Blank Charge

Blank Charge chapter 28

In the meeting room of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yang Shiyu sat in the back row, holding a notebook in one hand, while listening to his colleagues’ reports.

“The deceased, Wang Darong, male, forty-three years old, fell from the fourth floor of the XX Hotel at 11:32 PM last night…”

The photos of the scene were displayed on the projection screen. Wang Darong, who had been carefree in the casino before, had now become a lifeless body.

“According to the testimony of the witness Wang Chunxia, there were people suspected of being involved in organized crime who approached Wang Darong, subjected him to interrogation and torture, and then Wang Darong fell to his death.”

Wang Chunxia was the real name of Chun Jie. The reporting officer pressed the remote control, and another photo appeared on the screen.

“This is the suspect captured by Wang Chunxia.”

In the photo taken from top to bottom, a man was seen walking downstairs in the corridor.

“Although Wang Chunxia is Wang Darong’s girlfriend, Wang Darong had been evading the police investigation recently, so they were not living together. At the time of the incident, Wang Chunxia happened to go to meet Wang Darong and heard the commotion inside the room, so she hid in the corridor.”

“Not long after, the suspect came out of the room and left through the corridor to avoid the elevator surveillance. Wang Chunxia was hiding in the corridor on the fifth floor at that time and captured the footage of the suspect leaving the fourth floor with her phone.”

The officer zoomed in on the photo, and the suspect, while leaving, supported himself on the handrail of the stairs with his right hand, revealing a very distinct scorpion tattoo on the back of his hand.

“Based on this tattoo and the fingerprints extracted from the handrail, the suspect is Wei Jie, also known as ‘Crooked Brother’.”

Next, the officer displayed more photos of the scene. Inside the cramped hotel room, everything was neatly arranged, without any signs of struggle. There was a printed suicide note left on the desk, which read, “I’m tired and don’t want to run anymore,” and so on.

“In other words, if it wasn’t for Wang Chunxia going to see him, Wang Darong’s death would most likely have been staged as a suicide.”

After the report, the officers quickly dispersed and returned to their work, while Yang Shiyu went outside the meeting room and discussed the case with Ren Wenli.

Generally, judges would not intervene at that stage, but Wang Darong’s case had an impact on the judgment of another rape case, so it was understandable for Yang Shiyu to stay informed.

“Forgery of murder as suicide is indeed a common method used by the Crooked Brother’s gang,” Yang Shiyu leaned against the wall and said, as the chaotic footsteps echoed in the hallway, indicating a large number of police officers preparing to go out and make arrests.

“I just didn’t expect him to personally take action,” Ren Wenli said with a serious expression, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “But it’s not surprising. Those people he’s associated with, some have escaped and some have been caught,” she paused and added, “no wonder Wang Hetai has been relatively quiet over the years.”

Wang Hetai had become a successful entrepreneur, and the higher his position, the more cautious he naturally became.

Yang Shiyu asked, “Still no evidence of financial transactions between Wang Hetai and these people?”

Ren Wenli shook her head. “His secretary has an accounting background, making it difficult to investigate.”

Yang Shiyu said, “In any case, we must protect Wang Chunxia as a witness.”

“Don’t worry, I will assign a team specifically to protect her,” Ren Wenli said. At that moment, the voice of her subordinates came from the end of the corridor.

“Captain Ren, are we not leaving yet?”

“Coming ,” Ren Wenli replied and then turned back to Yang Shiyu. “It’s a good progress that we managed to draw out this Crooked Brother. My colleagues will keep an eye on the money laundering aspect, and if there are any further developments, I’ll let you know.”

Yang Shiyu did not hide his investigation into Wang Hetai from Ren Wenli, as he still needed the help of the police.

On the other hand, Ren Wenli had several unsolved homicide cases related to Wang Hetai. Despite knowing his involvement, she couldn’t find any clues, so she also wanted to expose Wang Hetai.

“Okay,” Yang Shiyu said and when Ren Wenli turned to leave, he stopped her. “By the way, Captain Ren.”

“Hmm?” Ren Wenli halted.

“Regarding the content of the interrogation that the killer conducted on Wang Darong, as mentioned in Wang Chunxia’s testimony,” Yang Shiyu paused, “do you know what questions were asked?”

“Wang Chunxia didn’t dare stay at the door for too long,” Ren Wenli said. “But I guess they asked Wang Darong about who instructed him. Apart from revealing it to that rapist in prison, I don’t know if he disclosed it to anyone else.”

Anyone else…

Since the beginning of the report, Yang Shiyu had been subtly uneasy.

Because it was evident that Wang Darong had disclosed information about Crooked Brother to another person, and that person was Jin Zhou.

In the parking space at the street corner, Jin Zhou looked at the time and muttered impatiently, “Why hasn’t he come out yet?”

Several police cars drove out of the main gate of the Public Security Bureau up ahead, indicating that they had a mission. This made Jin Zhou increasingly curious about what was going on with Wang Darong’s case.

After waiting for a while, the figure he had been longing for finally came out.

“What’s the situation?”

As soon as Yang Shiyu got in the car, Jin Zhou couldn’t wait to ask.

“It’s the Crooked Brother,” Yang Shiyu fastened his seatbelt and replied, “he killed to silence him.”

