No Ghosting Allowed

No Ghosting Allowed chapter 79

Remember to take it

Even Jiang Man hadn’t received any news in advance that Zhou Jianguo would be coming. She furrowed her brows slightly, stepped into the house wearing her slippers, and while Zhou Jianguo wasn’t paying attention, she pulled Zhou Cangshan’s arm to the side.

“What’s going on?” Jiang Man lowered her voice, sounding displeased. “For such a small matter, you actually had to bring Dad here?”

“It’s not a small matter,” Zhou Cangshan said with a face just as wooden as Zhou Jianguo’s. He whispered, “Qingbo is being stubborn. I can’t handle him. Let Dad handle it.”

“You—” Jiang Man wanted to stomp her feet, but considering Zhou Jianguo was there, she held back. She pressed her anger and whispered in his ear, “Qingbo is already an adult. Why do you have to dictate his affairs?”

“I’ve already been lenient with him,” Zhou Cangshan furrowed his brows. “But now he’s causing trouble and he’s acting out of line?”

Zhou Cangshan had been this way since he was young. Once he set his mind on something, not even eight horses could pull him back. Jiang Man couldn’t help but let out a sigh, feeling a mix of both old and new grievances surge in her. She was so angry that her teeth ached, and she couldn’t help but clench her teeth and twist Zhou Cangshan’s arm.

“And you said Qingbo is being stubborn?” Jiang Man said in a displeased tone, “I think the one being stubborn is you.”

Zhou Cangshan swayed in place and didn’t evade her grip. He just let her twist his arm, and still maintained a silent expression. It seemed like he had already made up his mind and was preparing to remain unchanged regardless of what Jiang Man said.

Jiang Man had no other options but to attempt a roundabout strategy to save Zhou Qingbo. So, she forced a smile and turned to Zhou Jianguo, trying to break the sticky, oppressive atmosphere.

“Why did Dad suddenly come over?” Jiang Man smiled and said, “Coincidentally, my mother went on a trip a few days ago and sent some tea back from Taihu Lake. She asked me to give it to Dad. How about I make some tea for you, Dad?”

“Forget about the tea,” Zhou Jianguo said. “I came today because I have something to ask Zhou Qingbo.”

Zhou Jianguo didn’t explode in anger ,nor did he issue immediate commands. At first glance, it seemed like there was still room for negotiation, but Zhou Qingbo knew clearly in his heart that this was just the calm before the storm.

Zhou Jianguo was already in his sixties, but he still carried the imprint of his military life. His back was straight, and he exuded an aura of authority even without being angry. With just a fleeting glance, he emitted a strong sense of oppression.

“Your older brother says you’ve fallen for a man,” Zhou Jianguo tapped his cane lightly on the floor, speaking calmly. “Explain it. How and why did it happen?”

The reason, Zhou Qingbo thought, was truly a difficult question to answer right from the start.

Zhou Qingbo could discern the implication behind Zhou Jianguo’s words. In Zhou Jianguo’s concept, the union of a man and a woman was a natural and righteous thing. Just like 1 + 1 = 2, it was a truth that had been unchanging through the ages. He didn’t grasp the concept of “homosexuality.” He didn’t seem to believe it was a preference that came naturally with genetics from birth. Instead, he saw it as simply a deviance from the normal path.

In the eyes of someone like Zhou Jianguo, who was older and held traditional views, all “abnormalities” should have a reason. No “normal” man would like another man for no reason. It was abnormal and went against the laws of biological development. Therefore, there must be a reason. As long as this reason was found and resolved, everything would be fine.

But how could there be a “reason” for liking someone? He was naturally homosexual, with no inclination towards the opposite sex even during his adolescent years. He had always liked men.

True, Pei You was a perfect match made by fate, but even if he didn’t have Pei You, he wouldn’t be attracted to any woman in the world.

However, Zhou Qingbo knew he couldn’t explain concepts like “sexual orientation” or “natural developmental patterns” to Zhou Jianguo. He wouldn’t be able to comprehend, nor would he be willing to listen.

Zhou Jianguo was the epitome of a typical Chinese patriarch. Despite having a backbone and protecting everyone in his family, he was remarkably stubborn and difficult to communicate with, unwilling to listen to the opinions of younger generations through peaceful means.

