Dark Fire

Dark Fire chapter 38

Faking a CP

After watching the video, Ling Zhuo took a deep breath.

Yang Ming was still cursing at the unethical media for lacking professional ethics, even exposing same-sex rumors. It seemed they didn’t want to give people a way to live. Ling Zhuo calmed down and thought about explaining things to Zhang Jing, but Zhang Jing’s call had already come in.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep a low profile? What’s going on? How did you still get photographed?” Zhang Jing asked as soon as she spoke.

Ling Zhuo said helplessly, “I’ve been very low-key. These are sneak shots from the set and the hotel, impossible to guard against. How could I have known someone would take pictures inside the hotel?”

Zhang Jing: “Forget it, forget it. Anyway, it’s just two men. As long as they didn’t catch you in bed, it’s not a big deal. Just deny it and see how things develop. If Director Zhou asks, I’ll talk to him. By the way, I wanted to ask you, what’s Lu Chixie’s attitude about this?”

Ling Zhuo: “I don’t know. I just saw it too. He’s still filming.”

Zhang Jing: “Just make sure you don’t suffer. Let’s leave it at that for now. Let me know later, and I’ll think about how to write the public statement.”

After hanging up, Ling Zhuo opened Weibo again. In a short time, the topic had surged to number one on the trending list. The comments under the original post were controlled, and the top comments were all malicious, calling him and Lu Chixie disgusting, accusing him of sleeping his way to the top and being bisexual, with all sorts of ugly words.

The same went for several major marketing accounts. Although he had many fans, they were powerless against the maliciously controlled comments paid for by others. The popular posts in the forum were locked, clearly indicating that this wave of attacks was well-prepared.

Yang Ming looked around and cursed, “This is an even bigger effort than last time. Major forums are filled with hired commenters, creating a negative trend against you. Who’s got such a grudge against you, Zhuo Ge?”

Ling Zhuo frowned, feeling that things might not be so simple.

At eight o’clock, Ling Zhuo opened his tablet. Earlier, Lu Chixie had told him there would be an online live event at this time. He downloaded the live stream software and opened it.

After a few minutes’ delay, Lu Chixie’s face appeared on the screen. Judging by the background, he was still in the set’s rest area. After connecting with the live host, Lu Chixie gave a brief greeting.

Ling Zhuo, who had been somewhat irritated, gradually calmed down and watched quietly.

The live stream’s topic revolved around the product endorsed by Lu Chixie. He chatted with the host in a laid-back manner, never bothering to cultivate his image deliberately. Yet, his fans loved him just the way he was.

The live stream didn’t last long, just fifteen minutes. During the final Q&A session, the host asked fans to leave messages on the screen, from which Lu Chixie would choose questions to answer.

Ling Zhuo also glanced at the questions, most of which were about the rumors between him and Lu Chixie.

The host, visibly embarrassed, tried to shift the topic, urging the audience to ask other questions. Lu Chixie calmly spoke up: “Since everyone is curious about this, let’s talk about it.”

“The video is real, and it’s shot quite well. I even felt like giving it a like.”

He smiled, “But I’d like to ask the person who took the secret video, why do you think same-sex friends need to avoid suspicion and can’t enter the same room late at night? Were you hiding under the bed and saw what we were doing?”

“And by the way, I heard ‘night script’ is a negative term? But it’s true that I rehearse scenes and read scripts with Ling Zhuo every night. If you think that’s what it is, then so be it.”

“Lastly, a reminder: secretly filming and spreading others’ privacy, making malicious rumors, and slandering others all have legal consequences. I’m a civilized person and will handle this in a civilized way. Just don’t cry poor and claim you can’t afford the compensation when you get sued.”

Although Lu Chixie seemed to be smiling while saying these things, the warning was clear. Most of the slanders were aimed at Ling Zhuo, not daring to provoke him. But Lu Chixie evidently didn’t plan to let them go.

Moreover, when he said he would sue, he meant it. He wasn’t bluffing with random legal notices. His lawyers were top-notch professionals with extensive experience, leaving ordinary people with no chance to fight back.

Ling Zhuo couldn’t help but laugh. Lu Chixie had the nerve to call himself a “civilized person.” That “wanting to give a like” was probably his true feeling.

A few minutes after Lu Chixie’s live stream ended, the tag “Lu Chixie responds to rumors about Ling Zhuo” shot up to the top of the trending list, right next to the tag “Ling Zhuo Lu Chixie” with the explosive mark.

