Blazing fire is hard to extinguish

Blazing fire is hard to extinguish chapter 32


The atmosphere in the dining room suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Li Tingyan’s expression darkened.

“You want to move out?” He looked at Lin Chi. “Why? Are you not happy living here, or has someone neglected you?”

His question was not asked with any special tone.

Yet, inexplicably, Lin Chi felt that the nearby staff had become more anxious.

“Not at all,” Lin Chi quickly denied, not wanting to implicate anyone in their work. But as he fiddled with the silver fork in his hand, he looked down, as if absent-mindedly, avoiding eye contact with Li Tingyan. “There’s no particular reason. I came here to recover, and now that I’m well, of course I should return to my own home.”

Li Tingyan frowned even more.

He also put down his chopsticks, which clinked against the porcelain plate.

“You’ve only been here for four or five days. There’s no need to rush,” he said, his tone still calm. “You had a fever of 39 degrees a couple of days ago. Your body needs to recover properly. Stay a few more days.”


Lin Chi refused quickly.

He could see that despite Li Tingyan’s seemingly gentle demeanor, he was just as strong-willed and stubborn at heart. If he didn’t provide a good reason, Li Tingyan would likely find a way to persuade him otherwise.

He smiled, “Actually, it’s my own issue,” his smile was charming, showing no trace of gloom, with a flirtatious glint in his eyes, as if teasing Li Tingyan. “To be honest, your house is just too big. I feel a bit overwhelmed living here, sometimes even a bit empty. I feel more comfortable in my own little nest.”

He raised a hand to stop Li Tingyan from speaking.

“I’m serious. It’s not that your place is bad. I’ve been well taken care of during these days, with three meals a day prepared with variety. But I’m not used to living in someone else’s home. Besides, as a model, I can’t afford to gain weight.”

Lin Chi’s last comment was quite sincere.

He even pinched his waist, which had no extra flesh.

“If I gained weight, I might lose my job. That’s not good,” he joked with Li Tingyan.

This reason was reasonable.

Li Tingyan silently sipped his tea, thinking that he couldn’t possibly not be able to sponsor Lin Chi.

But he knew this thought was somewhat offensive and wouldn’t say it aloud.

As he drank his tea, his eyes lowered, he didn’t immediately respond to Lin Chi.

He still remembered how Lin Chi had looked with a flushed face from fever a few days ago, lying in his arms, coughing quietly, yet pressing his hot face against his neck.

“Then let’s wait a few more days,” Li Tingyan said slowly. “Stay until Sunday, and I’ll take you back.”

Lin Chi met Li Tingyan’s eyes, the silver fork turning in his hand. He could see the concern in Li Tingyan’s eyes and was almost swayed for a moment.

But he quickly shook his head.


His voice was firm. “I’ll start working tomorrow, and I have plans to meet a friend this afternoon, so I won’t be coming back tonight.”

At this point, Lin Chi’s intention was very clear.

At the same time, Li Tingyan realized that when he brought Lin Chi back, Lin Chi hadn’t brought many personal belongings, so once he left, there was no way of easily coming back.

This made him even more silent.

Lin Chi touched his nose, feeling the atmosphere somewhat awkward.

He chuckled lightly. “Don’t be so serious. It’s not like I won’t come back. We’ll still see each other outside. It’s just that I won’t be living here anymore. It’s not a big deal, right?”

Li Tingyan couldn’t really find anything wrong with that.

Lin Chi didn’t have any specific agreement with him. He had only brought him home because he was ill.

But perhaps because the villa felt too lonely, with him living alone, recently, when he came home and saw Lin Chi lying on the bedroom sofa playing with his phone and snacking, he found it surprisingly pleasant.

Coming home late at night, the house had, besides the butler and staff, someone familiar waiting for him.

Li Tingyan blinked and ultimately decided not to insist.

Lin Chi had made his position clear, and pressing further would only make him seem overbearing and coercive.


He sighed. “Where will you meet your friend? I’ll have the driver take you.”

Lin Chi was about to say he could take a cab himself, but seeing Li Tingyan’s eyes, he knew that wouldn’t work, so he swallowed the words.

