Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs chapter 85


The white chiffon curtain fluttered in the wind, the luxurious hotel bed, the sweet scent, and the occasional broken and painful moans.

A delicate, fair hand clutched the bed sheets, knuckles turning white from the force, with veins on the back of the hand bulging as if they might burst through the skin.

The person pressed on the bed had a pair of well-shaped, even somewhat seductive eyes, glaring intensely at an electronic clock on the bedside table. With every change of the numbers, blood dripped from a bitten lip, and the face showed a look of hatred.

A scream of release, Chen Jin collapsed weakly onto the bed.

Before anyone could react, a loud banging on the door echoed, “Open the door! Open it now!”

Hearing this voice, those beautiful eyes finally shifted from the clock.

With a beep, the magnetic card swiped, and the door was slammed open with a bang.

Three or four burly men burst in, immediately taking out their phones to take photos and record videos.

Jiang Wenhao had just gotten off the bed, frantically trying to put on his pants while covering his face with his hand. “Who are you? What do you want!” His voice was somewhat fierce but weak.

“Who am I? I’m the owner of this bitch!” The leader, dressed in black leather and a tight short sleeve that revealed his tattooed arms, was big and burly.

Jiang Wenhao had only managed to put one leg into his pants. At the man’s words, he flinched, tripping over his own feet and falling to the foot of the bed, hitting his head on the bedpost. He was dazed and looked at the man and then at the person on the bed in confusion.

Chen Jin, freed, curled up his feet and slowly sat up, grabbing a nearby sheet to cover his bruised and marked body, tearfully glancing at Jiang Wenhao, his voice trembling, “Second Young Master, I told you before…”

The man in the middle, glaring with clear intent to attack, made Chen Jin, wrapped in the sheet, crawl off the bed and kneel at his feet, begging, “Don’t hit him.” The man then started to beat Chen Jin, punching his back, kicking his chest and head, grabbing his hair, and slapping him with full force, leaving him bleeding, bruised, and the scene chaotic and horrifying.

Jiang Wenhao was terrified, frozen in fear, unable to escape with someone blocking the door. Two men surrounded him, kicking him in the abdomen, making him fall. He trembled, initially trying to resist and curse, but under the fierce gaze of the men and the ongoing screams from Chen Jin, his voice gradually weakened, stammering, “What do you want?”

“What do we want? How dare you mess with our boss’s omega? If you want to leave alive, leave behind the meat in your crotch.”

Jiang Wenhao was dumbfounded, “I… I…” unable to utter a complete sentence.

Chen Jin, with a high-pitched voice, shouted, “He’s the Second Young Master of the Jiang family, from the Wansheng Jiang family! Don’t touch him!” Then he turned to Jiang Wenhao and said, “Second Young Master, give them some money. They are people who risk their lives for money. Pay them off and let this incident pass!”

Jiang Wenhao finally realized, “Right… I have plenty of money. Spare me this time, I’ll give you as much as you want…”

After the men went to the bank to withdraw cash, Jiang Wenhao was finally released.

The others took the money and left, leaving only Chen Jin and the leader.

“Why so late?” Chen Jin, who had just been terrified, now stood up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and coldly asked Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao, initially intimidated by the hatred and coldness in Chen Jin’s eyes, then said, “I deliberately waited a while. These rich people shouldn’t be played with too much. Let them taste it, and when they realize the situation afterwards, they won’t be so reluctant. They’ll pay up more willingly, just consider it a payment for the service.”

“We didn’t agree on this before.” Chen Jin’s tone was a bit agitated.

Zhang Chao sneered, “It’s just a poke in the ass. It’s not your first time. Don’t pretend to be a chaste wife. Don’t think I don’t know what you do every night. Aren’t you just meeting people from those places?”

It was as if a bullet had struck his spine. Chen Jin shuddered violently, the angry expression on his face vanished, replaced by confusion and shrinking. He bent down wearily after a moment, “You go out. I’ll take a shower.”