Ling Zhuo immediately knew that this was Lu Chixie’s PR team at work. His own studio also quickly released a statement, coordinating with Zhang Jing’s hired commenters. The public opinion finally stopped being one-sided.

“What’s the big deal? Even if Ling Zhuo and Lu Chixie are really together, they’re both single. Why make a fuss about a ‘night script”?”

“Some people have such dirty minds. Should two men never share a hotel room again? If they do, it means they’re dating?”

“Even if I ship these two, I have to say they both seem straight. Stop saying they’re genuinely gay.”

“Who hates Ling Zhuo so much? Every day it’s something new to slander him.”

Ling Zhuo held his phone, staring blankly for a moment.

Although the online comments were harsh, the revealed relationship between him and Lu Chixie was true. He just didn’t expect it to be exposed so soon.

WeChat messages from friends he knew kept coming, including a message from Zhong Yiran.

“Ling Zhuo, I know I shouldn’t interfere with your friendships, but Lu Chixie is different from you. Public opinion won’t affect him much, but you’re different. Think more about yourself. You’re still young. Many things aren’t worth it. Don’t regret it later because of impulsive decisions.”

Ling Zhuo stared at the text, gradually frowning.

He didn’t understand Zhong Yiran’s motive for saying this. On Qixi Festival night, he had almost made it clear to Zhong Yiran. Zhong Yiran clearly understood what his invitation meant, first agreeing and then backing out. Ling Zhuo took it as a rejection and gave up. He wasn’t someone who couldn’t move on. Once he gave up, he looked ahead. While others might see his starting a new relationship so quickly as rash, he knew he had no moral faults and knew what he was doing. He didn’t need anyone else’s so-called well-meaning advice.

In Particular, there was no need to listen to Zhong Yiran saying such things.

Suppressing the slight anger rising in his heart, Ling Zhuo didn’t respond. Instead, he sent a message to Lu Chixie: “When are you coming back?”

Half an hour later, Lu Chixie came knocking on his door.

Ling Zhuo opened the door and instinctively glanced at the corridor on both sides. Lu Chixie said, “Worried someone might take photos?”

Ling Zhuo slightly curled his lips, “Let them take photos. I just want to see who’s so bored.”

Lu Chixie entered the room, closing the door with his foot, carrying two bags of late-night snacks he bought on the way.

Ling Zhuo hadn’t eaten much dinner. Seeing the skewers Lu Chixie brought back, he finally had an appetite and sat down at the dining table.

“Yang Ming said you didn’t eat much dinner and that you were in a bad mood?” Lu Chixie unwrapped the packaging and handed the skewers to him.

Ling Zhuo: “Why is he reporting my affairs to you?”

Lu Chixie: “I asked him. Can’t he say? Are you really in a bad mood?”

“Why would I be in a bad mood?” Ling Zhuo slowly ate, saying, “But you seem quite happy.”

Lu Chixie chuckled, “I also want to see who’s so free, specially lurking to take secret photos of us. Maybe I can even give him a red packet later.”

Ling Zhuo snorted, “Anyway, it’s not you who’s getting scolded.”

Lu Chixie looked at him and said, “Ling, are you planning to retreat just because of some scolding?”

Ling Zhuo was stunned; he hadn’t thought of that.

Lu Chixie: “If you’re not shaken, what are you worried about?”

Ling Zhuo: “Why are you doubting me?”

He was a bit angry, wondering why Lu Chixie had such an attitude: “I didn’t expect our relationship to be exposed so quickly. I still need to make a living in this industry, so even if it’s true, I can’t admit it now. Can’t I just be a little worried? I haven’t wavered or retreated. I’ve always said I’d persist even if everyone opposed. If I ever stop, it won’t be because of external pressures.”

After speaking, he still felt displeased and glared at Lu Chixie again.

Lu Chixie smiled, “Hmm, does this count as a roundabout confession, Ling?”

Ling Zhuo choked, realizing from the smile in Lu Chixie’s eyes that he had been played.

He had previously said that as long as he liked it, he would persist even if everyone opposed. Now, promising Lu Chixie face to face that he would persist did indeed carry a hint of confession.

“…” Lu Chixie was deliberately provoking him to say this, right? This person really had a lot of tricks.

Lu Chixie handed him another skewer and said calmly, “Don’t worry about these trivial things. The video wasn’t aimed solely at you. The initial media release was under Leguo, and the project we’re filming now is Shangxun’s S+ project. A rumor of homosexuality between the male leads of a major female-centric drama is a great way to deter the audience, just a suppression tactic.”