“Then I’ll trouble the driver,” he took a sip of milk and, without blinking, made up a story. “At four this afternoon, I’ve arranged to meet a friend at a café next to the Rong’en Building on Lushi Road.”

After breakfast, Li Tingyan was about to rush off to work. That day, he had to go to the project site.

Before leaving, he walked over to Lin Chi, who was still eating fruit, putting a sliced strawberry into his mouth, with milk still at the corner of his lips.

Li Tingyan’s fingers gently brushed the corner of his mouth, took a tissue, and wiped off the bit of milk.

“So grown man, yet still like a child,” Li Tingyan said softly, without any reproach in his tone. “I’m leaving now.”


Lin Chi still held his fruit bowl.

He watched Li Tingyan leave.

No matter when, Li Tingyan’s back was always straight, with broad shoulders and long legs, making every frame cover-worthy for a financial magazine.

Very charming, yet seemingly unattainable.

Lin Chi took a big bite of the fruit in his mouth. The blueberry juice burst in his mouth, making him shiver with its sourness.

At four in the afternoon, Lin Chi sat in the car driven by the family driver, leaving Li Tingyan’s villa.

He was in the Phantom he often rode in. As the car drove out of the garden, Lin Chi looked back. The staff were still diligently standing at their posts, fulfilling their duties.

This dreamlike, manor-style villa, as the Phantom drove out of the garden, slowly closed its gates, signaling the end of these four or five days that passed like flowing water.

Like a too-light dream.

He leaned back in the rear seat, staring at the car ceiling in a daze for a while. Then he sat up straight and picked up his phone.

He had completely lied to Li Tingyan this morning; he actually had no appointments today.

Even Huo Yuning was working out of town with another newly signed model.

But since he was already out, he might as well find someone to meet.

Lin Chi scrolled through his long contact list. He could call many people.

He believed that most people would be willing to meet him with just one call, even if it was a last-minute plan.

But after hesitating for a long time, he finally dialed Xi Ziwen’s number.

Before Xi Ziwen answered, Lin Chi was still wondering if he would get scolded.

As mentioned earlier, Xi Ziwen was his closest friend besides Huo Yuning. They had bonded while being extras in the same crew.

But ever since he got involved with Li Tingyan, his workload had surged, and they hadn’t seen each other for a long time. He would inevitably be accused of prioritizing romance over friendship.

As Lin Chi’s thoughts wandered, the call was answered.


Xi Ziwen’s voice was thick with sleepiness and a bit of irritation. “Who is it?”

Lin Chi raised an eyebrow, “It’s already four, and you’re still sleeping?”


Xi Ziwen was momentarily confused. It took him a few seconds to realize it was Lin Chi.

He turned over in bed, his mood worsening. “Lin Chi? It’s you, you little brat.”

He raised his hand to block his face. The room was pitch black, but there was a ray of sunlight leaking through a gap in the curtains.

“Why are you calling me? Haven’t you been busy to death recently? Last time I asked you out for a drink, you didn’t have time either.”

Xi Ziwen’s complaining voice came through.

Lin Chi chuckled, “Didn’t I tell you I had work last time?”

“Then what about the time before that? I think you were meeting that fling of yours again.”

Xi Ziwen grumbled, feeling increasingly annoyed. In fact, ever since Lin Chi got involved with his current fling, four out of their five gatherings were canceled because of that person.

Although he hadn’t met the guy yet, he had already mentally labeled him as a “homewrecker”.

“So that’s why I want to see you today,” Lin Chi still laughed, carefree and dismissive of Xi Ziwen’s protests. “Want to go out for coffee? The one next to the Rong’en building, 139.”

“Damn, now you think of me.”

Xi Ziwen wanted to flip Lin Chi off, but after thinking it over, he still reluctantly agreed, “Alright, wait for me. Order me a lime Americano.”

Lin Chi quickly arrived at the destination, and soon after, Xi Ziwen also showed up.

Xi Ziwen was wearing a mint green sweater, a color that was quite picky but suited him well. He had a handsome and likable face, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, tall stature, black tea-colored dyed hair, and a single silver earring on one ear. Though his face looked grumpy now, he would show a tiger tooth when he smiled.

