Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 50


After the dinner, Huo Yuning didn’t drive, so Lin Chi gave her a ride home.

Huo Yuning didn’t stay at a hotel but instead stayed at a friend’s house. This friend was a college classmate who was also developing their career in Paris. The two of them shared a place and were doing quite well.

Huo Yuning had just had quite a bit to drink and was feeling a bit dizzy. She was sitting in the back seat with Lin Chi, while the driver in front was a chauffeur. They could chat freely in Chinese.

Huo Yuning teased Lin Chi, “I just saw Eloe storming out. What’s up? Didn’t he manage to get his way with you again today?”

Lin Chi gave her a sidelong glance, “Stop enjoying the show.”

Huo Yuning burst into laughter.

But after a moment, she took a cigarette from her pack, put it in her mouth, lit it, and exhaled a puff of smoke. She then said in a wistful tone, “You’re really as steadfast as a rock now, like you’ve changed your nature.”

Of course, Lin Chi knew what Huo Yuning was referring to.

But he didn’t respond, just seemed tired and closed his eyes to rest in the back seat.

After dropping off Huo Yuning, he returned to the hotel.

His suite was exactly as it was when he left; he had put up a do-not-disturb sign, so the housekeeping staff hadn’t come in.

The curtains were still open.

The sneakers on the floor and the tie that had fallen by the bedside were still in place.

Moonlight streamed in through the window, casting a faint glow over the room.

Lin Chi didn’t turn on the lights but sat down directly on the floor, right in that small patch of moonlight, with his legs crossed.

He opened his phone and, inexplicably, opened WeChat, clicking on Li Tingyan’s chat.

The chat history with Li Tingyan had become quite sparse over the past six months.

But it wasn’t completely empty.

In the chat window, Li Tingyan would occasionally send a message.

But with no content, sometimes a photo, sometimes just a piece of piano music.

Lin Chi had never replied, but somehow he felt that Li Tingyan knew he would see it.

It felt like an awkward, covert game only between the two of them.

There was no real purpose, like children playing a game of knocking on walls, making noises just to tell the other person—“I’m here.”

Lin Chi swiped up, and the latest message from Li Tingyan was a photo.

The photo was of a garden full of blooming roses.

When he left Li Tingyan’s home, it was still winter, and the roses were not yet in bloom.

But Li Tingyan once held him by the window and said that when the roses bloomed, the garden would be very beautiful.

“This is my mother’s favorite flower,” Li Tingyan said, his lips brushing against his temple, “At that time, I thought maybe she would come and stay occasionally. I don’t have any particular fondness for the garden, so I might as well do it according to her taste.”

“But when the garden was finished, she only came once.”

He heard the rare loneliness in Li Tingyan’s voice but didn’t know how to comfort him.

He could only say, “I also like roses. If they bloom, I’d really like to see them.”

Now the roses were indeed blooming, but he was in a distant foreign land.

Separated from Li Tingyan by a vast ocean.

The screen of Lin Chi’s phone went dark with a snap.

Perhaps the night was too quiet, with only the occasional drunken singer outside the window, and his mind was a mess, filled with many thoughts.

He thought again about that night in Finland when he reunited with Li Tingyan.

It had been over four months since then, and he had intentionally buried that night deep in his mind.

Because once he thought of it, even he, with his thick skin, would feel flushed all over.

He toyed with his phone, the screen lighting up and then going dark again, as he unconsciously stared at the moonlight outside, almost seeing Li Tingyan looking up at him from below that night in the Nordic countries.

He remembered it very clearly.

It was the twenty-first day of the first month after he and Li Tingyan had separated.

He had a shooting assignment in Northern Europe for a perfume advertisement.

The shoot lasted fifteen days, and on the last day, he stayed in Helsinki.

Helsinki at night was extremely quiet compared to his home country.

It was only April, and the ice and snow on the streets hadn’t melted. Only the streetlights cast a faint glow on the ground.

Returning from a meal with the filming crew, already a bit drunk, he couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, standing by the window lost in thought.

He initially didn’t notice Li Tingyan but saw a black Maybach parked on the empty street and a person in a black coat standing beside it, motionless for a long time.

The person looked like a statue.

Although Finland’s safety was quite good, standing outside in such cold weather could easily cause frostbite. Lin Chi started to wonder if he should call the police when he saw the person lift their face.

With a snap.

His phone slipped from his hand and fell to the carpeted floor with a dull thud.

For a moment, Lin Chi questioned if he was so lovesick that he was hallucinating.

After all, how could Li Tingyan possibly be here?

Li Tingyan could travel around the world, vacation in warm wine estates, or recuperate in his private mountain villa…

But he shouldn’t be here.

But soon, his body reacted much faster than his mind.

He didn’t even have time to think, grabbing just a room card and rushing downstairs without his coat. He almost pressed the elevator buttons to pieces.