Zhang Chao leered, “What’s the point of showering? This is perfect. It’s been a while since I had you. We might as well have some fun…”

Chen Jin suddenly looked up, his eyes bloodshot, and grabbed the electronic clock from the bedside, throwing it at him. He shouted, his voice breaking, “Get out!”

At the hospital front desk, after paying, the nurse handed him the receipt and glanced at the bruises on Chen Jin’s face and the wounds on his arms. “Are you okay? Do you need to get these wounds dressed?”

Chen Jin instinctively covered his face, feeling very ashamed. He didn’t know why, but even standing in this clean hospital lobby, doing something normal, he still felt uncomfortable, as if everyone’s gaze could peel back his skin and reveal his hidden, dirty past.

“I’m fine. I just accidentally fell down the stairs,” Chen Jin avoided the nurse’s gaze, handing the items he bought to her. “Please give these to my grandmother. Tell her I’m too busy with work this week, so I won’t be visiting her.”

The young nurse took the items, nodded, and smiled at him. “I understand. You’re the most filial person in our hospital. Don’t stress too much. This money should last for a while.”

“Yes, I’ll repay the debt as soon as possible. Please take good care of her,” Chen Jin responded awkwardly with a smile and limped away.

When Jiang Wenhao got home, he drank several glasses of alcohol and took a shower. Once he calmed down, he realized how clumsy the whole scene had been.

Not just clumsy, but full of holes. Where did the room card come from? What a coincidence. What’s with the photos? It was obvious that the bitch had conspired with the men to extort money from him.

Jiang Wenhao was momentarily stunned by the sudden turn of events and just wanted to get out quickly.

He felt increasingly furious as he thought about how he had been played by someone he despised the most. Chen Jin was just a waiter he had taken an interest in at the bar. Since he couldn’t have him, and his brother had interfered last time, he had been fixated on him, using both soft and hard approaches. Then one day, Chen Jin suddenly changed and half-heartedly went with him to the hotel.

Jiang Wenhao knew this omega had already been marked by someone else, was someone else’s possession, but the thrill of stealing and possessing him was even more exciting.

It was supposed to be him playing with Chen Jin, but now he ended up being played.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He smashed his glass with a loud “bang,” and his group of friends advised him, “Forget it, don’t be so upset. You’ve already had him. Just think of it as paying for a prostitute. That amount of money is nothing to you. That person was foolish to set up such a scheme. If he had been smarter, he could have satisfied you in bed and  get whatever he wanted.”

Jiang Wenhao’s face was dark. The money wasn’t a big deal, but he couldn’t suppress the feeling of being schemed against. He always felt that the person did it not just for the money but deliberately to mess with him.

He later went to the bar to look for Chen Jin, but he had already resigned and disappeared as if he had vanished from the earth.

Until one day, while Jiang Wenhao was driving around aimlessly, he suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting in a roadside beverage shop. He was stunned and quietly parked his car.

“Here, keep this for me,” Chen Jin pushed a document across the table.

“What’s this?” Xiao Zhou asked, puzzled, taking it and opening it to find a life insurance policy. He was surprised, “Why are you giving me this?”

Chen Jin seemed uncomfortable, scratching his chin, “It’s nothing much. My grandmother is in poor health, and the hospital expenses are high. I’m worried that if something happens to me, no one will take care of her, so I bought this insurance just in case. It’s not much, just to cover emergencies.” He hesitated, “I’ve listed your name as the beneficiary.”

Xiao Zhou was shocked, “What kind of emergency? What are you talking about?”

Chen Jin felt even more uneasy, “I’m just worried. I’m afraid that if something happens to me, no one will take care of my grandmother. I’m always afraid of that.” His expression was a bit pleading, “Just help me use this money to take care of my grandmother in case of anything

Xiao Zhou immediately understood, his expression serious, “I promise to handle this, but you must ensure nothing happens to you, at least not by your own doing.”

