Blank Charge

Blank Charge chapter 33

He’s stubborn

When he heard Yang Shiyu’s words, “come back now,” he could only quickly curl up and head back to Yang Shiyu’s apartment.

Agony, regret, and the desire to escape—that was Jin Zhou’s current mood.

But he also knew that avoiding was shameful and useless.

He neatly buttoned up his shirt collar and, after confirming that there was no smell of cigarette smoke on him, entered the password to open the door.

“Why are you working overtime at home today?”

As soon as he entered the apartment, Jin Zhou greeted Yang Shiyu casually, pretending to be natural. However, he didn’t dare to call him “wife” which already exposed his guilty conscience.

“It’s close to the end of the year, so there’s a lot of work,” Yang Shiyu sat on the sofa with a faint expression, looking at the case file. The golden anti-slip chain slid back and forth on his shoulders.

Although his tone was the same as usual, Jin Zhou inexplicably felt a sense of pressure.

“Judges really have it tough,” Jin Zhou echoed, shrinking his neck and carefully changing into slippers without making any noise.

He had planned to quietly go to the bathroom to wash up, not giving Yang Shiyu a chance to ask him any questions. However, as soon as he took a few steps, he heard Yang Shiyu coldly say two words, “Stay put.”

Jin Zhou immediately stopped in his tracks and stood up straight. “I just took a walk around the Political and Legal University.”

Without waiting for Yang Shiyu to ask any questions, he had already confessed on his own.

Of course, that so-called confession was just an excuse he made up.

“Taking a walk at this time?” Yang Shiyu asked in a calm tone, still looking at the case file, his expression unchanged.

“Yes,” Jin Zhou replied smoothly. “There were students playing football. I watched them for a while.”

“I see,” Yang Shiyu continued, “What was the score?”

Jin Zhou didn’t expect Yang Shiyu to ask in such detail, but his mind was quick, and he immediately answered, “It was 2-0 in the first half. I thought the red team was going to lose, but they scored a penalty in the second half and another goal within five minutes, making it 2-3 and reversing the score.”

Yang Shiyu closed the case file with a snap, and with an expressionless face, he looked at Jin Zhou and asked, “so were you also commentating the women’s football match the night before yesterday like this?”

“Uh.” Jin Zhou was caught off guard again, so he quickly followed Yang Shiyu’s words and changed the topic. “Didn’t you say you didn’t watch football?”

Yang Shiyu always worked in the study, and Jin Zhou couldn’t get him to watch football games with him. He could only occupy the entire sofa alone, feeling lonely.

“You never listen,” Yang Shiyu sighed lightly, lowered his gaze to tidy up the case file, and no longer said much. He took his things and went to the study.

Just then Jin Zhou went from feeling guilty to feeling uneasy.

He had imagined that Yang Shiyu would scold him endlessly, or even lock him in the bedroom and not let him out, but he had never thought that Yang Shiyu would ignore him like that.

He approached the study room door and knocked on it, saying, ‘Yang Shiyu?’

 no sound came from the study.

It continued like that until they both went to sleep, and Yang Shiyu still didn’t pay any attention to Jin Zhou.

Fortunately, he was still willing to share a bed with Jin Zhou, although it didn’t count for much.

Jin Zhou’s wound had already healed, and regardless of whether Yang Shiyu paid attention to him or not, he firmly held onto Yang Shiyu from behind.

Just like a mischievous child, the less attention he received, the more he acted up. He reached his hand into Yang Shiyu’s clothes, pressed his forehead against the back of his neck, and whispered softly, ‘I was wrong, Yang Shiyu,I’m sorry please don’t ignore me.’

His misbehaving hand was suddenly grabbed, and Yang Shiyu finally spoke, ‘Take your hand away.’

‘I won’t.’ Jin Zhou tightly held onto Yang Shiyu’s waist. ‘Unless you pay attention to me.’