When he anxiously ran to the street.

Li Tingyan had not disappeared.

He was still there.

Still looking as familiar as ever, his gaze heavy, firmly gripping his wrist.

It was April in Finland, and Li Tingyan’s hand was as cold as ice from the long wait, but Lin Chi felt that the place touched by Li Tingyan was burning hot.


Hotel in Paris.

Lin Chi took another can of cold beer from the fridge, opened it with a hiss, and watched as the bubbles fizzed up.

He took several sips of the beer, but his gaze remained wandering out the window.

To this day, whenever he thought back to that night in Finland, he still felt somewhat disoriented, doubting if it was just a dream.

An absurd, thrilling, spring dream that surpassed all his previous experiences.

Yet he clearly knew it wasn’t a dream.

He had seen Li Tingyan in Finland; Li Tingyan had firmly grasped his wrist, but neither of them said a word.

They stared at each other intensely, as if trying to pin each other in place with their gaze.

His mind was blank, like a rusty machine that clanked and barely operated, with rust falling off with every move.

He didn’t understand why Li Tingyan was there.

Why was he looking at him like that?

With red-rimmed eyes, like a trapped beast.

He wasn’t sure who initiated it first.

He and Li Tingyan quickly found themselves kissing passionately.

At first, their lips were cold, but soon they became warm.

His memories of that night were somewhat fuzzy.

He couldn’t remember when they got in the elevator and went back to the room.

He only remembered that they continued kissing in the elevator, and even when they fell onto the bed in the room, they kept kissing, with Li Tingyan pressing on top of him.

His room was next to the photography crew’s, and Huo Yuning was downstairs.

Maybe these people could hear the noise from his room and speculate that he had a very pleasurable wild night.

But his mind was blank, and he didn’t care at all.

He held Li Tingyan, even unable to stop his teeth from trembling slightly.


When Li Tingyan was half over him, even his fingertips felt like they were filling with blood.


They didn’t know how many times they did it that night.

Li Tingyan kissed every inch of his body, almost in reverence.

And he felt like his soul was floating in mid-air.

By the end, he was crying and begging Li Tingyan.

But it was no use; he was repeatedly sent to climax, gripping Li Tingyan’s hand tightly.

Throughout, they had very little verbal communication, as if they had truly reverted to beasts, using their bodies to express longing.

But he remembered that when he was so exhausted he couldn’t lift a finger, Li Tingyan held him, kissed his ear studs, kissed his forehead.

Li Tingyan said to him, “Wait for me, Lin Chi, wait for me, I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

“Don’t be with anyone else.”

“Don’t turn me into a thing of the past. Give me a little more time.”


Later, Lin Chi doubted if it had been a hallucination, that Li Tingyan hadn’t really begged in his ear or sincerely kissed his face.

Maybe it was just a wild fantasy under pressure and longing.

But when he woke up the next day, his whole body hurt as if falling apart, walking was difficult.

It was embarrassingly shameful.

And on his hand was a watch he had never seen before, encrusted with colorful gemstones.

And next to his pillow was a note with familiar handwriting.

“I had to rush back because of urgent matters. I’m really sorry I couldn’t wait for you to wake up.

What I said yesterday might not have been clear, so I want to say it again.

Please wait a little longer for me, Lin Chi, I beg you.”

Below this line, as if it had been added last minute, it continued.

“The watch was custom-made for you before, but wasn’t finished before you left.

But I still want to give it to you. Please don’t refuse.”

Neat and formal, with a serious tone but elegant handwriting—clearly from Li Tingyan.

To this day, this lavish watch was still locked in Lin Chi’s safe, only worn a couple of times at events.

He had a friend appraise it and learned the cost; even he, who had seen the world, was taken aback.

But aside from that watch and note, Li Tingyan left nothing else.

That crazy night was indeed real.

But it felt like a fleeting spring dream with no trace left.

Li Tingyan vanished like a wisp of smoke and mist, never to appear again in a foreign land.

But Lin Chi started seeing him frequently in gossip columns.

The tabloids were abuzz with secrets of the Li family, stories of father-son conflicts, gossip about whether any woman around Li Tingyan would become the new Mrs. Li, and then shifting to Li family’s heir being rebellious in marriage, causing discontent among the elders.

One after another, like drifting bottles, these stories reached Lin Chi.

He never appeared again but seemed to be everywhere.

Lin Chi took another sip of the cold beer, making his teeth slightly chatter.

He wasn’t foolish; he vaguely understood Li Tingyan’s meaning.

From the occasional hints from Yu Nian and even Xi Ziwen, he also vaguely knew that Li Tingyan was probably dealing with some necessary matters.

But Li Tingyan, from start to finish, always remained consistent in his approach.

He would not give any hasty promises before everything was settled.

Every word he spoke was something he had to fulfill.

So he simply said, “Please wait for me. I beg you.”

