Reverse Domestication

Reverse Domestication chapter 82

I believe you

Qi Yanbai was not a person with strong willpower.

In the following days, he quickly got used to this pattern of interaction where he exchanged “rewards” for requests. He was slowly worn down by Lu Ye’s persistence, and his bottom line kept retreating.

First, the chain was loosened, then he allowed Lu Ye to leave the bedroom, and finally, he agreed to let Lu Ye move around freely in the apartment.

Ultimately, Qi Yanbai finally convinced Lu Ye and officially gained the right to share a bed.

Late at night, a bedside lamp cast a soft glow, and Lu Ye sat leaning against the head of the bed with Qi Yanbai, flipping through a thick book titled “Gardner’s Art Through the Ages.”

His injured arm was still propped up by a pillow, remaining motionless whenever possible, while his newly regained freedom allowed his left hand to reach over from the head of the bed, intimately and familiarly encircling Qi Yanbai’s shoulder

It was a posture that resembled an embrace, and Qi Yanbai felt the undeniable strength on his shoulder. He didn’t feel like that hand was resting on his shoulder but rather on his heart, grounding his fluttering heart and providing a sense of security.

The familiar scent of tobacco lingered in the air. As Qi Yanbai daydreamed, he listened to Lu Ye’s breathing, which seemed so close. His heart rate unknowingly slowed down, making him feel relaxed and safe, as if a weary bird had found its nest.

The gentle and soft light cast a tender and dreamy shadow over Lu Ye’s body. Qi Yanbai, in this posture, lifted his head to gaze at Lu Ye’s profile, as if lost in thought or simply admiring him.

‘It’s as if he knows me too well,’ Qi Yanbai thought vaguely.

In these past few days, he could clearly see that his own bottom line was slowly retreating. Although he still held the key to Lu Ye’s restraints, he could sense that the initiative in this “kidnapping case” had subtly shifted into Lu Ye’s hands.

Lu Ye knew him too well, to the extent that he understood which methods could make him compromise, yield, and ultimately shape the course of events as he wished.

Releasing the chain symbolized greater risks, and Qi Yanbai had wavered. He had always known that Lu Ye wasn’t the kind of person who would willingly be locked up forever, but every time Lu Ye made requests, whether with a smile or a hint of resentment, Qi Yanbai’s instincts would struggle, but he would end up willing to take the risk and fulfill his requests.

‘It’s terrifying,’ Qi Yanbai thought.

He looked at Lu Ye’s profile, and suddenly, there was a sense of absurdity, as if the current situation was similar to when he had first met Lu Ye. Back then, he had set traps step by step, trying to change Lu Ye subtly, erode his bottom line, and gradually make this relationship more favorable to himself.

Now, the roles of attacker and defender had inexplicably reversed, and everything seemed no different from back then. The only difference was that back then, he had relied on stalking, eavesdropping, and all sorts of schemes and traps, while Lu Ye didn’t need any of that. He openly pursued his own agenda, relying solely on himself.

But Qi Yanbai couldn’t resist taking the bait.


Lu Ye’s voice suddenly interrupted Qi Yanbai’s wandering thoughts.

‘Why haven’t you turned a page in ages?’ Lu Ye tilted his head, giving him a playful look, and asked, ‘Are you reading the book or watching me?’

With one hand injured and the other wrapped around Qi Yanbai, he couldn’t really turn the page on his own, but luckily, Qi Yanbai’s reading speed matched his. He would usually finish a page before Qi Yanbai and then rely on him to turn it.

But this page in front of them had only three and a half lines of text and illustrations. Qi Yanbai had been absent minded for a good ten minutes, and it was obvious where his mind had wandered.

‘I’m watching you,’ Qi Yanbai admitted openly, extending his arm to caress Lu Ye’s chest, sliding up his body like a snake, his hands supporting the pillow as he leaned down to kiss Lu Ye.

‘You’re someone I never get tired of watching,’ Qi Yanbai said, biting Lu Ye’s lip and smiling hazily. ‘I could watch you for as long as you want.’

Since Lu Ye had allowed him to be affectionate, Qi Yanbai had become unusually clingy. It was as if he urgently needed to gain confidence from intimate physical contact with Lu Ye, and he always found opportunities to get closer, hugging and kissing whenever he could.

Lu Ye stretched out his legs, making room for Qi Yanbai to come closer, and accepted this somewhat cheesy kiss.

The heavy brick of the book fell onto the bed as Lu Ye moved. The long chain on his leg also hung down the side of the bed, tugging at his ankle, and it was still quite noticeable.

Lu Ye glanced at the metal chain coiled under the bed, let out a muffled chuckle, then used one hand to press Qi Yanbai’s back and bit his tongue.

These past two days, Qi Yanbai had stopped being overly cautious like he was at the beginning. After letting Lu Ye roam around the living room and bathroom, he no longer rushed to tighten the chain immediately upon returning. Most of the time, he left it be, as if he had grown used to it.

The long chain, stretching over ten meters, was finally completely relaxed. It no longer overly restricted the freedom of Lu Ye’s movements, but its weight was still undeniably heavy, making it hard to ignore when it moved.

The sound of the subtle metal collision echoed under the bed. Qi Yanbai’s knees pushed his body upward, and he reached out to cradle Lu Ye’s face, gradually licking away the moisture from the corner of his lips, then kissed his eyes.

‘Lu Ye,’ Qi Yanbai murmured softly. ‘Are you willing to stay forever?’

As if wanting to be sure of something, Qi Yanbai had asked this question many times during this period, and most of the time, Lu Ye’s answers went along with his desires.

Qi Yanbai had already prepared himself to hear Lu Ye agree, but unexpectedly, before giving an answer, Lu Ye asked him a question.

‘Do you promise to do what I asked?’ Lu Ye asked.

Qi Yanbai knew what he was referring to. He had promised Lu Ye that once his injury healed, he would completely remove the chain. But both of them knew that this was a complete deception with no room for turning back.

However, even so, Qi Yanbai replied quickly, without a hint of hesitation.

‘Yes,’ Qi Yanbai said.

‘Then I will stay forever,’ Lu Ye said.

His tone was gentle and resolute, with a gentle smile on his lips illuminated by the lamp. But his eyes were clear and sharp, as if they could pierce through the beautiful and ambiguous atmosphere, forcefully opening up the two hearts that were so close, revealing the deceit and deception hidden within.

Qi Yanbai was still unsure if he trusted Lu Ye, But as he looked into his eyes, he couldn’t resist the urge to sink into his illusory promise.

So he kissed Lu Ye’s eyes, watching his long eyelashes fall down, temporarily concealing those eyes that could see through everything.

It was as if, as long as they stayed like this, this unspoken lie could exist permanently.

“That’s great,” Qi Yanbai’s face didn’t show a smile, but his voice sounded joyful and expectant. “I believe you.”

He said and closed his eyes, gently rubbing Lu Ye’s moist eyelashes with his lips.

If this was a dream, he hoped he would never wake up.

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