The two of them silently confronted each other for a while, and in the end, Yang Shiyu was the first to compromise. He turned over and lay flat on the bed, saying, ‘Then listen to me.’

‘Why is it always me who has to listen?’ Jin Zhou raised his head, looking at Yang Shiyu from the side. ‘Why don’t you listen to me?’

Yang Shiyu pretended to turn over again, but Jin Zhou quickly pressed him down, resting his forehead against his ear and softly said, ‘You know what kind of person I am. If I listen to you, then do you think I’ll still be me?’

His tone carried a hint of flirtation, even Jin Zhou himself didn’t notice.

‘Do you know that we failed to capture Wei Jie today, and two police officers were almost killed?’ Yang Shiyu sighed helplessly. ‘You still have injuries, yet you still went out.’

Jin Zhou keenly noticed that Yang Shiyu’s attitude had softened.

‘I’m fine, aren’t I?’ Jin Zhou resumed his previous bratty attitude . ‘If something actually happens to me, that’s when you can criticize me.’

‘You…’ Yang Shiyu rubbed his temples, feeling a headache.

 ‘Or you can kiss me again.’Jin Zhou joked, ‘This time, It’ll be equal to three days. Within those three days, no matter what, I won’t dare go against your wishes.’

Yang Shiyu fell silent, and the bedroom returned to its previous silence.

Suddenly, Jin Zhou felt a little uneasy. It seemed like that wasn’t the right time to joke. What if Yang Shiyu ignored him again? What would he do?

However, just as Jin Zhou was pondering how to diffuse the situation, something unexpected happened.

Yang Shiyu, who had been silent all along, suddenly turned over and pressed Jin Zhou under him, his lips firmly sealing Jin Zhou’s without any warning.

Unlike the previous time, it wasn’t aggressive. Yang Shiyu’s soft tongue pried Jin Zhou’s teeth open, while sucking his lower lip.

Their noses occasionally brushed against each other. Jin Zhou’s brain completely malfunctioned. He hadn’t expected Yang Shiyu to actually kiss him.

A large hand slipped under his pajamas and began rubbing his sensitive nipple.

The unexpected tingling sensation shot straight to his lower abdomen, causing that soft flesh to instantly harden.

“Mmm…” A low moan escaped from Jin Zhou’s lips as he greedily gasped for air, but he couldn’t help but open his eyes slightly to see Yang Shiyu’s expression.

The sacred and untouchable Judge, at that moment, was biting his lip and tenderly but forcefully licking it.

The tips of their noses occasionally brushed against each other. Jin Zhou’s eyes were uncontrollably blurry, yet he saw Yang Shiyu still looking at him calmly, with a cold gaze mixed with a few traces of passion.

Yang Shiyu then lifted Jin Zhou’s clothing, burying his head and rolling his tongue on Jin Zhou’s nipple.

His tongue glided over the swollen and reddened nipple, sending a stimulating sensation straight to Jin Zhou’s head.

He held onto his remaining sanity and stubbornly said, “Do you think… by doing this, I’ll… submit?”

The nipple was bitten fiercely, and the combination of pain and pleasure caused Jin Zhou to moan softly.

Yang Shiyu, who was previously composed, squinted his eyes and licked Jin Zhou’s Adam’s apple before whispering in his ear, “Wearing my shirt and going to the bar without my knowledge?”

“How the hell… Do you know everything?” Jin Zhou suppressed his trembling, refusing to admit defeat no matter what.

He hoped that Yang Shiyu would discipline him harshly, or else he would become even more disobedient, saying the most provocative things to provoke Yang Shiyu.

“I went to see one of my lovers. Do you have a problem with that?” Yang Shiyu firmly grasped the swollen crotch, his palm warm but his fingertips cold, creating an alternating sensation that almost made Jin Zhou release.

Just the thought of Yang Shiyu’s sacred fingers, used to reviewing case files, gripping his dirty crotch excited him, making his whole body tremble.

“How many lovers do you have?” Cold words escaped from his red lips as the scorching breath once again enveloped Jin Zhou’s nipple.