It was a face that was both handsome and a bit cute, and he knew how to act cute, making him as successful in romance as Lin Chi.

Xi Ziwen spotted Lin Chi in the crowd right away and walked straight over.

He plopped down next to Lin Chi, first taking a couple of sips of his Americano, then shook the cup and raised an eyebrow at Lin Chi, “Finally willing to come out of your love nest today?”

Lin Chi chuckled.

He knew he had stood Xi Ziwen up several times.

He raised his coffee cup like it was a wine glass, clinking it with Xi Ziwen’s, and dodged the topic, “I told you, I’ve just been a bit busy with work lately.”


Xi Ziwen didn’t believe it. He knew Lin Chi too well; no matter how busy he was, he would always find time to go out clubbing.

But he sipped his coffee and seriously said, “I haven’t congratulated you yet on your skyrocketing career.” He smiled, looking at Lin Chi. “Our neighboring mall already has your posters. It seems you did a shoot for the US. I see your face every time I go there.”

He took out his phone, showing Lin Chi a picture. “Look, I even took a photo with you.”

Lin Chi glanced at the photo and chuckled, “You’re so dramatic.”

But speaking of work, he also inquired about Xi Ziwen, “Have you started working at your family’s company? How’s it going?”

“Don’t get me started.”

Xi Ziwen rolled his eyes. He was a promising young man, chasing his dreams in the entertainment industry, just a step away from success, only to be dragged back home by his authoritarian brother and ordered to help with the company.

“Really, it’s driving me crazy.”

Xi Ziwen was practically losing his mind. “I have to wear a suit and tie every day to go to the office, schmooze with a bunch of old geezers and play politics. Do I look like someone who loves pretending to be a sycophant? And my brother doesn’t feel a bit sorry for me. He even makes me clock in!”

He gloomily chewed on a straw, his handsome face full of discontent.

Lin Chi felt deep sympathy.

He knew this young master well. Although his family was extremely wealthy, he had a passion for acting and insisted on entering the entertainment industry, forsaking the family business. He didn’t mind struggling and living frugally.

But to be frank, Lin Chi thought Xi Ziwen’s acting skills were only good enough for web series. He wouldn’t stand a chance on the big screen.

Maybe that’s why Xi Ziwen’s older brother was so unyielding, refusing to invest in a custom-made film for him.

As Lin Chi was pondering this, Xi Ziwen said, “But it’s not all bad. My brother got me a Valhalla and promised to invest in a TV series where I can play a supporting role to get a taste of it. But once that’s over, I have to go back to the company.”

Lin Chi almost choked on his coffee.

Seriously, does that sound like something a normal person would say?

Why did he, a commoner who clawed his way up from the bottom, always end up associating with these damn capitalists?

It was infuriating.

He gave Xi Ziwen the finger, “Shut up, or I’ll start hating the rich.”

Xi Ziwen shrugged.

“I traded my freedom for this.”

He sighed in frustration over his prematurely ended acting dream. Looking at Lin Chi beside him, he felt a bit envious.

It was clear that Lin Chi’s dreams were genuinely taking off step by step. Over the past six months, his name had become increasingly prominent in the fashion world.

Fashion shows, magazine covers, advertisements—they were all coming at him like snowflakes. Even his latest crush would stop in front of Lin Chi’s posters, looking starstruck.

Thinking about this, Xi Ziwen traced his fingers over his coffee cup and lightly kicked Lin Chi under the table. When Lin Chi looked over, he raised his chin.

“Wanna hit a nightclub tonight?” he asked with a playful smile. “You haven’t been out in ages. Don’t you feel stifled? How about a night out on me? There’s a new club on North Street. I went last time, and it was pretty good.”

Lin Chi was taken aback for a moment.

Going to nightclubs seemed like a distant memory for him.

Ever since meeting Li Tingyan, most of his limited free time had been monopolized by him. Then work got busier, and he hadn’t been to a nightclub in ages.

But now he had left Li Tingyan’s place.

Perhaps soon, they would even go their separate ways.

He lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, “Sure.”

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