So, Zhou Qingbo hesitated, wanting to speak but stopping himself. Eventually, he walked slowly to the coffee table, hesitated, and knelt down.

“Dad.” There are probably few children in this world who aren’t afraid of their father. Zhou Qingbo lacked confidence, and his voice sounded somewhat hollow: “There’s no particular reason, I just like him.”

“That’s because you don’t yet understand the goodness of women,” Zhou Jianguo stubbornly waved his hand, saying, “When you have a wife and someone who cares for you, you’ll naturally realize how good it is. I’ll have your sister-in-law find you some girls of the same age. You’ll spend time together and naturally develop feelings.”

Zhou Qingbo: “…”

So arrogant, Zhou Qingbo thought, this statement could easily make it into the top three of the list of bizarre things parents say.

Perhaps for someone as stubborn as Zhou Jianguo, any unknown territory in this world could be solved with his “life experience.” If something appears unsolvable, it must be the other person’s fault.

However, Zhou Qingbo couldn’t blame Zhou Jianguo for this. He knew that Zhou Jianguo couldn’t accept his sexuality for the time being, and he understood. After all, beliefs that have persisted through history are deeply rooted, and they can’t be easily overturned in a short period.

Though he understood,  Zhou Qingbo didn’t want to compromise, and he couldn’t. Since the truth had already shattered through the thin veil, there had to be a resolution.

He abandoned his indirect approach and stopped trying to gauge Zhou Jianguo’s attitude. Instead, he lowered his head in surrender, opting for the most direct method to pierce through this layer.

“I can’t be attracted to women,” Zhou Qingbo said, “They are wonderful, but they’re not the ones I want to spend my life with. I don’t want to lead them on, so I can’t engage in a romantic relationship with them.”

Zhou Jianguo’s subconscious attempt to maintain a facade of harmony was now sharply disrupted by Zhou Qingbo’s directness. Since learning about this matter until now, Zhou Jianguo finally had to face this reality. His breath hitched, and he slammed his hand onto the table, abruptly standing up.

“Why are you speaking to me like this!” Zhou Jianguo snapped. “Say it again if you dare!”

Zhou Qingbo shivered, a lingering fear of  Zhou Jianguo still present in his subconscious. When he heard the angry outburst, he instinctively felt like apologizing but managed to restrain himself.

In any case, this time, Zhou Qingbo was completely in the right. He might feel guilty for defying his family, but he would never apologize for his sexual orientation.

“I like men,” Zhou Qingbo declared with a shattered resolve. “Since I was sixteen and saw explicit content for the first time, I’ve been attracted to men’s bodies. I only desire men; I want to be intimate, fall in love, and spend my life with a man. I’ve said it all, Dad. I don’t like girls at all.”

Zhou Jianguo was left choking on his words, his face turning red. He couldn’t bring himself to utter a single word.”

He did want Zhou Qingbo to be “normal,” but that would require a genuine change of heart from him. Otherwise, even if he forced Zhou Qingbo to interact, date, and marry girls, it would merely lead to unfulfilling relationships.

Zhou Jianguo held strict values, maintained a respectable family tradition, and treated others and himself with high standards. He simply couldn’t stoop to such degrading behavior.

“In any case, this is the reality,” Zhou Qingbo remained kneeling on the ground, his neck stiff, speaking softly, “Unless you can put me back in my mother’s womb and give me a second chance at life, I can’t change this.”

“Are you abnormal?” Zhou Jianguo scolded, “Do you realize that if it were back when I was young, you’d be taken out and executed?”

“That era is long gone!” Zhou Qingbo retorted, showing a flash of anger, “In any case, this is who I am. If you don’t like me, you can execute me as well!”

“Qingbo!” Zhou Cangshan hurriedly interjected, “how dare you speak to father like that?”

As expected, Zhou Jianguo’s fury erupted. He seethed, thinking, you little rascal, I haven’t even settled the score with you, and you’re challenging me already?

From his youth up until now, Zhou Jianguo had always been headstrong, stubborn like a mule. He was not easily persuaded. This matter was already difficult enough for him to accept in such a short time. Now, Zhou Qingbo’s words had ignited his anger. He was furious, grabbing his cane and taking a couple of steps forward, raising it as if to strike.