He said, “I beg you.”

To see someone who was always aloof and unmoved, lowering themselves and showing their vulnerable throat, truly made one’s heart waver.

Lin Chi did not deny that hearing those three words made his heart skip a beat.

But waiting was indeed the most excruciating thing in the world.

He was not like Wang Baochuan, who guarded the cold kiln for eighteen years without complaint.

Temptation surrounded him every day.

With just a nod, there would always be eager admirers ready to fill any void, willing to be his loyal servants.

Yet Lin Chi knew clearly that despite his thoughts, over the past four months, countless offers had come his way, all of which he had declined.

He seemed carefree, but his heart was still trapped in a garden full of blooming roses.


Lin Chi silently finished three cans of beer, growing more annoyed the more he thought about it.

What irritated him even more was that, probably because he remembered that snowy night in Finland, his body began to heat up at the most inopportune time.

Angry, he opened a bottle of champagne, intending to drink himself into oblivion.

But it didn’t work.

It didn’t work.

His body honestly and firmly remembered that night.

In the end, he was completely drunk, his fingers moving deftly downward, his eyes closed, and Li Tingyan’s face appeared before him…

He felt as if he were in a bizarre dreamscape, champagne spilling on the floor, the slightly sweet aroma permeating the air.

Finally, his mind was hazy, and the last thing he remembered was picking up his phone and opening the chat with Li Tingyan.

The next day, Lin Chi woke up on the floor.

His head was down, legs on the bed, the quilt half-fallen, with just a corner covering him.


He moved uncomfortably, his neck and shoulders feeling like cement, unbearably painful.

“What did I do yesterday? Did I go crazy?” Lin Chi weakly muttered. He had a vague impression of what happened yesterday, but it was unclear.

Slowly, he adjusted himself to a normal sitting position, frowning, still confused, as he reached for his phone on the floor.

As soon as he got his phone, it vibrated.

Squinting against the glaring sunlight, he was surprised to see that the name displayed was Li Tingyan.

He opened the chat to see what Li Tingyan had sent.

But soon he discovered that this time, Li Tingyan hadn’t sent any photos, sentimental piano pieces, or movie clips.

It was a voice message.

When he played it, Li Tingyan’s anxious yet hesitant voice came through, “Lin Chi, what’s wrong?”

Four whole months.

This was their first real conversation.

Lin Chi’s fingers stiffened, and his heartbeat quickened embarrassingly.

But he looked suspiciously at his phone, not understanding why Li Tingyan would suddenly chat with him and say something so inexplicable.

His fingers swiped up, revealing the several voice messages he had sent in the middle of the night.

No doubt, it was something he did while drunk.

Even then, he hadn’t realized how devastatingly embarrassing his actions were.

He just doubtfully thought, he couldn’t possibly have cried and told Li Tingyan he missed him, right?

That would be too humiliating.

But soon, he discovered that life always had a way of being worse than he imagined.

Hesitating, Lin Chi played those 60-second voice messages.

Minutes later, he was petrified under the bright Parisian sun.

In the voice messages, his unrestrained, low, and sensual panting and moaning was unmistakable.

It was clearly meant for the other person to hear.

In those sounds, drunken and breathless, he asked Li Tingyan, “Can you hear me, you bastard? I want you to hear it and not be able to sleep.

I’m having a great time every day, who needs to wait for you, idiot… Just get lost, I’ll hook up with eighteen handsome guys tomorrow, one per day.”

The latter part was mumbled, unclear, like he was cursing.

After a while, there was a very light, sigh-like groan.

No need to explain, Lin Chi knew what he had done.

After a brief blankness, his lazy voice asked, “Li Tingyan, are you fantasizing about me right now?”


Lin Chi banged his head against the bed, fully recalling the humiliating things he did last night.

He was really going crazy.

As if things weren’t bad enough, the usually calm and collected person sent another WeChat message.

“I indeed fantasize about you, but not just yesterday.”


Lin Chi’s mind turned to mush, his face flushing from his neck up to his face.

Quickly and decisively, he blocked Li Tingyan.


The world was quiet again.

Lin Chi leaned motionless against the bed, like a sculpture from the Ice Age.

An hour later, Huo Yuning called, and he weakly answered.

“Hey, what’s with your voice?” Huo Yuning asked in surprise, “Had too much fun last night? No way, you didn’t drink that much.”

Lin Chi closed his eyes.

Indeed, he didn’t drink much at the dinner party, but drank bottle after bottle after coming back.

He had no mood for Huo Yuning’s banter and solemnly asked.

“Huo Yuning, do you think I should become a monk?”


Lin Chi, looking weak, almost melted in the scorching sunlight.

With his face against the bed, he weakly murmured, “I think I’m too impure, I really need some cleansing.”

Huo Yuning paused for two seconds and ruthlessly commented, “You’re crazy.”

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