Blank Charge

Blank Charge chapter 52

Playing Big

From the arrival of Yang Shiyu at the rice noodle shop to his departure carrying a takeout box with him, Jin Zhou remained in a puzzled state.

He had previously recommended that shop to Yang Shiyu, so it was normal for him to go there for lunch since it was midday.

But what about Xie Yao?

Upon careful recollection, Xie Yao had simply pressed a napkin against the corner of Jin Zhou’s mouth, and there didn’t seem to be anything intimate about it.

However, Jin Zhou couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off. Why was the prosecutor so bold about it?

“Lawyer Jin,” Xie Yao’s voice brought Jin Zhou back from his thoughts. “Are you close with Judge Yang?”

“Huh?” Jin Zhou swallowed his noodles and looked at Xie Yao across from him. “Not really.”

The interaction between judges and lawyers was sensitive. Although Jin Zhou couldn’t be considered a full time lawyer, he still didn’t want to cause trouble for Yang Shiyu.

“In that case, you may not know,” Xie Yao said, “Judge Yang is the youngest full-fledged judge in the district court.”

Jin Zhou not only knew about that,, but he also knew that Yang Shiyu would soon be promoted.

“Judge Yang appears to be young and promising.” When it came to complimenting Yang Shiyu, Jin Zhou could write an essay, but since he had already claimed not to be close with him, he could only leave it at that.

“It seems he has been investigating a certain case for many years,” Xie Yao said, picking up a mouthful of rice noodles along with a mint leaf. “If he can solve that major case, he might even become the youngest deputy chief in the court.”

The mint leaf entered Xie Yao’s mouth along with the rice noodles. He closed his lips and chewed with excellent manners, but Jin Zhou’s mouth felt dry just watching it.

The first time Jin Zhou had eaten rice noodles there, he didn’t know the proper way to eat it and had also eaten the mint leaf.

But he had almost immediately spat it out because the raw mint leaf was somewhat bitter. He remembered that the owner had even warned him that the mint leaf was just meant to enhance the scent of the soup and shouldn’t be eaten as a side dish.

“You have strong taste buds,” Jin Zhou picked the mint leaf from his bowl and placed it on a napkin. “I can’t handle this stuff.”

“I call that seeing things through to the end,” Xie Yao smiled. “Since it’s already in there, it’s best not to waste it.”

“You’re right.” Jin Zhou realized that Xie Yao was indeed a strange person, just like how notebooks had to be neatly arranged. He had his own set of life philosophies.

“You mentioned the doubts about the bloodstained footprint.” After chatting for a while, Xie Yao finally got to the point. “Have you ever considered that he might have cleaned up the scene himself? Maybe he just forgot about his right foot, leaving behind a half-footprint.”

“What about the evidence?” Jin Zhou asked. ” Even if Liu Yongchang used bleach, where is the evidence of him purchasing it?”

“I know you’re thinking the evidence chain is incomplete,” Xie Yao said. “But back then, forensic technology was limited, and compared to evidence, motive is more convincing. He has already admitted to going to Wang Wu’s house that night to commit theft. What if Wang Wu caught him in the act and they had an argument?”

“But the murder weapon wasn’t found,” Jin Zhou said. “It clearly states in the case file that this wasn’t a crime of passion or revenge.”

“That means the theft was fake, and from the beginning, he intended to kill Wang Wu,” Xie Yao said.

“Prosecutor,” Jin Zhou sighed in frustration, “all of this is just speculation, or should I say, malicious speculation. Isn’t he innocent till proven guilty?”

“You’re right, I won’t say these things in court. I just…” Xie Yao paused and looked at Jin Zhou, “find discussing the case with you interesting.”

“To be honest, I also find discussing the case very interesting.” Jin Zhou put down his chopsticks and grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth. “But the suspect in this case is ultimately my good friend.”

“I understand.” Xie Yao nodded. “What you’re saying makes sense, but if you want the court to make a decision not to prosecute, you need to have a clearer understanding of Liu Yongchang’s actions and motives.”

“Alright.” Jin Zhou also felt that words alone wouldn’t be enough. “I’ll go back and prepare a defense .”

Xie Yao had finished eating on the other side and put down his chopsticks.

He took out a tissue and scanned the QR code for payment on the table with his phone. Jin Zhou took out his phone, ready to pay,  but just then, he heard a “ding,” and Xie Yao had already completed the payment.

“I’ve paid for both of us.” Xie Yao looked at his phone screen, tapped a few times with his thumb, and then showed his WeChat business card QR code to Jin Zhou. “Add me on WeChat and transfer the money to me.”

Jin Zhou: “?”

Around five in the afternoon, Jin Zhou strolled to the courthouse entrance to pick up Yang Shiyu.

He knew he had to explain the rice noodle situation to Yang Shiyu.

However, he waited and even as the sun was about to set, Yang Shiyu still hadn’t come out. He called, and it took a while for the other person to answer the phone. Only then did Jin Zhou realize that Yang Shiyu had been on an assignment that day and was probably already at home.

“Why didn’t you wait for me back at the courthouse?” Jin Zhou complained, opening the rice cooker, but there was nothing inside.

“What about my meal?” He turned around and looked at Yang Shiyu, who was solely focused on eating dinner at the dining table.

“I didn’t cook.” Yang Shiyu’s reply was brief.