“You insolent little rascal, you’ve grown wings, huh!” Zhou Jianguo said, “You don’t even respect your father?”

When it came to “raising children,” Zhou Jianguo adhered to a simple and brash approach. Zhou Cangshan and Zhou Qingbo had both experienced their fair share of beatings, and at the sight of his raised cane, Zhou Qingbo instinctively cowered.

Zhou Cangshan and Jiang Man were also taken aback, not expecting Zhou Qingbo to suddenly defy him. Their hearts sank, and they quickly moved to intervene.

But Zhou Jianguo was swift, already swinging his cane before anyone could stop him, landing several blows on Zhou Qingbo.

“Dad… Dad!” Zhou Cangshan hastily stood in front of Zhou Qingbo, grabbing onto Zhou Jianguo’s cane and pleaded urgently, “Don’t hit him, don’t hit him. His leg is still injured. Please talk to him calmly.”

Zhou Jianguo had served in the military when he was young and had an old injury on his leg. As he aged, he needed a cane to assist his movement. Zhou Cangshan, had a cane custom-made for him from boxwood. It was exceptionally strong and flexible, producing a constant muffled thud when it struck someone, a sound that made one’s heart race..

From a young age, Zhou Qingbo had been afraid of his father. Zhou Cangshan originally intended to have his father scare him a little to make him realize his mistake and turn back in time. However, he didn’t expect that day, Zhou Qingbo’s backbone would be so strong that he dared to defy his own father.

“How do you expect me to be calm?” Zhou Jianguo’s imposing demeanor softened for a moment when he heard that Zhou Qingbo was injured. However, he was immediately confronted by the situation again, and he said with a stern expression, “Did you not hear the way he spoke to me just now?!”

“I heard it, Qingbo is being childish. Don’t lower yourself to his level,” Zhou Cangshan still held onto the cane, quickly turning his head towards Zhou Qingbo and saying, “Qingbo, quickly, apologize to father!”

Zhou Qingbo heard his voice, but he didn’t move. He didn’t know if he was in pain from the beatings or what, but he took a while to recover, remaining hunched over on the ground, gently breathing in and out.

Zhou Qingbo had always been delicate since he was young. Although Zhou Cangshan had also beaten him numerous times, each time was well-measured, and he had never faced someone as ruthless as this. With each strike Zhou Jianguo delivered now, not only did he not break Zhou Qingbo’s resistance, but he also softened Zhou Cangshan’s resolve.

If he had known Zhou Qingbo was so determined, he wouldn’t have asked their father to come, Zhou Cangshan thought.

He felt a rare sense of regret in his heart, which even began to subtly shake his position. He couldn’t help but turn around and glance at Jiang Man, signaling to her with his eyes to help Zhou Qingbo up first.

Seeing this, Jiang Man couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him, making an expression that seemed to say, “I knew it would be like this. You never listen to me.”

Zhou Cangshan felt somewhat guilty and unusually soft. He actively looked away, hinting at Jiang Man once again.

Jiang Man was also concerned about Zhou Qingbo, so she didn’t insist on her point. She walked over and gently patted Zhou Qingbo’s shoulder, asking how he was feeling.

Zhou Qingbo indeed hadn’t experienced such a harsh beating in a while. His back stung from the blows, and his chest was numb from both the front and back impacts. Breathing itself felt painful in his chest.

However, Zhou Jianguo initiating the violence did provide him with a moment to catch his breath. The tense atmosphere had eased slightly, allowing Zhou Qingbo to temporarily avoid confrontation. In a way, it was a relief.

“… Hurts,” Zhou Qingbo lowered his gaze, his voice as fragile as a thread, “my chest feels tight.”

“Let Jiang Man help you lie down upstairs for a while.” Finally giving in and speaking softly, Zhou Cangshan also helped him up the remaining steps, saying, “Don’t provoke dad’s anger.”

Although Zhou Qingbo hadn’t admitted fault, he was offering some compromise. Zhou Jianguo’s breath grew heavy, and with his older son’s insistent grip, he slowly let go of his cane.

“He better remain upstairs,” Zhou Jianguo gritted his teeth and issued a harsh ultimatum, “Lock him up in that room. He must stay there until he learns obedience!”

