, pulled Xia Yu away from him, looked into his eyes, and said, “Xia Yu, I’m just sleeping with you, it’s not serious.”

Even now, Xia Yu remembered how he and Lu Zhao started, and he felt embarrassed.

He wasn’t really the shameless type. He pursued Lu Zhao relentlessly because he always believed that Lu Zhao would eventually fall in love with him. So, losing face and being rejected didn’t matter to him. He didn’t even know who had given him the confidence to think this way.

With this mindset, he naturally didn’t keep his promise. Just a week later, he came back to see Lu Zhao.

Once was sleeping together, twice was also sleeping together.

He and Lu Zhao became friends with benefits from then.

Only desires were discussed, not feelings.

This was the boundary set by Lu Zhao.

He still remembered the look Lu Zhao gave him at the time, full of irritation and even a hint of disgust. But because they had just done it, they were sweating and close together, with a heavy and ambiguous atmosphere filling the room.

Lu Zhao looked down at him, his firm muscles, a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and scratches left on his body by him. Despite his cold gaze, he was incredibly sexy, with a rugged handsomeness. Xia Yu was enchanted, and without thinking, he agreed.

But after three years of entanglement, nothing miraculous happened.

Lu Zhao still didn’t love him.

Sharing a bed for three years, Lu Zhao looked at him with icy eyes and asked, “When did I ever say you were my boyfriend?”

Xia Yu recalled this scene, and his heart skipped a beat. No matter how he tried to tell himself that it was in the past and not to care, he couldn’t help but shiver when he thought of Lu Zhao’s gaze at the time. It hurt him deeply.

He had thought countless times that it would have been better if he hadn’t gone to his brother’s university, hadn’t entered that library, and hadn’t fallen in love with Lu Zhao.


When Xu Zhan came back, he was startled.

The lights in the villa were on, and Xia Yu was sitting in the dining room, hugging his knees, with a bottle of wine in front of him. It was a good vintage Pinot Noir that Xu Zhan had bought, but now Xia Yu had drank half of it.

Xu Zhan let out a sigh, not because he cared about the wine but because he saw that Xia Yu’s eyes were a bit swollen, and his hair was a mess.

“What’s wrong?” Xu Zhan put down his shopping bag and walked over in three steps.

He subconsciously reached out to touch Xia Yu’s forehead; he wasn’t running a fever.

He knew Xia Yu was a bit temperamental, acting like a child when he was sick, especially fragile.

“Why are you crying? Did something happen at the gallery, or is it something at home?” At this point, Xu Zhan didn’t know that Xia Yu had seen Lu Zhao, so he didn’t suspect it was related to Lu Zhao. “Is it because of my ‘affair’?”

But Xia Yu shook his head.

“Neither of those.”

He looked at Xu Zhan, his eyes filled with exhaustion. After a while, as if gathering his strength, he said, “I just met Lu Zhao.”

Xu Zhan’s heart skipped a beat.

“What did he do?” Xu Zhan frowned, his tone a bit urgent. “Did he bully you again?”

He thought that Lu Zhao might be intentionally making things difficult for Xia Yu.

But Xia Yu shook his head again.

He said softly, “It doesn’t quite qualify as bullying.”

He looked up and smiled at Xu Zhan, his eyes tired.

“He said he loves me.”

This time, Xu Zhan stared at him in disbelief.

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