“Less than… a hundred.” The words had just left his mouth when his tender nipple was fiercely bitten, and his two balls were ruthlessly squeezed , the dual stimulation causing Jin Zhou’s eyes to well up with tears.

But damn, it felt so good.

It felt so good that he was on the verge of tearing up because of pleasure.

“You’re just…” Jin Zhou struggled to speak, “ranked a hundred and eighth.”

 Unexpectedly, Yang Shiyu wasn’t provoked. Instead, he lifted his head and smirked, “Do your lovers know how much you crave being fucked?”

Upon hearing that, Jin Zhou was momentarily stunned, then his face turned bright red. “You, you, you… You’re not allowed to swear!”

How could the honorable judge, representing justice, use such foul language?

That was simply unacceptable to Jin Zhou, even more so than Yang Shiyu wearing glasses when at the bar.

In Jin Zhou’s mind, Yang Shiyu was perfect, even sacred. 

How could such a sacred and noble judge utter the phrase “crave being fucked”?

“Don’t you?” Yang Shiyu’s hand never stopped its movement, toying with Jin Zhou’s excited crotch.

Jin Zhou felt conflicted. He disliked the way Yang Shiyu spoke to him, which didn’t suit his status as a judge, yet he enjoyed the actions Yang Shiyu was doing to him, which also didn’t suit his status as a judge.

“Of course, I don’t.” Jin Zhou said fiercely, “I’m a fucking beast.”

He wanted to provoke Yang Shiyu even more.

“You’re the one craving it. A lewd judge like you should be grateful to passionately touch my cock, begging me to satisfy you.”

He wanted Yang Shiyu to lose his composure.

However, those words had no effect. Yang Shiyu calmly asked, “do your lovers know how eager you’re  to prove yourself in bed? Oh, wait, they don’t know since you haven’t fucked anyone.”

“You, you, you…” Jin Zhou’s secret was exposed, and once again, his face turned crimson. “Stop talking bullshit! I’ve slept with a lot of them!”

“Really ?” Yang Shiyu lowered his eyes and glanced down. Following his gaze, Jin Zhou realized that he was clutching the bedsheet with one hand and Yang Shiyu’s clothes with the other. His whole body exuded an unmistakable submissive aura.

Hold on,” Jin Zhou suddenly realized something. “Are you still investigating me?”

Yang Shiyu didn’t answer; he directly kissed Jin Zhou’s lips again.

This time, he went all out, rubbing the swollen nipples with one hand and playing with his crotch simultaneously. His tongue swept across the sensitive area in Jin Zhou’s mouth, and soon Jin Zhou gave in and moaned in pleasure.

 Jin Zhou lifted one leg, hooking it around Yang Shiyu’s waist, intending to release in his hand . But at that moment, Yang Shiyu suddenly tightened his grip on Jin Zhou’s tip, preventing the impulse to release. It was incredibly uncomfortable.

“What are you doing?” Jin Zhou couldn’t help but thrust his waist forward, trying to push away Yang Shiyu’s fingers. “Let me cum.”

“Still disobedient?” Unlike Jin Zhou’s urgency, Yang Shiyu calmly asked.

“I’ll do whatever you say?” Jin Zhou’s voice was full of anger and desperation, “I’m the one who should say that. A perverted judge like you should be grateful to touch my dick and beg me to satisfy you.”

“Oh, fuck… Yang Shiyu…”

It seemed that Jin Zhou’s nipples became even more sensitive from being licked for so long, and Yang Shiyu’s skills were excellent. He knew exactly where to touch Jin Zhou to elicit moans from him.

“I’d rather choke to death… than let you… succeed…”

One minute later.

“Ah… I can’t hold it anymore… let me cum… I’ll listen to you… one hundred percent… please, let me……, my wife…”

Jin Zhou’s moment of dominance was stopped as he released, and Yang Shiyu went to the bathroom to relieve himself.