Zhou Qingbo, having taken a beating and already struggling with his legs, was practically a “half-disability” at this point. With Jiang Man’s support and pulling, it took a while to make it to the guest room’s bed.

“Don’t blame your older brother,” Jiang Man sat at the edge of the bed, wringing out a damp cloth to wipe the cold sweat from his face, saying, “He didn’t expect your dad to get physical.”

Zhou Jianguo’s disciplinary actions were heavy, but he wasn’t inherently cruel. After Zhou Qingbo and Zhou Cangshan grew up, he rarely resorted to physical punishment.

“I know, it’s okay.” Zhou Qingbo mumbled softly, “It’s common for someone to get hit when coming out. I was mentally prepared.”

Having studied abroad, Jiang Man was open-minded about matters like homosexuality and didn’t really care. She smiled and shook her head, helping him adjust the blanket.

“Why be so stubborn?” Jiang Man asked, “Can’t you approach this slowly and calmly and give them more time?”

“No,” Zhou Qingbo wriggled on the bed like a snail, rested his head on the pillow, and muttered, “Pei You’s family has known about his orientation for a long time. So, I also need to come out as well; it’s not fair to him otherwise.”

Jiang Man had met Pei You before. She had caught a glimpse of their interactions and knew that their relationship was serious, not just a fling.

Zhou Qingbo was usually laid-back and relaxed, but when he truly cared about something, he would indeed give it his all without holding back.

Understanding his personality, Jiang Man didn’t try to persuade him further. She adjusted the blanket for him and said, “I’ll go talk to your brother again. You just lie down.”

With that, she stood up and walked out of the bedroom, thoughtfully closing the door behind her.

Lying on the bed, Zhou Qingbo blinked and listened to the gradually fading footsteps outside, finally heaving a sigh of relief. He took out his phone from his pocket.

Fortunately, Zhou Jianguo hadn’t actually imposed a lockdown on him or confiscated his phone. Otherwise, Pei You would be anxious now, Zhou Qingbo thought.

After waiting for a while to make sure it was quiet outside the door, he unlocked his phone and called Pei You.

He wondered if Pei You had been waiting for this call. Almost as soon as the call rang, it was picked up on the other end.

“How is it?” Pei You asked anxiously, “Did everything go smoothly?, are you hurt?”

“……” Zhou Qingbo stayed silent.

Pei You’s prediction was right on the money, Zhou Qingbo thought.

The pain on his back still burned intensely, and Zhou Qingbo let out a soft hiss. He didn’t want to worry Pei You too much, so he thought for a moment and downplayed the situation.

“It was a couple of slaps,” Zhou Qingbo softened his voice and hummed, “Hurts like hell.”

Pei You’s breath hitched. He felt sorry for him, and a hint of mild self-blame crept in. He thought that maybe he should have persuaded Zhou Qingbo more. Taking things slowly was the way to go.

Pei You’s breathing reached Zhou Qingbo’s ear through the phone, and Zhou Qingbo, as if understanding his thoughts, suddenly smiled after a while.

“I almost forgot,” Zhou Qingbo said, “I called you for a reason.”

“What’s the matter?” As expected, Pei You’s attention was caught, and he asked eagerly, “Tell me.”

“I think the ‘coming out’ matter isn’t over yet. It might take a few days of fussing,” Zhou Qingbo intentionally diverted his attention. Lowering his voice, he started to make up a serious story, “I’ll tell you, if my brother or my dad suddenly come looking for you and offer you five million to break up with me, then—”

“Don’t worry,” Pei You quickly interrupted, speaking earnestly, “I won’t agree. I don’t care about money.”

“Hey, dummy,” Zhou Qingbo sighed helplessly and amusedly, his tone sounding both affectionate and mischievous, “When that happens, just agree with them. Then, take the money and we’ll split it.”

“…,” Pei You remained silent.

Zhou Qingbo was deliberately teasing Pei You, even though he was completely convinced that neither Zhou Cangshan nor Zhou Jianguo would ever do such a thing. He couldn’t help but stir the pot.

“This could be our ‘escape fund’,” Zhou Qingbo said with a serious tone, “Remember to take it.”

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