“Did they gather evidence?” Jin Zhou released the handbrake. “I saw many police cars coming out.”

“Yes,” Yang Shiyu nodded.

“And then?” Jin Zhou shifted gears, preparing to drive. “How did Wang Darong die?”

“He fell off a building,” Yang Shiyu said.

“How do you know it was Crooked Brother?” Jin Zhou asked again.

“Wang Chunxia saw it,” Yang Shiyu answered.

“Wang Chunxia?” Jin Zhou was puzzled. “Wasn’t she silenced too?”

“No,” Yang Shiyu said.

At that point, Jin Zhou finally felt that something was off. He abruptly hit the brakes, pulled up the handbrake, and looked at Yang Shiyu, asking, “Why are you acting so stiff, only giving me a little bit of information when I ask?”

Yang Shiyu calmly replied, “I answered everything you asked.”

But the feeling was still unpleasant.

It was like asking someone what they ate today, and they replied with just one word: “food.” They couldn’t be bothered to tell you specifically what kind of food they had.

“You just don’t want to tell me, do you?” Jin Zhou became determined and turned off the engine right there in the parking space. “If I hadn’t been at your place, you wouldn’t even have told me that Wang Darong died.”

“That’s not true,” Yang Shiyu said. “I would have told you even if you weren’t there.”

After all, Wang Darong was the direct culprit behind the death of Jin Zhou’s parents, so it was only reasonable to inform Jin Zhou.

But Jin Zhou sensed the implication in Yang Shiyu’s words—aside from that, don’t get involved.

“You’re at it again,” Jin Zhou said in frustration. “You’re not telling me anything.”

“I already told you that the police are on their way to capture Crooked Brother,” Yang Shiyu said with a slightly furrowed brow, maintaining his composure. “What else do you want? Do you want to interfere again?”

“What if they don’t catch him?” Jin Zhou said. “I don’t mind going after him myself.”

“Jin Zhou!” Yang Shiyu’s frustration also flared up, causing even the hanging anti-slip chains to shake. “let the police do their job. you actually slip up. You let Wang Darong know that you’re investigating him. Now, if he mentioned it to Crooked Brother before he died, what do you suppose will happen?”

Yang Shiyu ranted angrily, his eyes filled with anger.

Jin Zhou had never seen Yang Shiyu so furious before, and for a moment, he felt a bit uncomfortable.

“If he mentioned it,” Yang Shiyu took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, “then Crooked Brother’s next target is you.”

“Oh…” Jin Zhou’s momentum deflated from the harshness of the words. He dryly said, “The police are going after Crooked Brother now, right?”

“What if they don’t catch him?” Yang Shiyu asked coldly.

“It won’t come to that,” Jin Zhou said casually. “We should trust the police, shouldn’t we?”

Yang Shiyu didn’t respond to Jin Zhou anymore. He turned his face away from the window, trying to steady his breathing.

“Yang Shiyu?” Jin Zhou called out, but there was no response from Yang Shiyu.

“Little teacher Yang ?” Jin Zhou lowered his voice and called out again, with a hint of appeasement, “Don’t be mad at me.”

“You really make it hard for people to feel at ease,” Yang Shiyu finally turned around, his tightly furrowed brow still unrelaxed.

“This issue concerns my parents though ,doesn’t it?” Jin Zhou started the car and drove back slowly. “I definitely have to pay attention to it.”

“I didn’t ask you to ignore it,” Yang Shiyu had already calmed down. “I just asked you not to meddle.”

“I can’t do that,” Jin Zhou half-jokingly said, “the month is almost up.”

Jin Zhou counted the days on his fingers and even set an alarm on his phone, all while waiting for Yang Shiyu’s next kiss.

He had even made a negotiation plan, determined that one kiss couldn’t substitute for a whole month.

But then again, it was just a joke between the two of them. When it came to crucial matters, that kind of joke wouldn’t count for much.

Yang Shiyu understood Jin Zhou’s hint with the kiss and turned his face away from the window, remaining silent.

Jin Zhou looked ahead at the road and calmly said, “Yang Shiyu, I’ve said it many times. I’m already twenty-seven, don’t always think about solving things on your own. You can rely on me too.”

“Just look at yourself, so unreliable,” Yang Shiyu glanced at Jin Zhou with a faint smile.

“No, you haven’t seen me when I’m in court. I’m very reliable,” Jin Zhou couldn’t help but feel wronged.

Yang Shiyu fell silent, and after a moment, he sighed helplessly, no longer wanting to argue with Jin Zhou. “You can rely on me, leave everything to me.”

“Why should I?” Jin Zhou said dissatisfied.

“Because you’re the small boat, and I’m the small island,” Yang Shiyu looked out the window and said, “you should rely on me.”

What the hell, Jin Zhou thought, using names as an argument.

But unexpectedly, his heart softened, as if he were drunk, and he couldn’t refute it.

“Just because you say so,” Jin Zhou slightly blushed and deliberately changed the subject, “doesn’t mean I’ll give up being the Great Hero.”

Yang Shiyu, with a headache, averted his gaze. He hadn’t expected Jin Zhou to crack a joke at a time like that.

“…You were never good at that.”

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