The once passionate bedroom returned to its usual quietness. Jin Zhou lay on the bed, wrapped in the blanket like a submissive person, unwilling to recall his previous pleas.

No, he comforted himself, ‘that never happened’

He comforted himself that he just wasn’t prepared this time. It was a sneak attack from Yang Shiyu. Next time, he decided he would display his prowess and make up for what he had lost that night.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and Jin Zhou quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be sound asleep.

“Listen to me from now on,” Yang Shiyu climbed onto the bed and lay down, giving Jin Zhou a faint glance. “You said it yourself.”

Jin Zhou, who was pretending to sleep, couldn’t help but respond. So he turned over, facing away from Yang Shiyu, and muttered softly, “No one believes what a man says in bed.”

“As long as you obey,” Yang Shiyu paused. “I can be helping you every night.”

Damn it, Jin Zhou opened his eyes in displeasure and cursed in his mind. That bastard wanted to control him again.

The next morning, Jin Zhou got up from the bed feeling refreshed, while Yang Shiyu had already left for work early.

On the dining table, there was a bowl of lean meat and preserved egg porridge, garnished with green onions and white pepper, perfectly matching Jin Zhou’s taste.

After leisurely finishing breakfast and tidying up the dishes, Jin Zhou grabbed the keys and left the house.

—He didn’t want Yang Shiyu to ignore him ever again, so he decided not to go out at night anymore, but he would still wander around during the day.

He went to the repair shop, greeted Xiao Wu, and then headed to the adjacent second hand  store.

At that time, Yu He was counting the accounts. When he saw Jin Zhou approaching, he stopped his work and raised his head. “Jin Zhou, I heard you almost got into trouble last night?”

“Trouble?” Jin Zhou looked puzzled.

“Weren’t you caught red-handed by your husband last night?” Yu He asked.

“What??” Now Jin Zhou was completely confused. How did it turn into his husband? That was his wife.

“Well…” Yu He glanced at his phone and hesitated.

“No i didn’t get in trouble,” Jin Zhou didn’t understand how it became like that. “My wife was feeling lonely at home last night, so I went back to be with him. As an excellent husband, of course, I put my wife first.”

“Oh…” Yu He said.

“Let’s not talk about that,” Jin Zhou said, “I have something to discuss with you.”

“What is it?” Yu He asked curiously.

“I want you to gather a few people and distribute flyers near the Paris Temple,” Jin Zhou took out his phone and sent a message to Yu He. “Print the flyers exactly as I sent you.”

“‘Doorstep Recycling, Cash Support’?” Yu He looked at the screen and read out the text Jin Zhou sent him. “Are we expanding into a new business?”

“No,” Jin Zhou opened another picture on his phone, and it was the watch that Liu Qian had lost. “I want to retrieve this watch.”

He briefly explained the situation to Yu He, and finally, Yu He understood Jin Zhou’s intention.

“But what if he has already sold the watch?” Yu He asked.

“I have a Plan B,” Jin Zhou said, “You just focus on distributing the flyers, and also keep an eye out for any other customers who receive this watch.”

Jin Zhou speculated that the watch was most likely still with Zhang Rui; otherwise, he wouldn’t be so confident that no one else could find it.

“No problem,” Yu He said, “I’ll discreetly ask around.”

After Jin Zhou left, Yu He opened WeChat and planned to do as Jin Zhou instructed him.

As he scrolled through the chat window, intending to find the WeChat of the owner of the printing shop, he couldn’t resist the temptation and opened a WeChat group that Jin Zhou wasn’t in.

【Yu He: Jin Zhou just told me that was not his husband.】

【Hu Zi: He said it was his wife?】

【Xiao Wu: He can’t admit it.】

【Yu He: That’s right, he said it was his wife.】

【Hu Zi: He’s pretending to be tough, but we all saw it. When he received a call from his husband, he almost knelt down.】

【Brother 1: We all saw it.】

【Brother 2: We all saw it +1】

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