“Wife~” Jin Zhou sighed helplessly, took a pair of chopsticks, and sat across from Yang Shiyu.

He picked up a piece of shredded meat and tasted it, just like a food critic. “Tsk,” he said, “It’s so sour, such a strong vinegar taste.”

Yang Shiyu raised his eyes and looked at him quietly.

Jin Zhou smiled and said, “I’m not close with Xie Yao.”

Yang Shiyu withdrew his gaze, stirring the white rice in his bowl. The sound of stainless steel chopsticks clashing with the ceramic bowl could be heard.

“He’s the prosecutor in charge of Liu Yongchang’s case.” Jin Zhou shamelessly stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a clump of white rice from Yang Shiyu’s bowl, and stuffed it into his own mouth. “Didn’t you tell me to talk to the prosecutor in charge?”

Yang Shiyu  furrowed his brows slightly and said, “I didn’t ask you to please him.”

“Really,” Jin Zhou sighed with a mix of laughter and tears, “He took me there to chat more about the case, and he loves that place too, i was surprised when he said he goes there to eat sometimes.”

“Is that so?” Yang Shiyu casually remarked, “Then you do have something in common.”

“That’s true,” Jin Zhou thoughtfully propped his chin on the back of his hand, “He really enjoys discussing the case with me.”

Yang Shiyu fell silent, and a faintly ominous atmosphere filled the air.

“But he doesn’t wear glasses,” Jin Zhou quietly kicked off his right slipper, his toes crawling up Yang Shiyu’s leg, “I still prefer refined scoundrels.”

Yang Shiyu paused for a moment, with a slightly raised chin, he looked at Jin Zhou and asked in a cold voice, “Who are you calling a refined scoundrel?”

“I didn’t say it was you,” Jin Zhou teasingly replied, “You’re just a gentleman with beastly desires.”

“Are you feeling frisky again?” Yang Shiyu narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

“No,” Jin Zhou wiggled the chopsticks in his hand, “I’m feeling horny.”

Mistake, such a big mistake.

Rubbing his sore jaw, Jin Zhou sat on the sofa, watching Yang Shiyu cook noodles in the kitchen.

It was rare to see Yang Shiyu jealous, and he even voluntarily offered to please him.

Well, actually, he was just feeling horny and wanted to be intimate with Yang Shiyu.

But Yang Shiyu went too far, not only forcefully pleasuring himself in Jin Zhou’s mouth, but also cuming, leaving Jin Zhou still horny.

“Come and eat noodles,” Yang Shiyu placed a steaming bowl on the dining table and then returned to the kitchen to wash the pots and dishes.

Although Jin Zhou was extremely unhappy and unsatisfied, he wouldn’t let it ruin his appetite. He sat down at the dining table and slurped on the simple egg noodles. After a while, Yang Shiyu finished cleaning the kitchen and sat opposite him.

“Last night,” out of the blue, Yang Shiyu crossed his arms in front of his chest, resting his elbows on the table, and started talking about work to Jin Zhou, “The police caught a smuggling ship carrying gold at the dock.”

Jin Zhou found it strange and he asked, “Is it related to Wang Hetai?”

“Exactly,” Yang Shiyu said, “The police have obtained a guest list, and there is someone involved in overseas shipping business who has aroused suspicion.”

Jin Zhou suddenly thought of the man with the strange accent who talked about golf with Wang Hetai, and asked, “Why would the police be suspicious?”

“Because this person doesn’t have any apparent business dealings with Wang Hetai,” Yang Shiyu said, “Wang Hetai has various interactions with all sorts of people, making it difficult for the police to accurately investigate. But it is evident that whoever he brought to the party must have a close connection with him. So the police followed this line of investigation and discovered that smuggling gold overseas and then using overseas funds to retrieve it is one of Wang Tai’s money laundering methods.”

As Jin Zhou listened, he gradually stopped using his chopsticks. He furrowed his brows, and his breathing involuntarily became rapid. “So what you’re saying is that there is evidence to arrest Wang Hetai now?”

Yang Shiyu shook his head, “They only arrested Zhao Qing. He claimed that Wang Hetai had no knowledge of those activities.”

“Damn it,” Jin Zhou couldn’t help but curse, “How did he manage to keep so many loyal dogs?”

“There’s one more thing I need to tell you,” Yang Shiyu paused, a calm expression mixed with a hint of hesitation.

“What?” Jin Zhou asked.

“Wang Hetai wants me to resign as soon as possible and become Zhao Qing’s defense lawyer.”

“What?!” Jin Zhou’s anger surged to his chest, “what did you say in response?” 


Just as Yang Shiyu was about to reply, Jin Zhou’s phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the unexpected name, he restrained himself for the time being and answered the call.

“Zhang Rui?” Jin Zhou’s tone was full of impatience, “What’s wrong?”

“Big brother, about that cocktail party last time,” Zhang Rui sounded a bit anxious, “Didn’t I help your friend get in?”

Zhang Rui didn’t know that the “friend” was actually Jin Zhou himself and thought it was just a female model Jin Zhou knew.

“What about it?” Jin Zhou asked.

“Boss Wang took a liking to her,” Zhang Rui said, “Can you give me her contact information?”

Jin Zhou: “…Wang Hetai took a liking to… ‘her’?”

This is bad, things have escalated.

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