Chen Jin sighed with relief, shook Xiao Zhou’s hand, and smiled lightly, “Don’t worry, I’m not that foolish. I’m just always anxious, and I don’t know why. I feel much more at ease knowing you’ve agreed.”

Xiao Zhou patted his hand, “You should cancel the insurance. I would have agreed without it.”

Chen Jin shook his head, “No, no, it’s fine to keep it. It’s not much anyway.”

After leaving the beverage shop, Chen Jin bought an orange juice, sipping it casually, biting the straw with a childlike demeanor.

He didn’t notice that a car had been quietly following him all the way. When he went into his building, the car stayed parked for a long time before driving away.

Knowing the whereabouts made things easier. Jiang Wenhao hired someone, and soon he had dug up Chen Jin’s entire background. After reviewing the information, Jiang Wenhao found it ridiculous—here was a murderer living on the edge, who had finally been paroled, paired with an alcoholic and gambling-addicted alpha, struggling at the bottom, and he was lucky enough to be noticed by him? How dare he do such a thing?

Jiang Wenhao had someone beat Zhang Chao and got the full story. Zhang Chao blamed everything on Chen Jin, crying and begging for his life. Jiang Wenhao looked down on the alpha with disgust, feeling nauseated. Was that omega so unwilling to be with him that he would rather be with this trash? Jiang Wenhao’s expression grew increasingly sinister, his pride trampled and thrown into the gutter like a rag.

Late that night, Chen Jin finished his shift at the beer stand and changed clothes. He was exhausted, sleep-deprived, and had drunk too much, but he had had a good earning. While counting the money and walking, a jeep suddenly came speeding around the corner and blocked his way.

Jiang Wenhao got out of the car and, without saying a word, dragged Chen Jin into the vehicle. Chen Jin initially thought it was a robbery, but once he realized who it was, he was even more terrified and struggled with all his strength. Jiang Wenhao was hit a couple of times by Chen Jin’s flailing limbs, infuriated and embarrassed. He grabbed Chen Jin by the hair and slapped him twice, making him too weak to resist, then threw him into the car, locked the doors, and left.

Chen Jin’s head hit the car door, and when he came to, the car was already speeding away. His mind was buzzing, he felt a bit dizzy, but he knew that if Jiang Wenhao took him away, the next step might be worse than death. He had to escape while he was still in the car. Jiang Wenhao hadn’t restrained him, so Chen Jin mustered his resolve, lunged for the steering wheel, and fought Jiang Wenhao for control of the vehicle. The car swerved wildly, occasionally braking. Luckily, it was late at night, and the roads were empty. Jiang Wenhao cursed and struck Chen Jin’s back, causing him to vomit blood, but Chen Jin gritted his teeth and refused to let go. The car crashed into a guardrail and stopped. Jiang Wenhao was thrown against the steering wheel, his forehead hitting it, making him dizzy. Chen Jin seized the opportunity, opened the car door, and escaped.

Jiang Wenhao quickly recovered from the collision, saw Chen Jin stumbling away on the road with blood streaming down his forehead into his eyes, his gaze twisted in fury. He watched Chen Jin’s figure and then restarted the vehicle.

The engine roared, and the car sped off.

As consciousness returned, the harsh sounds faded, and everything was quiet again. Jiang Wenhao, in a panic, opened the car door, stumbling and almost falling out.

He stopped a few meters away from the bloody scene, hesitating and shrinking back like a quail with its head tucked in. The blood from Chen Jin flowed along the asphalt to his feet.

Feeling like he had been scalded, he quickly stepped back, and he finally remembered to shakily take out his phone, tearfully calling out, “Dad…”

There was silence on the other end for a moment before the voice said, “Call this number. Do whatever he tells you to do.”

Jiang Wenhao hurriedly agreed. The phone glowed with a blue light, tears blurring his vision, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably, pressing the wrong keys several times before finally getting through. A deep male voice answered on the other end…

It was blurry, and the morning light had already started to shine.

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