This didn’t surprise Ling Zhuo. Leguo was also a big video platform and had always been a competitor to Shangxun. Such suppressions were common, and they often reported each other’s projects behind the scenes.

Lu Chixie: “But generally, using such a method of spreading same-sex rumors is quite low-level. Moreover, buying marketing and fake commenters on such a large scale seems like they have a deep hatred. I had someone look into it, and Jiaxin Media is also involved. This company has always been closely associated with Leguo. Have you finalized the business deal you were competing for earlier?”

Ling Zhuo shook his head, “Not yet. The inspection period for luxury endorsements is quite long. It’s not that fast.”

Lu Chixie: “Is it for W brand watches?”

Ling Zhuo: “Yes.”

Lu Chixie smiled, “Then they might have made a mistake. The spokespersons for all regions of this brand are decided by the headquarters. Their current CEO is gay and has participated in LGBT rights activities. One of the brand’s recent concepts is to promote Western political correctness. Jiaxin people probably didn’t research this thoroughly. They might not know that spreading same-sex rumors about you might unexpectedly benefit you. If you really want to secure this endorsement, wear the watch I gave you when you go out.”

The watch Lu Chixie gave him was indeed from the W brand.

Ling Zhuo hadn’t expected such a perspective, “…Wouldn’t that be using our relationship for hype?”

Lu Chixie: “Just the same style. Hyping a CP (couple pairing) is basic. Let’s hype it up. I’m very willing.”

Ling Zhuo fell silent.

CP hype was nothing new for male idol groups. He and Zhong Yiran were the official pairing in their group, and he did have some hidden intentions when he cooperated with the company to push the CP. Now, with Lu Chixie’s suggestion, …it didn’t seem impossible?

Not to mention the endorsement, their scandal was currently rampant. Hiding it would only arouse more suspicion. Openly hyping a CP might actually reduce the number of people who take it seriously, serving as a way to dispel the scandal.

Ling Zhuo: “I need to talk to Jing Jie and see what she thinks.”

Lu Chixie curved his lips, “As you wish.”

Ling Zhuo felt subtly embarrassed, lowering his head to continue eating. He was feeling much more relaxed.

Lu Chixie sipped his beer, his gaze landing on Ling Zhuo’s face, somewhat inattentively.

Ling Zhuo felt slightly uneasy under his gaze, thinking of saying something more when the phone on the table suddenly lit up. It was a new message from Zhong Yiran.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I was just a bit worried about you. Don’t take it to heart.”

Ling Zhuo’s hands were greasy, and the phone was still on the table. He swiped it open with one finger.

After a glance, he felt a bit speechless, hesitating whether to reply when Lu Chixie reached over and took his phone.

Ling Zhuo: “What are you doing?”

Lu Chixie looked at him, “Can’t I look?”

Ling Zhuo: “…Go ahead.”

Lu Chixie glanced down at the phone screen. There were two messages from Zhong Yiran.

After reading them, he snorted softly and asked Ling Zhuo, “He really cares about you. How do you plan to respond?”

Ling Zhuo: “I don’t know.”

He truly didn’t know.

Lu Chixie: “Ling, tell me, what are your thoughts?”

Ling Zhuo didn’t really want to speak, but knowing Lu Chixie wouldn’t let him off if he didn’t, he thought for a moment and reluctantly said, “It’s a bit uncomfortable. I don’t know what he means. Since he’s already rejected me, what right does he have to interfere in my other matters?”

Lu Chixie: “Hmm, in simple terms, it’s too intrusive.”

Ling Zhuo didn’t respond, tacitly agreeing with him.

Lu Chixie helped him delete the messages, returned his phone, and said, “Don’t know how to reply, just don’t reply. If he’s sensible, he shouldn’t contact you again.”

Ling Zhuo nodded.

Lu Chixie poured himself another beer and asked, “Now, what do you think?”

Ling Zhuo sighed, “Why do you keep asking me this?”

Lu Chixie: “Just tell me.”

Ling Zhuo: “…I feel relieved.”

Lu Chixie nodded approvingly, “Good, you’re making progress.”

Ling Zhuo took a sip of his drink and lowered his voice, “Lu Chixie, don’t worry about him so much. Have more confidence in yourself.”

Worried that Lu Chixie hadn’t understood him, Ling Zhuo lightly tapped Lu Chixie’s leg under the table.

Lu Chixie chuckled and continued drinking.

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